Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Nation of Prayers

We have been taught in our schools, colleges, and universities to believe that what we do for Christ in this life will be rewarded in the next life to come in heaven.
I ask: what life to come? After we are dead, and our body begins rotting, with what rotting eyes shall we see? With what rotting ears shall we hear? With what rotting nose shall we smell? With what rotting skin shall we feel? With what rotting palate shall we taste? And indeed with what rotting brains shall we be able to believe anything as rotten as death itself?
We Filipinos are poor as a people and the Philippines is backward as a nation? Why are we still deeply entrenched with silly religion that encourages human stupidity? In this 21st century, we have yet to touch the surface of the power of science that encourages human intelligence as much as human benevolence. Poch Suzara


If your theories or ideas were science based, you will continue to make not only more discoveries, but will also continue to make more observations which is precisely what science is all about. In the meantime, asking questions and observing reality is a never-ending task. Science, however, is honest enough to admit that it only understands 1 per cent of what it observes in reality. Poch Suzara

John Milton, the Poet

He was disinherited by his father “because he kept not the Catholic religion” and he was caught reading the Bible. “
As for me, however, after reading the bible a great many years, I walked out of the Catholic Church. Bible contents certainly inspired in me to embrace the beauty of Atheism. God as depicted in the Bible is not the supernatural character worth loving. The devil too as depicted in the Bible as a supernatural character is not worth fearing.
I refuse to be intimidated by anything supernatural. Indeed, if supernatural beings exist, they can do what they want with me; but never, will they ever win my love and respect for either of them. Not in this life, or even in the next world to come, if any. Poch Suzara

Mary Magdalene

The church says Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. What was Jesus then doing with a prostitute during his crucifixion? According to the bible, she was also the first person Jesus appeared to right after his resurrection!
Let’s face it: if Mary Magdalene turned out to be the wife of Jesus, then the Vatican is in trouble with sacred lies. On the other hand, if Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, the Vatican is still in trouble with more sacred lies. Imagine Jesus – the Son of divinity, the paragon of purity, the epitome of respectability, the prince of tranquility, the savior of humanity - sexually involved with Mary Magdalene – a patuti, if not a tuti- frutie!
For my part, as an rational humanist, I ask: - what has Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mary Magdalene, Peter, Paul, James, Judas and all the rest of the apostles of Christ – all belonging to Jewish families born in Israel during the 1st century have anything of human value to do with Filipino families born in the Philippines in the 21st century? Poch Suzara

Pure Baloney

God allowed Satan in the shape of a talking serpent to deceive Eve. Adam, however, was depicted as a coward too thoughtless to stand up for Eve. I said it before, I say it again: To believe this bible story as something true and holy is pure baloney. It degrades humanity.

For my part, if I were Adam, I should have been more responsible for Eve. I would have told both God and Satan to take a hike or to stick to their own kind of woman! Why bother with my one and only love?

Is it possible that we are all sick in this country because we love, worship, and adore a sick God who is always friendly and tolerant, - of a sick devil? It is time to dump Christianity as it is all based upon a silly mythology. Consider Christianity in history. She has had 2,000 years of opportunity to straighten out the mess in this world. Now it is getting more alarmingly translucent, if not glaringly transparent that Christianity has never been the solution simply because she has always been the problem to begin with. Not only in matters of spiritual poverty; but look at the hate and wars that have been declared in God’s name and for his glory ever since man evolved on this planet.

Let us, instead, as a human family, love one another. There is no such thing as divinity. It is time to pay more attention to the plight of humanity. There is absolutely nothing more precious globally. Poch Suzara

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Die for an Idea

It is heroic to die for an idea; it is, however, tragic to die for an idea that is false. What is even more terrible, however, is to die while intoxicated with the belief that brazen religious lies are among the most sacred of revealed truths. Poch Suzara


Masonry was never a political party or a religious organization. It has always been a humanitarian and civic association. In fact, speaking as a Mason, Rizal once said: “Humanity cannot be redeemed while reason is not free, while faith would want to impose itself on facts, while whims are laws, and while there are nations to subjugate others. For humanity to be able to attain that lofty destiny toward which God guides it, it is necessary that within its fold there should be no dissensions nor tyranny… and no groans and curses be heard in its march … Masonry believes in God who guides mankind in its progress.”
No, I am not a Mason, though I was invited to be one. But as I openly declared myself an atheist, the invitation was withdrawn. Quite a few of my lawyer-friends are Masons. Be that as it may, I think, however, that the Catholic friars were rather stuck in the quagmire of mediocrity. They had nightmares of getting Rizal to retract from his errors against Masonry. Poch Suzara


Nothing can be more degrading than to see millions of poor Filipinos have nothing going for them in this life except God – another nothing! My dear reader, have you ever heard of Filipinos who became rich for believing that God is bad? And yet millions of Filipinos are poor for believing that God is good.
But then again, it is just as degrading to see millions of rich Americans have nothing going for them in this life except money – another nothing.
My dear reader, have you ever heard of rich Americans who, in this life, before they died, converted their cash into traveler’s checks to take along with them in the next life? Poch Suzara


People believe this or believe that. People will even kill other people for not believing this or for not believing that. I think, however, it is time to take a good look at our harmful beliefs responsible for so much hate and killings in our world. Indeed, time has elapse. If we wish to save our world, we must learn to entertain more realistic and intelligent non-beliefs than have faith in our fantastic and stupid beliefs.Poch Suzara

Philippine Media

The Philippine media could mold public opinion to admire science rather than religion; to prepare for peace rather than to work for war; to love philosophy rather than theology. Indeed, the media could very well promote all that is creative for our society, and so diminish the impulses and desires that center round Filipinos getting more selfish, greedy, stupid, and insane. And yet, Filipino editors and columnists of newspapers and magazines; teachers and professors of schools, colleges and universities; producers and directors of the movie and television industry - all share a common interests together in this country: - they all try their utmost best to keep all of their readers and students and audiences as thoughtless as ever so as not to displease the Catholic Bishops enjoying theological and political control of the Philippines. And to think that these are the same Bishops who are the experts with the Revealed Truth that have yet to be revealed.
In the meantime, thanks to power of our media, we remain rudderless as a nation as we continue to be leaderless as a people. Poch Suzara

My Own Retraction

I am told by my Catholic friends that I too will eventually retract from my errors against God and from my errors against Christianity. I say, over my dead body. I’d rather die first. Indeed, in this life, I would rather enjoy the madness in my search of the truth than feel saved, secured, and mindless having faith in sacred lies.
In the meantime, my dear reader, never mind your free will. It is a piece of spiritual garbage as compared to the precious free will that God has gifted the devil. Poch Suzara

My Atheistic Religion

If I had to choose a religion, I should worship the sun. It is the universal giver of life. The sun is also much bigger and greater and older than the planet earth. One million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. What could be more worthy of worship! I should love and worship and adore the sun. She has never threatened me with eternal punishment if I did not believe in her life-giving grandiosity, not to menton her existence as the greatest of glory. Poch Suzara


Obedience is not a virtue but a tool to enslave those who have been indoctrinated to have faith in their free will. Consider virtues. They consist in obedience to God's will and nobody knows anything about God's commands except the priests. In the Philippines, obedience saves the vast majority of Filipinos from the trouble of having to think together as a people and from the problem of having to work together as a nation. Indeed, in this country, our sick attitude towards each other can be summarized with these words: “Sila sila, kame kame, tayo tayo, – bahala ka na sa dios mo.” Poch Suzara

