Tuesday, April 05, 2011

What the Fuck went Wrong

Most women, indeed, want mediocre men. And that his how most men win their mediocre women too. Then both man and woman cannot even figure out what the fuck went wrong their their fucking relationship. Poch Suzara

Monday, April 04, 2011

The Criminally Insane

If we follow the teaching of the Old Testament, we would be sick. If we follow the teaching of the New Testament, we would be also sick. In the Philippines, the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, especially as products of Catholic schools, colleges, and universities we are what is popularly known as the Sick Man of Asia. Life in general in the Philippines can be characterized as the competition to be the sick criminal or be the victim of sick criminals. Thanks to the teachings of the Old and the New Testament of the holy bible - we Filipinos have only learned how to love God up there by hating one another down here. Poch Suzara

Sunday, April 03, 2011

God Oh God Where are you

If God doesn't like the way I think, or the way I live, or that I am such a wicked atheist - why does he reveal the issue only to dumbstruck religious morons like yourselves in this forum?

Indeed, my loyalties are to my family, community, country, and indeed humanity. If God believes these to be anger or hate on my part - why not tell it straight to my face? Why delegate college-educated morons of this God-forsaken country to act in God's behalf?

I am told that God is here, there, and is everywhere. Indeed, that God is always omni-present? Not to me. To me, God has always been omni-absent. Indeed, revelation from God not passed on directly to me is not revelation. It is a useless, unreliable, nay, only a third-hand information. Poch Suzara

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Sins

My sins are not due to a stupid fall, but the result of my intelligent rise. Especially towards my learning to live the good life - one with self-respect as inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

In this connection, because of an examined life, I eventually walked out of the Catholic Church. I had to drop out the window my Catholic beliefs and values. I lost my taste for living in fear; especially, fear of the mysteries, fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of God in hell, and fear of the devil in heaven.

In fact, with self-respect and dignity, I could no longer believe, love, worship, and adore a God who makes himself useful to us; but not while we are still alive, but only after death. What kind of a silly arrangement is this from a kind and loving God. Poch Suzara

Unclean Holy Spirit

Truly I say unto you, All their sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter: but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin: because they say, 'He has an unclean spirit'. (Book of Mark 3:28-29) Well, for my part, I honestly know nothing of either the existence of "holy spirit" or, for that matter, the existence of the "holy Ghost." All I know is that if I am guilty of a sin against the "holy spirit" or against the "holy Ghost," - then I can only say: "Fuck either of that holy shit." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Believe it or Do Not believe It

According to Ripley's Believe It or Not - by driving at 100 miles per hour in a car, if it were possible, it could take more than 28 years to reach the nearest star - Proxima Centauri.

May I however suggest: never mind asking the Catholic theologians how many years will it take, driving a car, after death - to reach heaven to begin eternal salvation; or, as the case may be, to reach hell to begin eternal damnation.

Here, however, is a ticklish problem. After death in heaven or in hell - with what eyes shall we see, ears to hear, tongue to speak, nose to smell, palate to taste, skin to feel, and indeed, with what sexual organ to have sex with? Poch Suzara

What an Atheist Says to the World

The bible declares: "Only the fool in his heart says that there is no God." Well, I am an atheist, and with my precious mind, I say it to the world. No Doubt, it is true, all men are stupid. However, what is even more stupid is divinity. He has not ceased creating stupid men in his own stupid image and stupid likeness. Poch Suzara

Nothing Last Forever

Men are stupid. What, however, is more stupid is divinity. He has not ceased creating more men in his own stupid image and stupid likeness.

In the meantime, nothing last forever; except human stupidity. It is as everlasting as stupid divinity. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Atheist Gurus

Here is a partial list of who were and still are my ATHEIST GURUS - the men and women who deeply inspire in me to start embracing Atheism by throwing out the window my faith in Catholicism: Moses - Gospel writer Matthew - Gospel writer Luke - Gospel writer Mark - Gospel writer John - Gospel writer Jesus Christ - Jewish Son of a Jewish God St. John Baptist De La Salle St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Contra Gentiles St. Augustine of Hippo - City of God St. Bellarmine - Founder of Inquisition Jaime Cardinal Sin of Manila C.S. Lewis - Mere Christianity Karen Armstrong - History of God. Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Bro. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai, Bro. Eli Soriano of Dating Daan, Bro. Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord, Bro. Eddie Manalo of Iglesia Ni Cristo, Pastor Rick Warren - Purpose-Driven Life, Satan - the Administrator of hell. And the last but not the least - Bishop John Shelby Spong - the Bertrand Russell of the Anglican Church. He wrote: WHY CHRISTIANITY MUST CHANGE OR DIE published in 1998 - a precious book on my bedside for ready reference. Poch Suzara

No Atheists in the Philippine Government

Atheists are suppose to be insane, rotten, and corrupt. So how come there is not one publicly-declared atheist among the insane, rotten, and corrupt officials in government service from the national to the provincial to the city/municipal and down to the Barangay level? All of them, from grade school to high school to college have been educated to believe, love, worship, and adore God. Indeed, they all believe that it is only God who can forgive them of their sins and crimes and other forms of political stupidity as perpetually blessed daily by God in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Monday, March 28, 2011

We, Atheists

We Atheists, rightly or wrongly, are always on the side of our country, human family, in brief always on the side of humanity.

