My atheism comes from reading and studying the bible. What about you dear reader? What do you really know about the incredible foundation of your religious beliefs that make for our sick society? I am not asking you to ignore, on the contrary, I am begging you to read and to study your own book.
Indeed, no other book has done more harm to the Filipino as a people and to the Philippines as a nation than the destructive messages written in the bible.
Take, as an example: “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him.” John 2:15. Or, “Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matt 3:1.. Or, “Take no thought for your life or for the morrow…” Matt. 6:24-35. Or, “Jesus prepares a special place for believers in heaven.” Thess 4:13-18
We Filipinos hardly know that the preachers of these messages have ended up not only as the owners of the Vatican Bank – the richest and the most powerful bank in the world today, but also the owners of the Philippines especially as it is a religious banana Republic. Poch Suzara
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