Saturday, August 27, 2016

What About the Legal Drugs Doing More Harm than Illegal Drugs in the Philippines

Friday, August 19, 2016

Old Age

"Old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle for  human decency."                                                                                  Bertrand Russell, Atheist
I said it before, I say it again: If only the foundation of  our system of education were more about learning how to create and establish and spread human decency everywhere down here, and nothing to do with prayers to, or having to do with having faith in a sick divinity up there, at this time, surely, ours should already be a sane, healthy, decent, and a wholesome society.
                                                                                 Poch Suzara, Atheist

  Julia C. Lagoc

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Such Childish Nonsense as Truth Revealed in the Bible

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 2 Tim 4:7

Could any of you really believe that God inspired one of his authors to write such childish nonsense as a revealed truth in the bible?

In the meantime, I ask: what fight? What race? And faith in what faith? Since a man of faith is like a drunkard who clings to a lamppost for support, not illumination? - Poch Suzara

There is No such Thing as the War Between GOOD versus EVIL

Here is something messier for the saps and the jerks to grapple with: In this world, there is no such thing as the war between GOOD  versus EVIL. There is only the war of EVIL versus EVIL and EVIL has always been winning. We, in the Western world, Like silly damned fools, we even call it the WAR for FREEDOM and DEMOCRACY to protect the land of the free and to defend the home of the brave. Oh yes, war has always been BIG BUSINESS for the munition industry. In the meantime, look at us humans living on this piece of dust called earth ruled and dominated by the evils of the great religions all hating each other for the greater of their respective gods who is just as evil as the other gods. – Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

I am an Atheist and Proud and Happy to be an Atheist

In our poor, sick, and historically backward country, if you were a Catholic, you have every right to publicly declare yourself as a Catholic. If you were a Muslim, you have every right to publicly declare yourself a a Muslim. If you were Jewish, you have every right to publicly declare  yourself as Jewish. If you were a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo church or a follower of Dating Daan or a follower of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy - the Son of the God church - you can publicly declare yourself as such.

To think that these variety of sick religious believers all hate each other and have not ceased insulting each other!
Now my so-called "atheist" friends and associates tell me if you were an atheist, never must you ever openly admit  or publicly declare that you are an atheist because atheism is such a dirty, vulgar, and evil word. It means that as an atheist you are worthless person, if not an insane character. A sinner destined to be damned forever punished in hell by God for the rest of eternity.
WOW, for my part, I am not only an atheist, but am proud and happy to openly and publicly declare myself as the Father of Atheism in the Philippines. If you don't like it, that's your tough fucking luck! - Poch Suzara Google@ Facebook# Twitter#


Sunday, August 14, 2016

People, Events. and Ideas

Ordinary minds talk about people. Average minds talk about events. Great minds talk about ideas. - Confucius. . - - -

Sadly, and regrettably, most college educated Filipinos will sooner talk about people and events; hardly, however, do they love to read or write about ideas or the power of thought. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

The Grand Illusions of Reality

"The past is never dead. It's not even past."' This has sometimes been paraphrased or misquoted as "The past isn't over. It isn't  even past."

                                                                                      - - -William Faulkner

Well, let's take a closer look at the reality of the past: Each unfolding reality of the past contained the seeds of its destruction and the embryo of a new reality that replaced it and so on forever and ever!
                                                                                      - - - Poch Suzara

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I hated Going to La Salle Grade School and High School.

I hated going to La Salle grade school and high school because my sick teachers in class would only prized test scores above critical thinking under the lively asking of questions. They only valued the mindless answers even if the answers were already obsolete, if not utterly useless... Indeed, the most wonderful part of my education in La Salle was getting expelled out of high school; indeed, altogether getting kicked out of that sick institution more referred to as "education." I said it before, I say it again: the greatest truth to be found anywhere in the world is not in a sick system of education, but simply in "self-education." --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Friday, August 12, 2016

FREEDOM as Another BULLSHIT word

"America is best described by one word, freedom." --- Dwight D. Eisenhower --- Oh my dear Dwight, not according to the Native Indians, the original owners of the American continent; not according to the Black Africans captured in Africa and transported to be the slaves in America. Even to Filipinos conquered by Americans away from the Spaniards more than a century ago - the word "freedom" is nothing but a "bullshit" word.--- Poch Suzara

COMMENT by: Gil C. fernandez To my Good Friend Anonymous Racism per se is bad, there is no justification about it, to argue that many ethnic groups practiced it is not rational and definitely a fallacy, i.e., argumentum ad populum. White America has suffered from racism since after the time of Christopher Columbus arrival in America, when African in thousands forcibly captured like animals from their native land brought to America and sold as slaves. White America is guilty of genocide in the almost complete annihilation of millions native American Indians. White America used the atomic bomb on yellow Japanese when they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki which they did not use against White Germany in WW-2. And the recent Vietnam war, when these brown Vietnamese the poorest people in the world, fighting for freedom, oppressed by the most powerful country in the world which is White America. Yes, Racism is White America's greatest Disease.--- Gil C. Fernandez                                                                                                                   

Our Nation's Heroes Already Dead and Buried

I asked it before, I ask it again: in considering our sick and corrupt society under a sick and corrupt government politicians historically always in cahoots with the sick and corrupt church and her theologians - aside from being buried in the LIBINGAN NG MGA BAYANI CEMETERY - what else have our heroes really accomplished for the Filipino as a people still sick and corrupt; and what have our heroes really achieved for the Philippines as a nation still sick and corrupt? - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Fake Atheists versus Genuine Atheists Existing in the the World Today

There are 1.2 Billion Christians existing in the world today. They are atheists. They do not believe in the existence of Allah – the God of the Muslims. There are 1.1 Billion Muslims existing in the world today. They are also atheists. They do not believe in the existence of the Lord Jesus – the God of the Christians. There are also some 14 to 15 Million Jews in the world today. They are all also atheists .They do not believe in the existence of the Christian God, nor do they believe in the existence of Allah - the God of the Muslims. Just like the Christians and the Muslims also do not believe in the existence of YAHWEH - the God of the Jews. For my part, I am a genuine atheist. I do not believe in the existence of the Christian God. I do not believe in the existence of the Muslim Allah. And I do not believe in the existence of Yahweh – the God of the Jews. If, however, I should love, respect , and venerate a religion, I am on the side of Buddhism; though it can hardly be considered a religion in the traditional sense. Nevertheless, listen to Buddha - a great character of great intellectual capacity: "Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." In the meantime, as traditional religion has mostly been about fear and hate and war against each other and against other religions, I am most happy and most proud to be known in the world today as an atheist; in fact, known as the Father of Atheism in the Philippines. Soon, I shall be leaving this world. I hope that other atheists will carry on what I can no longer do; especially to keep the beauty, sanity and harmony of atheism growing and expanding and developing in this only world - the only world we need to love as this is our world. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists# ...Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Monday, August 08, 2016

The Worst Kind of Poverty and Crime in the Philippines

Historically, the worst kind of poverty is easily found existing in the Philippines - the poverty of mind and heart. The evil has been the main sick result of a sick system of education... Again, historically, of all the crimes committed daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly in the Philippines, the greatest of crimes is also easily found existing in the Philippines - the crime of SILENCE. Specially committed by government officials all always bragging to high heavens that they are MAKA-DIOS and MAKA-JESUS... For my part, as a Filipino born in the Philippines as an atheist, (just all babies are born as atheists), I look forward to my own death with much pride and self-respect also as an atheist. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter

WE Filipinos are Failures Both as a People and as a Nation

"Most people fail in life because they major in minor things." - - - Tony Robbins - - - We Filipinos are failures both as a people and as a nation because in schools, colleges, and universities, we were taught to major in minor things. Such as life after death is more important than life after birth. indeed, that love of divinity up there is more vital than love of our country down here. That God loves all Filipinos; specially those faithful under the mystery of a Catholic theology; but what God loves even more is MONEY in care of His priesthood industry.--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Saturday, August 06, 2016