Rizal’s Biographer

Leon Ma. Guerrero was a faithful Catholic more than he was a faithful biographer. It is, indeed, incredible that after studying Rizal’s life and works, Guerrero had no idea what Rizal, a genius, lived and died for? Imagine a biographer asking of his subject: “Was he innocent or guilty? If innocent, then why is he a hero? If guilty how can he be a martyr? The answer is that he was neither guilty nor innocent.”
Rizal believed in the power of education to shape character and in the power of character to shape history. Innocent as a hero or guilty as a martyr had nothing to do with what Rizal precisely stood for in his struggle to liberate the minds of men and the hearts of women of his country.
In the violent opposition of mediocrity against greatness, what Albert Einstein said of Bertrand Russell, Einstein could have said exactly the same thing to our Jose Rizal: “Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.”
It must have been a sin for Guerrero to write truthfully about Rizal’s real motives in his struggles against theocracy. Thus, because of Catholic writers like Guerrero, most Filipinos believe Rizal retracted and died repentant. Indeed, in this predominantly Catholic country, Filipino historians, school teachers, college professors, and newspaper columnists have all tried their best to avoid discovering Rizal’s real nature as a rare man. Only the esoteric few know the real Jose Rizal who, at the expense of his own precious life, had the spiritual courage put more philosophical beauty in the Philippines where the Catholic Church, for centuries, has only put theological horrors. Poch Suzara

My Opinion

I would rather have an opinion on the question rather than on the answer. And opinion should always be tentative, never definite or dogmatic. It is always subject to change or emendation. If you point out errors in my opinion, I would just be happy to change my mind, and make the necessary corrections, especially if your own opinion made more sense than mine. In the meantime, please remember that no one has the right to an opinion on anything. You are entitled to such rights only after you have thoroughly studied every aspect and explored every facet indeed only after you are converstant with all sides of the issue in question. Poch Suzara

Moral Strength

“It may be that religion is dead, and if it is, we had better know it and set ourselves to try to discover other sources of moral strength before it is too late.” -- Pearl Buck, What America Means to Me, 1947.
Moral strength, indeed, is not only a beauty, but also a necessity. Its basic sources, however, must always be found upon the search of the veracity, and not based upon easy beliefs in sacred mendacity. Moral strength is a matter of facing the problems of the human race that’s clear down here. It has nothing to do with the troubles of divine grace that’s vague up there. Poch Suzara

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Theocracy and Democracy

Has not the church its own network of schools and parishes? And, as an aside, via the faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus – does not church also own and control major newspapers and magazines; radio and television stations propagating daily religious matters throughout the Philippines? What about banks, corporations and other commercial enterprises owned by the Opus Dei, the Jesuits, the Christian Brothers, the Franciscan Order, Dominican Order, not to mention the wealth, power, and glory of Iglesia Ni Cristo and El shaddai organization and the Jesus is Lord Movement! Bro. Eli soriano of Dating Daan is on TV daily for hours and hours selling what millions of Filipinos are readily buying - Jesus Christ in the bible.

Indeed, in this country, before we can begin to enjoy the freedom away from mediocrity, or the freedom away from bigotry, or freedom away from stupidity, we must, first and foremost, enjoy the freedom of Christianity. It is, only in this way, that we can enjoy a true democracy.

The Catholic Bishops speak daily of corruption rampant in our sick society. How come our newspaper columnists have not had the spirit to write also about the daily corruption of the Bishops themselves who are keeping the Filipino spiritually poor as a people and keeping the Philippines backward morally as a nation? In the meantime, in this God-forsaken country, thanks to our Christian values and beliefs, we are told that there is no salvation outside the Church.

Hell, to prove just how poor and backward we are, millions of Filipinos also admit that there is no salvation inside the government either. Indeed, there is only corruption both inside the church and inside the government. But then again, what can be expected of a theocracy always in cahoots with a democracy pretending to mutually solve our history of national insanity? Poch Suzara

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Please be assured that there are those who are carrying on, somehow, what you can no longer do. We are a group composed of freethinkers, atheists, agnostics, humanists, and avid readers. We hope to continue the crusade you so bravely started a century ago. To liberate the Filipino mind from blind faith. Indeed, to banish the evil exploiters, executioners and liars out of our way of life. The evil called "Christianity" that was not only responsible for your death by public execution, but also entirely culpable for the strangulation of the search for truth, knowledge and wisdom for us as a people. Sir, I must sadly tell you that Christianity is the only thing that is a success in the Philippines. During your time, the Catholic friars shaped and controlled the destiny of the Filipino. Today, our country is controlled by the Catholic bishops and their political partners. There is no such thing as the power of God. There is only the power of the church, which maintains itself by teaching successive generations of impressionable Filipino students to embrace faith instead of science, reason and thought. Thus - via our schools, colleges, and universities - Christianity perpetuates the Filipino dream of the next life, whilst the priests and the politicians enjoy wealth, power, and glory in this life. We are taught by the millions to believe in sacred lies that only those biblically frightened would believe – that hours before you were executed – you retracted from your errors against Christianity and Masonry. Imagine Masonry. It was not even a religious organization or a revolutionary society. It was a humanitarian association dedicated to the liberation of mankind from being submerged in ignorance and slavery to progress in science and freedom. As a matter of fact, adherence to intellectual honesty and pursuit of veracity characterized you as a great man at home with scientific rationality. Indeed, you always struggled in the arena of ideas, using truth as your weapon, and reason as your shield. In the meantime, ours is not a system of education that encourages human intelligence. On the contrary, we are still stuck under a basic system of indoctrination that inspires social and moral and political decadence. Sir, you are the first intellectually courageous Filipino put to death by Christianity in the Philippines. It was due to your writings on the values of Filipino dignity, the beauty of a sane society, and love for humanity. You are the one and only great Filipino scientist-humanist-freethinker this country has ever produced. Instead of worshipping the saints of Christianity, for the sake of the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge - we would rather love you, respect you, and admire you! Dearest Sir, Happy Birthday on June 19. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Decline and Fall of Christianity

The Christian churches today are tearing each other apart externally. I am most elated to see these churches not only retreating, but also collapsing internally. It is about time to challenge its veracity historically.
For my part, after I am long dead and gone, I would like to be remembered as an individual who was primarily responsible for the death and burial of Christianity in the Philippines. I said it before and I say it again: - enough is enough. It is time to develop the most priceless treasures we all possess on this earth – our human mind and human heart. We need such treasures so that we can develop as well another precious thing on this earth - our own country for the sake of the nation’s children to grow up healthy, wealthy, and wise no longer having faith in a lot of priestly hogwash.
It is time to discard the promises of Christianity; for, as we search for the truth, we will discover that even the existence of God has all been based on religious threats concocted by the priesthood industry as a profit generating enterprise to benefit no one but themselves. Poch Suzara

Human Lifetime

Human lifetime is but a fraction of a millimeter long, a bittersweet instant in eternity, a wink of an eye, a flash in the pan, a split of a second long. Even our planet earth is so tiny in that a million planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun.
To think that the Son of the God Jesus during ancient times was born on this piece of dust called earth. In order to save mankind from sin he allowed himself to be crucified on the cross by men created too in the image and likeness of his own Father. And this is the same crucified Jesus who cried out from the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do!" Poch Suzara

