Wednesday, October 09, 2013


There are more than 57 different versions of the bible sold in bookstores today: - Duane, Catholic, King James, Good news, New Standard, New International, New American bible, Martin Luther's bible, Study bible, Companion bible, Geneva Bible, Jesus is Lord Silver Edition, etc. As an aside, the bible has been revised, renewed, re-edited, mutilated, distorted, twisted, tampered, re-interpreted, re-issued, and reprinted. However, despite such changes, the bible continues to be a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, poems, sagas, and pieces of dramas. It is full of hatred, greed, revenge, murder, bloodshed, falsehoods, lies, deception, illusion, confusion, delusion, sado-masochism, absurdities, inconsistencies, atrocities, contradictions, lust, stupidities, and obscenities all inextricably mixed together as a system of holy lies, pious frauds, and priestly deceptions. Well, here is a truth that has not changed during these past thousands of years. Such logical and truthful consistencies have not been formulated by any inspired authors. It has been and still the perfect model of truth. It is precise, exact and certain, and free from all temporal dross - THE MULTIPLICATION TABLE. I ask: have any of you ever heard of different conflicting version of the MULTIPLICATION TABLE sold in bookstores today??? Nay, have you people ever heard of a nation declaring war on other nations because they did not believe or did not have faith in the truth that 2 plus 2 equals 4? I rest my case - the bible is not only repulsive, furtive, constrictive, combative, illusive, and seductive; it has also been historically destructive! I said it before, I say it again: look deep at the Philippines. The only Christian country in Asia guided by sick revelation since the 16th century. The vast majority of Filipinos have never been the healthy and intelligent MASTERS of religion, but historically only as the sick and frightened VICTIMS of the REVEALED TRUTH that has never but ever been REVEALED! Poch Suzara Twitter# Atheist# Google# Facebook#

China Never Colonized as a Christian country

"I have come to realize that the white race isn't as important as I used to think it was. If Europe and America kill themselves off in war it will not necessarily the destruction of the human species, nor even an end to civilization. There will still be a considerable number of Chinese left; and in many ways China is the greatest country I have ever seen. It is only the greatest numerically and the greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually. I know of other civilization where there is such open-mindedness, such realism, such willingness to face the facts as they are, instead of trying to distort them into a particular pattern." Bertrand Russell 1924. As for me, what I think is great about the Chinese people in China is that during these past centuries - the Chinese people in China never been Christianized by Christianity in order to believe and to have faith in the Son of God Jesus as the Savior of China! Like we Filipinos still being taught to believe in schools, colleges, and universities that Jesus is the Savior of the Philippines... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google# Atheist#

Directionless as a People - Rudderless as a Nation

The one thing over which you have absolute control is your own thoughts. It is that puts you in a position to control your own destiny. Paul G. Thomas Unfortunately, during grade school, high school, and college years among the very things that's destroyed is our power of thought. Bertrand Russell summarized it neatly: "We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by education." Indeed, under our sick system of education - where we are taught not HOW TO THINK , but on WHAT TO BELIEVE - it explains why we are thoughtless and directionless as a people; and, why we are thoughtless and rudderless as a nation. Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheist#

Christians at Peace with One Another - WOW - no kidding!!!

When Christians are at peace with one another, the world can more clearly see the Prince of Peace. Philippine Star, Oct. 9,2013 Wow - listen to the Revealed Truth as Revealed by Jesus - our Prince of Peace: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Matt. 10: 34-37 In the meantime, I asked it before, I ask it again: As we are the only Christian country in Asia, just exactly how do we Filipinos as Christians live in peace with one another? Specially those corrupt in the government - not one of them is an ATHEIST, but all of them are faithful to Jesus - the SAVIOR of the Filipinos and the SAVIOR of the Philippines! Poch Suzara Twitter@ google# Facebook# Atheist#

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

What If I Live to be 80 years Old

The day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body. Now I am told that God has never been born as God has no beginning and no end. Well, let's assume for the sake of argument that God has been existing for more than 80 MILLION years and will continue to exist for another 80 MILLION years. Now suppose I live to be only 80 YEARS, which is but a split of a millisecond long comparatively to God's MILLIONS OF YEARS of EXISTENCE. Shouldn't I be most proud of myself to learn after my death that, somehow, within my 80 insignificant years of existence, I managed to offend God Almighty while existing on this piece of dust called "earth?" Well, when I meet with God after death, I will ask God if he is a Catholic? If He says yes, then I will tell him to his face, (if he has a face) that he has been and still is a lousy God of the frightened Catholics specially in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheists#