The Existence of Mystery

Mystery is not dependable, it is despicable since it depends upon fear and ignorance. If you wish to learn more about the existence of a mystery - read your sick bible. - Poch Suzara

Thursday, August 04, 2016

I am Happy and Proud as an Atheist Since the Age of 16

Friends, relatives, associates, and college educated saps and jerks on these pages are tickled, pestered, molested, frightened, bewitched, bothered, and bewildered by the fact openly declared by me that I have been an ATHEIST ever since the age of 16. They ignore the fact that 1.2 BILLION Christians are atheists too. They do not believe in the existence of the Muslim God known as ALLAH. Also, there are 1.1 BILLION Muslims who are also ATHEISTS; they do not believe in the existence of the Christian God more known as the Son of God Jesus. Now both the Muslims and the Christians are also atheists. They do not believe in the existence of Yahweh - the God of Jews. As with me, the real atheist - I do not believe in the existence of God of the Christians, neither do I believe in the existence of Allah - the God of the Muslims. And I do not believe in the existence of Yahweh - the God of the Jews. I also do not care to believe in the existence of other Gods of the other sick religions of the world. Religious believers of this world do not love one another. They all hate each other. As with me, a real a theist, what have I going for me in life? Plenty, including this very especial, simple, and meaningful and favorite song I sing daily. Here are the last few words for your attention: "FOR, WHAT IS A MAN, WHAT HAS HE GOT, IF NOT HIMSELF, THEN HE HAS NOT, TO SAY THE THINGS HE TRULY FEELS, AND NOT THE WORDS OF ONE WHO KNEELS, THE RECORD SHOWS, I TOOK THE BLOWS, AND DID IT MY WAY." Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Sunday, July 31, 2016

I do not Believe in God Neither Do I believe in Religion

I believe in God, but not in religion." - - - President Rodrigo Duterte My dear Mr. President, for my part, I do not believe in God because God has never, but never done anything to get rid of the greatest evil that's been keeping our country historically twisted and distorted with hate, fear, ignorance, and corruption - via the sick system of education under the evil known as RELIGION! Indeed, the kind of religion that perpetually keeping us not enlightened as a people, but only always frightened even as a nation. Yours sincerely, Poch Suzara, Atheist

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Separation of State away from God existing Everywhere

“Let me assure you that while I’m a stickler for the principle of separation between Church and state, I believe quite strongly that there should never be a separation between God and State.” - - - President Rodrigo Duterte

For my part, I say, since God, already existing here, existing there, and existing everywhere, why bother to separate God and State away from each other; especially since the State in all of its mindless activities has never missed prayers to God for pity and mercy, if not for the endless cycle of forgiveness of its sins and crimes? Poch Suzara

Thursday, July 28, 2016

The Fool versus the Faithfool

• The fool has no desire for wisdom, and he would reject it even if he could acquire it because he hates it... Nickie Patootie The FAITHFUL, however, desires fear and ignorance, and would accept it as he acquires more of such horrors because he loves to live a life of fear and ignorance that keeps him faithful as a faithfool... Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Self-Deception is the Worst Tragedy of the Filipinos as a People

"Self-deception is the worst tragedy of the Filipinos as a people."  Historian Teodoro A. Agoncillo

I entirely agree; however, I must say, this is also due to, if not because of the lies, deceptions, illusions, and delusions from the State and Church always in cahoots together; and, also due to, if not because of our sick system of education.

In the meantime, here's an example of self-deception as a people at its worst. After learning that more than a 100 BILLION people already lived and died on this piece of dust called "earth" since God knows when - millions of Filipinos still believe that after death, God will still be thrilled and excited to decide whether we Filipinos shall be saved for heaven or will be damned forever and ever in hell. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter

Sunday, July 24, 2016

God's Good News! Wow! No Kidding!

"God's good news is too good to keep to ourselves." - Philippine Star, July 25, 2016 - - - Wow, what good news? That as the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century God sees to it that we Filipinos remain happy as the healthiest people and continue to remain proud as the wealthiest nation in all of Asia? WOW! NO KIDDING? --- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Thursday, July 21, 2016

After Death

After your death you will be what you were before your birth. - - - Arthur Schopenhauer - - - Indeed, after my death, I will again be existing as a NOTHING. As another thing, I will have no more need whatsoever to have anything to do with the existence of a sick mystery masquerading as a sick divinity always in need of money!- - - Poch Suzara

Monday, July 18, 2016

Religion has No Respect of other Religions

"Religion is based mainly upon fear, fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death. Fear is the parent of cruelty, and therefore it is no wonder if cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand.... My own view on religion is that of Lucretius. I regard it as a disease born of fear and as a source of untold misery to the human race.'" - Bertrand Russell "I say the Christians, in my judgment, have done more harm than they have done good. They may talk of the asylums they have built, but they have not built asylums enough to hold the people who have been driven insane by their teachings. Orthodox religion has opposed liberty. It has opposed investigation and free-thought. If all the churches in Europe had been observatories, if the cathedrals had been universities where facts were taught and where nature was studied, if all the priests had been real teachers, this world would have been far, far beyond what it is to-day." - Robert G. Ingersoll In the meantime, I am told by spiritually sick and insane college educated saps and jerks that we must respect all religions even if religions do not respect other religions. In fact, religious believers do not respect other religious believers. They hate each other down here for the love of Jesus up there! That's how sick and insane religions have always been and still are. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Religion is Mental Illness

If we atheists were to explain why religion is mental illness: It's this: Religion is ultimately dependent on belief in invisible beings, inaudible voices, intangible entities, undetectable forces, and events and judgments that happen after we die. It therefore has no reality check. It is therefore uniquely armored against criticism, questioning, and self-correction. It is uniquely armored against anything that might stop it from spinning into extreme absurdity, extreme denial of reality ... and extreme, grotesque immorality. Indeed, religion is the exact opposite of science. Science is self-correcting inspired by lively analysis Religion is self-degradation inspired by deadly paralysis. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Friday, July 15, 2016

God's Mysterious Ways to Reveal the Sick Truth in the Sick Bible

"Thus says the Lord" occurs over 400 times in the Old Testament. "God said" occurs 42 times in the Old Testament and four times in the New Testament. "God spoke" occurs 9 times in the Old Testament and 3 times in the New Testament. "The Spirit of the Lord spoke" through people in 2 Sam. 23:2; 1 Kings 22:24; 2 Chron. 20:14. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Monday, July 11, 2016

Selling Lies and Deceptions As Against Selling the Truth

In our sick and insane world, we have better chances to enjoy prosperity and happiness and success in life if we sell lies and deceptions. If we sell the truth, we will only remain as the "stupid" in our sick and insane society. Nobody likes to hear the truth. The truth hurts. It is always more pleasant to hear lies and deceptions. No need to think about it. Just like most women. They love to hear the truth about their so-called "soul mate" always faithful but also secretly always fucking around with other women in the name of love, affection, passion, and compassion. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Saturday, July 09, 2016

The Maka-Dios and the Maka-Jesus saps and Jerks as Officials in our Corrupt Government

Where Do Caring and Mercy Come From? While many evolutionists cry out that a loving God is inconsistent with this world of cruelty we inhabit, they conveniently overlook other things. For example, how does evolution explain mercy, charity, and caring? If evolution is true, the driving force of nature is “survival of the fittest.” Those less able to compete are destined to die. Any attempt to rescue these “less competitive” people would be to work against the most fundamental force of nature. The existence of doctors, hospitals, charitable organizations, and even a police force is contrary to raw evolutionary forces. The evolutionist has no basis for moral judgments. If man is just the result of millions of years of evolution, our behavior is based on random chemical reactions. There is no ultimate moral code. All morality is relative. So if a person needs money, why is it wrong to rob someone? According to evolution, the stronger person should succeed. Might makes right. So, in the evolutionary view, such violence is a natural, and necessary, part of the world. Those who have a worldview based on the Bible have a consistent basis for acts of kindness, charity, or caring. We are commanded in Scripture to love our neighbors as ourselves, to perform acts of mercy, and to care for the widows and orphans. If we take evolution to its logical conclusion, we will conclude that these widows and orphans should die because they are a drain on the resources of nature. Only Bible-believers ultimately offer the world a basis to make moral judgments. Those who reject the Bible have no basis for morality. --- Nick Fatool WOWOWEEE! NO KIDDING? How come all of our filthy-rich public officials in our sick and rotten and corrupt government historically have not only been and still are bible-believers, but also all proud to always declare themselves publicly that they are faithful as the MAKA-DIOS and MAKA-JESUS of our sick society?--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Friday, July 08, 2016

