Monday, March 07, 2016

Valid Reasons Why We Should Abandon Christianity

Valid Reasons Why We Should Abandon Christianity 1. Christianity is based on fear 2. Christianity preys on the innocent 3. Christianity is based on dishonesty 4. Christianity is extremely egocentric 5. Christianity breeds arrogance, a chosen-people mentality 6. Christianity breeds authoritarianism 7. Christianity is cruel 8. Christianity is anti-intellectual, anti-scientific 9. Christianity has a morbid, unhealthy preoccupation with sex 10. Christianity produces sexual misery 11. Christianity has an exceedingly narrow, legalistic view of morality 12. Christianity encourages acceptance of real evils while focusing on imaginary evils 13. Christianity depreciates the natural world 14. Christianity models hierarchical, authoritarian organization 15. Christianity sanctions slavery 16. Christianity is misogynistic 17. Christianity is homophobic 18. The Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ's teachings 19. The Bible is riddled with contradictions 20. Christianity borrowed its central myths and ceremonies from other ancient religions 21. Christianity generates not with love, but with guilt 22. Christianity has more to do with the existence of a divinity up there; and nothing to do with the existence of humanity down here. - Poch Suzara Goggle# Facebook# Twitter#

Saturday, March 05, 2016

The Penitent Thief On the Cross

The story of the thief on the cross is found in the following Bible verses: Matthew 27:38, Luke 23:32-43 and Mark 15:27. This story is in many ways one of the most touching stories in the Bible. A dying penitent thief accepts Christ as Lord and Master and is assured by Jesus of a place in paradise. Many people have also asked the question, what is the name of the thief on the cross? Unfortunately, the Bible doesn't give his name, but the story of this thief gives us a beautiful picture of God's love as shown through Jesus and the mercy freely given to all mankind. What a lot of sick garbage as sick truth revealed in the bible. Jesus could have been more truthful had he promised the thief crucified alongside Him on the cross: "Today thou shall be with me in a place better than paradise - in the Philippines - as thieves in the government - the only Jesus country in Asia always loved and blessed by God, the Father of Jesus. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

The Religious Views of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's religious views have been studied extensively. He said he believed in the "pantheistic" God of Baruch Spinoza, but not in a personal god, a belief he criticized. He also called himself an agnostic, while disassociating himself from the label atheist, preferring, he said, "an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being". Oh my dear Albert Einstein, to label atheism as a psychological problem is a feeble, almost laughable attempt to evade the fundamental questions of veracity and falsity. Is the existence of God true? Which God? There are so many of them! What reasons have we to believe in one God, or 3 persons in 1 God? Or that God is not a Jew, but Cathoic? These are the important issues to which the believers must address themselves if they wish to confront the challenge of atheism. Furthermore, there is gross timidity, nay, mediocrity involved in offering "an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our our being" for believing in a God. The believers who appeal to such nonsense as a necessity for "believing" display a shocking disregard for the pursuit of the truth. The theists who attempts to defeat or to belittle atheism by clinging to his humility accomplishes nothing, aside from revealing his contempt for man's ability to think. To advocate that a belief be accepted without reason is to advocate that a belief be accepted without thought or without verification or reflection. If facts were needed to prove the existence of God, then God must supply them, not man. Thus far, existence is no proof of the existence of God simply because God is already part of existence which was already existing before God arrived into the scene. "The question of what went before the universe began, or who created it, no longer, it turns out, make any sense at all. If there is no God, where did everything come from? “If we can accept that God could exist without being created why could this same logic not apply to the universe itself?” The problem with the First Cause Argument lies in its assumption that an almighty creator exists, something that it is trying to prove. This is known as begging the question. Even a child can ask, like I asked in La Salle high school - “If God created the universe, then who created God?” If the answer is that God is self-existent, then the same answer could certainly be applied to the existence of the universe — that it is self-existent. Besides, which almighty god, among the many existing here, there, and everywhere, are we talking about? In the meantime, if the existence of supernatural beings is unknowable, how then could we have knowledge of the unknowable? Indeed, theology is the effort to explain the unknowable in terms of the not worth knowing. People using the First Cause Argument always make the assumption that their god did the creating. Catholics think God created the universe. Muslims think that Allah created the universe. Hindus think that Brahma did it. The Jews think that Yahweh did it. Most religions have a story of how their god created the universe. The idea of a god as creator of the universe makes for a fantastic tale, but it obviously tells us little about the characteristics of that god. What they are doing is explaining one mystery with a bigger mystery, and that is fallacious logic. Or, explaining the unknown by means of the unknowable. Thus, religion encourages stupidity, belittles one's sense for humanity, and inspires one to have faith in holy absurdity, in order to promote perpetually, the mystery behind human insanity globally! Indeed, in the ultimate analysis, an agnostic was once an atheist who decided to play it safe by turning yellow. Cheers! - - - Poch Suzara, Atheist Mariano Patalinjug To poch suzara Today at 6:29 PM Yonkers, New York 05 March 2016 Dear Poch: Wow! Reading this Essay of yours, which I categorize as a Classic, makes me feel that I am reading Bertrand Russell, or John Stuart Mill, or John Milton, or Samuel Clemens. . . . MAR PATALINJUG

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

He who is Hanged is Under God's Curse. NO KIDDING? HELLO JESUS!

When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect in every way and lived in a virtual paradise, the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:15). God created man in His image, meaning they also had the freedom to make decisions and choices of their own free will. Genesis 3 goes on to describe how Adam and Eve succumbed to Satan’s temptations and lies. In doing so, they disobeyed the will of God by eating of the tree of knowledge from which they were forbidden: “And the LORD God commanded the man, ‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die’” (Genesis 2:16-17). This was the first sin committed by man, and, as a result, all mankind is subject to both physical and eternal death by virtue of our sinful nature inherited from Adam. God declared that all who sin will die, both physically and spiritually. This is the fate of all mankind. But God, in His grace and mercy, provided a way out of this dilemma, the shed blood of His perfect Son on the cross. God declared that “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22), but through the shedding of blood, redemption is provided. The Law of Moses provided a way for the people to be considered “sinless” or “right” in God’s eyes—the offering of animals sacrificed for every sin they committed. These sacrifices were only temporary, though, and were really a foreshadowing of the perfect, once-for-all sacrifice of Christ on the cross (Hebrews 10:10). This is why Jesus came and why He died, to become the ultimate and final sacrifice, the perfect (without blemish) sacrifice for our sins (Colossians 1:22; 1 Peter 1:19). Through Him, the promise of life eternal with God becomes effective through faith to those who believe in Jesus. “So that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe” (Galatians 3:22). These two words, faith and believing, are critical to our salvation. It is through our believing in the shed blood of Christ for our sins that we receive eternal life. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9). NO KIDDING? I ask: So how and where in our daily prayers do we declare Jesus who died on the cross for our sins and also declare that Jesus was hanged on a tree and died for our sins? Well, it is also revealed as a truth in the bible that Jesus was hanged on a tree: "whom they slew and hanged on a tree." Acts 10:39 "Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 5:30 "they took him down from the tree." Act. 13:29 "who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree." 1 Peter 2:24 his body shall not remain overnight on the tree, but you shall surely bury him that day, so that you do not defile the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance; he who is hanged is accursed of God. Deut. 21:23 - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Monday, February 29, 2016

God Has never been Bothered by my Atheism

If God has never been bothered by the fact that I was born as an atheist, why should you saps and jerks be bothered by the fact that today as a senior citizen I am, more than ever, a happy and a proud atheist. - Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Gays and Lesbians of this World

I am most happy and proud as I admire greatly the gays and the lesbians of this world. They have stood up courageously and publicly declared that they are gays and lesbians. The world accepts them today as they are now existing as the politicians in the government; as the theologians in the church. They are in media. In commerce and trade. They are actors and actresses. They are teachers in school, professors in college. They are in the army, navy, and air force. We, the frightened ATHEISTS, however, are still hiding inside the closet. Still afraid to stand and to speak up to declare also openly and publicly that we are ATHEISTS. Shame on us atheists! To think we are atheists only because we love to THINK and in order to change and improve the ways of this world- it can only be accomplished with more, deeper, greater, and courageous ways of THINKING! To all of you gays and lesbians out there - I SALUTE YOU! MORE POWER TO YOU ALL. LET'S CONTINUE TO MAKE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE THAN HOW WE WERE BORN INTO IT! --- Poch Suzara, Atheist! Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, February 26, 2016