We atheists have a sense of pride. We have self-esteem. We have no need for security offered by Christianity. We have no need of faith; especially as the price of faith is too dear to pay - the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. Indeed, we have no need to be submissive to a God to love us or to protect us.

In the ultimate analysis, we do not give a hoot for divinity; neither do we care for deviltry. As a matter of fact, as far as we Atheists are concerned - divinity and deviltry can go fuck each other perpetually for the rest of eternity. Poch Suzara

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh Johnny

According to Johnny Mid-night, the famous radio religious moron helping to contribute more religious filth in our already filthy sick society - All of us will die one day. That's the reason, he claims, why there is something beyond death.

Oh yes, surely, there is something beyond death. In fact, religion calls it everlasting "mystery." Science calls it as never-ending "stupidity."

Let me ask you Johnny, after death, with what eyes will you see? With what ears will you hear? With what nose will you smell? With that palate will you taste? With what skin will you feel? With what sexual organ will you be able fuck what? Poch Suzara

God's Malicious Priorities

It is incredible how God could be more offended by Adam and Eve eating off the fruit of the Tree of the Good and Evil; but it never bothered God as to even play a part in Adam fucking Eve immorally to produce two illegitimate sons as Adam never legally married Eve as created and blessed by God. Poch Suzara

The First Cause Argument

The First Cause of Everything is God. Well, since God is part of everything - who then or what then created God to begin with? Poch Suzara

Our Insane World

Via the three great religions - Christianity, Islam, and Judaism - God had all the opportunity to straighten the mess out of this world. But look at the ugly mess Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have contributed not only recklessly, not only needlessly. but also meaninglessly into this world. Our world. As for me, I am very proud and happy that no one can accuse me of having contributed anything to what keeps our world full of suffering, corruption, hate and violence as ever. I do not believe in the existence of the God of Christianity, or the God of Islam, or the God of Judaism. I am an atheist. I am neither vicious nor malicious. In fact, I fully recongnize the beauty of old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle for social sanity enjoying common human decency. Poch Suzara

Why Be Catious

Why should I be cautious? Opportunity sometimes does the knocking not only for ambition, but all the time also for temptation. Poch Suzara

The Killers of Jose Rizal

Who do you think were the killers of Rizal - men of reason or men of faith? A man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination.
Now what reason would men of reason have to kill Rizal when Rizal himself was a man of reason, and not a man of silly faith? Poch Suzara

Atheism and the holy bible

"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." ... Isaac Asimov

I would like to add, however, it does not matter which version you read - Duane, King James, Good News, Catholic bible, etc. Indeed, there are 57 different versions of the Bible sold in bookstores today. All of these different versions share something holy in common together - not one from among these bibles has the truth revealed. Poch Suzara

Friday, March 25, 2011

Women Corrupt as Men

Behind every great wealth is not only a great crime; but, also a woman's great behind. It proves that among women can be just as greedy, selfish, stupid, and insane as any corrupt men.

Ah you women, we cannot live without you, we cannot live with you. You certainly got us by the scrotum. As for me, however, I still rather enjoy invaginating not a woman's piece of dumb ass, but enjoy loving and respecting instead a piece of her intelligent mind. Poch Suzara

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Open Letter to Cardinal Rosales

God Himself practiced family planning and birth control measures. He had begotten with a Virgin Mary only one Son - Jesus Christ! For Christ's sake Cardinal Rosales, aren't you suppose to be a man of God? So why are you against the HR bill 4244, the reproductive, family planning, and birth control Bill now being evaluated in the Supreme Court? Really Cardinal Rosales - you disappoint me. As a man of God, why don't you pay attention to the millions of poor children trying to survive in the filthy streets of our major cities? Why are you more alarmingly worried about Filipino children not yet born in this only Christian country in Asia? My dear Cardinal Rosales, - life is a sexually transmitted disease with a mortality rate of 100 per cent. The whole idea behind the HR 4244 Bill is not to control sex, but to control the arrival of needless human life into this insane society of ours getting more insane daily especially as yearly blessed by God. Yours Sincerely, Poch Suzara, PHsdo