Sunday, March 27, 2011

Oh Johnny

According to Johnny Mid-night, the famous radio religious moron helping to contribute more religious filth in our already filthy sick society - All of us will die one day. That's the reason, he claims, why there is something beyond death.

Oh yes, surely, there is something beyond death. In fact, religion calls it everlasting "mystery." Science calls it as never-ending "stupidity."

Let me ask you Johnny, after death, with what eyes will you see? With what ears will you hear? With what nose will you smell? With that palate will you taste? With what skin will you feel? With what sexual organ will you be able fuck what? Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, You also listen to that well- rounded broadcaster. I respect your opinion about him but at least johnny midnight is a fellow critic of organized religion and a skeptic to a lot of shit.