My Dear Bob Gabuna

Interesting riposte, Poch. What did your La Salle instructor taught you? I was not born yet when you were enrolled in those days. I won't apologize in behalf of your La Salle instructors what they told you since I am not in privy of their teaching. As I indicated in my previous posts, just as there are true teachers there are false teachers too. Allow the Holy Spirit to teach you, Poch. If you do, you can tell the difference between the religious garbage that makes your life miserable, sick, and subsequently kills from the living Word that gives you eternal life and joy. -Bob Gabuna My Dear Bob Gabuna, All of the sick and insane, if not rotten and corrupt politicians we have in our blessed by God government all believe, love, and worship God; specially as God is readily available to forgive them of theirs sins and crimes; especially the crime of silence as inspired by the teachings of the holy spirit. So bob, I said it before, I say it again: FUCK THE HOLY SPIRIT. The existence of the holy spirit is not for grown-up thinking men and thoughtful women. Such holy garbage is only for the silly and frightened children of which, according to Jesus in the bible are among the first qualified to enjoy eternal life after death in the kingdom of heaven. Well, I said it before, I say it again: FUCK THAT kingdom of heaven. If Jesus and his sick gang of divine Saps and Jerks cannot do anything meaningful to improve the life of the human race on this earth down here, why should we believe that our dead loved-ones are all enjoying eternal happiness under divine grace in heaven up there? In the ultimate analysis Bob, what's the difference, if any, between the existence of the holy spirit and the existence of holy garbage that's keeping us Filipinos historically sick and frightened as a people, and keeping the Philippines nationally sick and unenlightened as a nation? My dear Bob, if I am wrong, this much I can promise you: after my own death in the kingdom of God in heaven; or, in the kingdom of Satan in hell - I will carry on as rebel forever and ever. After all, there is no such thing as the war between GOOD and EVIL. There is only the war of EVIL against EVIL and EVIL always wins! In the meantime, the day we are born is also the same day we begin to live in a dying body. What could be more evil than that? Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Too Bad I Am Not God

"When believers understand why they dismiss all other religions, they will understand why I dismiss theirs. If they refuse to do this, I merely ask them why the double standard? Why treat other religions differently than you do your own? Believers should be skeptical of what they were taught to accept given the proliferation of so many other religions and sects separated into distinct regions on the planet who learned their religion in the same way -on their mama's knees." - John W. Loftus For my part, I said it before, I say it again: too bad I am not God; because if I am God, never, will I ever allow the sick religious garbage ruin the intellectual life of my children in the world I created for them.- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Is there a Diiference?

The Chosen People of God. The Forgotten People of God. The Broken People of God. The Fallen People of God. The Rotten people of God The Barren People of God. The Beaten People of God. The Ill-Begotten People of God. The Sicken People of God. The Darken People of God The Drunken People of God. Could any of you frightened religious saps and jerks tell the difference, if any? Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Sick Old and the New Testament

“If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane.” --- Robert G. Ingersoll In the Philippines as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century, we Filipinos follow both the teachings of the Old Testament and the New Testament. That's why we are famous throughout the world, specially our high officials in the government as the SICK INSANE CRIMINALS OF ASIA. --- Poch Suzara

Monday, February 08, 2016

Most Men and Women like Praying more than they do enjoy reading

Most men and women are ashamed to be found reading inside a public library which is a monument to human intelligibility. They would rather be found praying inside a cathedral which is a monument to human stupidity.`Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Sunday, February 07, 2016

In the Philippines Unhappiness is the Only Good

Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others happy too. Robert Green Ingersoll In the Philippines, the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century, for the majority of our poor people, Unhappiness is the only good. The time to be unhappy is now. The place to be unhappy is here. The way to be unhappy is to make others also unhappy. Specially as we Filipinos have been taught via schools, colleges, and universities to believe that everything that happens to us in this life in this world is due to God's divine plan. Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Catholicism and Conservatism

Catholicism and conservatism have a similarity together - none of the mental exercises are required for either Catholicism or for Conservatism. On the contrary, the advocate for change, growth, development, and improvement must have a certain degree of intellectual courage in order to be able to conceive of anything different from what exists. - Poch Suzara, Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Education is Big Business in our Country

Someday the world will become wise enough to confess that the priest is of no benefit to mankind... A man with a creed has bought a coffin for his mind... it does not require any mental exercise to believe. - Lemuel K. Washburn

In the Philippines hopefully oneday, we Filipinos will become wise enough to realize that our teachers in schools and professors in college are but the lowly-paid employees of the priesthood industry... Schools, colleges, and universities existing in our country are not educational institutions. They are big business as commercial enterprises. - Poch Suzara, Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Saturday, February 06, 2016

Oh My Dear Carl Sagan

You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe. --- Carl Sagan Oh my dear Carl Sagan, so how come in schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines - they were able to convince us students to believe in a lot of holy baloney? Like there is the kingdom of God - a better world yet to come after we are all dead! Really? How could God do better in another world when He is nothing but a lousy God in this world? --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Friday, February 05, 2016

Why We Filipinos are the Criminal and the Insane in our Own country

If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane. - Robert G. Ingersoll In the Philippines, as faithful followers of the OT and the NT, we Filipinos are both the criminal and the insane behind our sick government, and the criminal and the insane behind our sick church. As a matter of historical fact, thanks to the teachings of the OT and the NT, down through the centuries, we Filipinos have only learned how to become famous throughout the world as the Sick Man of Asia. - Poch Suzara, Google, Facebook, Twitter

Ask, Seek, Knock

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. - Matt. 7:7-8 I asked it before, I ask it again: If our prayers to Jesus have been a great success, how come we continue praying daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to Jesus specially for the forgiveness of our sins as inspired by a sick system of education; and, for the forgiveness of our crimes as inspired by a sick system of corruption? - Poch Suzara, Google, Facebook, Twitter

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Criminals in Prison, in Government, in Church

It is considered to be such a big scandal: - the United States of America - the land of the free and the home of the brave - have the greatest number of its citizens inside prison facilities - some 2.5 million Americans are incarcerated for their sins and their crimes. For my part, I say ours is a bigger scandal: we have far more criminals in the Philippines and they are not in prison but inside the government and inside the church. All, if not most of them, have college education, and unsurprisingly, none of them are not ATHEISTIC, but all are, in fact, - THEISTIC - they all believe, love, and worship God and His Son Jesus who, at any time, is able to forgive them of their sins and crimes for as long as they share in the loot! Oh yes, God and His Son Jesus love us Filipinos and the Philippines, but they need MONEY and lots of it endlessly! Well, why not: After all, among the filthy-rich Filipinos in the Philippines are the officials of the government together, especially in cahoots with the filthy-rich officials of the church. And to think that God almighty hates the quitter!- Poch Suzara Google, Facebook, Twitter

All Religions are Based on Lies and Deceptions

All religions are based on lies and deceptions. All believers of such religions are not the courageous masters, but the sick and frightened victims. Belief, any belief is a needless load on one's back. More to the point: Belief makes one's precious mind move not on wheels, but only on hinges, The truth has no need of believers. The truth can stand alone without believers. Only lies need believers, defenders, and protectors! For my part, as an atheist, I would rather enjoy at any time the power and the beauty of thought. That is why, till the day I die, I will continue writing my thoughts to provoke the thought of others. After all, thinking is a rarity. There is nothing quite like it in all of nature! Think of it: In the history of mankind, atheism has never had a single moment of failure. Never, not even once, has atheism been proven wrong. Otherwise, why is the existence of God still a vague mystery - still always omniabsent, never, but never omnipresent? - Poch Suzara

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Our Old and Sick Newspapers

If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed; if you do, you are misinformed. - Mark Twain In the Philippines, if you do not read or do not believe what's published in the newspapers, you are crankpot; if, however, you do read and do believe what's published daily in the newspapers, you are a crackpot. In the meantime, in our sick and poor and backward country, there is freedom of the press; sadly, however, not for the sick, poor, and blind readers, but only for the few sick and filthy rich owners of the press. - Poch Suzara

