Thursday, October 29, 2009

Holy Shit in the Holy Bible

Can any of you Catholics or Protestants alike really believe that God could inspire these two authors to write down the same exact holy shit in a holy book known as the bible:

“But Rab-sha-keh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you? “
11 KINGS 18:27

“But Rab-sha-keh said unto them, Hath my master sent me to thy master, and to thee, to speak these words? Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that they may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you? “
ISAIAH 36:12

Again, what kind of a message is this from an all-powerful God who declared in the holy bible: - “Behold I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it. And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of the hosts. MALACHI 1:3

In the meantime, in today’s Philippine Star, Oct. 26,2009, it says: “No matter how far you have run away from God, He is only a prayer away.”

I ask: how can any one run away from God if God were already here, already there, and were already everywhere existing at the same time?” And what the dung has prayer got anything to do with a God who is always never omni-present as God is only always omni-absent here, omni-absent there, and omni-absent everywhere? Poch Suzara

The God of and for the Dead

God is obviously a God of and only for the dead. God is not interested to be with any of us while we are still alive. He is only excited to meet up with us as soon as we are dead.

Obviously, again, if this is true, then we should be able to clearly see God in person happy and enjoying himself so involved and thrilled talking and laughing with our dead loved-ones buried in the cemetery.

In the meantime, for Christ’s sake, try to get in touch with your dead ancestors. Golly, they too cannot even get in touch with you!

For my part, I would like to know which of my dead relatives made it to heaven with God, or damned in hell with the devil, or still stuck in purgatory with the good, though good for nothing - angels of the Lord? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Melchisedec - No Saint

“For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high, … without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.” Hebrews 7:7

Did any of the so-called bible scholars ever wonder where on earth is Melchisedec? What is he doing with his endless life on this earth? Doesn’t he want to go to heaven? How come he is always only hiding away from the troubles of mankind? Just like a powerful God who is also always omni-absent. We could learn a lot from Melchisedec’s terrestrial and variegated experiences in life. As one lively bible character both in the Old and in the New Testament, he could surely reveal to the whole world the Revealed Truth that’s pretty much still unrevealed! Or explain to us why we live in a world of confusion, if not delusion.

In the meantime, while Melchisedec has been historically deathless all this time, apparently, he is neither precious nor is he a saint in the eyes of the Lord. After all, Psalms 116:15, declared: “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Poch Suzara

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Voice of the People

The voice of the people is the voice of God. Unfortunately, the voice of the government officials is the voice of the devil.

Look how we are all persuaded to listen to the words of these stupid politicians as they are the officials of the government, by the government officials, and for the government officials.

To think that this is just half of the story. The other half is that the Filipino, as college educated voters, continue to vote for these stupid politicians to be in government office – the same college educated criminals who believe, and have faith, and love, worship, and adore the same Jewish God as you all do. Poch Suzara

Sunday, October 25, 2009

God’s Love

“God loved us so much, he sent His only begotten Son.” Philippine Star Oct. 21, 2009

Indeed, this is the same Son of a Jewish God Jesus who, crucified on a stick, cried out loud: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

That Jesus was a man of the highest moral character – is not true at all. In fact, Jesus was a man of low moral character who couldn’t care less for family values. Jesus never bothered to question why His Father never morally and indeed legally married His Mother Mary. He also declared that if you do not hate your parents, if you do not hate your brothers and sisters, you cannot be his disciple. Luke 14:26

Jesus also saw neither beauty nor necessity to include women as among his twelve apostles. Ironically, the women, specially the Pinays, loved the arrangement – they would rather be the stupid victims rather than be the intelligent masters of religion.

In the meantime, look at the Pinays as mothers and as the first teachers of their children at home before they start going to any of the sick schools well-established in our poor and backward and Catholic country. Poch Suzara

The Purpose of Education

The purpose of education via schools, colleges, and universities is to learn how to be afraid of new and critical ideas. Indeed, to learn how to promote thoughtless sensationalism, if not to carry on with mindless traditionalism that keeps us away from growth, away from the winds of change, and away from development via the power of scientific modernism. Thus, college educated Pinoys and Pinays are more at home with decaying familiarity rather than courageous in facing the adventures of new ways of living and thinking, or how to deal creatively with uncharted opportunities. Jack W. Meiland, Ph.D author of – COLLEGE THINKING (how to get the best out of college) wrote: “In order to learn how to think, you must think about something, about some particular content. But the content is not the main point. Much of the content that you are taught in college will be outmoded or discarded anyway in ten or twenty years. Learning intellectual skills and attitude is far more important. . . Another important function of college is to inculcate certain habits of mind. One such habit is that of critical thinking.” Most of my college educated friends and relatives and associates think of me as someone who is mentally off balance - insane as I appear to them not only as an individual who was expelled out of high school but that I have not ceased proving even to my teachers in grade school that progress in intellectual matters requires that popular views or fashionable ideas must always be tested, challenged, and criticized. Indeed, in our sick society, if you expose new and critical ideas to any one – you are thought to be mentally sick, and thus not worthy of the forgiveness of sin from God, and therefore not qualified to gain eternal salvation in the next life after death. In the meantime, my dear reader, everybody wants to go to an extraterrestrial heaven, but before doing so, nobody wants to experience terrestrial death on this earth. Poch Suzara, Phsdo

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Theory of the Original Sin

Charles Darwin discovered that the created world is still expanding and human life is still evolving. One therefore cannot fall from perfection if there is no finished creation.

Evolution was always a fact, not a theory. It is the “Original Sin” that has always been and still is a theory. In the meeantime, how can any of us be guilty of the Original Sin since none of us originated anything to begin with? Poch Suzara

The Original Sin

A perfect God created two perfect human beings. Then puts them to a perfect test only to find out that His two perfect beings - Adam and Eve – turned out to be perfect fools gullible enough to believe the perfect words of a talking Serpent – the only animal gifted not only with perfect free speech ability, but also with a perfect “free will.”

In the meantime, obviously, the original sin was the creation under perfection. What could more original than that? Poch Suzara

We are all Fanatics

We are all fanatics when it comes to religious or irreligious beliefs. The difference is that your fanaticism promotes the fear of thought and therefore prevents the art of thinking.

My fanaticism, however, whether you like it or not - makes you think. Thus, my thoughts to provoke your thoughts Blog. To promote not social insanity or religious stupidity, but to stimulate men’s intellectual capacity to enhance global peace and tranquility via a healthy mentality. Poch Suzara

The Whole Truth

It is designated by distinctive names, such as inside and outside, left and right, top and bottom, front and back, light and dark, black or white, good and bad, and indeed, the one and only side - the middle side.