The Politicians

The bible says: “If you live after the flesh, you shall die.” ( Rom 8:13). “Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexuals offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. ( 1 Cor. 6:9-10 ).
One thing glaringly obvious written in the bible: it knew exactly what it was writing about when it came to the life style of most politicians installed in the United States government with headquarters no longer at the Oval but in the Oral Office! Poch Suzara

US Economy

The US economy gets on high gear especially for the Industrial-Military-University Complex for as long as the US government prepares to go to war. War is big business globally. Especially under the pretext of installing freedom and democracy in foreign countries. But there has yet to be the same economic windfall if the US government were to install freedom and democracy to benefit the native American Indians, the Black Americans, and the homeless and jobless – the victims of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the United States of America. Poch Suzara

Life on Earth

Life on earth may be expensive, but it includes a free ride for everybody while the earth spins on its axis at 1,037 miles per hour. It includes another free ride as the earth orbits annually 595,000,000 miles around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour. And yet another free ride as the earth follows the sun going around the galaxy 250,000,000,000 miles at 400,000 miles per hour. Despite the astronomical free rides, only the esoteric few love the spaceship earth. The rest have been indoctrinated to ignore it or even to hate it for heaven’s sake. Poch Suzara

Illegitimate Jesus

The father of Jesus never legally married his mother Mary. Jesus therefore was an illegitimate Son. What a rotten way to give birth to family values. Nevertheless, can any one blame Jesus for preaching: "If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, brothers and sisters, and ye his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. See Matthew 10:34-37 and Luke 14:26. Poch Suzara


The USA may produce a filthy-rich criminals like Donald Trump worth in the billions of dollars. The same USA, however, can also produce millions upon millions of American citizens who are not only homeless, not only jobless, not only hopeless and thoughtless, but also landless. And to think that we millions of poor and sick Americans love to sing with pride “God Bless America - land of the free and the home of the brave." Poch Suzara

Japanese Proverb

“Baka ni tsukeru kusuri wa nai”- ‘There is no medicine that cures stupidity.”
But the worship of divinity is a greater evil than stupidity. Why not therefore find the cure not for stupidity, but the cure for divinity? Please do not misunderstand me. I have the greatest respect for Japan as a nation and the greatest admiration for the Japanese as a people. They do have another slogan which is more powerful as well as enviable: "A world without kindness is grim; a world without sweat is decadent." Often times, I have wondered if Japan had won the Second World War in the pacific, the Philippines would have been a better place than it has been. For one thing, Christianity would have died out as the Japanese culture, values and beliefs would have eradicated in the Filipino psychology that destructive faith in a God who will provide.Poch Suzara


I discovered through self-study how Christianity has not been based on values that promote health or wealth; or, for that matter, that promotes the welfare of humanity. I then began to look deep at the social and political and economic conditions of Filipinos dominated from infancy to senility to have faith in sacred lies and to believe in other biblical falsehoods?
What a thrill it was for me to have gradually discovered the beauties of atheism. How, in fact, atheism promotes the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. To begin with, we atheists have no God to love up there as an excuse to hate one another down here. Poch Suzara

Save Democracy

If we Filipinos were interested to save our democracy, the first thing we must do is to shut down and abolish all of our schools, colleges, and universities. Especially those owned and controlled by the Catholic Church and Iglesia Ni Cristo. The greatest enemy of democracy has always been and still is Christianity – the religion that makes a mockery of liberty by encouraging more faith only in divinity.
Consider our college-educated men and women of this country, including college professors: - none are qualified to be decent leaders to manage a decent government for the creation of a decent society to enhance throughout the land common human decency! In fact, our schools, colleges, and universities are places where minds are twisted and hearts are distorted to feel more at home with the fantastic promises of Christianity; and, at the same time, to feel terrorized when facing the realistic works needed to nourish freedom and to cherish democracy in our country. Poch Suzara


To love my mother and father, brothers and sisters, friends and other relatives, or even to love my country was hardly an issue at the foundation of my education at De la Salle University. In fact, I was taught to love Jesus first and foremost. However, since Jesus was never around to reciprocate love and affection for him, I learned in the end to love and to respect only his priests and nuns, bishops, cardinals, and his pope. As I was just one of the millions of such students, I imagined the impact of such teachings on the Filipino mind as a people, and on the Filipino heart as a nation.
My dear reader, if you have some other logical explanation as to why we Filipinos are impoverished spiritually, bankrupt morally, childish emotionally, insane socially, and frightened biblically; in brief, why, in this 21st century, we are the Sick Man of Asia, I would be most anxious to learn from you. Poch Suzara

Guardians of Christianity

For those who believe, no explanation is needed. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible. In other words, it does not matter what you believe as long as you believe. Tertullian, the great Christian theologian, once admitted: “It is true because it is absurd. I believe it because it is impossible.” And to think that this famous dumbstruck theologian was once highly feared, respected and admired as one of the greatest spiritual guardians of Christianity! In the meantime, it is easy to believe. It is hard to think. That is why, in our sick society, there are far more stupid believers than there are intelligent thinkers. Poch Suzara

What Does It Profit

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but suffers in the end the lost of his soul in the next world? I asked it before, I ask it again: What does it profit a man if he wins eternal salvation in heaven but leaves this world a worst place than he found it? Obviously, such a man had little reason for having lived. Indeed, such a man saw neither the beauty nor the power or even the worth in saving something even more priceless - his own precious mind and precious heart. Poch Suzara


Religion shows us how to go to heaven. Science, on the other hand, shows us how the heavens go. For my part, I’d rather be on the side of philosophy: it shows us how to question both science and religion as neither has found the truth. In finding the truth, however, I would pin my hopes first on science; never on religion. I do not trust religion. All the great religions of the world began with sacred lies. Poch Suzara

Pagan Satirist Celsus

At the end of the 2nd century the Pagan satirist Celsus writes: “Christians, it is needless to say, utterly detest each other. They slander each other constantly with the vilest forms of abuse, and cannot come to any sort of agreement in their teaching.”
It is the same old story today in this 21st century. Look at us Filipinos in this biggest Christian country in Asia. Look how we all love divinity up there by making a mockery of our sense of humanity down here. Poch Suzara

Three Kinds of People

There are only three kinds of people in this world: those who upgrade the human race; those who degrade the human race; and the rest who could not care less as nothing matters to them except divine grace. Perhaps, there is the fourth kind - the Americans who will insist that there is more grace in the love of money than there grace in the love for the human race! Poch Suzara

Practice Makes Perfect

If practice makes perfect and we practice unhappiness everyday on this earth, by the time we get to heaven, we shall surely be experts at how to be unhappy perfectly. Indeed, as the prayer goes.. "on earth as it is in heaven." Poch Suzara

Power of God

There is no such thing as the power of God. There is only the power of the church. Church power comes from human ignorance of which the church has insured and perpetuated for herself with fear of the Lord on the one hand; and, on the other hand, with threats of eternal punishment in hell; especially for those who have no wish to embrace blind faith in the teachings of the church. Indeed, if there is a God, I refuse to believe that such a God would allow the Church to spread more nonsense to believe in this world so as to prepare its believers to enter a next world called the power and the kingdom of God. Poch Suzara