Sunday, January 17, 2016

What About Rooms for Improvement

"In my Father's house are many mansions. John 14:2. That's copacetic; fine and dandy; but are there rooms existing in such mansions of which the greatest are rooms for improvement? - Poch Suzara, Twitter, Google, facebook

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Sick Filipinos of Asia and the Sick Americans of the World

It must be a wonderful feeling for us Filipinos to feel that we are famous as the SICK MAN OF ASIA; but it is, nevertheless, a lesser evil compared to the Americans who are now even more famous as the SICK AMERICANS OF THE WORLD. Indeed, we Filipinos hate other Filipinos for the glory of our divinity; but the Americans kill foreigners in foreign countries, and if that we not possible, Americans love to kill other Americans in America especially for the sake of protecting their freedom and for defending their democracy; or for the sake of God who has always blessed America!... I said it before, I said it again: we Filipinos in the Philippines and Americans in America have historically always been the sick victims, not the healthy masters, - of Christianity. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Sick Son of a Sick God

"But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me. So because of Christ, I am pleased in weaknesses, in insults, in catastrophes, in persecutions, and in pressures. For when I am weak, then I am strong."... 2 Corinthians 12:9-11... Wow! What a lot of sick and childish hogwash unworthy of a God who is all-knowing, all-just, and all-powerful... Poch Suzara

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Religion is intimidation hidden under Education

Religion is the marketing of fear more referred to as "education" in Schools, Colleges, and Universities in the Philippines. Blessed are the poor (donate heavily). Blessed are the meek (obey). Blessed are the humble (don’t question authority). Blessed are the hungry (make us rich while you starve). Blessed are the merciful (if you catch us doing something wrong, let it go). Blessed are the pure of heart (switch off your brain). Blessed are the timid, the cowardly, the fearful. Blessed are those who give us their power and become our slaves. That’s the kind of nonsense religion pushes on people. They train you to turn your back on courage, strength, and conscious living. This is stupidity, not divinity. Religion will teach you to fear being different, to fear standing up for yourself, and to fear being an independent thinker. It will erode your self-trust by explaining why you’re unable to successfully manage life on your own terms: You are unworthy. You’re a sinner. You’re unclean. You belong to a lesser caste. You are not enlightened. Of course the solution is always the same — submit to the will of an external authority. Believe that you’re inadequate. Give away your power. Follow their rules and procedures. Live in fear for the rest of your life, and hope it will all turn out okay in the end. When you practice faith instead of conscious living, you live under a cloak of fear. Eventually that cloak becomes so habitual you forget it’s even there. It’s very sad when you reach the point where you can’t even remember what it feels like to wield creative freedom over your own life, independent of what you’ve been conditioned to believe. Faith is the coward’s substitute for courage. It’s also really good marketing if you’re the one who controls the faith. If you’re afraid or unwilling to assume total responsibility for your life, you’re a perfect match for religion. Fear in one part of your life invariably spreads to all other parts — you can’t compartmentalize it. If you find yourself frustrated because you’re too afraid to follow your dreams, to talk to members of the opposite sex, to speak up for yourself, etc., then a good place to start is to rid your life of all religious nonsense. Don’t let fear get a foothold in your consciousness. Stop trying to comfort yourself by swallowing religious rubbish. If you really need something to believe in, then believe in your own potential. Put your trust in your own intellect. Stop giving away your power. Dump the safety-in-numbers silliness. Just because a lot of people believe stupid stuff doesn’t mean it isn’t stupid. It just means that stupidity is popular on this planet. When people are in a state of fear, they’ll swallow just about anything to comfort themselves, including the bastion of stupidity known as religion. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


In the theory of evolution, they said that apes and humans are came from the same ancestors Are all apes came from monkeys? Or monkeys are came from apes? There are some contradictions between Linnean and Cladistics (Phylogenetics). Most of the atheists believe that humans are came from apes ('though not mentioned by Darwin). Is it a good assumption? Are we really came from apes? Or from monkeys? - Ernesto Tabios Oh my dear Ernesto, What's truly tragic and painful as far as the apes and the monkeys are concerned is that they see under the Theory of Evolution - not that they evolved into decent human beings, but evolved instead into religious saps and biblical jerks more faithfool with the insane theory of Revelation! - Poch Suzara

Monday, November 09, 2015

Harm in Hospitals, schools, colleges, and universities

The very first requirement in a hospital is that it should do the sick no harm.- Florence Nightingale. It is the exact expectation in schools, colleges, and universities - they should do no harm to the students; especially teaching them sick religious delusions or sick lies and deceptions like they do in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... Poch Suzara Twitter Facebook# Google#

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Albert Einstein on the Educational System

Albert Einstein on the educational system, said, “It is almost a miracle that modern teaching methods have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for what this delicate little plant needs more than anything, besides stimulation, is freedom.” Poch Suzara on the sick system of education in the Philippines, said: "We are all born as unbelievers, not believers of the faith. We are educated to be the sick, nay, to be the insane believers of the faith via schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines - the only Catholic/Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Thus, in the day and age, in this already 21st century, millions of educated Filipinos, as the Sick Man of Asia, are still hoping and praying and believing for the return of Jesus to save the Philippines!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Who Is Poch Suzara from Mozilla Firefox