As to which side of the spectrum reflects the whole truth – if in fact there is any, who knows? Poch Suzara

Friday, October 23, 2009

I am an Atheist

I am an atheist. I care about life after birth especially for the glory of humanity enjoying common decency terrestrially. I do not give a hoot for life after death especially for the glory of a silly divinity somewhere out there celestially. To begin with, there is no such thing as human life after death. There is only the death of memory, the death of identity, the death of personality, and the death of the human brain. I am, however, more impressed with the death of stupidity. In the meantime, God himself was an atheist. Listen closely to His first commandment: "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." Well, obviously, God did not believe in the existence of other Gods. Now the question is - why would God create other Gods for you religious morons to believe and to quarrel and hate and kill each other to accomplish what? Poch Suzara

Most Women

Most women love stupid men and in order to win the heart of a women – most men try so hard to impress upon women that they are even more stupid than nature made them. And by the way, my dear reader, that is exactly how the human race goes forth to multiply and to replenish the earth for the glory of God in heaven. Poch Suzara

Human Life and Death

We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by believing that there is a better, more everlasting life to come, after we experience the stupidity of meaningless death.

Life after death is a lot of hooey-phooey fucking baloney. Just visit any mortuary or cemetery. And the evidences are all there to prove that there is no human life after death.

In the meantime, the bible says: “The world is passing away but he who does the will of God abides forever.” 1 John 2:17. Well, what about those of us gifted with free will from God – where do we abide forever? In hell? Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Christianity has been falling apart just like any structure falls apart against the winds of change and the forces of modernity.

Biblical inerrancy and Papal infallibility have turned out to be nothing but traditional religious baloney on the one hand, and on the other hand – a lot of ecclesiastical hooey-phooey.

Indeed, what if the greatest story ever told turned out to be the greatest lie – the basis of ill-gotten wealth, ignorance as power, and stupidity masquerading in our sick society as divinity. Poch Suzara

The Bible

“The bible: Know it in your head, stow it in your heart, show it in your life, sow it in the world.” Philippine Star Oct. 12, 2009

Most Filipinos have no idea why we are a spiritually poor people and a morally bankrupt nation. It is mainly due to, if not the result of, - bible messages.

Consider such one bible message destructive as always: “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him. 11 John 2:15

We Filipinos love not this world. We do not love our own country – the Philippines. For the love of God up there, we hate this world down here. In fact, we would rather look forward to be better world to come after death. As if there is any such life.

Consider another deadly message: “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” Matt. 6:34. Our teachers in school, our professors in college, our politicians in the government, and our priests, bishops, and cardinals in the church all love and respect such a convenient message from the bible. It supplies them with power derived from fear and ignorance – the foundation of our religious beliefs and values as we are the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Pinoy Crisis

Pinoys always turn to God in times of crisis. What the Pinoys do not realize, however, that if such a God was real, and who loves us, there would hardly be any crisis in the Philippines. After all, we are the only ones in the whole of Asia who believe in the existence of this powerful God, especially in his only begotten Son Jesus Christ. We are the only Christian country in Asia. No other nation in Asia believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God as we do in the Philippines. So how come, if our sacred beliefs and values were based upon such truth and power, how come we are we still so spiritually poor as a people and still so morally bankrupt as a nation? Poch Suzara

Sunday, October 18, 2009

God’s Truth

"God’s truth stops the spin of Satan’s lies." Philippine Star Oct. 17, 2009
This is shallow, devoid of sensibility, an exercise in futility. Where is God’s existence to put an end to Satan’s existence? Indeed, as long as Satan continues
to exist, God’s truth isn’t worth a hoot!

In the meantime, if God could be screwing around with Satan in hell; and, if Satan could be screwing around with God in heaven – is it any wonder that our politicians in government and our theologians in church always in cahoots together are also screwing around with each other while on this earth? Indeed, on earth as it is in heaven and in hell. Poch Suzara

Saturday, October 17, 2009

God Everywhere

I cannot, will not, and I refuse to believe in a God who is existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere. I can, however, believe in a God who can stay put in one place somewhere, anywhere. A God who has a permanent office address. In this way, each time I need God, I know where to visit him. So far, as has been taught to me to believe, God is an escape-artist. He loves to run away all the time specially away from himself. Look at such a God in the bible. He was once a Burning Bush. He managed somehow to run away to get in between the legs of a Virgin Mary, got her pregnant, after which we never heard from such a Burning Bush God ever again. Indeed, I am an atheist. Just like you and everyone else I too was born an atheist. You may save my silly soul. You can have it. I don't need it. You can even eat it. I have, however, already saved the most precious treasure on this earth: my mind and heart. In the meantime, Atheism is not a therapy. It is restored mental health. Poch Suzara

No Life After Death

There is no life after death. If there is, we should be able to see God dancing, drinking, singing – enjoying himself as the life of the party celebrating the beauty of human life after death with our dead loved ones buried in the cemetery. Poch Suzara


When a man gets an erection the blood in his brain goes to his sexual organ. The same thing happens with his woman getting horny ready to be invaginated. The blood in her brain goes to her genital organ... In other words, replenishing the earth or propagating the human race – can only be accomplished by brainless fathers and brainless mothers enjoying sexual embrace mindless as it is... We are all the masters as well as the victims of this biological truth. Ugly as it is... To think that if we were the result of mindless mating between mom and dad, isn’t that enough explanation why we are all born not only wet, crying, hungry, bloodied, naked, and uncircumcised, but also born utterly mindless? But then again we are told that God gifted babies with a free will during birth. As if babies were free to choose not to be born dumbstruck... In the meantime, happy birthday greetings is a lot of hogwash. No one is born happy. In fact, we are born like the animals are born – thoughtless, ignorant, and crying as we arrive into this world of fools... In the meantime, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY have little to do with the propagation of biological protoplasm; It has more to do with sexual orgasm... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

One Nation Under God

One nation under God? Which God? There are so many Gods out there! In fact, if there was only one true God, there would be but one united world, not many divided nations each suspicious of the other for believing in their own kind of God! But where is that one true God to be found anywhere in the world? Poch Suzara


There is much of deviltry in the best of us, and much of divinity in the worst of us, that it is difficult to say which of us is not as insane as the rest of us. Poch Suzara

Thursday, October 01, 2009

The Religious Moron

He claims that God created the universe. He, however, knows nothing about the universe, knows nothing about God. That, my dear reader, is a religious moron. He knows nothing of the planet earth. He knows nothing of the Solar System. He knows nothing of the Milky Way Galaxy. He knows nothing of the billions of galaxies out there. But he knows that God is the creator of heaven and hell even as he knows nothing about “knowing.” The religious moron may be forgiven for his ignorance; but when he also knows nothing about “knowing” then he has no excuse whatsoever to be a religion moron for the rest of his life. Ah, I meet such religious morons everyday comprising our sick society. They even have the gall to tell me that one day I will end up dead in hell. But they know nothing of me, nay, they know nothing of death, and they know nothing about the existence of hell or even where hell is located or where situated. Poch Suzara

Three Babies

Three babies are born every minute of the day and night in the Philippines. That’s about 1.8 million babies added yearly to the population growth situation.

