Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Overseas workers

Our workers are better paid and indeed highly respected for the hard work they do in foreign countries.In our own God-forsaken country, however, instead of giving our workers their due earnings and due respect, they only survive on more of the same hand-to-mouth standard of existence. But we never stop asking God to bless them. We never stop thanking God for the hard work that they do for the rich. In the meantime, in our sick society, the filthy poor are getting poorer. The filthy rich are getting richer. I asked it before, I ask it again: Have any of you ever met or heard of a Filipino who got to be FILTHY RICH for believing that God is BAD? So how come millions upon millions of Filipinos are FILTHY POOR for believing that God is GOOD? Hijos de tootie-frootie y patooties CONIO! Gising na tayo! Puede ba? Hindi ba nakakahiya na itong kababuyan at kalechehan nating taon taon sa bayan nating? Poch Suzara

1 comment:

Ken said...

Poch, maybe you're right in referring to the Philippines as a God-forsaken nation. The Word of The Lord says that righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people. Grace and peace.