Monday, May 29, 2006

Work of Fiction

No matter how a reader views a work of fiction, it cannot be denied that reading fiction shapes imagination, stirs emotion, and stimulates the intellect. Such is Dan Brown’s best seller the Da Vinci Code – 60 million copies sold and translated into 24 different languages worldwide.
The church claims that it does not manipulate revealed truth. It only serves the truth. What the church really means is that it serves fiction as the revealed truth has yet to be revealed. In the Da Vinci Code novel, a historian asked: what if the greatest story ever told is a lie? I watched the movie, then I read the book.Dan Brown indeed is a great writer. A better author than all the bible writers put together. Dan Brown makes his readers think. He teaches his readers to question and therefore to become less gullible.
To Dan Brown, please accept my deepest apologies for having written criticisms against you. My attack against you was based on catholic ignorance about your work. I am sorry, but now I know better. Thank you. Poch Suzara

The Death of Religion

A psuedo-scientist writes: “Humankind cannot abide the terror of mortality without the promise of immortality, I have argued in the past. In the absence of religion human society sinks into depressive torpor. Secular society therefore is an oxymoron, for the death of religion leads quickly enough to the death of society itself.” I ask: how true is this in China today as the Chinese people have been irreligious since the 11th century? Or take the USSR – a so-called atheistic nation that eventually crumbled but only because after dumping Christianity, the USSR replaced Christianity with another religion called “communism.” In the meantime, our world view has been deranged by myths imposed upon us by Christianity. For my part, I refuse to believe that centuries before Christianity arrived, ours was a dying society deprived of Christian teachings, values and beliefs. In fact, what diminished the Filipino of their rights to grow and to mature as decent human beings is evil of Christian religion. Indeed, up to this day and age, we still believe that religion has only to do with our knees, and not with our heads. I ask: What happened to our sense of intellectual honesty? I say phooey on Christianity. It continues to twist our minds as a people and continues to distort our hearts as a nation. And until we dump the evils of Christianity out of our country, indeed, out of our culture and tradition, the nothing that we Filipinos accomplished in the 16th century, we will only continue to accomplish more of the same nothing in this 21st century. Poch Suzara

The World

The world is painfully split into areas of wealth and poverty, with little prospect of narrowing the gap. The politics of global economic affairs in this century, as it was during the previous century, have been the politics of inequality, inherently a politics of internecine suspicion and power struggle and wars. With thanks to the US government always ready and eager to install freedom and democracy overseas. To mitigate not world poverty, but to liberate countries in order to promote and to develop American prosperity. Poch Suzara


Curiosity killed the cat. How fortunate for the cat. At least it was curious before it died. A lot of my friends and relatives and associates in the media and as professors in college who are all still alive have, instead, unfortunately, already killed their sense of curiosity. Consider the religious nonsense they were taught to believe during infancy; they still do believe it today even as they are already approaching senility. Poch Suzara


The existence of hospitals prove that prayers are utterly useless. As a matter of fact, if prayers work, we must pray harder for more hospitals, especially mental asylums, to be established throughout the Philippines. We need such facilities to help cure the Sick Man of Asia. A great many of them today were my former classmates, teachers, and professors at De La Salle University. Imagine these people. They still believe that the birth of health and the spread wealth and the general promotions of Filipino decency throughout the Philippines as a nation can only be a reality as soon as the Son of God Jesus from heaven will return back to his place of birth and death in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. Poch Suzara

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Archbishop of Manila

The Archbishop of Manila urged the faithful to pray for Filipino priests so that they may remain true to their vocation.
I ask: if God does not listen to the prayers of his priests, why should God listen to the prayers of those who are not priests? And to think that these religious cripples are suppose to be our spiritual guardians! Is this therefore a matter of: - ask not what God and his archbishop and priests can do for you; instead, ask what you can do for God and his archbishop and priests?
And to think that these are the same mental midgets who inspired the Filipino since the 16th century to believe that God will always provide!
In the meantime, may I suggest to you so-called religious leaders of this country please read Bishop John Shelby Spong’s - WHY CHRISTIANITY MUST CHANGE OR DIE: “Christian ethics are not found in a system of behavior control. They are rather found in a call to the fullness of life. The business of the church is, therefore, not to judge life, but to enhance consciousness, to expose ignorance and prejudice, and to remove the barriers to life in all of its fullness. The Church’s task is to assist its people in plumbing the depths of their own humanity, where transcendence, mystery, being, and even love are to discovered, and to bring qualities found in the center of life into the world." Poch Suzara

God and Jose Rizal

God does not prevent an airliner from crashing into a mountain; does not prevent a passenger ship from sinking into the ocean; does not prevent a residential building from burning; or did not even prevent the Catholic Spain in the 16th century to conquer the Philippines in his name and for his glory.
But lo and behold, because our Jose Rizal dared to bring intelligence and enlightenment to the Filipino mind, God was able to successfully prevent our national hero from getting executed without first signing the retraction papers.
And to think that if Rizal retracted, the Catholic friars who planned his death could have given him a decent Catholic burial. Instead, after being shot dead, this rare Filipino was just put inside an old sack and then thrown in a little corner where heretics and infidels were buried in Paco cemetery. In the meantime, for the love of Jesus, even the distant relatives of Rizal today have been kept unduly frightened by the mediocrity of the Catholic authority.Poch Suzara

Darwin and Rizal

Charles Darwin was a more fortunate scientist than our own scientist Jose Rizal. Due to his own theory of intellectual evolution for the Filipino, Rizal was put to death by musketry as decreed by the ecclesiastical authority. Darwin was only arrested and then incarcerated. Darwin’s evolution, however, is no longer a theory. It is a scientific fact. In the meantime, intellectual evolution for the Filipino in the Philippines remains neither a fact nor a theory. It is simply, a Catholic inspired tragedy. Poch Suzara

The Catholic and the Protestant

The difference between a Catholic and a Protestant is that both read the bible but do not agree as to what exactly the so-called good book says. The similarity, however, is that both the Catholic and the Protestant are mutually inspired not by the Satan of religion, but to follow the religion of Satan. Look how the Catholics and the Protestants treat each other: they have not ceased hating each other for the sake of deviltry keeping our country poor and backward. Poch Suzara

Pope Benedict XV1

Pope Benedict XV1 discounted efforts by some quarters to rehabilitate Judas, calling the 13th apostle of Christ “a greedy liar” who cared nothing about love.
I ask: What happened to that message as preached by Jesus in the bible such as love your enemies? Poch Suzara


As a devout Catholic during the first 18 years of my life, I was then good; unfortunately, good for nothing. I loved Jesus more than I loved my mother and father and my sisters and other relatives and friends. I was always ready and willing to defend the values and beliefs of Christianity. I could not care less about the human family. I could not care less about the plight of humanity. I certainly had no feeling of urgency to participate in the struggle for either social sanity or for peace on earth and goodwill to all men living in harmony. Mine, indeed, was the triumph of faith; but a dismal failure in education. It was the philosopher Bertrand Russell – who showed me that there is more life than just my silly beliefs. Who showed me the way towards grace as to why I should always be on the side of the human race. Indeed, to love mankind, not for what they are to the outward eye, but for what imagination shows that they have in them to become. Poch Suzara


I have more respect for the dead Filipino than I have respect for the dead Jew. When a Filipino dies, he does not resurrect back to life. He does not make a mockery of immortality.

