Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Bertrand Russell and Jesus

It is ironic that Russell himself did not live a happy life. From all accounts, Russell lived a turbulent, bleak and joyless existence. Russell went through 4 failed marriages. Poch, is this the kind of person that you would idolize like a god? Ben Rivera Yes Bertrand Russell was married 4 times with 4 different women. He also had countless sexual affairs with women outside marriage, What about your Sweet Jesus? He was never with a woman. He was always hanging around with 12 men and washing their feet too. Is that the kind of wimp you love, worship, and adore as a god? Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think you could summarize Russell's life like that. He had many bleak moments, and his life was, on the whole, unhappy. But he also had corresponding ups. And I doubt that much of it could be attributed to his lack of religion -- people with religion are happier than those that don't, but not substantially.