For my part, as an unbeliever of the faith, I would consider myself a criminal if I get reckless enough to impregnate a woman with a child to be born and be a part of our sick society.

In the meantime, there are about 20 million single mothers in the Philippines today. These mothers have been told that God will provide for their children. Most of which are existing under subhuman conditions in the streets of our major cities. And to think that the fathers of these poor and wretched children also believe, love, worship, and have deep faith in a God who will provide. Poch Suzara


“If children are to find their way to God, we must point the way.” Phil Star, Sept 2,2009

Is it any wonder that such children grow up to be poor, insane, and backward? God is already everywhere. How exactly do you begin to point out God who is already existing everywhere? And when children find God, what then? Who benefits? Obviously not the children? Neither does God benefit? As a matter of fact, the theologians in cahoots with the politicians – those in authority - the controller of minds and hearts benefit. Indeed, they are the only ones who profit all the time. It is called “God’s money deposited in God’s bank in the Vatican. Poch Suzara


I am told that it is much easier to be screwing around with women than to be studying or understanding them. I am beginning to see the light. I concede. Women will always run away to be with the highest bidder. Do I blame them? No, I do not. They have debts to pay. With few exceptions, however, most women are the tuti-fruties and patuties who contribute to our troubled world. They have yet to fully appreciate that the greatest of wealth can only come from mental health. And mental health comes from opening up one’s precious mind habitually, not opening up what’s in between one’s legs thoughtlessly.

The shallow joys in life are the joys of sex. The greatest joy, however, is the joy of understanding. Most women love only the shallow joys of sexual pleasures. They hate intellectual treasures. In the meantime, man’s most noble of profession has always been the search of the truth. Poch Suzara

Scientists and God

I love the scientists. They have nothing to do with God. In fact, scientists are not even looking for God. Why should they since they have been told that God is here, there, and is already everywhere. Scientists, for the benefit of mankind, have far more important things to discover in nature than to find something like a God that is already existing here, there, and everywhere. Poch Suzara

The Word of God in Asia

Via our schools, colleges, and universities, it is deeply inculcated in us the notion that sacrifice is a virtue. It is, in this way, how Christianity has succeeded in convincing millions of Filipinos to believe that misery incurred through sacrifice is a mark of virtue - the surest way to gain eternal salvation. Pain becomes the insignia of morality -- and conversely, pleasure becomes the insignia of immorality. Christianity, however, does not say, "Go forth and be miserable." Rather, it says, "Go forth and practice the virtue of self-sacrifice." In practical terms, these commands are one and the same meretricious gimcrackery, if not superstitious monstrosity.

Thus, millions of Filipinos are the victims rather than the masters of their own values and beliefs. They would even brag that it is an honor for them to be experiencing pain and misery and poverty for God’s glory on earth as He is in heaven. Poch Suzara

Hatred of falsity

It is not hatred for humanity; on the contrary, what inspires me is the hatred of falsity. Indeed, I hate with a passion the holy trinity otherwise also known as the supernatural malarkey, celestial pomposity, and biblical baloney. Poch Suzara


The freedom to fear is worthless. The courage, however, to carry on in life with fearless freedom, especially the freedom from religion, - is priceless. Poch Suzara

Historical Insanity More Known as Christianity

Christianity has been and still is a false religion. She has been based upon a lot of ancient barbarity, if not founded on the concept of free will based upon ecclesiastical savagery. What has prevailed in the history of the Filipino as a people since the 16th century has been and still is social insanity, political stupidity, sick legality, economic perversity, and religious mendacity otherwise all bundled together known as Christianity. Poch Suzara

Wrong Again

We must always enjoy life in every way we can. Anything we do or do not do will turn out to be wrong anyway. There is nothing right about this life. It is all about being wrong again and again. Life is a succession of false situations. In the meantime, death is coming whether we like it or not. It is the solution of all our troubles and problems in life. And to think that we are stupid enough to believe that there is a better world to come after death. My own life is coming to an end. Life is temporary. Indeed, Life is short and brief and fleeting. There is, however, only one horror that defies death: Human stupidity. It is everlasting; it never dies. Stupidity and eternity are one and the same in its universal complexity. Poch Suzara


I am indeed a failure in life and I love it. Ah silly success - it is what most people settle for when they cannot think of something noble enough to be failing at.

In the meantime, the struggle against our demon-haunted, economically manipulated, politically controlled, and dominated by idiots - world is a never-ending struggle. We might as well enjoy the endless fight. Poch Suzara

Jesus Saved What

Too bad Jesus came to save man from the condemnation of God. He should have done the reverse - saved God from the condemnation of man. After all, God created a world full of pain, suffering, tragedy, diseases, not to mention American capitalism, starvation and death.

Crucified like a wimp on the cross, however, Jesus said: “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” Jesus should have cried out the reverse: “Man, forgive me and my Father God, for we never know what in hell we were doing to begin with!”

In the meantime, every catholic home has one or more pictures of the tortured Jesus hanging in every room. Such horrors, however, have yet to bring peace and sanity, security and unity as a happy family in such homes. But then again, how come such pictures of the tortured Jesus on the cross are not found in any Jewish hom in Israel today? Poch Suzara

Daily Prayer

As a little boy during family prayer nightly at home, we prayed with these words: “Our Father who art in heaven,” and “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” and Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen.”

Then we would brag about God being blameless or errorless for all the horrors happening to us in this world since God gifted man with a free will. Evil, we are told, is the fault of man, not God.