In the meantime, there is only one truth, only one fact, and that is the reality of our own mortality. Religion is often used to deny this truth, to negate this fact. However the case may be, no matter how one looks at it, life is but a brief fleeting, bittersweet instant in eternity.

For my part, as an atheist, I entirely agree with Bertrand Russell: If we must die, let us die sober, and not drunk with lies. Poch Suzara


Christianity is not only something of a superlative entertainment. In the world of trade and commerce, Christianity is also the most profitable of business enterprises. Consider the price of admission needed to gain entrance to this greatest show on earth. It is rather too heavy a price to pay: the mindless surrender of the precious self via the mutilation of the intellect. Poch Suzara

People Who Need People

People who need people are not only the luckiest people in the World. They are also among the wealthiest people in the world; especially if they were in the business of foreign politics specializing in the business of foreign wars. Poch Suzara

Thursday, May 04, 2006

As an Atheist

I stand alone. It matters little to me if there were 10 or 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 or even 1,000,000 other atheists standing behind me. As an atheist, I have no need of other atheists to hold my hands especially as I struggle against the never- ending evils of superstition otherwise more popularly known as religion. To be worthy of atheism one must only carry on with the joys and beauty of intellectual courage. After all, all the great virtues are the virtues of men who stand alone.
In the meantime, as an atheist, let it be clearly understood that I do not believe in the existence of the God of the Catholics. I do not believe in the existence of the God of the Protestants. I do not believe in the God of the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or even in the God of my own creation, another omni-absent, good-for-nothing, supernatural -the ever mysterious and never so serious - Pocholian God! Poch Suzara


What if Jesus, Mary and Joseph together with the twelve apostles were first created by God in the Garden of Eden? What if Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel and the Talking Serpent have had no existence to disgrace the future of the human race? And to think that the bible admits that everything is possible with God. He could even impregnate a Virgin Mary to improve upon the descendants of Adam and Eve. And yet, God could not find it possible improve upon His original mess. Poch Suzara

The Wicked Says

In his pride the wicked says, There is no God to ask me for account. Psalm 10:4
On the contrary, there if there is a God, He should be held accountable for the conditions he had created that made men wicked. Poch Suzara

Religion and Prayer

Religion is supposed to comfort, not frighten – people. Religious people may feel the comfort of religion, but only for as long as they believe in what religion teaches, especially how to fear both life and death.
In the meantime, prayer is charlatanry, if not beggary; indeed, a pretentious effort at work to win that pie in the sky. Honest work is the only miracle that works. Poch Suzara

Religious Believers

The religious fanatics are up in arms about the Jesus and Magdalene marriage scandal written in the Dan Brown’s book the DA VINCI CODE – a work of fiction. But if you really want to get at the sources where Dan Brown formulated this work of fiction, please read the non-fiction book HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln. Indeed, in HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL Judas never betrayed Jesus who did not die on the cross. Jesus was married, a father of sons and daughters, and that his bloodline still exists today. The parchments found in the South of France a century ago reveal only a tiny portion of the best-kept secrets in Christendom. For my part, one need not go that far. Just read the four Gospel writers – Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John in the bible - to discover more about the pious frauds and other sacred lies that have kept Christianity rich and powerful during all these past centuries. Poch Suzara


Faith has reached its end. It is now dead. Any one who claims that he is a man of faith is not only insulting himself, but is doing his utmost best to prevent his own enlightenment. Respecting a man of faith is like respecting a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination. Poch Suzara

Closer to Jesus than to his own family and country

It’s incredible how most men with a school-boy mentality can have a personal relationship with Jesus. However, they could not have a meaningful relationship with their own spouse, or with their own parents, or with their own grandparents, or with their own sons and daughters, or with their own in-laws, or other friends and relatives. I try to imagine these men and women doing better for the good of their own country by having a harmonious relationship with their own minds and hearts - they are in closed touch with the hopes and dreams of fellow-citizens for the here and now. Sadly, however, these poor frightened saps only end up as either alcoholics, or drug-addicts, lunatics, fanatics, psychotics, or as Catholics for the glory of Jesus on earth as he is in heaven! In the meantime, when men talk to God - they are PRAYING. When God talks to men - they are HALLUCINATING. In either case, the result has always been SICKENING - there is only the SICK MAN OF FAITH - a blessed by God drunkard always clinging to a lamppost for support, not illumination. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

The Gods as Particles

The Christians do not believe in the Muslim God. The Muslims do not believe in the Christian God. And neither the Christian nor the Muslim believe in the mother of their religion – Judaism which was founded upon an older religion – Mithraism.
More than a hundred billion religious people have already lived and died on this earth. My dear reader, do you really believe that a Christian God or a Muslim God or a Jewish God gives a hoot about the religious life on this earth? Consider the one million (1,000,000) planets the size of our earth can fit inside the sun! And our sun is just one of the trillions of suns called stars! If those Gods exist, they are just as microscopic a particle that exist in the universal scheme of existence.Poch Suzara

Economic Growth

It is still taught in our universities that population growth is a stimulant to economic growth. The opposite, in fact, is obviously true. Poverty growth, not economic growth, has been the result of population growth. Our economists still have the impression that there is no limit to growth; that there is in nature an infinite amount of resources, and that a satisfactory substitute can be found for every depleting resource. No doubt, during the past centuries, economic growth was the cure; today in this 21st century, economic growth is a disease. Consider most of today’s economic productivity causing “ecological destruction.”
In the 1950s, the population of the Philippines was 15 million Filipinos. We were then a poor country. Today in the year 2006, our population has reached 88 million Filipinos. We are poorer in this decade than we were poor during the past decades. In the meantime, the faithfools of this God-forsaken country are still preaching to the multitudes not to worry because God will provide. Poch Suzara


We atheists have nothing against morality as a method of insuring law and order in society. What we are against, however, is morality based upon religious mendacity and other ecclesiastical authority that have absolutely nothing to do with the creation of a sane and a healthy society.
Bertrand Russell wrote it briefly: I am not suggesting that a man should be destitute of morality. I am only suggesting that he should be destitute of superstitious morality, which is a very different thing. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


War is all about soldiers dying in the field of battle. After
the war, the stupid politicians take over the mess while the
economists under the payroll of the industrialists prepare for more war to take place. After all,there is more money to be made in the art of hating and killing than there is in the art of loving and healing. War is big business. Poch Suzara

Nothing is Permanent

Everything is in a state of flux. Everything is in motion. Nothing is permanent as everything is tentative. Change is the only reality. To believe means to be stuck under mediocrity. To think means being unstuck under rationality. It is therefore silly to believe in anything unchangeable as even life itself is all about growth and constant movement towards death and decay. Let us all enjoy the ride as it is free. The trip free on earth as our vehicle around the sun annually. Poch Suzara