Blog Archives Religion Killed All Those People? Posted by Miguel The hilarious thing about radical atheists nowadays is their pathetic, shallow, and ridiculously paltry understanding of not only religion, to which their attention is devoted, but also of history, from which they draw the conclusion that religion is evil. Take this poorly informed chap, Poch Suzara, for instance, over at some other blog, who starts off his post with such remarkable drivel: “Throughout History many people have been killed for, or in, the name of someone’s God. Most Religions ‘know’ that their Religion is the only one true and correct Religion and that all others are a threat to their ‘God’, or at least to their Religion, and should be done away with, or ‘converted’ to their Religion.” You’d think that after the bait he’s given above he’d be subsequently swarming us with sound evidence to support his claims, yet we soon find out, however, he neither does any of that, nor does he even make an attempt to. Rather, he gives us a list which he matter-of-factly names as one that is of “people who probably or actually have been killed in the name of Religion.” (I removed the non-Christian related): “1. All who were killed by the Inquisition, which was operated by the Catholic Church and also by some governments. 2. All who were killed by God as shown in the Holy Bible (I have seen reference to over 2 million people who were killed by or under the supposed orders of God. I did not add them up, yet. The so-called bad guy Satan is only credited with killing a few people, at least in the Holy Bible. Makes one think, if you are a Freethinker.) 3. All who died in the “Crusades” (Hundreds of thousands if not millions) (Christians and Muslims) 4. American Indians killed for being Pagans by the so-called Freedom of Religion loving Christians (Millions to tens of millions of people) 5. Christians killed by Hitler even thought Hitler was a Christian (Catholic). 6. Freemasons killed by Hitler 7. Hatuey killed by Christians right after the discovery of the New World. 8. Huguenots killed by Roman Catholics in Florida in 1565 in the First Battle for Religious Freedom in America. 9. Irish Catholics and Protestants killed in their fight for whatever they were fighting over. 10. Jacques DeMolay and other members of the Knights Templar murdered by the Catholic Church. 11. Jews killed by Hitler (Said to be over six million, but who knows. Perhaps more, perhaps less) 12. Knights Templar members who were Burned at the Stake by the Catholic Church. 13. Salem Witches 14. Snake handlers who expect God to protect them from rattlesnakes. (God may look after fools and drunks but He only goes so far. Use you God given brain.) 15. Witches who were hung or Burned at the Stake by Christians and perhaps other Religions. 16. Others were not killed but were merely imprisoned and tortured in the name of God. Galileo is an example.” The really sad — or amusing (whichever the case may be) — thing about what Poch said above is that it’s not satire; no, he’s actually serious. That slab of words I’ve quoted from him above, that was — he was — serious. My estimation of him would be higher in fact had I simply thought him to be disingenuous, as some are wont to be, but no, that’s not the case; he really, truly, believes that shit. 1. Let’s grant him the common tropes, fine; the Inquisition — the medieval, Spanish and Portugal one — the deaths of which we unfortunately find out amount to only 6,000, despite that we are usually told — by atheists mostly — it amounted to millions upon millions. 2. Our ill-informed historian, Poch, goes on to count the one’s “killed by God in the bible”, despite presumably believing in exactly zero of what’s written there. O.K., fine, let’s grant him that, shaky as it may be. 3. Then the Crusades. Ah, one of the usual tropes which nobody — nobody who knows something about history, that is — should grant to our historian given that it was done more for material, rather than religious, considerations. And it would be utterly futile to argue otherwise. The impetus for the Crusades to the East was even the Muslim’s aggressive conquests of Christian Land — it was a response to it. 4. American Indians were killed for their land not their paganism, so shoot that. 5, 6 and 11, are hilariously all about Hitler having killed someone or some group of people, which should apparently be counted against religion by some convoluted logic about Hitler being Catholic. This is, of course, outright idiocy, and therefore, unfortunately for our historian Poch, not counted. If there were any evidence indicating Poch to be an impartial historian, these delusions about Hitler having killed in Gods name subverts them. 7. Hatuey was killed, again, not because of religion, but because of his anti-colonialism. Not counted. 8. Presumably the St. Bartholomew’s day massacre is of what he’s speaking here, where the Catholic church had about 10,000 Protestants killed, seeking to rid the city of them. While I’m tempted to defend this one as just another case of power-hungry ruling elites behaving badly, what the heck, I’ll be generous and give our historian the 10,000. 9. The Protestant and Catholic wars of Ireland were not religiously motivated, although they were often justified in those terms to unite people. The war was scarcely about a theological disagreement on transubstantation, despite that that’s what the radical atheists would have us believe, and was mainly about British colonialism, which the Protestants supported and the Catholics opposed. 10 and 12. Jacks Demolay and the orders of the Knights Templar were arrested and killed because France’s King Phillip was an asshole who happened to be financially indebted to them. Not counted. 13 and 15. The Salem Witch Trials — while we’re led to believe thousands upon thousands of witches were hanged, the actual number is 35. 14. Snake handlers who expect protection from God but get bit instead, have apparently died, if Poch were to be believed, in the name of God. Again, nothing to see or argue against here, just more logical dim-wittery. 15. Galileo was tortured by the Catholic Church, he says. Fine, plus one for you. What are we left with? Well, even after being much too generous to him, all in all it amounts to about 2,016,036 deaths — that’s even granting his 2 million biblical deaths, which I don’t even think for one moment is accurate in the slightest. First, some trivia from Scot Atran, who, according to his Wiki page, “is an American and French anthropologist who has studied violence and interviewed terrorists” — in other words, somone who, unlike Poch Suzara, actually knows shit: “The Encyclopedia of Wars surveyed 1,763 violent conflicts across history; only 123 (7 percent) were religious.[…]Indeed, inclusive concepts such as “humanity” arguably emerged with the rise of universal religions. “ In other words: sorry Poch :( My Response: As a high school expelled student of some 65 years ago, I am most proud and happy that with my Blog, I have managed, somehow, to provoke the thought of others with my thoughts. We are told, that the only sacred truth there is in science is that there are no sacred truths. The search of the truth therefore is not only man's most noble of professions, but a lifetime devotion to the search of the truth isn't enough. - Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Why I Envy, Love, Respect, and Admire Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born March 14, 1879, to Jewish parents who were a bit disappointed that young Albert was a late talker. He excelled in math, but otherwise was not a spectacular student. One teacher even told him he would never amount to anything. The world now knows that teacher was wrong. Einstein later revealed that his schools seemed bent on stifling creativity and originality, of which Albert had plenty. About that educational system, he said, “It is almost a miracle that modern teaching methods have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for what this delicate little plant needs more than anything, besides stimulation, is freedom.” For my part, I envy Albert Einstein - he had the guts to dropped out of school. With me, like the silly student that I was, my teachers had to get me expelled out of high school. Well, Albert Einstein got to be quite famous as one of the greatest thinkers who changed the ways of the world; especially with the Theory of Relativity. As with me, I hope to be famous too one day as one who changed the ways of the Filipinos in the Philippines with my Theory of Insanity + Stupidity + Mystery behind a Divinity = Sick Christianity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, November 05, 2015

The Evils of Christianity

"Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man... perverted into an engine for enslaving mankind... a mere contrivance for the clergy to filch wealth and power to themselves." Thomas Jefferson... In the Philippines, the Catholic clergy is in total control of schools. colleges, and universities which means millions of Filipino children are first educated to become frightened or, as the may be, - faithful Catholics, and not creative nor productive citizens of the Republic... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Don't Be A Coward

"Don't be an agnostic - be something." Robert Frost... That's right don't be a coward - be like me - an atheist. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Who or What is a Scientist

There is no such thing as the faithful follower or sick believer in the world of science. There is only the truth seeker. Scientist Carl Sagan elegantly described the method of science: "The method of science is tried and true. It is not perfect, it's just the best we have. And to abandon it with its skeptical protocols is the pathway to a dark age." "The only truth in science is that there are no sacred truths.". . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, November 02, 2015

Believers Hating and Killing other Believers

"It would be almost unbelievable, if history did not record the tragic fact, that men have gone to war and cut each other's throats because they could agree as to what was to become of them after their throats have been cut." ... Walter P. Stacey...Let's take a look at the island of Ireland is divided into two parts. Northern Ireland, in the northeast, is a part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland is an independent country. The Protestants and the Catholics have not ceased hating and killing each other since the 14th century. They cannot agree as to what verse in the bible insures salvation in heaven and which verse insures damnation in hell!... In the meantime, I ask you religious morons: Have any of you ever heard of an army of atheists hating and killing another army of atheists because they do refuse to believe in the existence of God? ... Poch Suzara Twitter # Facebook# Google#

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Christianity Has Nothing to Offer Atheism

Just as Christianity must destroy reason before it can introduce faith, it must destroy happiness before it can introduce salvation." - George H. Smith. . . In this connection there is nothing that Christianity can offer us atheists. We are already happy as we are men of reason. We have no fear of death as we do not believe that there is life after death... Just like every one else, I too arrived into this world as an atheist. I should wish to leave this world one day in the exact same way - as an atheist... For me to believe that I will meet a God after death - no way will I ever believe such nonsense. Over my dead body!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, October 30, 2015


Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.” ― Isaac Asimov... As a high school expelled student who then enrolled himself as a lifetime student in the greatest of all universities - it is but a collection of books - I totally and entirely agree with Isaac Asimov... Poch Suzara Twitter# facebook# Google#

The Sick Victims, not the Healthy Masters of Religion

Religion during ancient times was all about the existence of a sick divinity under a silly mystery. Today, in modern times, religion is all about money. I said it before, I say it again: all religious men, women, and children are not the enlightened masters, but are only the frightened victims of sick religion. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Bertie's Memory Work Age 5 page 2

Well after all, Pickering, I'm an ordinary man, Who desires nothing more than an ordinary chance, to live exactly as he likes, and do precisely what he wants... An average man am I, of no eccentric whim, Who likes to live his life, free of strife, doing whatever he thinks is best, for him, Well... just an ordinary man... BUT, Let a woman in your life and your serenity is through, she'll redecorate your home, from the cellar to the dome, and then go on to the enthralling fun of overhauling you... Let a woman in your life, and you're up against a wall, make a plan and you will find, that she has something else in mind, and so rather than do either you do something else that neither likes at all You want to talk of Keats and Milton, she only wants to talk of love, You go to see a play or ballet, and spend it searching for her glove, Let a woman in your life and you invite eternal strife, Let them buy their wedding bands for those anxious little hands... I'd be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling than to ever let a woman in my life, I'm a very gentle man, even tempered and good natured who you never hear complain, Who has the milk of human kindness by the quart in every vein, A patient man am I, down to my fingertips, the sort who never could, ever would, let an insulting remark escape his lips Very gentle man... But, Let a woman in your life, and patience hasn't got a chance, she will beg you for advice, your reply will be concise, and she will listen very nicely, and then go out and do exactly what she wants!!! You are a man of grace and polish, who never spoke above a hush, all at once you're using language that would make a sailor blush, Let a woman in your life, and you're plunging in a knife, Let the others of my sex, tie the knot around their necks, I prefer a new edition of the Spanish Inquisition than to ever let a woman in my life I'm a quiet living man, who prefers to spend the evening in the silence of his room, who likes an atmosphere as restful as an undiscovered tomb, A pensive man am I, of philosophical joys, who likes to meditate, contemplate, far for humanities mad inhuman noise, Quiet living man.... But, let a woman in your life, and your sabbatical is through, in a line that never ends comes an army of her friends, come to jabber and to chatter and to tell her what the matter is with YOU!, she'll have a booming boisterous family, who will descend on you en mass, she'll have a large wagnarian mother, with a voice that shatters glass, Let a woman in your life, Let a woman in your life, Let a woman in your life I shall never let a woman in my life.