I say again, however, that this is religious hogwash. The “original sin,” was the sin of creation – what could be more original? In the meantime, ignorance is the mother of devotion – the supporter of ignorance – the original foundation of every catholic home. Poch Suzara

Definition of God

There is so much fuss about the definition of God. To me, God is He or She who saves not stupid souls, but cultivates instead precious minds and hearts. Bertrand Russell was a great God to me. He taught me how to be intellectually courageous and honest – how to be enlightened, not frightened of life in this world. Poch Suzara

Time and Space

There is no such thing as anything existing outside the universe. Time is in space and space is in time but both exist not outside, but inside the universe. Not even a thing called God exists outside the universe. If there is a God, he is existing inside as nothing can exist outside the universe.

Now where in the universe does God reside? Who knows? Even the theologians admit the existence of God, as a divine mystery, can only be known after we are dead. As if after death we can still refuse to believe that we are already dead! Poch Suzara

Big Business

Religion, war, drugs, and prostitution have always been big business. In recent years however, a new player has emerged. It will turn out to be the biggest business of them all – Garbage.

A new technological has been developed to transform plastic garbage into diesel fuel; paper garbage into wood; food waste and other parts of garbage transformed into compost and fertilizer.

Eventually, the garbage business will be a multi-trillion dollar industry. It may yet transform dirty cities thus at the same time transform our planet earth into a paradise, though our world must first be freed away from religious garbage, political garbage, and especially the garbage known as American capitalistic garbage. Poch Suzara

Wrong Mistakes in Life

The life we conceive is the life we achieve. What’s tragic, however, is if what we achieve in life has been conceived by others, especially by the religious morons or by the liars, babblers, and hypocrites of this world. The “God Bless you” syndrome, however, could hardly remedy the complexity of social insanity.

We do not think of our mistakes as wrong mistakes. We dressed them up, dignify them, and call them “experiences in life.”

In the meantime, life has meaning and that it will eventually stop. Poch Suzara


It is sad to see men and women achieve success in life. But at the same time they do not become rich. They continue only to remain poor, especially poor in spirit. They continue to wallow in poverty of the worse kind: - the poverty of the mind and heart. Ah success – it is what most men and women settle for when they cannot think of some other worthwhile goals in life noble enough to be failing at.

As an example, a war declared against the great religions of the world – each of them stupid – a never-ending battle. Poch Suzara

We are all Born Atheist into this World

"The death sentence is a necessary and efficacious means for the church to attain its ends when obstinate heretics disturb the ecclesiastical order." Pope Leo X111 ( Vincenzo Pecci ) Italian Pope 1878-1903 If I may add, the arrest, incarceration, and public execution of our Jose Rizal in 1896 was precisely one necessary and efficacious means of the church in maintaining ecclesiastical order in the Philippines. The church even lied to its teeth. She continues to teach via its schools, colleges, and universities that hours before Rizal was shot to death, he "retracted." Thus, he died not as a heretic but as a penitent Catholic. Oh yes, already dead, Jose Rizal was never given a Catholic burial. His corpse was just put inside an old sack and then brought and thrown into a hole inside Paco Cemetery. Ineed, how come Rizal a DEAD CATHOLIC was not given proper CATHOLIC BURIAL? In the meantime, millions upon millions of us Filipinos would rather look up with love and respect and adoration a Jewish savior known as Jesus Christ. We hardly care to discover the first Filipino scientist, freedom fighter, and first humanist writer known as Dr. Jose Rizal - first and only Filipino hero who struggled against the evils of Christianity still in moral and spiritual authority over millions of Filipinos in the Philippines today! Poch Suzara Twitter@ Atheist# Google# Facebook#

The Catholic church

The catholic church does not only retard the Philippines as a growing and as a developing nation, but via our schools, colleges, and universities the catholic church also destroys the Filipino minds and hearts to love only God up there by hating one another down here. Indeed, thanks to Catholic teachings we Filipinos have only become famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Look how in this God-forsaken country we all believe in God’s Kingdom. We do not believe in the existence of Filipino kingdom right here on our own land. Poch Suzara

Love and Sex

Man gives love in order to get sex. Woman gives sex in order to get love. At most times, however, the result is an unwanted pregnancy. Indeed, an unwanted child as he or she is cared for, if at all, only by the grandparents or other relatives.

If family planning and birth control information were a serious subject taught in our schools, colleges, and universities – we need not be sick as a people and poor as a nation. We could instead be healthy, wealthy, and wise both as a people and as a nation enjoying sexual, political, and religious sanity.

In the meantime, it is incredible to realize that the men who do evil against women are the same religious morons who believe that God is good, kind, loving, merciful, and that God, nevertheless, will always provide for the abandoned wives and neglected children comprising our sick society. Poch Suzara

Unwed Mothers

A single woman gets pregnant by a moron. Then, abandoned, she becomes a prostitute to support his child. She charges money for sex. In order words, she needs other morons to support the child of the original moron who got her pregnant in the first place.

Thus, for the sake of sexual releases men, in the end, are more mediocre than such women. In the meantime, millions of such tuti-fruties are out there as citizens of our sick Republic known as “single mothers.” All have been born and raised and educated to love and fear God first and foremost.

What’s incredible about this comedy of insanity, however, is that the morons involved in the crime all believe that at any rate, no matter what - God will provide. The single mothers are out there in the streets looking for money to support their kids via the offer of more honey.

In the meantime, decent women certainly have needs with regularity: She needs love and affection daily, and orgasmic penetration nightly. Her problem is to find and lastingly keep a decent man for herself. Such decent men, however, with financial resources in our corrupt and rotten society hardly exist. Poch Suzara

Love has No Power When devoid of thought

Never belittle the power of thought. Even love has no power against the power of thought because devoid of thought love has no power. Poch Suzara


Love is sharing solutions, not sharing problems for each other. If love is only about sharing problems, then that it is not love. It is shallow sexuality having a relationship with emotional insecurity as inspired by deep faith in divinity otherwise known as human stupidity.

In the meantime, in our sick society, we must first learn to love ourselves creatively, not destructively. In this way, we would not need another to make us happy. Poch Suzara

FREE WILL After Death

After I am dead, and I find myself in the hereafter, I should wish to take full advantage of my free will. I freely look forward to screwing deviltry in heaven; screwing divinity in hell; and screwing the dead saints together with the dead politicians and dead theologians in purgatory. Poch Suzara

Life versus Death

Socrates said: “the un-examined life is not worth living for man.” Sadly, in our schools, colleges, and universities – we were taught to examine not the values of life, but the importance of death. Never were we ever encouraged to examine life for the sake of cultivating our own sense for humanity. It was always about the preparation for death to meet a silly divinity.