I remember in school and at home how we were always active daily with prayers. I remember my parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties, and cousins and how we all prayed the rosary together nightly. We prayed for a miracle from God to please transform the Philippines into a decent country for all Filipinos. Today, it is just more of the same. We Filipinos are still as active as ever with daily prayers. Even the millions of Filipinos already enjoying higher standard of living in foreign countries continue praying to God for a miracle to change the Philippines for the better. These are the same Filipinos who long to come back home already. Especially, if they will have the same opportunities as employees working in the Philippines growing, expanding, and developing as a civilized nation. For my part, I say it again: it is about time we stop wasting time and energy with this prayer business as prayer is nothing but a lot of religious garbage? Isn’t it time that we Filipinos begin to grow as a people and begin to develop as a nation with the power of our own minds and hearts? If there were power in prayer, where are the results? How come in this day and age, even our own church officials are asking us to pray for the priests so that they may remain faithful to their vows, and not walk out of the priesthood industry? What we desperately need in the Philippines is more science and the scientific way of thinking. It is all about the power of knowledge that has nothing to do with the Gospels. Indeed, knowledge has nothing to do with the bible? Knowledge can never be discovered by reading a book written centuries ago by half-starved, protein-deficient, and poorly educated men wondering around the desert hallucinating from the desert heat in which they tried to make sense out of their own mediocre existence. And to think that those were the kind of superstitious morons who brought Christianity into our shores some 500 years ago. Indeed, Christianity – the religion based not upon the good life as inspired by love and guided by knowledge, but the religion based upon the thoughtless scheme of salvation from death. Until we learn to stop hating one another in God’s name, we shall never emerge out of our poverty as a people. Until we learn to love only the Philippines, we shall only continue to remain morally and spiritually bankrupt as a nation! Poch Suzara

Poverty of the Mind

The worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind. In this God-forsaken country, even the filthy rich are unable to enjoy the wealth of the mind because they have been taught to believe that if they remain poor in spirit – God will always bless them. Thus, the filthy rich and the filthy poor in the Philippines both equally suffer from the worse kind of poverty – the poverty of the mind.
In the meantime, we members of the intellectual community entirely agree with Bertrand Russell: - Happiness is the nonetheless true happiness because it must come to an end, nor do thought and love lose their value because they are not everlasting. Poch Suzara

I am a Filipino

I am an Asian and a Filipino born in the Philippines. Jesus was a Jew born in Israel. What have I anything to do with the Jews – supposedly already God’s Chosen people? And to think that the Philippines is predominantly a Catholic country; Israel is a Jewish State. And to think further that even Jesus Christ himself was not born of Catholic parents or even raised and educated in a Catholic school. Poch Suzara

God Will Provide

In the 1950s, the population of the Philippines was then 15 million Filipinos. We were then a poor country. Today in the year 2006, our population has reached 88 million Filipinos. We are poorer in this decade than we were poor during the past decade. In the meantime, the religious leaders of this God-forsaken country are still preaching to the multitudes not to worry because - God will provide. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Catechism Class

Bishop Teodoro Bacani, Jr. claims that the voice of people is the voice of God. He wrote: “God does not speak only through His bishops. Often He speaks through His people.”
I ask the good bishop: What about the voice of Adam and Eve as against the voice of the serpent speaking in behalf of the devil? Where was God’s voice then to protect Adam and Eve? Indeed, instead of protection, what instead they experienced in paradise was expulsion. Perhaps Adam and Eve were both guilty of sin. But our politicians in government as elected by the voice of God are not only guilty of sins against God, but also guilty of crimes against the State.
What have the bishops got to do with matters of the material State? Aren’t they responsible with matters concerning only the spiritual church? Indeed, if the voice of the people were the voice of God, what need is there for the voice of the bishops to speak to God for the people?
I dare challenge you bishops to be among the first to resign to remedy the ills that’s keeping this only Christian country in Asia poor religiously, backward morally, and insane socially. Poch Suzara

Happy Filipinos

Filipinos are the happiest people in Asia despite crises, - says an Archbishop of the church. What an irresponsible statement to make!
Happiness is an achievement. It is neither a statement nor an opinion. Thus far, however, due to our traditional belief that God will provide, we Filipinos have only achieved more of the same nothing as a people and have achieved more of the same nothing as a nation.
In the meantime, the poverty epidemic in the Philippines has many population-related causes, especially lack of nutrition, lack of medical care, lack of proper hygiene and sanitation, lack of clean water supplies, and indeed lack of housing and school buildings. We do, however, have plenty of politicians and theologians who are the “haves” enjoying prosperity, while the rest of us are the ‘have-nots” enjoying poverty. Poch Suzara

The Filipino

Happily, there are approximately ten million Filipinos living like decent people today working for the foreigners in more than 160 foreign countries around the world.
Unhappily, however, there are about the forty million Filipinos left behind still existing under poor conditions, without sense of pride and dignity as citizens of the Republic of the Philippines.
The real fortunate ones, however, are the very few rich Filipinos. They are most grateful to the one and only foreigner who arrived here some five centuries ago. His name is Jesus – the Son of God. Jesus has answered favorably their prayers. Without having to go foreign countries, they all feel blessed by the Lord to enjoy wealth, power, and glory here in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

Only in the Philippines

The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. As poverty of the worst kind, however, is the poverty of the mind and heart, both the rich and the poor alike comprising our sick society mutually enjoy poverty equally, especially for the glory of divinity.
In the meantime, in this poor and backward country, each time we are faced with harsh reality, we just either pray or play or worse – crack a joke about it. In a circus, we are the clowns laughing at our own perpetual stupidity. Poch Suzara

Wealth of the Church

The assets and properties and other commercial enterprises owned and controlled by the church including schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines are worth in the trillions of tax-free pesos. In the meantime, from the 16th century up to the 21st century, millions upon millions of spiritually impoverished Filipinos continue buying what, for centuries, the church has been selling: eternal salvation in the next world with Jesus. And to think that millions of so-called college educated men and women of this country today still swallow hook, line, and sinker that holy baloney. Poch Suzara

Lenten Season

During the Lenten season, it is a sin to eat meat on Fridays. During the rest of the year, however, it is not a sin to live like pigs or to think like cows.
In the meantime, millions of Filipinos still believe what they have been taught from infancy to believe - that God will always provide.
Is it any wonder that our bishops can easily proclaim that: The Filipinos, despite the economic crises, are the happiest people of Asia! Poch Suzara

Presidential Elections

Massive cheating was endemic during the last presidential elections. No candidate, however, was caught; except the winner – GMA. This is the same president who openly disclosed that “God put me here” and that “God has plans for me.” Imagine God - cheating with her!
It has been suggested that all of the candidates who cheated in last elections should be hanged. Since there are not enough ropes to hang them with – it has been further suggested that they should all volunteer and jump into the Pasig River. And to think that even our own Pasig river has already died of corruption decades ago. Poch Suzara

Fear Of the Lord

If you wish to be a happy person enjoying self-respect and dignity, do not live a life of fear. Do not fear anything. Do not even fear the Lord. Let the Lord, instead, fear you. After all, in sending you to hell, the Lord needs the help of another supernatural coward – the silly devil to carry out the task behind your back. Look at the Lord and his devil – they do not even have the mutual decency to introduce themselves to you face to face. How can they? They do not exist. In the meantime, where’s heaven as God’s residence located? Or, where’s hell as Satan’s home situated? Even the brightest among the Jesuit theologians have not the foggiest.
Poch Suzara