The father of Atheism in the Philippines

"You don't have to be great at something to start, but you have to start to be great at something."---Zig Ziglar For my part, as I already started it somehow, I want to be great and famous as father of Atheism in the Philippines. --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Free Will is a Sick Myth Behind Sick Religion

"Free will is not free, if there are consequences for making your decision. If a reward is offered for choosing one, and punishment for choosing the the other, it is called "BLACK MAIL or COERCION." --- Gil C. Fernandez My dear Gil C. Fernandez, I said it before, I say it again, if you were the kind of teachers I had in La Salle grade school and high school, never would I have entertained the thought of getting myself expelled out of that sick academic garbage where I was frightened to believe that God's greatest gift to man is his FREE WILL. With much love, respect, and admiration, Poch Suzara, Atheist Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Life After Death is a Ludicrous, if not a Ridiculous - Situation

Life on this earth offers a variety of experiences; eternity, however, offers only two: to be with a silly God in hell or to be with a silly devil in heaven. Perhaps, there is a 3rd choice - to be with sick, greedy, rotten, and corrupt sinners and criminals of the creator in purgatory. For part, I'd rather make the most of my life on this earth - short, brief, and fleeting as life is on this earth. It is the only life we have. It is the only life we know. Life elsewhere after death is a ludicrous, if not a ridiculous - situation. There is no such thing as life after death. After all, when we die, we die entirely, not partially. Nothing is more evident to him who is not delirious. The human body, after death, is but a mass of meat incapable of producing any movements the union of which constitutes life. We no longer see circulation, respiration, digestion,speech, or reflection. Nothing is more natural and more simple than to believe that the dead man lives no more. Nothing is more absurd than to believe that the dead man is still living. Indeed, immortality is the condition of a dead man who does not believe that he is already dead. In the meantime, on this earth, I would rather be a brave thinker than be a frightened believer. A thinker is an atheist who cares! If I must leave this world one day, I should like, however,  to leave it as a better place than how I found it. Not necessarily in the material, but in the humanitarian sense. --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Your Sick Free Will Revealed as Truth in the Sick Bible

Listen to what the sick bible reveals about the truth behind your sick FREE WILL: "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." - Proverbs 16:9 And to think that the LORD has far more important things to attend to remedy the evils out of this sick world of ours other than just to attend to your sick and insane daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly prayers going nowhere in space and in time. In the meantime, listen to one of the greatest thinkers who ever lived - Baruch Spinoza: "There is in the mind no absolute or free will: but the mind is determined in willing this or that by a cause which is determined in its turn by another cause, and this by another cause, and so on to infinity. Men think themselves free because they are conscious of their volitions and desires, but are ignorant of the causes by which they are led to wish and desire. Spinoza compared the feeling of free will to a stone's thinking as it travels through space, that it determines its own trajectory and selects the place and time of its fall." Again, listen to what the bible says about the existence of your free will to ask, to seek, and to knock: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." Matt. 7:7-8 Now read again your sick bible. It admits that your free will is not that free: "Strive to enter at the strait gate; for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter, and shall not be able." Luke 13:24 --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

The Freedom of Expression

The freedom of expression is the Right to express one's ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, without deliberately causing harm to others' character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression. We should all enjoy the greatest of freedom which is the freedom of expression. Otherwise, if we fear to express our honest thoughts, we might as well enjoy committing the greatest of crimes – the crime of silence. In the meantime, to all of my critics, I asked it before, I ask it again: HAVE I EVER LIED TO ANY OF YOU? Indeed, why should I lie to any of you since it matters not to me whether you believe or do not believe my precious freedom to think not only freely, not only courageously, but also habitually!--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

The Devil as more Pleasant as a Character in the bible than God

“We have never heard the devil's side of the story, God wrote all the book.” --- Anatole france In the bible, I like the devil. He seemed more pleasant as a character than God who always hurting his earthly creatures. Indeed, look at this truth revealed by God in the holy bible: "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things." Is. 45:7 And to think we are always told that God loves us; indeed, that God is love and love is God; but he needs MONEY!--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Many Different Versions of the Bible Sold in Bookstores today

THE SICK TRUTHS AS REVEALED IN THE SICK BIBLES SOLD IN BOOKSTORES TODAY. WHICH OF THE BIBLE LISTED BELOW HAVE YOU RELIGIOUS CLOWNS SERIOUSLY READ WITHOUT FEAR OF DAMNATION? King James Version (KJV) New International Version (NIV) New American Standard Bible (NASB) New King James Version (NKJV) English Standard Version (ESV) New Living Translation (NLT) Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) New Century Version (NCV) What is The Voice translation of the Bible? New English Bible (NEB) American Standard Version (ASV) Good News Bible (GNB) / Today’s English Version (TEV) Amplified Bible (AMP) Today’s New International Version (TNIV) New English Translation (NET) Revised Standard Version (RSV) Contemporary English Version (CEV) God’s Word Translation (GW) Common English Bible (CEB) What is the Recovery Version of the Bible? New International Readers Version (NIrV) Easy-To-Read Version (ERV) Complete Jewish Bible (CJB) Bible in Basic English (BBE) 21st Century King James Version (KJ21) What is the Modern King James Version (MKJV)? What is the Modern English Version (MEV)? World English Bible (WEB) Revised English Bible (REB) Jerusalem Bible (JB) New American Bible (NAB) The Living Bible (TLB) The Message (MSG) Young's Literal Translation (YLT) The Bishops' Bible Douay-Rheims Version (DRV) Tyndale Bible Jesus is Lord Bible by Bishop Eddie Villanueva Geneva Bible In my home library of books, I have the Catholic bible, the King James Bible, Good News Bible, and the bible by Bishop Bro. Eddie Villanueva, spiritual director/International President Jesus is lord church worldwide. ________________________________________ Related Topics: Why can’t all Christians agree on one Bible? Why are there so many Bible translations, and which is the best? Why do modern translations of the Bible have a copyright? KJV Only movement? Is the King James Version the only Bible we should use? Should I use a paraphrase of the Bible? ________________________________________ Return to: Questions about the Bible ________________________________________ What are the different English Bible versions? This week's Question of the Week: Why did God put the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden; And where exactly is that tree of knowledge of good and evil existing in the world today? --- Poch Suzara

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

College Educated Criminals as high officials in the Philippine Government

What is your reaction about the corruption in the Philippines? Corruption in the Philippines exists in all levels of the government of the country. Political nepotism is one of the larger problems facing the country. Come you guys and gals - let us not ignore the UGLIER truth: all of our corrupt and rotten officials in the government all have acquired COLLEGE EDUCATION in schools, colleges, and universities own by the Catholic church and its affiliates enjoying tax-freedom in the Philippines. --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# COMMENT:  Yonkers, New York 05 July 2016 The Roman Catholic Church itself is not world-famous for being against CORRUPTION. Not long ago, Pope Francis himself may have been scandalized by the kind of corruption that he himself discovered among members of the Vatican's Curia! He must have recalled the same kind of corruption which characterized the reign of RODRIGO BORGIA, who was Pope Alexander VI. He was even known as the very EMBODIMENT OF EVIL! Pope Francis vowed to clean up the corruption in the Curia, which is supposed to be the most powerful organ of the Church! He may succeed, if fortunately he does not get murdered! Popes have been murdered before. Don't anyone tell me that the Roman Catholic Church of the Philippines is lily-white clean. If the mass media digs and digs deep enough, it will probably discover that it, too, is far from being the paragon of probity, honesty, "godliness," and virtue. MARIANO PATALINJUG 