In the meantime, the unexamined religion is not worth believing. What, however is most precious in life is not feeding your mind with lies and deceptions, but attending to the power of your thoughts precisely to be free from illusion, delusion, or confusion. Poch Suzara


People laugh at me because of my tentative faith in humanity. I laugh at people because of their dogmatic faith in divinity. Poch Suzara

First Class Prostitutes

I have yet to meet a woman who is happily married and proud of her family. Indeed, proud of herself as a mother of his children. If such a woman exist, it is only because she has been quite a success in selling herself to the highest bidder who supplies all of her material needs, comfort and security in life. However, that is hardly love and affection. It is self-condemnation masquerading as high class prostitution. Oh yes, I have met a few exceptional women worthy of love, respect, and affection. They have no need of a savior. They already enjoy not only greatest of wealth, but also, especially, mental health. More than they need men, men need them more. In the meantime, what the world needs now is not only love and affection but also greater knowledge of the nature of love and affection with all of its complication. Poch Suzara

Men Screwing Women

If men by nature have the natural tendency to screw around with women isn’t it so obvious that the women are enjoying the arrangement?

Women, however, are more evil than men. They allow themselves to get needlessly pregnant. They accomplish nothing except to replenish the earth with the same kind of men especially under Christian upbringing. To think that the sick women of our sick society have also been raised to believe that God created man in His own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

The Truth Hurts

The truth hurts; especially if you were raised and educated to always have faith in lies and to always feel at home with deceptions. To think that the truth has yet to be revealed. And if you believe that in a Court of Law there is such as a thing as telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – then you might as well also believe in the existence of fairy tales. Poch Suzara

Death and God

It is incredible how we are all happy and comfortable talking about a lot of trivial matters, petty issues, or meaningless events. But never, do we ever, touch on the issue of death and God – the subject of the greatest importance in life.

To think that while are living, we are also at the same time already dying. Indeed, the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body.

If we should be frightened of death then we should also be frightened of sleep. After all, sleep is a morsel of death. Poch Suzara

Why Am I happy

I am a happy man because I was successful enough to have recaptured the most priceless treasure stolen away from me as a boy in school – my precious mind and heart.

Indeed, I am a happy man because I have lost my faith in human stupidity. I am a happy man because I could tell a woman, any woman, straight to her face, that I have neither the ability, nor the talent, to be her savior. I could only, with her, if she cares to join me - seek solutions together problems of our world. Poch Suzara

What Value has FREE WILL

I ask: what value has free will if it is only about the freedom to believe in nothing when it should be about the freedom to question everything? Poch Suzara

Cute Babies

To think that thieves, swindlers, liars, babblers, hypocrites, idiots, tutie-fruties, patuties, lovable scoundrels, traitors, cheap politicians, phony theologians, corrupt lawyers, rotten judges, top executives and other criminals of our sick society all share something equal in common together: They were once cute babies created in the image and likeness of God. Poch Suzara

Billions of People

BILLIONs of people have already lived and died on this earth since Jesus was crucified on the cross more than two thousand years ago. Today almost 8 BILLION people are still alive. Most of them, specially and children in the Philippines, (only Christian country in Asia) are poor and sick struggling to survive under subhuman conditions eating, if at all, from hand to mouth existence. Well, why not? Jesus was the prophet of the losers, not the winners. He proclaimed that the first will be the last, that the weak will be the strong, that the fools will be the wise, and that you must hate your mother and father, brothers and sisters, and yea, hate also your own life also in order to be his disciple. In the meantime, imagine the Son of God Jesus dying on the cross for the stupid sins of the world and its stupid leaders! In the meantime, one would think that Mary, the Mother of Jesus, should have already straightened out the priorities of her son Jesus. It's been 2,000 years already and Jesus has not yet returned to earth as he had promised. Time has elapsed! I clearly remember my grandmother at 60 and my great-grandmother at 90 waiting daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for the SECOND COMING OF JESUS to remedy the ills of our sick society then as it is still sick today in this already 21st century! Poch Suzara

Friday, September 04, 2009

Evils of the Catholic Church

Catholics are responsible for the rape of more children, the murder of more women, and the torture of more innocent people than any other institution ever devised by man. From its origin through this very day, the Catholic 'Church' has suppressed knowledge and fought scientific progress. They openly and actively supported slavery. They supported racism, fascism, and sexism. They were allies of Hitler and Mussilini. They published the Witches Hammer, a 'how to' guide to torture and murder innocent women. They burned scientists at the stake in a futile attempt to keep the masses from learning the Bible is incorrect. They tortured and murdered multitudes in the Inquisition and and Crusades - all in the name of a loving God. Is the Catholic Church evil? Yes. It is the most evil institution ever devised by man. The Pope's apology for the vast amount of "sins committed by the church" in 2000 is not enough. It is ridiculous. The Pope has yet to apologize and to return the WEALTH stolen away from the Philippines - the poorest country in Asia today as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. Moreover, the Pope has yet to apologize for the public execution of Jose Rizal - the greatest Filipino who was the greatest enemy of the Catholic Church in the Philippines.

Indeed, the Catholic church has never had a vested interests in prosperity as a way to pave the way for the spread of common Filipino decency. The Catholic church in the Philippines has always insured for the filipino only misery, poverty, and indeed religious stupidity as the best way to maintain political and social insanity.
Poch Suzara

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Nonoy Aquino

Nonoy Aquino is now seeking “divine guidance” as a presidential candidate.

Why couldn’t he just ask his mom Cory and dad Ninoy both now alive in heaven to ask “divine guidance” to stop messing religion around with stupid politics in the Philippines keeping us Filipinos poor perpetually, insane eternally, and backward endlessly? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Catholics versus Camelics

We are told that it is easier for a poor camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich catholic to enter the gates of heaven. This is true. That is why I walked out of the church years ago. I decided to become a poor Camelic. I do not care to ever be a rich Catholic as I do not care to go to heaven. Poch Suzara

In Grade School

In grade school I was frightened to believe that God is not only here, not only there, but that God is everywhere. I therefore concluded that instead of me wasting my time looking for God, God must have already found me. It was this conclusion, among other things, that got me into trouble in grade school. It eventually got me expelled out of high school.

My teachers got mad at me. I insisted that it is not our business to be looking out for God; on the contrary, God must be the one always looking out for us. After all, God has the kingdom, the power, and the glory. We humans have nothing except the glory and the power of human stupidity. Poch Suzara

Afraid to Die

Those who are afraid to die are afraid to live. Bertrand Russell taught me the courage to live and the courage to face death sober, and not drunk with lies.

