Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Zero Population Growth

The trouble with our silly teachers and professors in schools, colleges, and universities together with our mindless politicians in the government all in cahoots with our frightened officials in the health Department - they are all scared to entertain the reality of ZERO POPULATION GROWTH - because the Catholic bishops will damned them all to hell for the greater glory of God in heaven. Zero population growth, sometimes abbreviated ZPG (also called the replacement level of fertility),[1] is a condition of demographic balance where the number of people in a specified population neither grows nor declines, (same number of births with same number of deaths) considered as a social aim by free and independent nations.[2] According to some, zero population growth is the ideal towards which countries and the whole world should aspire in the interests of accomplishing long-term environmental sustainability.[3] I asked it before, I ask it again: how could we ever attain ZERO POPULATION GROWTH when the Catholic bishops themselves in the our poor and backward country have not ceased to frighten our women that if they practice family planning and birth control measures God will cease to love them and will no longer PROVIDE FOR THEM! What a lot of Catholic historical bullcrap! Poch Suzara, Atheist Twitter# Facebook# Google#

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