Sunday, July 03, 2016


Wisdom is knowing this and knowing that but we have yet to know what "knowing" means. --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

The Noise All Around Us

I have long held the opinion that the amount of noise that anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity and therefore be regarded as a pretty fair measure of it.” - - - Arthur Schopenhauer "I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone, I never found the companionable as solitude." - - - Henry David Thoreau For my part, I have always experienced happiness alone in my room reading my books than feel the pain of having to listen to a lot of noisy conversation about a lot of sick nonsense. In fact, I felt the same way toward my sick teachers in school teaching me to listen to a lot of loud holy mystery, if not sacred and loud baloney!- - - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter ##

Friday, July 01, 2016

My Most Painful Experiences in school

My most painful experience in La Salle grade school and high school was having to listen and be frightened in class to believe my sick teachers so proud of their minds that never moved on wheels, but only on hinges. --- Poch Suzara

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Christian Life

"The Christian life is a process in which we learn complete dependence on God." Phil Star, June 29, 2016 More than a 100 BILLION people already lived and died on this planet since God Knows when and despite their dependence on God they all eventually ended up dead whether they liked it or not. So the Christian life is a process that proves what? Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

A Scientist is a Truthful Person. A Theologist is a LIAR!

“The man of science has learned to believe in justification, not by faith, but by verification.” --- Thomas Henry Huxley "Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt."--- Richard Feynman "I think we ought always to entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt. I shouldn't wish people dogmatically to believe any philosophy, not even mine. --- Bertrand Russell. Never have I ever heard from any of my sick teachers in La Salle grade school and high school openly admit such respect for the search of the truth; especially as it is man's most noble of professions.--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheist#

Monday, June 27, 2016


What do the Angels of God have in common with the Saints of God in heaven? They are all considered to be a NOBODY with God in heaven. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

More on the Greatest of Filipino Freedom Fighter - Jose Rizal

"The youth is the hope of our future." “I would like the Filipinos to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive.” - Jose Rizal

 "If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and yea, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." - Jesus Christ.

 For preaching the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ preached, Jose Rizal was arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed by the power, glory and authority of the Catholic church at the Luneta in 1896.

 And to think that in this already 21st century, we Filipinos in the Philippines are still under the system of Catholic education as the Catholic church is the owner of more than 1,200 schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries operating tax-free in our poor and backward country. In the meantime, no Filipino school teacher, no college professor, no editor, columnist, radio or TV announcer, actor, actress, singer, lawyer, judge, theologian, congressman, senator, governor, mayor, and no Barangay Captain in the past or in the present has ever uttered these words in the Philippines. Only Jose Rizal said it: "I would like the Filipino to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive."

Well, out of the millions upon millions of Filipinos who have already lived and died in the Philippines since Jose Rizal was publicly executed by the followers of Jesus Christ - only one Filipino, Poch Suzara, ( a high school expelled student ) thus far, has had the guts to utter these words openly in public: "As a Filipino, I have greater love, respect, affection, and admiration for Jose Rizal than I have for Jesus Christ who was not even a Filipino. Jesus was a Jew born of Jewish parents in a Jewish land." And to think further, that Jesus and His apostles were never able to convert their own Jewish People to become Catholics as they are today in this already 21st century still a Jewish State!

The statue of the greatest Filipino ever, an intellectual giant - Jose Rizal is rarely found only here and only there in this only Catholic country in Asia. The symbol of Jesus crucified on a piece wood, however, is displayed HERE and THERE and EVERYWHERE in our sick and corrupt society.

 In this already 21st century, we Filipinos are still taught to believe that with faith in Jesus our faith will make us rich and through that faith we shall all be saved and prosperous not, however, in this life; but only later after death in the next life with God in the kingdom of heaven.

Today, I again say it to Jose Rizal wherever you are: with my open mind and open heart: Sir, you are the greatest Filipino the Philippines has ever produced. I love you. I respect you. I admire you. I miss you! --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

If your were Devoid of Thought, I have no need to Provoke your mental capcity.

My thoughts to provoke your thoughts are for those who have thoughts that are rare and precious. Otherwise, if you were utterly thoughtless, or devoid of thought, I need not provoke your mental capacity. In the meantime, I say it again: all thoughtful men and all thoughtful women are worthy of love, respect, and admiration. --- Poch Suzara

Oh My Dear Leo, Who you Kidding?

“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” --- Leo Tolstoy Oh my dear Leo, who you kidding? We all live in a sick world made sick with sick values and insane beliefs. Do you really think that we should all be happy and proud to live in such a sick and insane world that needs no changing? - - - Poch Suzara

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Thou Shall Not Kill, say Pope Francis. Philippine Star, June 23,2016 Oh Yes, tell that to the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force, and US Marines. They love to kill foreigners in foreign countries; specially to kill by bombing to death the millions of fathers and mothers of children who grow up to hate and to become the enemies of the Military Industrial Complex of USA where killing of foreigners continue to be BIG BUSINESS for the economy of the USA. --- Poch Suzara, Facebook# Google# Twitter#

Jesus Specializes in Restoration

Jesus Specializes in Restoration. Philippine Star, June 23, 2016 Indeed, the restoration via revelation promoting our daily way of life based upon the religion of degradation, humiliation, and corruption; especially for the greater glory of the only begotten son of God - Jesus as revealed in the New and sick Testament. --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Comment:  To,,,,, and 10 more... CC,,,,, and 5 more... "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." ----Karl Marx

Jose Rizal as a Greater, and More Admirable as a Thinkng Man than Jesus Christ

"The youth is the hope of our future." “I would like the Filipinos to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive.” - - - Jose Rizal "If any man come to me and hate not his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and yea, his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." - - - Jesus Christ For preaching the exact opposite of what Jesus Christ preached, Jose Rizal was arrested, incarcerated, and publicly executed by the power and authority of the Catholic church at the Luneta in 1896. And to think that in this already 21st century, we Filipinos in the Philippines are still under the system of Catholic education as the Catholic church is the owner of more than 1,200 schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries operating tax-free in our poor and backward country. In the meantime, no Filipino school teacher, no college professor, no editor, columnist, radio or TV announcer, actor, actress, singer, lawyer, judge, theologian, congressman, senator, governor, mayor, and no Barangay Captain in the past or in the present has ever uttered these words in the Philippines. Only Jose Rizal said it: "I would like the Filipino to be Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, and Progressive." Well, out of the millions upon millions of Filipinos who have already lived and died in the Philippines since Jose Rizal was publicly executed by the followers of Jesus Christ - only one Filipino, Poch Suzara, ( a high school expelled student ) thus far, has had the guts to utter these words openly in public: "As a Filipino, I have greater love, respect, affection, and admiration for Jose Rizal than I have for Jesus Christ who was not even a Filipino. Jesus was a Jew born of Jewish parents in a Jewish land." And to think further, that Jesus and His apostles were never able to convert their own Jewish People to become Catholics as they are today in this already 21st century still a Jewish State! In the meantime, the statue of the greatest Filipino ever, an intellectual giant - Jose Rizal is found only here and only there in this only Catholic country in Asia. The symbol of Jesus crucified on a piece wood, however, is displayed HERE and THERE and EVERYWHERE in our sick and corrupt society. In this already 21st century, we Filipinos are still taught to believe that with faith in Jesus our faith will make us rich and through that faith we shall all be saved and prosperous not, however, in this life; but only later after death in the next life with God in the kingdom of heaven. Today, I again say it to Jose Rizal wherever you are: with my open mind and open heart: Sir, you are the greatest Filipino the Philippines has ever produced. I love you. I respect you. I admire you. I miss you! - - - Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook# Poch Suzara

Thank God for the MAKA-demonio government OFFICIALS we now have in our Government. No More MAKA-DIOS!