Now on these pages readers tell me that there is more to life than just to love, worship, and adore Bertrand Russell . Well, if there were, how come millions don’t know how to live such a life? How come millions are still waiting for their own Savior? It has been going on for more than 2,000 years now.

In the meantime, in life, you will always find what you are looking for. I have no money because I seldom looked for money. I am, however, rich in ideas, as I have never ceased to look for more and better ideas. In the meantime, mental health is the greatest of wealth. Poch Suzara

None of my Business

What other people think of me is beyond my control and therefore none of my business. If what they think of me is something dreadful – so what? If what they think of me is something beautiful – so what?

Either way, I stick to my character. My ways. I continue to develop my own mind and continue to cultivate my own heart. I try to live the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge - and that’s the difference. Poch Suzara

Original Sin

The “original sin” was the sin of creation – what could be more original? However, that word “sin” is not the right word; it should be a “crime.” Indeed, if our world of suffering and pain, tragedy, disease, and disaster is the work of a self-conscious Being, then creation is a crime and its creator - a criminal.

Now am I really such a fool and a liar because I am saying that the creator is not worth believing, not worth loving? As a matter of fact, what I am saying is that there is no such thing as God, no such thing as the creator. We are part of nature as nature as nature is part of us. Nobody, but nobody knows where it all came from. What we must seek is the reconstruction of nature and ourselves, and not seek, for the glory of a silly creator – obliteration. Poch Suzara


Paradoxically, existence has no meaning and to ask if existence has meaning is to ask a meaningless question. Existence exist and there is neither an explanation nor a justification why it exist. Existence exists. That’s all. For millions of years before birth, we were existing as a nothing. For millions of years after death, we will again be existing as a nothing. To explain why is there something rather than nothing is a matter of explaining the existence of nothing. My dear reader, every single something is energy and that energy is continually being transformed. Every transformation affects everything else that is in the process of becoming. In the meantime each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace it. In the ultimate analysis, existence – the existence of something is really nothing but a farce, a fraud, and a ceremony. The sooner we accept the horror the sooner we can begin to be happy. After all there is no other way to go. Poch Suzara

I am Told

I am told that I am angry at the world and that MY ANGER is my problem in life. Of course, I agree and proud of it. If you, however, can take a closer look at our sick world dominated by sick values and sick beliefs, it is a sign of mental health to be angry at such a sick world. Otherwise, one has got to be a dumbstruck moron to believe that our world was created by a good God, and that this is the best of all possible worlds. Golly, if God could create a heaven filled with joys and happiness, why couldn’t the same God create a planet earth filled with joys and happiness too? In the meantime, it is not hatred of humanity; on the contrary, what inspires me always is the hatred of falsity or better known as either divinity or deviltry which is really one and the same supernatural gimcrackery. Poch Suzara

Mad Religious Morons

A lot of my religious friends and relatives are mad at me. I have not ceased shoving into their faces that I am not afraid to enjoy free speech. I think they are mad at me because they are still trying to figure out not what to do with my free speech, but really what to do with their own free will. Poch Suzara


The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psalms 14:1

Well, it does not make any sense at all. To begin with, 3 out 4 babies born in this world are the fools. Why would God create such fools in his own image and likeness? Poch Suzara

The Sick Man of Asia

Ah, let us not forget where we all came from – the Sick Woman of Asia. They would produce children recklessly, if not irresponsibly. Indeed, even if such children were to be born unwanted or unloved. Children who will struggle to survive under subhuman conditions in the streets of our major cities. Millions of them are out there suffering from malnutrition, lacking in health, hygiene and sanitation. But we were all educated to believe that such horrors are really a part of God’s plan and that we should never worry because God will always provide.

I said it before. I say it again. We are not the intelligent masters of religion. We are the stupid victims. With faith in a silly divinity, we are keeping ourselves poor spiritually, retarded culturally, backward morally, and fearful in the ways of science and technology. Poch Suzara

Millions of Mothers

Millions of separated or single mothers are desperate for love, sex, and affection. Their husband or boyfriend or lover abandoned them. They did not know what to do with the father of their children. Hell, these mothers did not even know what to do with their own children after they were born. For God’s sake, most of these women do not even know what to do in life except feel blessed by God as they search desperately for more love, moew sex, and more affection. Can any of you please explain what the fuck is going on? What's the difference between God creating while mom and dad are busy fucking? Poch Suzara

Every Right

You have every right to believe what you want to believe. You have, however, no right whatsoever, to teach children in school to believe what you believe especially religion. A subject nobody knows nothing about. Children have every right to question everything; they have no right to believe in a lot of silly religious nothing. Poch Suzara

We are all Atheists

Most religious people are shocked out of their senses when I openly tell them that I am an atheist. These religious morons do not appreciate themselves as they are all a bunch of atheists too.

Christians who do not believe in the God of the Muslims are atheists according to Islam.

Muslims who do not believe in the God of the Christians are atheists according to Christianity.

So the same goes for the followers of the other great religions of the world - they are all atheists as they do not believe in the existence of each other’s Gods.
Well, if you just think a little bit more, even God Himself was an atheist. Take a good Look at his first command: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Obviously God did not believe in the existence of other Gods. Poch Suzara

Burning Bush

My dear reader, can you really believe that God in the Old Testament existed as a Burning Bush?

Well, for my part, as an atheist, I refuse to believe that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God in the New Testament got pregnant with Jesus as she got herself impregnated by a Burning Bush. Poch Suzara

The Bible Says

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Indeed, look at us Filipinos already about 400 years old as the only Christian people in Asia. Look how we are still aimless as a people and directionless as a nation. We are still stuck with the corrupt values and corrupt beliefs trained into us during the formative years in our schools, colleges, and universities.

In the meantime, I am told that nothing last forever. I totally disagree. There are some things that last as long as eternity. In the Philippines, among us Filipinos, it is called human stupidity. Poch Suzara

Oh God, Dear God

“When God forgives, He removes our sin and restores our soul.” Phil Star, Aug, 31,2009
Oh God, my dear God, don’t you have better things to do? Are you going to be a supernatural Nerd for the rest of eternity?

About 800 million women and their children in the world today go to sleep hungry each night. The majority of them love, worship, and adore your Son Jesus. What is the matter with you God? What in hell are you waiting for? What’s all this garbage about our dirty sins and polluted souls?