The Holy Bible as a Book of Religious Garbage and Ecclesiastical Trash

"It will yet be the proud boast of women that they never contributed a line to the Bible." G.W. Foote... However, only one great woman said this about the holy bible. She was mainly responsible in jump-starting the atheist movement throughout the world today - Madalyn O'Hair Murray. Listen to her true words about the holy bible: "The bible is a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, poems, sagas, and pieces of dramas. It is full of hatred, murder, greed, falsehoods, lust, sado-masochism, absurdities, contradictions, stupidities. Need we go on?"... As a studious reader of the bible myself, I totally agree... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


The day we are born is the day we also begin to live in a dying body. So you are dying of cancer; but with the power of prayer, it has cured your terminal ailment; but you are still dying you poor sap. Face it! There is no escape. There is nobody enjoying perfect health in this life as death is the final destiny of each and every one of us. This is a brutal fact, but so what - most facts are brutal... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Expanded Mind

"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr... Indeed, the mind, once having learned how to be an intelligent unbeliever, can never return to being once again as a stupid believer. In the meantime, college-educated jerks, specially those with Ph.Ds, always worrying about whether or not their souls should be damned generally have souls that aren't worth a damn!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

My Death Does Not mean the Death of Atheism

"Although the time of death is approaching me, I am not afraid of dying and going to Hell or (what would be considerably worse) going to the popularized version of Heaven. I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism." Isaac Asimov... For my part, as the time of my own death is approaching too, I have no regrets except one: I should have devoted time and energy in the task of spreading MORE atheism here in my country, more atheism there in other foreign countries, and more atheism everywhere throughout the world... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Raising Happy and Mentally Healthy Children

“My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy, mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away from a church as you can.” ― Frank Zappa... Totally, entirely, proudly, I agree. In the Philippines, however, if I may add, if you want to raise happy, mentally healthy children - keep them away from schools, colleges, and universities especially as they are owned and operated by the Catholic church. They are places where believing, not deeper learning or thinking is taught; where only more praying is taught. Look at our officials in the government all with college education: they are efficient not at governing, but only efficient at daily praying to Jesus; especially for the forgiveness of their sins and their crimes. Poch Suzara Twitter # Facebook# Google#

We Americans Love to Kill Foreigners, if not each other

America is the only country in the world today that's fully armed ready for any kind of war at any time, anywhere; and, indeed, also fully armed are the American people at home. At a moment's notice, we Americans are ready to kill foreigners in foreign countries. When we have no opportunity to kill foreigners, we are happy to kill each other in this land of the free and the home of the brave... The native American Indians are having their last laugh. The thought their conquerors might take a rest and cease to be in the business of killing people... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

With the Power of Thought

For my part, as I am atheist, I cannot follow you Christians; for you crawl through life on your bended knee under sick daily prayers. With me, as an atheist, I stand on my own two feet with self-respect and dignity, rightly or wrongly, with the power of thought.In the meantime, it is true, All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts. Sadly and painfully, however, in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines - the first order of the day is not to enliven, but to deaden our thoughts with prayers. Specially for the glory NOT of our country down here, but only for the glory of a sick divinity up there! . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


If atheism is a belief system we atheist believe you theists are a gang of frightened spiritually fucked saps! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

No Measure of Health

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted as the Sick Man of Asia within a profoundly sick society especially as generated by sick politics under a sick religion." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


Praying is pretty much like masturbating. At first it feel good; but in the long run you are just fucking around with yourself... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, October 26, 2015

Religion in Public Schools

"I think the greatest gift of the Soviet Union to modern civilization was the dethronement of the clergy and its refusal to let religion be taught in the public schools. " W.E.B. Dubois, African-American historian... I totally, happily, and proudly agree. In fact, if the same have been done in the Philippines - throw religion out of public schools, including private schools, colleges, and universities - Filipinos could be educated to be healthy as a people and the Philippines could be educated wealthy as a nation. As it is, as it has always been, thanks to the sick values and sick beliefs as derived from our sick system of education - such as the forgiveness of sin by Jesus and the forgiveness of crimes by God we Filipinos are only famous as the Sick Man of Asia and the Philippines is only getting poorer and backward as a nation. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Civilization versus Churches and Cathedrals

"Civilization will not attain to its perfection until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest. . . Emile Zola... For my part, I say, the only time civilization will ever begin to flourish is when we all fully realize that churches and cathedrals are existing as nothing but monuments to human stupidity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, October 25, 2015

US Criminals in Prison Filipino Criminals in Government

"America has the highest incarceration rate in the world, with 5% of the world's population and 25% of its prisoners. Nearly 2½ million Americans are in prison. Over 65 million people, or 20% of the country, have criminal records. Most disturbingly, nearly 40% of our country's prisoners are African-Americans, who only make up 13% of the general population." The impact on the American family structure is undeniable: More than half the 2.5 million incarcerated Americans are parents of minor children. Happily this is not such a BIG scandal. The BIGGER scandal is in the Philippines. Our criminals are not inside prison. They are inside government office. None are atheistic as all of them were raised and educated as Catholics. They are all happy and proud to brag that they have earned college education in the Philippines. And more than that they all have, on their side, a Son of God Jesus who never fails to forgive them of their sins against the people and their crimes against the country. All it takes is the power of prayer! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Poorest People in this World are the Filipinos

Oh yes, the poorest people in this world are the Filipinos: they have no father and mother to raise them. They have no healthy society to nourish them. They have no schools, colleges, and universities to educate them. They have no churches and cathedrals to take care of their spiritual life. They are no government to govern them. Indeed, Filipinos have nothing except JESUS - a Jewish fellow born in a foreign land some 2,000 years ago that never got to be a Christian or a Catholic country. It is still today a Jewish State... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Life Could be Better Without Religion in this world

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that troublesome... Isaac Asimov . . . And the troublesome transition has more to do with stupid religion. The horror encourages more hate, violence, and stupidity as a way of life for humanity... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, October 19, 2015

We are Made Stupid by a Stupid System of Education

"We don't know one millionth of one percent about anything."... Thomas Edison... One would think that schools, colleges, and universities should have already remedied this tragedy. Indeed, we are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by a stupid system of education! In the Philippines, especially by a sick system of Catholic education! Look at the millions of Filipino with college education in the Philippines. They are more at home with sick daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly praying than they are with more learning via deeper thinking... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


“But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you... Luke 6:27-28...

