Monday, July 15, 2013


We have, in the Philippines all, but all of the natural resources to produce steel, aluminum, bronze, ball bearings, electric motors, engines, compressors, bicycles, trains, motor vehicles, motorcycles, refrigerators, computers, cellphones, wrist watches, radios, televisions, movie cameras, space crafts, sound systems, etc. Unfortunately, we do not have, not by a long shot, the greatest of all natural resources that countries like Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Australia, etc, have: the developed minds and cultivated hearts for growth as a people and development as a nation via industrialization. It should be one of the creative results of a creative system of education. Indeed, in our Catholic schools, colleges, and universities, we have been taught to believe and to have faith, especially during our formative years, that this life in our country, is nothing but a transition to a better life to come after death with God in heaven. Thus, the emphasis on the next better world to come has led us millions of Filipinos to disregard the exploitation of our own natural resources in our own country. We have been taught to believe and to have faith that the only things of true value are those found in the heavenly world of God. Our country, this country belonging to Filipinos is seen as low, depraved, and unworthy of love, respect, and affection. Therefore, the less attention placed on it and the more attention placed on God's kingdom, the better our chances to win eternal salvation. Never mind the works needed for civilization via industrialization! These evils are the works of the devil. In the meantime, among the richest individuals, among the richest investors in the stock market, among the richest owners of land, schools, colleges, universities and other commercial enterprises in the Philippines - are the Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Cardinals. They see to it that the Catholic Vatican bank remains as the richest and most powerful bank in the world. Poch Suzara Facebook# Atheist# Twitter# Google#

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