In the meantime, I am told that God exists as proven by the fact that there is, out there, not nothing, but something. Indeed, all of our troubles and problems in life in this world have something to do with something, and nothing to do with nothing. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bertrand Russell book about the Philippines

Poch Suzara's Bertrand Russell to the Rescue: Can the Wit and Wisdom of ... Reviews Standard depicting the (now deposed) president of the ... Whatever the overall effectiveness of SUZARA’S book, it has the field virtually to itself. Forthcoming Books in Russell Studies 2003, Ramon ("Poch") Suzara. Bertrand Russell to the Rescue: Can the Wit and Wisdom ... About half the book concerns Russell and the philosophy of logical atomism. ..... Russell in Review: the Bertrand Russell Centenary Celebrations - It is also about what a high school expelled student can accomplish in life with the power of self-education as he enrolled as a life time student in the greatest of all universities - it is but a collection of books. Poch Suzara

Saturday, August 22, 2009

BR versus JC

To the saints Bertrand Russell was such a liar and so hard to read or to admire. He wrote: “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. What the world needs now is not only love but also greater knowledge about the nature of love, in all its complexity.”

To the sinners, however, Jesus Christ was much more truthful and so easy to obey. Jesus said: “If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, ad his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 14:26

Take a good look at our sick society. Look how as saints or as sinners we all love Jesus up there while we hate one another down here. And to think that Jesus never went to college. He never attended high school. Golly, Jesus never even attended grade school. Yet, we love, worship, and adore Jesus who was not even a Filipino. He was a Jew born in a foreign land that never even got to be converted into embracing with deep faith Christian values and beliefs. Poch Suzara

Friday, August 21, 2009

Donating to Philippine Charity

I have donated on the average 100,00 pesos a year to Philippine charity. I started doing so since I arrived from the USA in 1986 having lived and worked in both Southern and Northern California for some 17 years.

Thus far, I have already donated a total of almost TWO MILLION PESOS ( 2,000,000 pesos ) to Philippine charity during these past 20 years. I have on hand the official receipts as proof to show to any one who thinks that I am such a “liar.” Indeed, most people have the impression that just because I am an atheist, I have neither a sense of morality nor in my heart a sense of charity. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t care less for the existence of a divinity. I care more about the spread of common human decency existing under a sane and a healthy society. Poch Suzara

Church and State

If you can believe in the existence of the separation between State and church, you might as well believe too in the existence of the separation between fear and ignorance.

Indeed, the job of the State is to keep the people living in ignorance. The job of the Church is to keep the people living in fear.

Thus, inspired by the corrupt state in cahoots with the corrupt church – is the corrupt system of education.

Look how we come out of our schools, colleges, and universities all at home with corruption than we are prepared to work for human civilization. Poch Suzara

Sunday, August 16, 2009

College educated Jose Rizal

Indeed, Jose Rizal was college educated. High school expelled students, however, did not plan to put him to death in public. On the contrary, what I am saying is - if the college educated morons in power and authority did not get him executed, Jose Rizal could have done more, much more to show the way what real college education can do to accomplish health for the Filipino as a people and accomplish wealth for the Philippines as a nation. As it is, what we have accomplished as a college educated people and as a college educated nation is not love of country, but love of divinity.
And all for the sake of promoting in the Philippines social, religious, and political insanity.

As a non-believer of the Christian faith, indeed, as an atheist, and a high school expelled student, I rest my case. Poch Suzara

Comment from Bob Bernardo: - The so-called Philippine-education graduate Rizal vehemently dropped out of it, as vehemently as did, well-you-know-whom-I-mean. He described with contempt the intellectually stunting and morally degrading education he was getting at Sto.Tomas Pontifical University in the Filibusterismo historical novel. So, at 18, as indicated by his prize-winning ode to free thought and study(for one's perfection), he resolved to drop out for continuing modern advanced studies in Europe, including liberalizing Madrid. But most of it was self-study in the free air of scientific humanist Europe.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Most of the ideas I write on this Blog, admittedly, have already been already expressed by other thinkers both in the ancient and in the modern world. Indeed, there is no such thing as an original idea as all ideas are but an imitation from various sources. Oh well, if you copy from one author, you are a plagiarist. If, however, you copy from 2 authors, you are a scholar. But if you copy from 3 different authors you are a researcher. With me I copy from the plagiarist and I copy from the scholar and I also copy from the researcher. In fact, I copy from 100 different authors. I am known as Poch Suara famous as a " catholic high-school Expelled Student" of some 65 years ago. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google#

The Unholy Trinity

Mediocrity, Insanity, and corruptibility pretty much comprise the unholy trinity in this only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. In the meantime, in line with Luke 14:26 - look how we love God, the Father; love God, the Son; and love God, the Holy Spirit up there, while we all hate the Filipino father, hate the Filipino son, and indeed, hate the Filipino family down here! Poch Suzara

The Problem with God

The problem with God is that only after you are dead will God impress you with something. For as long as you live, however, to God you are a nothing but a piece of nothing. Well, the problem with being dead is that you won’t be able to realize that you are already dead! Indeed, with what brain will you think? With what eyes will you see? With what ears will you hear? With what palate will you taste? With what nose will you smell? With what heart will you feel? With what sex organ will you be replenishing religious morons for heaven or multiplying more of them for hell? Poch Suzara


For as long as we are still living, there is always tomorrow. But as soon as we are dead – there will be no more tomorrows. There will only be nothing. millions of years before birth we were existing as a nothing. Millions of years after death we shall be existing again as a nothing.

In the meantime, life’s meaning is that we must eventually say good-bye to our loved-ones we shall never see ever again. Poch Suzara

Our Troubled World

For as long as we waste time and energy believing, fearing, venerating, and having faith in a troubled God, we shall never solve the problems of our troubled world. We shall only always need a Savior. But Bertrand Russell had a more creative alternative: He wrote: “The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." "What the world needs now is not only love, but also the greater knowledge of the nature of love, in all its complexity. “ And if I may add, the world also needs not more fear, but more courage - the courage to achieve enlightenment in order to bring more light into this world of darkness. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


A personality or a celebrity can never be the enduring symbol of democracy. Democracy can only be born of, then grow, mature, and develop with, - the power of new and fresh ideas.

Hope for the Filipino as a people can also come not from God’s kingdom, but only from the power of scientific knowledge and earthly wisdom.

