Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Wicked Says

In his pride the wicked says, There is no God to ask me for account. Psalm 10:4
On the contrary, there if there is a God, He should be held accountable for the conditions he had created that made men wicked. Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree.

I actually blogged about this about 2 weeks back. the creator is responsible for everything that is present in the realm of possibility. quite frankly, he could have chose to simply not willed the concepts of evil, temptation and deceit into reality but due to his likely malevolence (borne out of an immeasurable time of solitude - hahaha), he chose to make it more 'interesting'.

He could have chosen to hardwire men into being unable to sin, but since he's a sadistic bastard, he gave man free will with the trade off of the possibility of going to hell. hahaha. amazing.

it's like playing the sims - or maybe he is. haha