Monday, October 07, 2013

The Supernatural Mediocrity and the Holy Bible

My Dear Boys and Girls, Never feel, even for a moment, that you need to protect and defend divinity. Anytime you feel the need to protect and defend divinity, you can be sure that you believe and have faith in nothing but in the existence of a Supernatural Mediocrity. Exactly the same nonsense happens with the holy bible. If you need to protect and to defend the holy bible, you can be sure that you just don't know what you are doing or what exactly you are babbling about! Indeed, the bible is a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, and pieces of dramas. It is false history - full of hatred, war, and violence, greed, insanity, stupidity, lust, mediocrity, absurdities, contradictions, inconsistencies, obscenities, vulgarities, and atrocities. Look at the corrupt state of our world, especially the Philippines always blessed as a poor and backward country under the guidance of the so-called holy spirit! A serious bible reader myself, I say, if there is anything even more ridiculous about the bible is the claim that God inspired his authors to write the bible, but totally ignored to inspire the best part of any book - its readers! Well, to begin with, Filipinos have always been educated to be frightened believers; never to be intelligent readers! In the meantime, if there were a horror shared in common together by the millions of college educated men and women in the Philippines, aside from being famous as the the Sick Man of Asia, they know so very little of what's entirely written in the so-called Holy Bible - a book written by INSPIRED so-called "authors of God!" Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Atheist# Facebook#

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Jesus Chirst as Tax-Free Big Business in the Philippines

In times of catastrophe, religiosity (or belief in the existence of a God, regardless of how He is called) among the populace tends to go up. The places of worship in our country enjoy high attendance when force majeure hits with devastating results. With dire forecasts of environment-related calamities in the future, expect the religious organizations in our midst to drumbeat the repent-the-world-is-doomed line with fervor to attract more members intotheir fold. Thanks to its constitutionally protected tax free status, religion has become big business in our country. In a show of financial strength, religious groups have moved from town-hall style preaching to radio and TV to spread their message. The late morning and early afternoon slots of local TV stations on Sundays have become their stumping ground. Raul J. Palabrica, Philippine Daily Inquirer Rev. Apollo Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Christ; Rev. Eli Soriano of Dating Daan; Rev. Mike Velarde of El Shaddai; and Rev. Eddie Villanueva of Jesus is Lord Church are already today BILLIONAIRES. They have been very successful in selling what Filipinos continuebuying - JESUS CHRIST. It says a lot about just how sick we Filipinos are the SICK MAN OF ASIA. To think that these BILLIONAIRES have been in the tax-free big business of religion only in decades. Imagine the vast wealth of Iglesia Ni Cristo selling Jesus Christ to Filipinos in the Philippines for more than a century now; and especially think of the vast wealth of the Catholic church selling Jesus Christ as the SAVIOR of the Philippines to millions upon millions upon millions of Filipinos for more than four centuries! Poch Suzara Twitter# Atheist# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, October 05, 2013

Mission in Life - Dear FR. Shay Cullen, Preda

Dear Fr. Shay Cullen, Preda, I do not believe in the existence of a supreme Being. I do, however, believe in the existence of great men and women. Great individuals who had the courage to put beauty into this world, our world, where nature has put only horror. One such great man, the greatest as far as I am concerned was Bertrand Russel - mathematician, logician, philosopher, historian, pacifist, teacher, professor, lecturer, atheist, agnostic, humanist, author of some 98 published books, Nobel Prize Winner, freethinker, freedom-fighter, and one of the Fathers of the Computer Industry. Aside from teaching me how to commit myself to humane values, especially in the pursuit of the truth, Bertrand Russell also taught me how to love, respect, and admire another great man - the greatest of Filipino thinkers in Philippine history - Dr. Jose Rizal. By the power and authority of Christianity, Dr. Jose Rizal was arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed by the same enemy of the Filipinos as a people then and now still existing keeping the Philippines frightened traditionally, damaged culturally, poor spiritually, bankrupt morally, and corrupt politically as a nation. Bertrand Russell wrote: "The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." In his mission in life, here are the words he wrote in - WHAT I HAVE LIVED FOR "Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness--that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what--at last--I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me." With all good wishes, Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Atheist# Facebook#

Thursday, October 03, 2013

The Mediocres as the Sick Man of Asia

Heroic lives are inspired by heroic ambitions, and the young who thinks there is nothing to be done is pretty sure to do nothing important. Bertrand Russell. Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices, but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence and fulfills the duty to express the results of his thought in clear form. Albert Einstein. In the Philippines, however, great spirits have always found opposition from the faithful followers of Jesus. Theses mediocres and the Philistines are always ready to protect first their own intellectual bankruptcy, at best; at worst, however, ready to defend divinity always in cahoots with deviltry. In the meantime, in our only Christian country in Asia - a nation existing with lies, deceptions, delusions, confusion, and corruption - telling the TRUTH is known to be the lowest form of stupidity, if not the highest norm for insanity! Poch Suzara Twitter# Aheists# Google# Facebook#