Indeed, democracy can neither be reformed by a personality nor transformed by a celebrity. Democracy can only be freely functional with the power of the radical reform of ideals. Poch Suzara

Rat-Race for Salvation

Many of my college educated friends and associates and relatives envy me – a high school expelled student. Specially as I managed, somehow, to happily pull myself out of the rat-race for eternal salvation. I decided to drop out of the rat-race because I clearly saw, even if I win – and gain eternal salvation with God - I would still be a rat. Poch Suzara

College-educated Morons

Most of the college educated men and women, especially those from any of the 1,000 Catholic colleges and universities know virtually nothing of the real Jose Rizal. Specially Rizal as a scientific thinker and as a freedom-fighter humanist.

The one and only thing they know, however, is that hours before he was executed by inspired Catholic friars - Jose Rizal “retracted” and that he died as a penitent Catholic believing in the existence of a Catholic God. Shame on all of you college educated morons. Rizal was not even given a Catholic burial. His remains was just
put inside an old sack and like a dead dog thrown inside Paco Cemetery. Poch Suzara

Natural Evil

Natural evil may not come from God but from Satan and his fallen angels. But then the question arises: Why did God create Satan and his fallen angels gifted with free will too?

In the meantime, how useful is our free will if it is utterly useless in the fight against the rest of our human body preventing it from dying vulnerable to germs, bacteria, viruses and other malignant tumors? Poch Suzara

A Text Message

My Dear: A fucking moron sexually desired you. Like a tuti-patutie that you are, you recklessly yielded. He got you pregnant. As a single mother you are now charging other morons to fuck you in order for you to support yourself and his child? No thanks.I may be a moron, but God thank I am not that kind of a moron. Poch Suzara

They all Loved God

These religious morons all loved God: Bishop Cyril who had Hypatia killed loved God. The Catholic authority that jailed scientist Galileo loved God. The killers who had Bruno burned alive loved God. The Spanish Inquisitors loved God. The Spanish Catholic friars who had Jose Rizal executed loved God. The Christians who burned witches loved God. Promoters of the Children’s Crusade loved God. Martin Luther loved God when he proposed driving the Jews out of Germany. Hitler who had millions of Jews killed loved God. Parents who produce unloved and unwanted children existing under subhuman conditions in the Philippines love God. All the high US government officials who supported the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines loved God. Abraham loved God when he was willing to murder his son. Moses loved God when he ordered his soldiers to kill the older women and the male children of the Midianites, but to keep the virgin girls for themselves [Numbers 31]. In all the bloody wars between Christians and Muslims, between Protestants and Catholics, all sides love God. The poor spiritually, bankrupt morally, and politically sick Filipinos in the Philippines – the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century all love God up there by hating one another down here. Poch Suzara


The day we arrived into this world via mother’s womb, we neither believed in the existence of God nor even believed in the existence of mother, and indeed, father. Now to believe that God created man in his own image and likeness has got to be some sort of a sacred hooey-phooey, or an ecclesiastical absurdity, if not based upon a holy baloney theology.

Indeed, we are all the stupid victims, not the intelligent masters, - of organized religion. Poch Suzara


All of my God-fearing Catholic friends and Catholic relatives have not ceased being worried about the salvation of my silly soul. Each time, however, they see me emulating the life of a dumbstruck moron they become so proud of me. As I fuck around with them, get drunk around with them, and eat like pigs around with them, and I appear to them as someone who is now idiotic, if not moronic, indeed, now back to being a good Catholic - they feel I am now once again getting closer to God who will diminish my silly years in a silly Purgatory before I finally make it to a silly heaven.

In the meantime, being selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane tantamount to what love of God is all about. Poch Suzara

It is Incredible

How a high-school expelled student who eventually enrolled in the greatest of all universities – ( it is but a collection of books ), could easily provoke the thoughts of college educated men and women comprising for the most part our sick society. Indeed, a sick society established by sick values and sick beliefs as products of a sick system of education. Poch Suzara

Who are the Religious Morons

They all want to be rewarded with heavenly salvation but none want to experience earthly termination. Or to put it simply: they all want to go to heaven, but like religious morons none of them want to die. Poch Suzara

Notes on the Supernatural

Isn't it funny that God blames man for the original sin when he himself originated everything to begin with? Obviously such a God, if he does exist, is a supernatural moron at best, at worst a supernatural monster. For my part, I refuse to love, worship, and adore such a queer God! I also refuse to live in fear of the devil - who is another supernatural queer! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Garbage and Trash

Except perhaps for Hollywood garbage that is still garbage, for decades now garbage and trash used to be nothing but garbage and trash. Today, due to the power of science and technology, garbage and trash is a multi-trillion dollar industry.

Diesel fuel, compost/fertilizer/ artificial wood/lumber, and recycled paper and plastic and glass can easily be transformed from precious garbage and valuable trash. I am most proud to be involved with the inventor/innovator of this machine and hopefully, one day soon, we will be cleaning up dirty cities of the world off their garbage and trash. Any one interested to learn more about this business venture, please contact me for more information at my email – or at my celphone 0916-572-4788 Poch Suzara

Monday, August 10, 2009

What's the Matter With You God

Oh God, my dear God, what is the matter with you? Are you really that cold-blooded in perfection, and so lost in self-admiration? Don't you have other more important things to do for a healthy humanity other than just continue endlessly to be in cahoots destructively with a sick deviltry? Oh God, my dear God, what kind of a supernatural monster are you? To hell with you God. Believe me God, you will not be forgiving us. We will, instead, be forgiving you. In the meantime, please tell your friend the devil to stop fucking around. After all, you are way ahead of the devil in the fucking around business in order to accomplish nothing! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

College Educated Fools

Most of the college educated men and women, especially those from any of the 1,000 Catholic schools, colleges, and universities established in this poor and backward country virtually know nothing of the real Jose Rizal as a scientific thinker and, indeed, as a freedom-fighter humanist.

The one and only thing they know, however, is that hours before he was executed by inspired
Catholic friars - Jose Rizal “retracted” and that he died as a penitent Catholic.

Shame on all of you college educated fools for believing such historical lies..

Poch Suzara, high school expelled student of De La Salle University.

Friday, July 31, 2009

All Scripture

All scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for instruction in righteousness. 2 Tim 3:16

Indeed, the bible also says: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16

Ah, but the same bible also admits: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Rom 3:10

In the meantime, here is an example from Jesus declaring himself in all righteousness: “If any man come to me and hate NOT his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26

As for me, after seriously studying the bible for some 20 years, I threw the bible out the window. Bible reading was for me the beginning of my faith in atheism. Poch Suzara