Thank you Lord

Lord, thank you for my eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste, and for my skin to feel. But Lord, could you please kindly remove totally the more than 2,000,000,000 different kinds of germs, assorted viruses, and deadly bacteria existing happily inside the human body as their housing facilities? Really Lord, those nasty little creatures will eventually kill not only me but also kill your disciples and followers even if they believe in free will. By the way Lord, could you also please clarify this issue: After we are dead and our bodies begin to rot, how may we still enjoy eternal happiness with you in heaven without eyes to see, without ears to hear, without nose to smell, without tongue to taste, without skin to feel, without brains to think, and without our sex organs to fuck 72 year old virgins? Poch Suzara

Raising The Dead

Dear Jesus, if you had raised not dead bodies, but raised instead only dead minds in your community, your followers and disciples then would have been among the first to be not deadly in the ways of believing, but more so lively in the ways of thinking. Poch Suzara

Walked On Water

If Jesus had only explored and discovered the wealth found under water, and not just walked on top of it, he could have multiplied not only fish for the health of his community, but also distributed a wealth of information for everybody globally. Poch Suzara

The Burning Bush

During ancient times, God in the shape of a burning bush, appeared to Moses. What a treat that must have been for Moses. But was it true? Perhaps, Moses who was really more into magic than he was into logic was just being dramatic. He was just hallucinating as he was a lunatic. Indeed, in the bible, Moses managed to described the nature of his own death and burial. In the scientific term, Moses was a psycho-ceramic. In the layman’s language, he was a crackpot. And to think that this biblical hero was one of the characters who was responsible for the success of the Christian religion. Poch Suzara

God’s Creation

Let’s assume God is perfect and that man is the evidence of his creation. The real question is what was God’s motive? Why would a perfect God bother to create an imperfect man in his own image and likeness? Free Will? What force has human free will against the power of divine will? In the meantime, if God could create heaven without pain and suffering, what was so hard for God to have created also a planet earth without pain and suffering? Poch Suzara

Adam and Eve

Adam or Eve wrote not a single verse in the bible. No report whatsoever about their unique personal relationship with God Himself. What was it like to experience communicating directly with God? Did He speak authoritatively or affectionately? In what language? Was God really that involved with human hopes and dreams and education? What about the Tree of Knowledge then existing? Did God inspire both Adam and Eve to discover and to learn from that tree of Knowledge? Enough to add new and fresh ideas on top it and to pass on to their children and grandchildren? And what happened to that Tree of Knowledge? How come it miraculously vanished into thin air? Perhaps, Eve asked God to have it replanted elsewhere. Did Adam cut it down as it turned out to be a worthless tree of stupidity. At any rate, where is that Tree of Knowledge to be found existing anywhere today? My dear reader, would you believe that even the millions of college-educated Filipinos - the most well-informed men and women in all of Asia today know not where that Tree of Knowledge is to be found? All they know is that God has it revealed as one of the Revealed Truths of God in the Holy Bible. Poch Suzara

The Talking Serpent

According to Genesis in the bible, it was the serpent who tempted Eve to eat off the fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil. After she did so, she got pregnant. Since Eve’s son Cain turned out to be evil who, over nothing, murdered his only brother Abel, it must have been the serpent who sired Cain with Eve under that Tree of Good and Evil. Poch Suzara

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Insanity is far more destructive than the Weapons of Mass Destruction. After all, insanity produced such weapons. Not surprisingly, however, even far more destructive than human insanity is the American insanity. Indeed, we Americans have yet to retool our basic industries from war economy to peace economy and start entertaining the idea that being loved and at peace with the rest of the world is a much more lucrative business than being hated and at war with the rest of the human race. In the meantime, anti-terrorism is no excuse for imperialism. Poch Suzara


Someday, thanks to science, health will spread faster than disease. In fact, even more fantastic, one day science will make our dream of human immortality a reality. These miracles in the future could have been made possible during the past centuries had not stupid religion stood in the way always fighting against the progress of science. Indeed, fighting science as an engine generating the power of human knowledge to improve the human conditions on this earth.
In the centuries to come, not religion, but science will be mankind’s only savior. If, however, science fails to work, what we will be needed is not less, but precisely more science. In this world, indeed, in all of nature, there is absolutely nothing quite like science. Poch Suzara

The Sun and the Earth

A million ( 1,000,000 ) planets the size of earth can fit inside the sun. The earth compared is a piece of particle floating in space aimlessly. But the religious teachers like the Jesuit theologians and its Opus Dei gang continue to teach our children in school to believe that on this speck of dust called earth, God made man in his own image and likeness. In other words, in relation to the galaxies, the creator himself must be a supernatural speck of divine dust floating in space thoughtlessly, if not recklessly. Poch Suzara


Religion makes half of the human world insane, and the other half hypocrites. Even more amusing, however, religion divides people into hate and war perpetually, and then unites people dead and buried in the cemetery eternally.
Billions of people enjoy having faith in the mysterious, in the religious, or in the superstitious. Indeed, billions of people even admit that they cannot live without God. This is truly a pathetic state of human affairs since God Himself admits that He too cannot live without the devil. Poch Suzara

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Poverty in the Philippines Accoriding to the ADB Clowns

According to the Asian Development Bank economists
( MST March 29 ) – the following are the causes of poverty in the Philippines:
1) Weak Macroeconomic management
2) High unemployment
3) Weak agricultural production
4) High corruption and weak governance
5) Insurgency and violence particularly in Mindanao
6) Physical disability
It’s incredible how the economists of the ADB responsible for these conclusions utterly failed to include one of the greatest, if not the most powerful causes of poverty in the Philippines: – religion.
Indeed, what wealth could be produced by a people who, during these past 400 years, have been taught to believe and to have faith in the following:
That the cultivation of one’s mind is not that important as the salvation of one’s soul after death.
That this life is nothing compared to the next life in the next world after death.
That this land down here is nothing compared to the promised land of the Lord up there.
That while we are struggling to survive on this earth, we should be waiting by praying for the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus. We are told that He will remedy all the ills of our sick society. By the way, this is the same Jesus who, in his lifetime, cured leprosy temporarily in his community. Leprosy is a disease that is curable but still victimizes people throughout the world today.
Before Christianity arrived in our shores in the 16th century, we were among the simple people of Asia. Today, in this 21st century, after 400 years of Christian values and beliefs, we Filipinos have only become the complicated Sick Man of Asia. And to think that the Chinese, Japanese, Thais, and the Vietnamese and other Asian neighbors have always enjoyed what we Filipinos have never enjoyed in the Philippines: love of country and love of fellow-citizens. What,instead, we have always loved is that pie in the sky, by and by. Indeed, we take pride and continue to have faith in what the holy bible teaches us: - “Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” John 2:15.
I ask you ADB economists: Have you taken into account the assets and properties and other commercial enterprises including schools, colleges, and universities that are owned and controlled by the religious institutions of this country? They are worth in the trillions of tax - free pesos. In the meantime, during the past 400 years, hundred of millions of spiritually impoverished Filipinos continue buying what our religion has always been selling: eternal salvation with Jesus in the next life. Indeed, blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Matt 5:3.
Other Asian countries have already emerged out of their economic stagnancy. Thanks to the power of science and technology. But if we Filipinos were to grow and to develop as a nation, we too must begin to learn to accept the scientific way of thinking. It is the only path towards regaining our health as a people and achieving our wealth as a nation. If, however, we just continue to embrace more of the same old religion, the poor quality of life in the Philippines will worsen. And in our already sick society, this will mean more poverty of the worst kind: - the poverty of the Filipino minds and hearts. Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 11, 2006