For a great many years, we had a government of MAKA-DIOS and MAKA-JESUS government officials. During all this time our government had been sick, rotten, corrupt and faithfully inefficient. Today, thanks to recent developments, we now have in government as our government officials the exact opposite. They are all MAKA-DEMONIO. I have every hope that the MAKA-DEMONIO in government today will be more reliable, truthful, efficient, and sane. After all, in the bible, the devil was less of an evil character compared to the sick God who was, says Richard Dawkins in his book - THE GOD DELUSION: “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” - - - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# RESPONSE Yonkers, New York 22 June 2016 Poch: You "thank GOD" for favoring Filipinos with a "MAKADEMONIO"--you referring of course to DER FUHRER RODRIGO DUTERTE? What the Philippines has had all of the past 60 years or so have been loyal, devoted "GOD-FEARING" Christians--who were the "servants" of this "God" of course. All of them pretty much combined to make their country "The sick man of Asia!" Now, finally, this "God" is trying a new tack: Yes, he has sent a "makademonio" in the person of RODRIGO DUTERTE. Perhaps he could do better than all of his predecessors combined! Why not? If he is true to his word--the word of Lucifer?--probably in his first year as the Der Fuhrer, he will kill 100,000 "corrupt" [by his own definition] Filipinos and dump their fetid carcasses into the Manila Bay "to fatten the sharks" there. One can only speculate how many "corrupt" JOURNALISTS he will kill, and hang their "corrupt" carcasses from the branches of acacia trees on Taft Avenue. And that goes for "drug pushers and drug lords" too! Even in Der Fuhrer's first year as the head of his "REVOLUTIONARY GOVERNMENT" the Philippines could very well take on the smell of a modern Aegean stables. MAR PATALINJUG

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Religion: The greatest of evils

Religion is greatest source of hate, death, violence, and destruction that has ever shown itself on mankind. Almost all wars throughout the history of our species have ties to a particular religion or religions. While it is obvious that the worlds religions are nothing more then old myths, and silly superstitious tradition. Its negativity is much greater then just providing ignorance to reality, it is a way to justify horrible actions. There have been so many horrible actions in our history that have been caused by religion (I'm sure no one has a problem thinking of some). Violence from religion is an obvious trend, a trend that continues to this day, and will continue into the future. The only difference is now the fanatics are in a position of obtaining nuclear weapons. There has been a lot of discussion about this, and it is a very serious issue. Believing you have the creator of the universe on your side gives you a lot of confidence in thinking you are right. If enough nukes get launched, it could "launch" this planet into a nuclear winter. Regardless of what a person believes, all people need to realize that violence is never a solution, it only perpetuates more violence and self-destruction. I said it before, I say it again: The most idiotic, if not the most moronic statement we can openly or publicly declare is: "WE MUST RESPECT ALL RELIGIONS." This is pure religious garbage. To begin with, religions do not, cannot, and will not respect other religions, so why should any of us as sick faithfools respect religion? --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Monday, June 20, 2016


The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. It must be so. If there ever is a time of plenty, this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored. In a universe of electrons and selfish genes, blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won't find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. The universe that we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but pitiless indifference. -- Richard Dawkins Now listen to the lyrics of this sane and great and meaningful song: IF I RULED THE WORLD "If I ruled the world Every day would be the first day of spring Every heart would have a new song to sing And we'd sing of the joy every morning would bring If I ruled the world Every man would be as free as a bird Every voice would be a voice to be heard Take my word we would treasure each day that occurred My world would be a beautiful place Where we would weave such wonderful dreams My world would wear a smile on its face Like the man in the moon has when the moon beams If I ruled the world Every man would say the world was his friend There'd be happiness that no man could end No my friend, not if I ruled the world Every head would be held up high There'd be sunshine in everyone's sky If the day ever dawned when I ruled the world." For my part, as an atheist, If ruled the world, I will see to it that there will be no more suffering of any kind to disgrace the human race existing on this earth. Or to put it more BRIEFLY, as an atheist, no way will I ever imitate the style of a Christian God as the sick ruler of this world!- - - Poch Suzara, Atheist, Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Sunday, June 19, 2016

A Thought to Provoke Your Thoughts on the word - ATHEIST

There are all kinds of frightened people existing in our sick world. The most frightened are those who say that we must respect all religions. This is sick garbage. Why should we respect any religion when religions do not even respect other religions. Again, we are told that we must never admit, specially in public, that we are ATHEIST because the word ATHEIST shows disrespect of the sick religions existing in this sick and religious world. As with me, an ATHEIST, I say so openly and publicly: just like every child born is this world is an ATHEIST, I too was born in the same way. I too was born out of my mother's womb as an ATHEIST. And to believe that we must always be ashamed of that fact is not only the lowest form of ridiculosity, it is the highest form of ludicrosity! - Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheist#

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Angels of God in Heaven

If heaven were such a great and wonderful and a delightful place, how come even the angels of God in heaven are all known to be a NOBODY in heaven? - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Population Growth and the Development of the Commercial Enterprises of the Catholic Church

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly that Christianity has a vested interest in human misery... The spectacular success of Christianity has been a topic of heated debate among scholars, and its certainly true that definite historical factors influences that success... I suggest, however, that much of Christianity's success can be accounted for in another way: Christianity, perhaps more than any religion before or since, capitalized on human suffering; and it was enormously successful in insuring it own existence through the perpetuation of human suffering." - - - George H. Smith In the meantime, only in the Philippines: millions upon millions of our poor women still faithfully listen and follow what the sick Catholic bishops preach to them: That if they have lots of children, it could only mean that God loves them. Thus, as more and more babies are born in our poor and backward country, the development is better for the Catholic church; especially for its daily commercial enterprises such as "baptism." Also, eventually, such babies will soon be children enrolled as students in schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries own and operated by the Catholic church in the Philippines. Thus, family planning and birth control measures for our women is not only a sin; it is also immoral. They would considerably reduce the profitable business of Catholic church. At present, in this already 21st century, we produced in our poor and backward country 3 babies every minute or 180 babies every hour or 4,320 babies every day or 129,600 babies every month or 1.5 million babies every year. And to think that these poor babies are fathered by many jobless, if not homeless, - Filipinos; if not also fathered by many rich tourists. After all, IT'S MORE FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES. And to think that many of these babies have no birth certificate. Their mothers are not married. They are mostly single mothers. But then again look at the results in the larger perspective: more poor children, poor mothers, and poor fathers exist like animals in the streets of our major cities. The filthy horrors that keep the Catholic church sustained, maintained, and perpetually established in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century.--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Monday, June 06, 2016

Life After My Death

I am an atheist. I do not believe in the existence of God; neither do I believe in the existence of Satan. It is, in this way, that after my death, I do not care to go to heaven to be with God; neither do I care to go to hell to be with Satan; nor do I care to be in purgatory to be with the sinners and saints of God! To begin with, there is no such thing as life after death, and if there were, listen to Mark Twain: "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” I love and respect and admire Mark Twain. He is one of my favorite authors. He never promised to heavenly reward me if I like his writings; he never threatened me with eternal punishment if I do not like his writings. - Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Sunday, June 05, 2016

The Holy Bible - the greatest book for Atheism

The one and only book that I keep reading to keep me courageous, inspired, nourished, sustained, honest, truthful, as well as always makes me feel confident in my atheism is the book known as the holy bible. Isaac Asimov said it better: "Properly read, the bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

God as the Redeemer of the Filipinos

If God never does anything more than redeem us, He has already done for more than we deserve. Phil Star, May 23, 2016... Oh God, my dear God, after more than 400 years of sick values and sick beliefs as inspired by the lies revealed in the sick bible, what else have you done for the Filipinos in the Philippines except to keep them sick and poor and aimless as a people; lost and frightened and directionless as a nation? - Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheists#