Dear Sonny, here's a deeper question that nobody has yet, not my teachers in high school, or even the college-educated saps on these pages have given me a satisfactory explanation: HAVE ANY OF YOU EVER HEARD OF A FILIPINO WHO GOT TO BE FILTHY RICH FOR BELIEVING THAT GOD IS BAD? SO HOW COME MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF FILIPINOS ARE FILTHY POOR FOR BELIEVING THAT GOD IS GOOD? In the meantime, in the holy bible, a book written by INSPIRED authors of God, Isaiah clearly wrote: "I FORM THE LIGHT AND CREATE DARKNESS: I MAKE PEACE AND CREATE EVIL: I THE LORD DO THESE THINGS!" Isaiah 45:7 Sonny, for my part, I have ceased to wonder why the history of our world, especially the history of the Philippines has never been about GOOD versus EVIL. It has always been about EVIL versus EVIL and EVIL always WON! Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheist#

Wednesday, October 02, 2013


More than 100 Billion Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Confucians, Hindus, and Taoists have already lived and died on this earth. I ask: - when will the creator stop creating failures and losers in His own image and likeness? Indeed, we humans on this earth, due to fright, would rather concern ourselves with divinity; instead of facing with self-respect and dignity the troubles and problems of humanity. And that’s how silly we all are embracing with silly faith our silly religion like silly religious morons. In the meantime, we are told that God knows everything. God knows the past, the present, and the future. WHAT A LOT OF HOLY GARBAGE! Many times, I prayed and asked God where exactly are my dead parents, dead grandparents, dead friends, dead associates - located in heaven or in hell? Hijos de tootie-frootie-patooties CONIO - NOBODY knows? Not GOD, NOT the DEVIL! Not even the saints of GOD or the angels of the DEVIL! Even the theologians do not know! So what kind of RELIGIOUS JOKES ARE YOU PEOPLE PLAYING HERE ABOUT THE EXISTENCE OF GOD, LOVE OF GOD, GOD IS SALVATION, GOD IS DAMNATION, GOD IS THIS OR THAT? WHEN, WHERE, AND HOW DID YOU RELIGIOUS MORONS ACQUIRE YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD? IN THE BIBLE? WHICH HOLY BIBLE - THE BIBLE OF THE CHRISTIANS? THE JEWS? THE MUSLIMS? THE BUDDHISTS? THE TAOISTS? THE HINDUS? I said it before, I say it again: A God who creates SICK POLITICIANS TO MANAGE THE SICK MAN OF ASIA UNDER A SICK GOVERNMENT LIKE OUR SICK CONGRESSMEN AND SICK SENATORS IS NOT A HEALTHY GOD, BUT A SICK GOD! NO WAY JOSE WOULD I BELIEVE AND LOVE AND RESPECT AND WORSHIP SUCH A SICK GOD! NEVER! OVER MY DEAD BODY! Poch Suzara Twitter# Atheist# Facebook# Google#

The Trouble With Religion

The trouble with religion is that it has revealed everything except the truth. Indeed, if religion were to make any sense at all - it must reveal, first and foremost, - the truth; especially the truth about the existence of God! There is no such revelation. No such truth. Philosopher Bertrand Russell said it: "Religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality." For my part, I say religion has paved the way for amnesia that makes the Filipino forgetful of the historical horror that he is already spiritually degraded, morally twisted, and politically corrupted as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara Google# Atheist# Twitter# Facebook#

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Evil Versus Evil as the History of the World

Of all the great evils that God, in his inscrutable wisdom, had needlessly inflicted upon mankind - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are by far the worst. Big business, however, like The US government, welcomes the existence of such evil; especially for the sake of making tons of money or for the US economy to grow and expand. It gives the US military power all the opportunity to inspire evil to go to war against evil in this world. Indeed, a little reflection on the history of our world - shows simply that history has never been about GOOD versus EVIL, but always about EVIL versus EVIL. They are still on going throughout the world today and EVIL still winning. Look how in our world today - the human race is still being disgraced - by divine grace! For my part, however, I thank God I am an atheist and a pacifist. In looking at it from a larger perspective, everything in this universe is subject to birth, growth, death, and decay. In other words, each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace it. It is all about the Entropy Law - the second law of thermodynamics - everything in the entire universe began with structure and value and is irrevocably moving in the direction of random chaos and waste. It also explains why and how the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body. As I said it before, I say it again: When it is our time to go, we go. When, however, it is not yet our time to go - not even our doctors can kill us! Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook# Atheist#

