Saturday, July 27, 2013

We Ask What Else Can We do For God

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country." JF Kennedy, President of the United States In the Philippines, since the 16th century, we Filipinos have been indoctrinated by our colonizers to ask not what God can do for us, but to ask, instead, what we can do for God. In this already 21st century, however, via schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries owned by our former colonizers, we are still told that having faith in God is not enough. We must continue asking: what else can we do for God, specially for the Son of God Jesus - our Jewish Savior - who died on the cross for our sins and our crimes! In the meantime, millions upon millions of college-educated Pinoys and Pinays are so proud of the historical fact that we are the only Christian country in Asia today. And more proud that for the glory of God in heaven, we Filipinos have not as yet civilized ourselves as a decent people, nor have we, as yet, industrialized ourselves as a decent nation. Civilization is the triumph of humanity over Christianity. It means the standard of thinking works better than the standard of believing. It also means that the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness works better than the pursuit of a better world to come after death. Industrialization is the triumph of knowledge over ignorance; prosperity over poverty; and, indeed, the triumph of reason over blind faith in a lot of out-of-this world dogma, pigma, and hogma! In the Philippines, we have neither civilization nor have we industrialization. What we have is endless stagnation under perpetual frustration - for the sake of our eternal salvation! And these horrors have been and still are nothing but the product of our sick faith in a sick system of education. Consider the typical attitude of a corrupt official or employee of the Philippine government. Listen to them bragging: "I don't care of the criminal activities increasing in our sick society." "I don't care if Filipino lives are ruined by illegal drugs." "I don't care if more and more of our women are going into prostitution." "What matters is that I am rich. . . it is every man for himself. Indeed, sila sila, kame kame, tayo tayo, bahala ka na sa Dios mo puta ang ina mo." Foremost Filipino Historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo wrote: "Self-deception is the worst tragedy of the Filipino as a people." I regret to say that this is just one of the minor terrible effects of a much greater horrible cause that's keeping us Filipinos spiritually poor as a people and morally backward as a nation: CHRISTIANITY. Look at us millions of Filipinos in this already 21st? We are still sick as the Sick Man of Asia. We are still praying to God to "give us this day our daily; and to "lead us not into temptation." "and also still praying to Mary, Mother of God to: "pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen." Oh God, my dear God, as you are already a God, and have been a God since the days of Adam and Eve, do you really need more prayers from the millions of poor Filipinos today already faithfully serving you daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly? I ask: What are you a God for? Why do you still need more glory and for what? Come on God, isn't it time for you to WAKE UP and start behaving like a real honest-to-goodness kind and loving God? Really God, what are you a God for? For Christ's sake you even need Catholic priests or Christian Brothers to be in charge of the SICK SYSTEM EDUCATION IN THE PHILIPPINES! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Atheist# Google#


Ken said...

Poch, you may mimic the people of the book and pretend to have a righteous moral code, but in reality, atheism leads to moral relativism or nihilism. As one famous atheist said, in a godless universe, you won't find any rhyme or reason, nor any justice. There is no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. If there is no objective morality, then why are you arguing for anything? It’s not as if you’re supposed to be an atheist. Absent objective moral norms, there’s nothing you're supposed to believe or disbelieve.

Anonymous said...


1st sentence - are you a fortune teller?

2nd sentence - do you really believe that? come on- get a life!

3rd sentence - If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't.

4th sentence - your morality is objective, you just don't know. I call it the illusion of 100%- just as you are trying to hit the old man here, and me to you. anyway... you are WRONG.

5th sentence - The only thing we care about is the illusion of 100%

Ken said...

Anon, assertions are only assertions. Without reasoned arguments, you're just making assertions. And you don't have to post links to blogs. It would be nice if you speak up for yourself.

Poch Suzara said...

Oh, My Dear Ken, why is it that everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die? As for us atheists, we say, if we must die, let us die sober and not drunk with lies and deceptions. In the meantime, my dear Ken, old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle for human decency. Forget God. God is totally worthless, especially as a supernatural Jerk! Cheers! Poch Suzara

Ken said...

Both ways you lose, Poch. If as you say, God is worthless and a supernatural jerk, then he must exist and you will still stand before him on judgment day. Everything said in darkness will be brought to light. If he does not exist, you've dedicated your whole life to fighting a phantom. What delusion. You've been grumpy, cranky and contrary at absolutely nothing for nothing. Grace and peace.

Anonymous said...

ken 9:19,

I speak for myself and there is no invisible man makine me do it.

I am delighted to hear that you want to discuss REASON. Breaking in to my assertion makes me feel that you are interested to discuss.

Anonymous said...


Do you really believe that that in the absence of Light in your room or in the night sky - THERE IS NOTHING?

That is Caveman Common Sense.

I think you don't have the right to Reason with me.

Anonymous said...


but you always have the right to speak.

Ken said...

Anon, what do you mean when you said I have no right to reason but have the right to speak?

Anonymous said...


I have underestimated myself that you would not ask.


You give yourself the right to Reason, it's not attached with me.

Council of Reason

Anonymous said...


First Principle:

The first person that is easy to deceive is oneself.

-Richard Feynman, Quantum Man

Not any Je-DIE master will tell you!

Council of Reason

Ken said...

Exman, do you believe that your brain is intelligently designed or not?

Anonymous said...

You ask about Biology of the brain.

If you are the DESIGNER- how do you wish to design a Perfect Machine? I think not the way the brain that you have right now.

The fastest, smartest.

If you try to insert it at any Academic textbook the claim Intelligent Design, you will have a problem with the CIA and scientist all over the world.

such a claim is considered Academic Dishonesty.


Ken said...

Exman, if your brain is not intelligently designed, if it is faulty, how can we trust your reasoning? It must be unreliable and you're just being self-deceived. With a defective mind, how do you know what you believe is true?