Sunday, May 22, 2016


"The Bible and the church have been the greatest stumbling blocks in the way of woman's emancipation."--Elizabeth Cady Stanton My dear Elizabeth, I got news for you. The bible and the church have been and still are the greatest causes why we Filipinos have miserably failed to grow as a thinking people and why our country, the Philippines, has failed to develop with a high standard of living as a nation. As a matter of historical horror, millions of Filipinos today in this already 21st century are still praying daily to Jesus to return and save the Philippines. As if Jesus have ever fixed the troubles and problems of his own country that’s still a Jewish State today. Israel never got to be converted by Jesus into a Christian country.--- Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google# Atheists#


The Death Penalty as only in the Philippines: In order to protect the human rights of millions of filthy-poor Filipinos, what must first be protected are the rights of the filthy-rich criminals as officials of the State and Church always in cahoots together. In the meantime, the deadliest of crimes in the Philippines is the crime of silence. The criminals as officials in government all love to protect each other’s crimes hardly legally considered as the crime of Negligence. For my part, I said it before, I say it again: Far more important than the Death Penalty revitalized in the Philippines should be the death of schools, colleges, universities, and seminaries. - The greatest of evil institutions producing yearly not only of sick criminals to be in government, but also especially the top evil producers of sick and filthy-rich criminals generating our sick beliefs and sick values! In the meantime, think of this horror: due to the forgiveness of sin and crime by God, these horrors learned via the sick system of education continue to make the Catholic church the richest and the most powerful of commercial enterprises historically existing as the real owners of the Philippines since the 16th century. - - - Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google#

Friday, May 13, 2016

The World is Full of Tragedies

The world is full of sick and insane tragedies. One of which is that millions of Americans died during the past wars here, there, and everywhere to make the world not safe, but to make AMERICA safe for a sick, rotten, and corrupt democracy. It is the same historical horror with the Philippines. Millions of Filipinos died during the past wars to keep Philippines safe for democracy, but the corrupt government officials have only been trying so hard, year in and year out, to make the Philippines sick with freedom as a people and corrupt with democracy as a nation. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Which or What God

Duterte can transform the Philippines, but only with the help from God! - - - Atty Batas Mauricio My dear Atty Mauricio, are you referring to the same old God who is never OMNI-PRESENT, only always OMNI-ABSENT? Even while his own son Jesus was being crucified on a cross, God was nowhere to be found. Jesus cried out loud: "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?" Matt 27:46 - - - Duterte, our new President, will transform FILIPINO life in the Philippines with the help from WHAT or WHICH GOD? - - - Atty Mauricio, are we to assume that He will be the same old God who declared in the bible: "I FORM THE LIGHT AND CREATE DARKNESS: I MAKE PEACE AND CREATE EVIL: I THE LORD DO THESE THINGS." Isaiah 45:7 - - - Don't you think it is time we throw such dark historical religious garbage out the window? In this way, we can begin to grow healthy as a people; and, begin to develop wealthy as a nation? - - - Must we FILIPINOS remain famous in the centuries yet to come specially with our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly prayers as the SICK MAN OF ASIA?- - - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Saturday, April 30, 2016

We Filipinos are Sick as a People and Corrupt as a Nation

The endless supply of sick and corrupt politicians for our sick and corrupt government come mostly from a sick and corrupt system of education. Indeed, we are all born ignorant, not insane. We are insane by enrolling as students in grade school, high school, and college in the Philippines... Now college educated Filipinos in our forum today have not ceased belittling me because I intentionally got myself expelled out of La Salle high school some 65 years ago! And specially because ever since then I went on to educate myself. I enrolled as a lifetime student in the greatest of all universities - it is but a collection of books... I stopped wasting my time praying; I went on to daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly reading and more serious reading of great books written by the great thinkers of the world... I said it before, I say it again: our sick and corrupt system of education can be summarized briefly in this way: It is the historical institution of religious insanity always in cahoots with political stupidity as perpetually blessed by the holy trinity... Millions of you have been educated to believe that there are no atheist in foxholes. What you frightened religious morons should fear more is that there are no atheists in our sick and corrupt government!... In the meantime, think about it: Today, in this already 21st century, the sick and corrupt system of education continue to produce college educated men and women who, if they were fortunate enough find employment in foreign countries that enjoy honest and efficient government. No employment, however, are available for them in our own country that need economic growth and national development. ... That's how sick we Filipinos are as a people, and that's how corrupt we Filipinos are as a nation. --- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Another Sick Truth in the holy bible

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.--- Mark 16:19--- Come on you Mark, who you kidding? How would you know which side of God is His right hand since God is a spirit and has no hands?--- Poch Suzara Facebook# Google# Twitter# Atheists#

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Jesus was an Abused Child by His own Father - God

“Any one hung on a tree is under God’s curse.” Deuteronomy 21:23… Well, this puts the Son of God Jesus in a mess because aside from being crucified on a cross, Jesus was also hung on a tree: “ Acts 5:30 clearly says: “ The God of our Fathers raised up Jesus, whom you slew and hanged on a tree.” … If Jesus was a curse in the eyes of His own Father, is this the reason why Jesus, crucified on the cross cried out loud: ‘MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAS THOU FORSAKEN ME:” Matt. 27:46... To think that God had forsaken his only begotten Son Jesus not only by getting him crucified on a cross, but also by getting him hanged on a tree. Well, how come no one has ever thought of charging God, the Father of Jesus, for child abuse in court? --- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheist#

Why I am Never Afraid of the Word - ATHEIST

‘Respect for religion’ has become a code phrase meaning ‘fear of religion’. Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect... Salman Rushdie I am told that we atheists should avoid identifying ourselves in public as atheists because most Filipino believers find the word "atheist" as something dirty, vulgar, and evil. That we must only identify ourselves as Humanists or that we are Freethinkers. So as not to shake, rattle, and roll - hurting the thoughtlessness of the sick believers who invented the word "atheist" to begin with! Well, for my part, I say that I am an ATHEIST and if you do not like the word ATHEIST - then that’s you problem, not mine! We atheists are honest thinkers. We do not care to be intimidated by the frightened or be threatened by the corrupt or childish believers. We atheists have no problem enjoying the greatest and the most wonderful of freedom - the freedom of expression... The truth hurts, but lies are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years... I am happy to inform you dear believers that when we atheists never tell lies to any of you. When we openly admit to you that we are atheists - we are telling you the truth. We have no reason whatsoever to be lying to any of you... Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Saturday, April 09, 2016

It is Rarity to Be a Lifetime Student of the Greatest of All Universities

Don't start living tomorrow, tomorrow never arrives. Start working on your dreams and ambitions today.--- Anonymous --- I did so right after the day I finally got myself expelled out of high school at the age of 15. I immediately enrolled as a lifetime student in the greatest of all universities - it is but a collection of books; especially banned books. Today, as a senior citizen, happily, I am still a student of such a university.--- Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheist#

Friday, April 08, 2016

The Light of Science and the Darkness of Religion

There is a single light of science, and to brighten it anywhere is to brighten it everywhere... Isaac Asimov... Science is the exact opposite of religion. There is so much darkness to spread with religion; and it is usually accomplished by being traditionally mindless or by being habitually thoughtless. Such horrors have been what the sick system of education in the Philippines has been mostly about. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google@ Atheist#

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

There is only Evil in this World

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” -- Epicurus I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things. -- Isaiah 45:7 Each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of the new reality that will replace it. --- Jeremy Rifkin For my part, I said it before, I say it again: there is no such thing as the struggle between GOOD and EVIL. There is only the struggle of EVIL versus EVIL; and, in the end EVIL always wins. We even think of it as the choice from among the LESSER EVILS. Thus, for the most part, thanks to our sick system of education; indeed, thanks to our sick beliefs and sick values, we live in a sick society where evil prevails.-- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook# Atheist#

Friday, April 01, 2016

Bertrand Russell - The One and Only Teacher I have ever loved, respected, and worshipped