If Life doesn’t begin at conception, when did life begin for the sperm and egg that were already “alive” prior to fertilization? Indeed, life is not only a lively but also a sexually transmitted disease with a morality rate of 100 per cent. Poch Suzara

Truth telling

In a world of religious lies and political deceit, being truthful shocks the hell out of most people; specially if the system of education they went through were not about the power of intelligent thoughts, but only about the faith in stupid beliefs. Poch Suzara


I agree that ignorance is not shameful; however,imposing ignorance is shameful. I further agree, that most people should not to be blamed for their own ignorance, but if they willfully pass it on, especially in school, colleges, and universities, then that's not only blamable, but also damnable. What I think is utterly ridiculous, however, is when most people do not call it ignorance; instead, in most cases, they proudly believe it as having Faith in God. Poch Suzara

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever.
I ask: is God really that maliciously cruel in that he leads you into temptation? Moreover, if God can deliver you away from evil, why not get rid of evil to begin with? Perhaps, God does not want to displease his old buddy Satan the one in charge and responsible for evil in this world. At any rate, next time you pray to God tell Him to lead you instead to the power of thought! Poch Suzara

Death and Temptation in the Bible

The bible admits that: “God is a not a man that he should
Lie; neither the son of man that he should repent.” Num 23:I9.

Then this same bible admits also that: “And it repented the Lord that he has made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.” Gen 6:6

Again in the bible: “The strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.” I Sam I5:29

But in the same silly bible: “The Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel.” I Sam I5:35

A faithful Christian wrote that he is so sad for me because as an atheist, when I die, I will be going no where; whereas he will be going to meet with God in heaven after his death. What a moron. This fellow does not read his own holy bible, Eccl. 9:5: “For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.”

And to think that the faithfools comprising our sick society have the foolish notion that the atheists are ignorant of bible contents or messages. On the contrary, properly read the bible is most encouraging for the creation of atheism ever conceived by inspired writers. Poch Suzara

Free Will as a Lot of Theological Hogwash

A reader comments: If God will take away His gift of Free Will, you will not be an atheist, nor will you have the freedom to rebuke God, nor be forced to believe ALL that is written in the Scriptures, nor have the option of how you will live my life, if I still want to call it a Life. My response: Where was your free will to choose to be born a girl or a boy? Or choose to be born of a Filipino or American parents? Or to choose to be born in the century of your choice? Or even to choose not to be born at all? Indeed, where is your free will to choose as to when exactly you would like to die one day? And if you really have a free will, why then do you pray daily to God to lead you not into temptation? And why pay for your sins as the results of free will? Now where was Adam’s free will to choose his kind of woman? Or Eve’s free will to choose her kind of man? More to the point – why would God give a serpent not only free will but also the free ability to talk and tempt Eve to fall with Adam in order to prove that divine grace for the coming human race will end up in nothing but a total disgrace? Free will is theological hogwash. Poch Suzara

The Mission of Jesus

Another reader comments: Jesus' original mission in the world is to redeem mankind from sin, not to destroy the devil.
My response: How? By fasting without food for forty days? By walking on water? By curing leprosy not on a permanent basis?
Crucified on the cross Jesus cried out: “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Are those the utterances of a redeemer or a savior? Surely, those are the cries of a failure. After all, Jesus failed miserably to destroy the devil as was his mission to do so. Poch Suzara


The college-educated men and women of this country have yet to ask: how come there are no atheists or agnostics or humanists working for our government? How come only the college educated Christians are in government keeping it as corrupt as ever? In fact, the President of our Republic recently admitted that “God put me here.” Perhaps God is truly behind the power of college education in the Philippines. Poch Suzara

The Poor Filipino

The poor Filipino has no government. It has been stolen away from him. He also has no money. The consolation, however, is that the poor Fellow is often reminded that everything is just fine and dandy because after he is dead, he will begin to enjoy eternal wealth and health and happiness in heaven as a reward for his never- ending faith in God. After all, te bible assures us that the poor are God's favorite people.
In the meantime, the priesthood industry in this God-forsaken country has not ceased living off the backs of the poor Filipinos, profits from their degradation, and benefits from the ignorant and the oppressed, specially from the faithful and obedient Filipinas. Poch Suzara

The Bible says

With God, all things are possible. Is this true? How come, after billions of years of existence, God has not yet found it possible to learn from experience? For example, learn how to co-exist with love and health and wealth with the whole of humanity to live happily and gracefully together globally. In this way, we will have time and energy to explore not each other's hate, but explore our love for this world. Our world. Poch Suzara

Why do I Bother

Why do I bother writing about Christianity as another word for holy baloney? It is because Christianity has had more than 2,000 solid years of existence behind the power of God to have regenerated the world. Look at the devout and faithful Christians themselves. They do not love the world. Their own holy bible teaches them to “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any one love the world, the love of God is not with him .” Look at the Philippines. It is probably the only Christian country where there is so much love for God up there, but only via so much hate for one another down here.
And to think that the bible also admits that: “With God all things are possible.” Mark 10:27. Poch Suzara

Only in the Philippines

According to the Department of Health, more than 98 per cent of Filipinos suffer from tooth decaying, molars rotting, and gums bleeding. And yet, the Filipino dentists practicing dentistry in the Philippines are more active and involved with what is written in the Old and in the New Testament than what’s written in the latest on the science of dentistry.
Indeed, only in the Philippines: Under our Christian values and beliefs, even the highly university trained Filipino doctors have not the slightest inkling just how sick we Filipinos are as the Sick Man of Asia. In fact, look at those Filipinos already dead in our society. They are not yet buried. They are still roaming aimlessly around waiting for the Second Coming of Christ to resurrect them back to life. Poch Suzara

Theological dilemma

If God created man gifted with a free will, and human free will have turned out to be just as messy as divine will, then maybe God should have already ceased creating man in his own image and likeness. After all, according to the bible, in the end, “the many are called, but only the few are chosen.” And to think that more than 100 BILLION people have already lived and died on this earth since the days of Adam and Eve together with their pet snake, a Talking Serpent also gifted with free will from God! Poch Suzara

The Next World

The ticklish part about enjoying eternal bliss in the next world in heaven after death is that, to begin with, there is no road map available that shows the way how to get to there. Nobody knows where exactly heaven IS located or precisely situated. Then there is the matter of the means of transportation available on how to get there. Imagine yourself already dead and traveling as a corpse to the next world! In the meantime, what about hell? How could a material lake of fire burn forever the immaterial souls of men who offended God? The God lives in heaven that nobody, but nobody knows anything about its existence anywhere in the universe? For my part, it does not at all bother me to realize that for millions of years before I was born, I was existing as a nothing. It also does not bother me to realize now that for millions of years after I am dead, I will again be existing as the same old nothing. So what is there to be frightened or bothered about? Poch Suzara


Throughout history religion has been connected with what is best and noblest in human beings. The question is: - which religion? Christianity? Islam? Judaism? Religious attitudes and behavior have always led not only to widespread suffering and humiliation, but also to hate and violence.
Look how religions look at each other as the religion of demons.
Look at the Philippines – the famous Christian country in Asia. Since the 16th century Christianity has kept the Filipino not only impoverished spiritually, not only bankrupt morally, not only backward economically, not only ignorant in science and technology, but also in God’s name and for his glory - we are all insane socially. Poch Suzara