What a lot of academic garbage mixed with a lot of theological hogwash. I say said it before, I say it again: If you wish to be a greater and a more decent person than being a sick Christian or a sick Muslim or sick Jew - learn from your enemies, learn from those who hate you, learn from those who curse you, and learn from those who mistreat you. After all, in the ultimate analysis, all men of learning are thinking men and all thinking men  and thinking are atheists! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#


Could any of you religiously frightened saps really expect that a God who is almighty, indivisible, eternal, just, loving, merciful, most wise, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, perfect, provident, great, and wonderful as a God could do better in another world than he does in this world?... GISING NA, MGA ULOL! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, October 16, 2015

Sick Values and Sick Beliefs of Filipinos as the Sick Man of Asia

"We have nothing to fear if we stay close to the Rock of Ages." Philippine Star, Oct. 16, 2015... See what I mean about horrors of schools, colleges, and universities. They are places where we learn how to be sick as a people; and, how to be insane as a nation... Indeed, what is there to be found in the Rock of Ages that teaches self-respect as a people; and that teaches a nation to have a sense of direction?... I said it before, I say it again: What's happening to us as the sick Man of Asia is the exact reflection of the horrors that's happening in schools, colleges, and universities; especially as own and operated by the Catholic church in this poor and backward country... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Religion is a Disease that Needs to Be Cured

Notice in the school of medicine there is no subject offered on how to cure the most contagious, most poisonous, and indeed the deadliest of diseases anywhere in the world. It is more referred to as "RELIGION?" Consider, ever since man emerged out of the jungle tens of thousands of years ago, religion has kept man hating and killing each other down here; specially for the greater glory of a sick God in heaven up there! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 15, 2015

There Are No Atheists Among Officials In the Philippine Government

"There are no atheists in a plane crash," or "there are no atheists in shipwrecks," or the more popular phrase "there are no atheists in foxholes" - are all minor horrors. The major horror is when we know that there are no atheists in the rotten and corrupt government. Our sick government officials all believe not only in the existence of God, but, especially believe in a God who is always available to forgive them of their sins and crimes. Such is the Philippine government - a government of the filthy-rich criminals, by the filthy-rich criminals, and for the filthy-rich criminals. In the meantime, 85 per cent of the 100 million Filipino population of the Philippines - the only Catholic/Christian country in Asia since the 16th century are still hoping and praying for the return of Jesus - their Savior - to save them away from poverty, misery, mindless religious insanity, and from endless political stupidity. Of course, let us not ignore the fact that there are also no atheist teachers and professors in Catholic schools, colleges, and universities. They continue to teach boys to grow up like religious morons who keep the Philippines still spiritually sick as a catholic country. Religious and frightened morons like Rogers, or Angel Arando or Eddie Calderon, etc. - all happy and proud to be known as college educated saps and jerks who have nothing going on for them in this life except a Sweet Jesus born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago a land that never got to be converted into a Catholic country as it is still today a Jewish State! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Sick and Ugly Religions of the World

The Christian resolution to find the world ugly and bad has made the world ugly and bad. . . Friedrich Nietzsche... It is the same horror with the Islam resolution and with the Judaism resolution - to find this world ugly and sick. Indeed, let's take a closer look at these great religions of the world - look how the Christians, the Muslims, and the Jews all hate each other as the believers of their sick and ugly religion! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sick Religion at the Foundation of a Sick System Education

I think the greatest gift of the Soviet Union to modern civilization was the dethronement of the clergy and the refusal to let religion be taught in the public schools.” ― W.E.B. Du Bois The Filipinos in the Philippines are still poor and backward because the priesthood industry is still pretty much in control of the sick system of education. Indeed, via schools, colleges, and universities millions upon millions of Filipinos are educated to become not productive or creative citizens of the Republic, but educated to become first and foremost frightened and faithful Catholic. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

People, Events, and Ideas

Most men never rise above viewing things as objects of desire - hence their shallow-mindedness. They do, however, suffer with deadly paralysis; but to see people, events, and ideas as objects of understanding is the greatest of freedom; specially the freedom to enjoy the joys of critical analysis. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Slave Mentality

Those who will not reason are saps, those who refuse to reason are jerks, but those who dare not reason are the slaves; indeed, slaves not only to their silly masters, but more so - slaves to their stupid chains they worship more referred to as values and beliefs. For my part, I reason against the monsters, the phantoms, the Ghosts, and the Saviors that have kept the Filipinos spiritually poor as a people and has kept the Philippines culturally backward as a nation. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, October 09, 2015

What God has Done to Us as the only Catholic/Christian Country in Asia

"Our testimony is the witness of what God has done for us." Philippine Star, Oct. 10, 2015... On the contrary, our poverty as a people and our insanity as a nation are the the horrors that shows what God has done to us; especially as are the only Catholic/Christian country in Asia since the 16th century... Poch Suzara

Spinoza's free will compared to a Stone's trajectory

"Men think themselves free because they are conscious of their volitions and desires, but are ignorant of the causes by which they are led to wish and desire. Spinoza compared the feeling of free will to a stone's thinking as it travels through space, that it determines its own trajectory and selects the place and time of its fall." Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

America as in God Bless America

The men that American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest the most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. — H L Mencken ... Thus, the most successful of men in America have been the filthy-rich liars, cheaters, and religious leaders. Precisely the men who made what was once the United States is now called the "Disunited States of America" - The Republican Party under Donald Trump. Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Most Facts are Brutal

"We can have facts without thinking but we cannot have thinking without facts." . . . John Dewey... And that is a brutal fact as most facts are brutal... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God Exists for What

"No matter what is in front of us, God is always behind us." Oct. 6, 2015 Philippine Star... What a lot hooey phooey inextricably mixed together with gooey and babooey. Who among you has ever met God existing behind you, in front of you, on the right or left of you, on top or below you, or in the middle of you? How is this possible since God is only always omniabsent. He is never omnipresent! In fact, if God exists, why should God bother to be behind you? To accomplish what for him or to accomplish what for you? Does God enjoy existing just to play sick games with himself for his greater glory in heaven? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, October 05, 2015

With God Nothing Shall be Impossible

For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37. Oh yes, there is something impossible with God. Surely, it has been impossible with God to convince millions upon millions of Filipinos that they can and should read and study the bible for and by themselves. That they have no need of a sick religious moron, like Pastor Eli Soriano to read and interpret bible contents for them. . . But then again, on second thought, nothing has been impossible with God. Look how God as a Holy Spirit even got a young married Jewish girl pregnant to produce Jesus - the Savior of Filipinos in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Fear of the Lord

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.".. Prov. 1:7... NO, it is not. It is the beginning of a sick system of education as inspired by superstition more referred to as organized religion; Especially in the Philippines, the only Christian/Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Freedom as the greatest of Good

Most men, specially those with college education in the Philippines, never rise above to view things as objects of desire - hence their shallow-mindedness. But to see things purely as objects for critical analysis, indeed, for deeper understanding, is to rise to freedom. No doubt, freedom is the greatest of good; for without freedom, especially freedom of the mind and heart, the growth and the beauty of one's personality becomes impossible. Life and knowledge are today so complex, that only by free discussion can we pick our way through errors and prejudices to that total perspective which is the truth. Let men, let even theologians and politicians, teachers and professors differ and debate. Out of such diversity of opinions will come an intelligent relativity of belief which will not readily fly to arms; hatred and war come largely from fixed ideas or dogmatic faith. Freedom of thought and speech would go like cleansing drought through the brain of the "modern mind."Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Voice of Atheism

As an atheist, I say it again: In the end of it all, if human life were never about how to leave this world one day as a better place that how we arrived into it - none of us would have had any good reason to have lived at all... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, October 03, 2015

St. Francis of Assisi

St. Francis of Assisi abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Catholic church and live in poverty. He is the patron saint of the failures and the losers of this world. In the meantime, could any of you really imagine a God talking to a sick son of a rich man to rebuild the Catholic church? Why was the Church falling to begin with? What were the priests, the nuns, the bishops, and the cardinals, not to mention the popes doing with the church? And most of all - where was God himself to remedy the mess of the church? Indeed, if God could speak to St. Francis, why not also to the million members of the same church? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, October 01, 2015

The Sick Man of Asia and the Sick Man of the World

It must be a wonderful feeling for us Filipinos to know that we may be famous as the SICK MAN OF ASIA; but it is, nevertheless, a lesser evil compared to the Americans who are now even more famous as the SICK MAN OF THE WORLD. Indeed, we Filipinos hate other Filipinos for the glory of our divinity; but the Americans kill foreigners in foreign countries, and if that we not possible, Americans kill other Americans also for the sake of protecting their freedom and for defending their democracy... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Your Death is More Important to God than Your Birth

The trouble with eternal salvation with God in heaven; or, with eternal damnation with the devil in hell is that you can experienced either joke not after birth, but only after death... As if one can experience anything painful or anything delightful when one is already dead!... Indeed, after death, with what eyes will you see; with what ears will you hear; with what nose will you smell; with what mouth will you taste; with what skin will you feel; with what sexual organ will you enjoy the pleasures of sex; with what brain will you be able to enjoy the pleasures of reading great books? . . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

King of Kings

"There is no greater privilege than to know the king of kings." Philippine Star, Oct. 2, 2015. This is BULLSHIT! There is no greater privilege than to know one's self. Indeed, the unexamined life is not worth living for man... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebok# Google#

Is atheism just another religion?