After I got myself expelled out of high school, and started to build my own library of books, Bertrand Russell got to be my university and still is as ever since out of school, I embarked on self-education adventure. Bertrand Arthur William Russell (1872-1970) was a British philosopher, logician, essayist and social critic. He was best known for his work in mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. Together with G.E. Moore, Russell is generally recognized as one of the main founders of modern analytic philosophy. Together with Kurt Gödel, he is regularly credited with being one of the most important logicians of the twentieth century. Over the course of a long career, Russell also made contributions to a broad range of subjects, including the history of ideas, ethics, political and educational theory, and religious studies. General readers have benefited from his many popular writings on a wide variety of topics. After a life marked by controversy--including dismissals from both Trinity College, Cambridge, and City College, New York--Russell was awarded the Order of Merit in 1949 and the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950. Noted also for his many spirited anti-nuclear protests and for his campaign against western involvement in the Vietnam War, Russell remained a prominent public figure until his death at the age of 97. - Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Thursday, March 31, 2016

A Great Post by Danding Gimenez and Carl Sagan

Here is Scientists Carl Sagan on Trees Powered by Sunlight “Human beings grew up in the forests; we have a natural affinity for them. How lovely a tree is, straining toward the sky. Its leaves harvest sunlight to photosynthesize, so trees compete by shadowing their neighbors. If you look closely, you can often see two trees pushing and shoving with languid grace. Trees are great and beautiful machines, powered by sunlight, taking in water from the ground and carbon dioxide from the air, converting these materials into food for their use and ours. The plant uses the carbohydrates it makes as an energy source to go about its planty business. And we animals, who are ultimately parasites on the plants, steal the carbohydrates so we can go about our business. In eating the plants we combine the carbohydrates with oxygen dissolved in our blood because of our penchant for breathing air, and so extract the energy that makes us go. In the process, we exhale carbon dioxide, which the plants then recycle to make more carbohydrates. What a marvelous cooperative arrangement - plants and animals each inhaling the other’s exhalations, a kind of planet-wide mutual mouth-to-stoma resuscitation, the entire elegant cycle powered by a star 150 million kilometers away.”

Here is Danding Gimenez on Trees Nourished by Worms There could hardly be trees or plants without the lowly worm. They help increase the amount of air and water needed by trees and plants. They break down organic matter into forms that trees and plants need for nutrition. Every square foot of soil has at least 10 to 20 worms. Half a million in an acre. They help turn the soil by bringing organic matter from the top and mixing with the soil below. They create tons of fertilizer and millions of passageways for air and soil equal to a 2,000 feet long 6-in pipe per acre. Worms are the solder that fuse lifeless soil with living plants. With this preamble I will discuss in clear metaphors how the ground below affects our lives. This is really a short essay on love. Love is a prime cause. It is the primary human creative force. A musician loves his music so much that he and his music become one. They are fused into one below the ground where their roots become so intertwined that it becomes impossible to separate one from the other. A pianist in performance does not show the thousands of practice hours that preceded the performance. A loving couple are still two above ground but their roots below the surface have fused. An artist so loves his art that he is indistinguishable from it. A scientist and his science are fused. Einstein and Relativity are one being. Not two. A craftsman and his craft become one. Poch and atheism are fused into one by their underground roots. One cannot think of Poch without also thinking of atheism. This fusion is the result of love. Love for a person or an idea or a principle. Those who see life this way understand that life and love are one and the same. They may look different above ground. But underneath, they are the same.“ My dear Danding Gimenez, what a great and truthful post. A great many thanks. This month I will be 80 years old and I deeply regret that I have had but a short, brief, fleeting life in my duty and responsibility to spread more beauty and more sanity behind atheism in our spiritually poor, morally bankrupt, God-forsaken country. Cheers! Poch Suzara, April 1,2016 Google, Twitter# Facebook#

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

We Can Make the World Better

Everyone can do something to make the world better – we can let Christ shine through us. --- Phil Star March 29, 2016 Oh yes, we can do something to make better our world made sick and corrupt by our faith in religion. It has made us have more faith in our sick religious beliefs and corrupt values. In the meantime, if there were anything tragic that the Philippines should be saved from - it could only be the religion of Jesus - Christianity. It's the historical horror that keeps Filipinos spiritually poor as a people and morally bankrupt as a nation. --- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Friday, March 25, 2016

Most Men Love Impregnating. They Hate Thinking.

Most men never rise above viewing things as objects of their desires - hence their selfishness or worst, - their thoughtlessness; but to see and to treat things purely as objects of understanding is to rise to the joys of mental freedom. Thus most men hate thinking; they love impregnating. Happily, most men are good; unhappily, however, only good at praying to God especially as God is always in the business of forgiving sins and crimes in order to benefit God's priesthood industry that's always in need of money!.. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter#

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Evolution of the Mind Versus Sick Revelation in the Bible

"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life." --- Muhammad Ali At home and in school, the man who has been taught WHAT to believe, and not HOW to think is not a man, but a sick follower of sick values and sick beliefs! In the meantime, isn't it absurd to believe that God would only choose to save followers for heaven the faithful believers whose highest and only ambition is to be a sick and a frightened follower for the rest of eternity? For my part, I refuse to believe as truth such religious garbage; especially as they are usually referred to as dogma, pigma, and hogma. --- Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

The Bible Is Not Holy. It is Sickly - a Mockery of Humanity

Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face. - Ronald Reagan It is so glaringly obvious that Ronald Reagan never seriously read the bible from cover to cover. Otherwise, he never would have uttered such a silly statement like the bible has all the answers for all of the problems men face. Look at us Filipinos today in this already 21st century. Since the 16th century, We are still sick as the Sick Man of Asia trying to figure out which truth has been revealed in the bible! In the meantime, the Bible writers were sick historians, let alone sick messengers of sick messages from a sick God. Other Problems with the Bible: There are other reasons why the Bible should not be considered the word of God. They include, but are not limited to: the fact that we don't know who wrote most of it; the fact that much of it was written many years - and in some cases many centuries – after the events it purports to describe; its obscene passages; and its promises of eternal rewards for the ignorant and credulous and everlasting punishment for skeptics and investigators. Finally, the harm that the Bible causes in people's personal lives should be mentioned as a reason for rejecting the book. It's not uncommon to see media reports about Bible believers committing bizarre, injurious, and sometimes deadly acts. Some people use Bible verses to justify beating children, withholding medical treatment, handling snakes, drinking poison, chopping off body parts, plucking out eyes, driving out demons, withdrawing from the affairs of this world, renouncing the pleasures of life, and expecting the world to end. If the Bible were not viewed as God's word, these acts would occur much less often. Many compelling and morally sound reasons support the Humanist position that the Bible is not divinely inspired. Instead of being inerrant, the Bible has far more errors and immoral teachings than most other books. By treating this mistake-ridden book as the word of God, humanity has been led down many paths of error and misery throughout history. In too many ways, the Bible continues to produce such results. But in some cases, the errors caused by the Bible have been corrected and the harms have been stopped. This happened when a scientific approach was applied to problems. Science involves relying on reason, observation, experience, and compassion - rather than blindly accepting religious or secular dogma. We atheists reject the views of those who say the Bible has infallible answers to today’s problems. As Humanists know, science has proved to be a much better source for answers. -Research by: Poch Suzara

Friday, March 18, 2016

In this World of Sin and Sorrow

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. - H.L. Mencken --- In our sick society of sin, insanity, filth, poverty, criminality, and corruption there is always something to be grateful for; as with me, I am most proud that I got expelled out of the sick system education loved, respected, and admired by millions of college educated Filipinos in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century. - Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Saints of God who Never Got to be Friends of Poch Suzara in his Home Library