Monday, September 30, 2013

Education as the Enemy of Thought

Education - one of the chief obstacles to intelligence and the freedom of thought... We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by education. Bertrand Russell. In the meantime, education in our schools, colleges, and universities is mostly about learning WHAT to believe; hardly about learning HOW to think. Indeed, belief is the death of intelligence. Just like fucking is the death of thinking! In La Salle high school I did not want to believe. I wanted to think. I wanted to know! I was considered a nuisance in class. Happily, I was expelled. I eventually enrolled as a student in the greatest of all universities in the world - it is but a collection of books - a library where no one threatened me with eternal damnation for my thinking about something or for my questioning everything! Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Atheist# Twitter#

Sunday, September 29, 2013

All Thinking Men and Women are Atheists

"All thinking men are atheists." Ernest Hemingway In the Philippines, all men, specially with college education, are not thinkers. They are frightened believers. Thinking is a sin against the holy spirit. What's sad about the Philippines, however, is that the Filipino atheists are still hiding behind the closet. The gays and the lesbians have been more courageous. They are proud to admit to anybody that they are gays or lesbians, They are now accepted as a legitimate part of society. The atheists are still out there trying so hard to prove to everybody that they are not thinking men or thinking women! Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Atheists# Facebook#

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Everything is a Failure in the Philippines

Everything is a failure in the Philippines, except the baby factory - it's a tremendous success. We produce 3 babies every minute of the day and night or 4,320 babies daily or 30,240 babies weekly or 120,960 babies monthly; or 1.5 million babies yearly. To think the laborers, without wages paid to them, tremendously enjoy their work day in and day out producing babies - the only productive factory in the Philippines specially for the greater glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven! Poch Suzara Google# Atheist# Facebook# Twitter#

Friday, September 27, 2013

I Love My Country. I Hate Divinity

The historical troubles in the Philippines have little to do with the Filipino brain being drained out of the Philippines. It has more to do with the sick brain of our congressmen and the sick brain of our senators keeping the Filipino sick as a people, and keeping the Philippines sick as a nation. To think, however, that out of the 100 million citizens of the Republic of the Philippines today - 99 million Filipinos have faith in God and in his Son Jesus - the Savior of the Sick Man of Asia. Only 1 million Filipinos are the atheists - the unbelievers of the sick faith! For my part, I am most proud and happy to be a Filipino atheist. As an unbeliever of the sick faith I play no part in the sick mess that's keeping us Filipinos sick as a people and keeping the Philippines sick as a nation! I said it before, I say it again: I love my country. I hate divinity for what it has done to my beloved country! Poch Suzara, atheist

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Open Letter to Pope Francis of the Catholic Church