Atheism is not a religion. There are no holy atheist scriptures, no atheist holy bible, no atheist Pope and no atheist rituals, tenets, creeds, code, authority or ceremonies. Atheists come from every possible background, race and gender. They hold a variety of beliefs and convictions, and no two atheists will have exactly the same views or ideals other than their lack of belief in any gods. Atheists may disagree on many issues except one: none of us can ever disagree with the fact that when were born, coming out of mama's womb - we were all atheists. We did not believe in God. We had no religion. No baby is born a Catholic or Muslim or Jewish. All babies are atheists. Poch Suzara twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, September 28, 2015

The Nature of God's Existence Depends on the Believer

If a triangle have to believe in the existence of God, such a God will have to have 3 sides. If an octagon have to believe in the existence of God, such as a God would have to have 8 sides. If a circle have to believe in the existence of God, such a God would have to be circular. If a human being believe in the existence of God, such as a God would have to be selfish, greedy, silly, stupid, and insane... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, September 25, 2015

"I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.". . . Richard Dawkins. . . For my part, I hate religion because it does not teach us about the beauty of life, on the contrary to a make mockery of life in this world. Poch Suzara

God To Do Better in Another World

I am not able to see why I should expect an all-knowing, all-powerful, all-mighty, and infinite God do better in another world than he does in this world. Especially with millions of poor and homeless Filipinos in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

So There Is a God, so what?

If someone, anyone were to prove to me - right this minute - that God, with all his grandiosity, luminosity, and pomposity, exists, it would not change me a bit. I would still value my self-respect as a man and cherish my sense of dignity as a human being. I will still be a happy and a proud atheist... After all, I have no need to believe in a lesser divinity. I am already proud and happy of the existence of a greater entity - my family, my country, and the whole of humanity. . .In the meantime, if God wants to have anything to do with me, He should deal directly with me and not via messenger boys such as via the sick authors of the sick bible. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Grade School Years in Catholic Schools in the Philippines

Grade school years in Catholic schools like in La Salle in the Philippines have more to do with learning how to pray than learning how to read courageously and how to write thoughtfully. . . It has more to do with stupid believing than children learning how to love more and deeper learning. Thus, for the most part, in schools, colleges, and universities there is no such thing as real system of education. There is only silly indoctrination. . . Millions upon millions of us Filipinos come out of schools, colleges, and universities not as well-informed, productive and creative citizens of our country, but only as faithful followers of a Catholic glory and moral authority. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, September 21, 2015

The World seldom at Peace only always at War

"True peace is not the absence of war; it is the presence of God." Phil. Star, Sept 21, 2015 How deadly is the American military? It is difficult to measure how many enemy deaths American armed forces have inflicted... Americans and their allies typically cause 10 to 20 times more combat casualties than American forces suffer... Estimates of Iraqi soldiers killed in the Gulf War range from 1,500 to 100,000. The lowest figure would still be 10 times the number of Americans killed in the war... Approximately 850,000 Vietcong died in the Vietnam War, 18 times the 47,000 U.S. dead... More than 600,000 North Korean and 1 million Chinese fighters died in the Korean War, almost 50 times the 33,000 American dead... In World War II, 3,250,000 German and 1,507,000 Japanese soldiers, sailors, and pilots were killed, 16 times the 291,000 American servicemen who were killed. It is glaringly obvious, if not alarmingly stupid, that if God were only always omnipresent, never omniabsent - there would be more peace than wars in this world... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Atheists are Not Citizens of the USA - NO KIDDING?

"I don't know that atheists should be regarded as citizens, nor should they be regarded as patriotic. This is one nation under God." George H.W. Bush... Wow Mr. Bush, are you really that sick or just plain stupid? When you were born, coming out of your mama's womb, did you believe in God? You were an atheist just each and every one of us was born as atheists... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, September 17, 2015

There Goes Your Free Will

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.". . . . Proverbs 16:9 . . .There goes your free will you poor jerks and sick misguided saps. . . And to think that the LORD has far more important things to attend to in this sick world of ours other than just to attend to your silly steps going nowhere. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

God Is Good. God is Great. And God is Almighty - No Kidding?

God is Good. God is Great. God is Almighty... Ted Failon ... I asked: if God is Almighty why would God need to inspire sick authors to write the sick holy bible that is filled with contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, obscenities, irregularities, barbarities, savageries, vulgarities, and atrocities? Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, September 13, 2015


Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck... George Carlin... For my part, I would rather be a Frisbeetarian at any time than be a sick Presbyterian or a sick Lutheran. --- Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Difference Between an Intellectual and Spiritual

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has ts limits. --- Albert Einstein . . . The difference between being spiritual and being an intellectual is that the intellectual is always into fearless thinking and endless questioning; while the spiritual is only always into mindless believing, if not always into thoughtless praying! More to the point. An intellectual has purposes in life. The spiritual has only wishes!... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Christianity - the Religion for the Poor and the Sick

"Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd, and bloody religion that has ever infected the world." Voltaire... Christianity has kept and still keeps millions of Filipinos poor and sick as a people living in a 3rd World country still hoping, waiting, and praying for a Savior to save the Philippines... In the meantime, science has already given much of the rest of Asia light, truth, and freedom from fear and ignorance. While in the Philippines, however, in this already 21st century is still stuck with Christianity - the religion of fear and ignorance... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, September 11, 2015

Silly Believing

"You believe. You must never believe. You must criticize everything, accept nothing which you cannot prove to be true. Believing does not count, it is worth nothing. What counts is questioning. What matters is thinking. - Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, September 10, 2015

All of the gods are dead except the god of hate and war

"All gods are dead except the god of war." --- Eldridge Cleaver. . . Oh yes, the god of hate and war is still alive and kicking. Such is the god of the Industrial-military-university Complex of the USA... But let us not ignore the god of the Filipinos since the 16th century. Such a sick god is still here with us in this already 21st century seeing to it that we Filipinos remain poor and sick as a people; and, to remain poor and backward as a nation.--- Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Burning Books is a Great Crime

Burning books is a great crime. Not reading books is a greater crime. The greatest of crime, however, happens is our schools, colleges, and universities - they are places where millions of us Filipinos are taught to be not intelligent as readers of intelligent books down here; but to learn only how to be sick with our sick prayers to Almighty gooks up out there. Poch Suzara Twitter@ Facebook# Google#

Silence - The greatest of Crimes

"To sin by silence when we should protest makes cowards out of men.". . . Ella Wheeler Wilcox. . . For my part, I said it before, I say it again: The greatest of crimes is the crime of silence. Never be afraid to raise your voice against dishonesty, lies, and deception, and corruption; especially against silent crimes inside the sick system of education. And the silent crimes among the sick politicians inside our government. If more and more of us Filipinos all over the Philippines would do this, we could begin to grow with self-respect enjoying health as a decent people; and begin to develop with dignity enjoying wealth as a decent nation... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Science and Christianity

Science has done more for the development of western civilization in one hundred years than Christianity did in eighteen hundred years... John Burroughs... Christianity, since the 16th century, has done more to keeping the Filipinos poor and sick as a people; and, to keeping the Philippines backward and corrupt as a nation. How? By keeping science, especially the scientific way of thinking historically out of schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines... In the meantime, let's take a closer look at our so-called "civilization.". . . There are of men and women today enrolled in the college of medicine to study how to become doctors to cure diseases, among them, to find the cure for cancer that continue to kill people all over the world day in and day out since centuries ago. However, there is not one college of medicine established anywhere in the world for men and women to learn how to cure a disease more deadly than cancer. The disease that's killing more people than cancer. It is known as "religion.". . . The disease has not stopped killing people specially in God's name... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Reality as a Grand Delusion

"Each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction, and the embryo of the new reality that will replace it... Jeremy Rifkin... If this were true then there is no such thing as "reality" being real; not something graspable anyway. . . Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Thursday, September 03, 2015