Top Ten Most Influential Saints of God Who never but never made it as friends of POCH SUZARA in his home library The votes are in and here are the saints readers nominated for being the most influential of their time—the results contained quite a few surprises. Other than St. Bernard and John Paul II, discussed in separate previous posts here and here, they are: 1. The Apostle Paul: The author of most of the New Testament and the last of the apostles actually received the most votes from readers. Writes Bill Dingas, a retired engineer and catechist from Livingston, Texas: “Paul is the greatest evangelist ever—doing the impossible by our standards of bringing the good news to the gentiles. Paul with just a few friends, converted most of what is Turkey today (sadly taken over by Islam), making several trips from Israel the Asia Minor, Rome, Greece just to name a few stops. A considerable part of our New Testament comes from Paul. … Who knows (God does) where we would be today without his efforts!” Here’s how another reader put it: “My vote is for St. Paul of Tarsus because he disseminated belief in Jesus throughout the Mediterranean and to the Gentiles, laying the foundation of Christianity and massive change throughout the civilized world in his lifetime.” 2. Mother Teresa: As influential as St. Bernard was, one reader writers that: “Mother Theresa’s influence is wider, also through her humble humanity, because she lived in an age of modern media, and millions could see her work and feel her influence.” Here’s what another reader had to say: “Despite not being formally declared a saint by the Church, Mother Theresa is easily the most influential saint of her time. She was the most influential woman in the world during her lifetime. World leaders listened to her. When she asked to see world leaders, including presidents and prime ministers, she was given immediate access. For example, during the 1981 famine in Ethiopia she asked President Reagan for help. He responded by promising to …do everything possible to help and rushed in with food and medicine. Being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 is another obvious example of her influence in the world.” In fact, in terms of sheer number of votes it’s a tie with John Paul II. I agree, at least in the twentieth century, she and John Paul II stand apart. 3. St. Augustine: After John Paul II and the Apostle Paul, St. Augustine topped reader lists. Here’s Bill Dingas again: “If you have read and studied Saint Augustine you would read a phenomenal path which only could have been guided by God (as Saint Paul was). … Augustine’s conversion is a model for anyone seeking God—and also shows the importance of prayer. Augustine was so intelligent that much of our faith formation comes from his influence—using his skills of philosophy and scriptures. His book City of God is a masterpiece. …As with Paul his contribution to the deposit of faith is so profound I also wonder where we would be without him.” Indeed, in terms of his sheer intellectual contributions to the life of the Church, Augustine would not meet his peer until the time of St. Thomas Aquinas. And, his role in shepherding Christianity from the Roman imperial era to the start of the Middle Ages certainly earns him the distinction of one of the most influential saints of his time. 4. St. Patrick: It’s actually a tie with Augustine. “He not only converted the good part of an entire people/culture, but those people returned the favor, strengthening Christianity in a beleaguered Europe,” one reader noted in the comments section. 5. St. Joseph: One reader calls St. Joseph the “most impressive saint.” She sums it up this way: “Simply this man had to be tops at the time of Jesus. The man chosen to play, pray, teach, and protect the son of God. Trusted companion of Our Blessed Lady. The human that with God’s guidance defeated a king, out-smarted an army.” The reader went on to share heartfelt story about how St. Joseph has helped her through some major personal struggles. “In my life, St. Joseph, upon request delivered my terrific handsome smart loving husband of 28 years. The father of our 10 children. When my husband was killed in a mill accident I knew I could not handle the 7 children left at home by myself and ask St Joseph’s help again. It took me 5 years to get a workmen’s comp. settlement. I fed kids on a credit card. And in the last 13 years 4 kids have graduated from college. And three more are going.” (Her name is being withheld to protect her privacy.) 6. St. Jerome: As one reader pointed out, translating the Bible into the Vulgate—the common or everyday language of the people in his time—is no small accomplishment, and certainly earns St. Jerome a spot in the top ten. Plus, the reader added, the next most significant event in biblical publishing was not for roughly another thousand years, when the Gutenberg printing press was invented. 7. St. Peter: It should go without saying that the first pope and the leader of the early Christian community ranks among the top ten most influential saints of his time. Peter took command of the Church from the get-go, setting forth the procedures for finding a replacement apostle for Judas, presiding over Pentecost, preaching to the Jews, and ultimately founding the Church in Rome—all indispensable steps in the establishment of the Church immediately after the time of Jesus. 8. John the Baptist: Writes one priest: “He was indispensable to open the way for Jesus Christ. He prepared Christ’s first disciples and pointed Him out to them. Jesus Christ insisted on being baptized by him. Saint John the Baptist was even more influential than he intended: despite his disclaimer some of his followers formed a stubborn group that, for some years after his death, continued his cult and refused to go over to Christ.” 9. St. Athanasius: “He defied three emperors and numerous heretical bishops to preserve orthodox Christology for all time,” one reader opined in the comments section. “To top it off, his Life of Anthony popularized monasticism and facilitated the spread of the monastic way of life throughout the Christian world. In his lifetime he was a towering figure.” I’ll add one other monumental feat to this list: Athanasius developed the first New Testament canon. No one (at least successfully) has disputed his listing in the roughly 1,500 years since. 10. St. Angel Arando of San Beda College and St. AAA Eddie Calderon of the University of the Philippines: It’s hard to pick between these two saints — so equal in their special relationship with the Passion for human stupidity and their influence in this forum for ecclesiastatical insanity. Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The First Amendment Should Make More Sense if - - -

First Amendment: addresses the rights of freedom of religion (prohibiting Congressional establishment of a religion over another religion through Law and protecting the right to free exercise of religion), freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. Indeed, the First Amendment should make more sense if it addresses not the freedom OF religion, but the freedom FROM religion. No one, but no one has the right to free exercise of mediocrity at its best; or, social, religious, and political insanity - at its worst. As a matter of historical fact, the freedom of religion; especially Christianity as taught in our schools, colleges, and universities has made us Filipinos famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara Google# Twitter# Facebook#

Jesus on World Peace and Family Values

JESUS ON WORLD PEACE and FAMILY VALUES JESUS ON PEACE - Matthew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." JESUS ON PEACE - Matthew 26:52 Then said Jesus unto him, "Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." JESUS ON PEACE - Luke 22:36 He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Matthew 8:21-22 And another of his disciples said unto him, "Suffer me first to go and bury my father." But Jesus said unto him, "Follow me and let the dead bury their dead." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Matthew 10:35-37 "For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law — a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Matthew 12:46-50 While he yet talked to the people, behold his mother and brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unto him, "Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with you." But he answered and said, "Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? And he stretched forth his hand towards his disciples, and said, "Behold, my mother and my brethren! For whoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Mark 3:33-35 "Who are my mother and my brothers?" [Jesus] asked. Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Mark 10:29,30 "Yes," Jesus replied, "and I assure you that everyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and for the Good News, will receive now in return a hundred times as many houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and property—along with persecution. And in the world to come that person will have eternal life. JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Luke 9:60 "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Luke 9:61,62 Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good bye to my family." Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES AND PEACE - Luke 12:49-53 "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Luke 14:26 [What about John 3:15 and 4:19-21 (below)?] "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters — yes, even his own life — he cannot be my disciple." [NOTE: Buybull thumpers often say that this doesn't really mean “hate,” it just means “love less.” Some translations even word it like that (e.g. Contemporary English Version), because they don't like that nasty word “hate.” The original Greek word “miseo” always means hate; it has no alternative meaning. The prefixes for misanthropy and misogyny come from miseo. This just shows how screwed-up their minds are. If hate equals a form of love, how can we trust anything that those translations say?] JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - Luke 19:27 [In the words of a king in a parable.] "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them — bring them here and kill them in front of me." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - John 2:4 Jesus saith unto [his mother], "Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - John 12:25 "The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." JESUS ON FAMILY VALUES - John 15:6 ( "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned." JOHN ON FAMILY VALUES - 1 John 3:15 [What about Luke 14:26 (above)?] "Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life in him." JOHN ON FAMILY VALUES - 1 John 4:19-21 [What about Luke 14:26 (above)?] "We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother." JOHN ON FAMILY VALUES - 2 John 1:7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist. [NOTE: The "FAMILY VALUES" verses above also show a classic method that cults use to separate followers from their families and friends. With a follower's normal connections to reality severed, the cult has a better chance to indoctrinate and keep the follower in line.] JESUS ON "SINNERS" - Matthew 9:10-13 (see also Mark 2:15-17) Then it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house, behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and His disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to His disciples, "Why is your Teacher eating with the tax collectors and sinners?" But when Jesus heard this, He said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire compassion, and not sacrifice,' for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Poch Suzara, googles# Twitter# Facebook#