Pope Francis’s New Tone Suggests an Age of Change Ahead Since his papacy began in March, Pope Francis has shown himself to be a man of small but substantial gestures. He exudes a pastoral charm -- whether cleaning the feet of prisoners, hugging a disabled child after easter Mass or picking up the phone to comfort the distraught -- that didn’t always come naturally to his predecessors. He dresses modestly, lives austerely, speaks constantly of the poor and drives a 1984 Renault. He has reached out to atheists, gays and divorcees. In an interview released last week, Francis went further still. He affirmed his support for gays and lesbians, spoke candidly about his mistakes and doubts, and made clear that the Vatican, in his estimation, has fixated for far too long on a narrow set of controversial issues and “small-minded rules.” “The church’s pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed multitude of doctrines to be imposed insistently,” he said. “We have to find a new balance; otherwise even the moral edifice of the church is likely to fall like a house of cards.” In describing that new balance, the pope’s language was suffused with ambiguity, uncertainty and doubt -- in other words, the language of reality. And perhaps most strikingly, he showed himself to be comfortable with change. “Human self-understanding changes with time and so also human consciousness deepens,” he said. “The view of the church’s teaching as a monolith to defend without nuance or different understandings is wrong.” This is not the language one is accustomed to hearing from popes. Or from, say, the U.S. Congress. Yet it should resonate with other large and change-averse institutions that will soon be grappling with an era of unprecedented change. To say that Francis is trying to appease “liberal” Catholics, or is conforming to any other ideological caricature, is to miss the point. He’s attempting to transcend the moribund and dispiriting language of the culture wars altogether, and to inject a note of seriousness and compassion into a public conversation saturated with triviality and invective. And he is grounding his arguments, in the best tradition of Catholic thought, in concern for the individual. In doing so, Francis also makes a strong case that he, and by extension the church, has something to offer even increasingly secular societies. In the developing world, where some 70 percent of Catholics now live, the church is most visible in the network of social services it operates for the poor. In the rich world, in recent years, it has more often been the voice of reaction and sexual opprobrium. Francis is clearly trying to change that dynamic, to show that the church has more to offer. We should hope he’s right. In an age of accelerating technological and social upheaval -- when everything from communications to economics to politics to the global climate is rapidly evolving -- a moral voice that is not only open to change but also attuned to the individual suffering and alienation that change can cause will grow ever more important. Francis’s rhetoric implies no imminent revolution in church policies. Yet the Vatican is an organization of the long game. “Many think that changes and reforms can take place in a short time,” he said. “I believe that we always need time to lay the foundations for real, effective change.” This is true, both in the church and in every other human institution. You may be disappointed that Francis hasn’t started officiating at gay weddings, or you may be furious that he’s opening a dialogue on issues his predecessors considered closed. You may not care at all. Whatever your view, however, Francis ought to be taken seriously. In the war of ideas, the papacy remains a singularly influential institution, and this pope is wielding his persuasive power in a new and vivifying way. OPEN LETTER TO POPE FRANCIS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH My Dear Pope Francis, The Philippines has financial limited resources and a high poverty rate. The rapid increase in population has worsen as a problem. We have not sufficient resources to support the population, which leaves much fewer resources to improve the economy. Indeed, with more and great resources coming, we need only to abolish not poverty, but slavery. Millions of Filipinos are not enslaved because they are poor; on the contrary, they are poor because they are still enslaved. Jesus, in the bible, admonished: "There is still one thing you haven't done," he told him. "Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." Matt. 10:21. We Filipinos did not have to sell our possessions; it was taken away from us. We are now the poor. In fact, as the only followers of Jesus in all of Asia, we Filipinos suffer from poverty of the worst kind: the poverty of the mind and heart. We Filipinos have nothing in this world except to be with Jesus after death in the next world. My dear Pope Francis, please be informed that among the very rich people in the Philippines are your Catholic priests, nuns, bishops, and Cardinals. They live not in the slums of our major cities, but reside in expensive condominiums, expensive villages, expensive mansions, and luxurious homes together with their respective wives and children, if not lovers or lived-in partners. No doubt, our congressmen and senators are among the wealthiest of Filipinos too, and the majority of them are faithful as Catholics. Not one of them is an atheist. Please, your eminence, please return the TRILLIONS OF PESOS the Catholic church made from the Catholic business corporations operating under tax-free privileges in the Philippines - monies made in the indulgence industry, real estate rentals, hospitals, farms, banks, schools, colleges, and universities - monies made yearly since the 16th century. Please give it back to the MILLIONS of economically impoverished Filipinos. In this way, You will not only insure the continued existence of the Catholic church in the Philippines, but will also earn the love, respect, and admiration of the billions of people in the non-Catholic countries. I, myself would once again believe that Catholicism is a great religion, and once again be faithful to the revealed truth that the Catholic church is not the historical curse, but the real Savior of the Filipinos in this only Catholic country in Asia today. Thank you for your kind attention and consideration to this communication. I remain, with all good wishes, Poch Suzara, Atheist

Monday, September 23, 2013

All Faithful to God; None of them are Atheists

"They came with a bible and their religion, stole our land, crushed our spirit. and they tell us that we should be thankful to the Lord for being saved." Pontiac 1718-1769 A native American said this a few centuries ago, lamenting what had happened to his land and people. In the Philippines, the process was not any much different, but the impact even more destructive. Not only was a grave injustice done, but the Church which benefited from the loss of the natives chooses to be mute about it, virtually disqualifying itself from being a credible voice against corruption. Worse, the government that is now in the hands of the native Filipinos themselves,(all faithful to God; none of them are atheists) suffers from historical amnesia and an inherited elitism which places blame on the victims of poverty for their loss of their patrimony. Never has the saying above been more true today for most Filipinos - in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century! Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheist#


HE WHO ANGERS YOU CONQUERS YOU. Elizabeth Kenny. Oh my dear Elizabeth Kenny, millions of Filipinos are still a conquered people because in its schools, colleges, and universities - the Catholic church, since the 16th century, continue to teach millions of Filipino CHILDREN to believe that "ANGER" is one of seven deadly sins against God. Poch Suzara