We all live in a sick and frightened world. Even the most highly educated of men and and women in the field of medicine - doctors and scientists - have been educated to be sick and frightened... They are sick and afraid to face and to deal in finding the cure for the deadliest of all diseases,- religion. It has killed far more people than illegal drufs . . Bertrand Russell summarized truthfully the horror in a few words: "We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by education.". . . For my part, as a high school expelled thinking student, my greatest enemy is not illegal drugs. It is sick  legal RELIGION - the deadliest of diseases -LEGAL  RELIGION has killed far more people than illegal drugs! In fact, RELIGION has destroyed far more minds and hearts than illegal drugs has destroyed the human body. Even my teachers in la Salle grade school and high school with their twisted minds and distorted hearts suffered more from mental diseases more known as CHRISTIANITY! ... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Religion still Infested with so much Hate, not Love

Thanks to religion, this world, our world, is still infested with so much hate, not love; especially for the glory of God in heaven... Indeed, in this world, the more you suffer, the more you are told that God loves you more. Therefore hate, poverty, and suffering are good for the human soul since such horrors are the path toward to eternal salvation... For my part, I am an atheist; and, an atheist is a humanist who cares about this world. Our world. And if you religious morons believe that of me as a man full of hate and lies, that's your sick problem; not mine... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

My Son Bertie's Memory Work at the Age of 5

As a father to my son, I thought it is my responsibility to play a role in the education of my son in school. Here are some of the poems, songs, and great quotations that Bertie memorized as we walked together daily to his Kumon Math Sacred Heart school in Lorenzo Village and walking back home after school for lunch:--- Why is it that everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die?--- Life is a sexually-transmitted disease with a mortality rate of 100 per cent.--- Why bother to be born again, when you can just grow up?--- "If you tell a child that God made the world," he will usually ask: "then who made God?" If we reply, as the catechism states, "no one made God. He always was! Then why couldn't we just say about the world in the first place?"--- "They came with the bible, and their religion, stole our land, crushed our spirit, and now tell us we should be thankful to the Lord for being saved." Pontiac--- One bright day in the middle of the night, Two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise and came to kill the two dead boys. --- When we are born we cry, that we are come to this great stage of fools.---Shakespeare To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day, To the last syllable of recorded time; And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. - Shakespeare --- The trouble with the rat race, even if you win, you are still a rat.--- I would like the Filipinos to be brilliant, enlightened, intelligent, ad progressive. - Jose Rizal--- SMILE Smile though your heart is aching Smile even though it's breaking When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You'll see the sun come shining through for you Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile That's the time you must keep on trying Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile If you just smile. (written by Charlie Chaplin)--- "What A Difference A Day Makes" What a difference a day makes Twenty-four little hours Brought the sun and the flowers Where there used to be rain My yesterday was blue, dear Today I'm a part of you, dear My lonely nights are through, dear Since you said you were mine What a difference a day makes There's a rainbow before me Skies above can't be stormy Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss It's heaven when you find romance on your menu What a difference a day made And the difference is you What a difference a day makes There's a rainbow before me Skies above can't be stormy Since that moment of bliss, that thrilling kiss It's heaven when you find romance on your menu What a difference a day made And the difference is you --- I'll BE SEEING YOU I'll be seeing you In all the old familiar places That this heart of mine embraces All day through In the small cafe, the park across the way The children's carousel The chestnut trees, the wishing well And I'll be seeing you In every lovely, summer's day And everything that's light and gay I'll always think of you that way I'll find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you I will find you in the morning sun And when the night is new I'll be looking at the moon But I'll be seeing you.--- Bertrand Russell Introductory Remarks of his Autobiography Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair. I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy – ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness – that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what – at last – I have found. With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved. Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer. This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.--- ON THE USES OF PHILOSOPHY "There is a pleasure in philosophy and a lure even in the mirages of metaphysics, which every student feels until the coarse necessities of physical existence drag him from the heights of thought into the mart of economic strife and gain. Most of us have known some golden days in the June of life when philosophy was in fact what Plato calls it, "that dear delight;" when the love of a modestly elusive truth seemed more glorious – incomparably -- than the lust for the ways of the flesh and the dross of the world. And there is always some wistful remnant in us of that early wooing of wisdom. "Life has meaning," we feel with Browning. "To find its meaning is my meat and drink." So much of our lives is meaningless, a self-canceling vacillation and futility. We strive with the chaos about and within, but we should believe all the while that there is something vital and significant in us, could we but decipher our own souls. We want to understand. "Life means for us constantly to transform into light and flame all that we are or meet with!" We are like Mitya in The Brothers Karamazov -- "one of those who don't want millions, but an answer to their questions." We want to seize the value and perspective of passing things and so to pull ourselves up out of the maelstrom of daily circumstance. We want to know that the little things are little, and the things big, before it is too late. We want to see things now as they will seem forever -- "in the light of eternity." We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable, to smile even at the looming of death. We want to be whole, to coordinate our energies by harmonizing our desires, for coordinated energy is the last word in ethics and politics -- and perhaps in logic and metaphysics, too. "To be a philosopher," said Thoreau, "is not merely to have subtle thoughts, or even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live, according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust." We may be sure that if we can but find wisdom, all things else will be added unto us. "Seek ye first the good things of the mind," Bacon admonishes us, "and the rest will either be supplied, or its loss will not be felt." Truth will not make us rich, but it will make us free.--- The Greatest Men Have Not been "Serene."--- "No, the greatest men have not been “serene.” They have had, it is true, an ultimate courage, a power of creating beauty where nature has put only horror, which may, to a petty mind, appear like serenity. But their courage has had to surpass that of common men, because they have seen deeper into the indifference of nature and the cruelty of man. To cover up these things with comfortable lies is the business of cowards; the business of great men is to see them with inflexible clarity, and yet to think and feel nobly. And in the degree in which we can all be great, this is the business of each one of us." Bertrand Russell--- READ, READ, and READ What we need in this country is not MORE faith, but more reason for the sake of spiritual growth. It means abandoning outworn beliefs and the welcoming of new and fresh ideas. We need to develop a deeper vision, to be willing to forsake our obsolete and shallow vision. The road to spiritual growth lies in distrusting what we already believe by deliberately challenging the validity of what we have been traditionally taught to hold dear and holy. We must learn to question everything. It is the basis of spiritual growth and intellectual maturity.--- We must therefore develop the habit of reading avidly and judiciously. I therefore say: read, read, and read. To begin to discover not only the beauty of rationality, but also the harmony of veracity. As we develop the habit of reading, especially books on the scientific way of thinking, we will never, ever again, be the foolish victims of mediocrity, or worse still – be the promoters of a sick society. However the case may be, those of us who refuse to read are no better off than those who can’t read at all. Poch Suzara

I stand on the Shoulders of Giants

It is with much pride and happiness for me to declare the debt I owe men and women of genius. Such as Bertrand Russell, Will Durant, Robert G. Ingersoll, George H. Smith, Tom Paine, Carl Sagan, M.H. Mencken, Clarence Darrow, Alvin Toffler, Howard Zinn, Joseph McCabe, Jean Meslier, Jonathan Swift, Mark Twain, Jose Rizal, and Ruth Benedict, Madalyn Murray O"hair - the Founder of the American Atheist Association... If I am able to see higher, wider, longer, and deeper it is simply due to, if not the result of, the great writings of these great men and women of genius... In the meantime, I am ask: if I have been in charge of creation, what would I have created differently?... Well, firstly, after having created man and woman I would encourage them to enjoy not the freedom OF religion, but the freedom FROM religion... Secondly, I would make diseases not catching; instead, I would make health contagious... Thirdly, I would make not stupid BELIEVERS, but intelligent THINKERS as the main result of education in schools, colleges, and universities... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

There Is Nothing Definite as Everything is Tentative in Science

Truth in science can be defined as the working hypothesis best suited to open the way to the next better one. - - - Konrad Lorenz . . Indeed, Carl Sagan, put it this way: "The sacred truth of science is that there are no sacred truths."

Monday, August 24, 2015

Isn't It Time for Us Filipinos to Wake Up

Let your life tell the story of Christ's love and mercy to the world around you. . . Phil Star, Aug. 25, 2015 . . . Ever since Christianity arrived in the 16th century to conquer the Philippines, we Filipinos have done virtually nothing but pray daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for Christ's love and mercy. Today in this already 21st century, look at us Filipinos so poor and backward as a people, and so sick and corrupt and insane a nation. . . we are still stuck and praying harder daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for Christ's love and mercy... Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#