Sunday, March 06, 2011
Every Religion
Every religion is preached by sanctimonious liars and nothing they say should be valued as something true or precious. After all, every religion inspires timidity, encourages stupidity, especially to live one's life with faith by embracing the lack of self-respect and dignity as a God blessed reality. Poch Suzara
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Falesehood repeated
When falsehood is repeated long enough - the lie becomes the Revealed Truth. Sadly, however, sacred lies have been revealed. As to the Revealed Truth, it has yet to be revealed especially by inspired authors of God. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
The Success of Evolution versus the Failure of Revelation
Success is what most people settle for when they cannot think of something great or noble enough to be failing at. As for me, since I am always in search of the truth, I do not mind at all that I am such a failure in life.
Meanwhile, with most people, they would rather have faith in deadly revelation of which they know nothing about. As for me, however, I would rather be on the side of lively evolution of which I know something about. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
What is Reality
Everything scientists thought was a wave, is really a particle. And everything scientists thought was a particle, is really a wave. The question arises: what is real: the wave or the particle? Or does both wave and particle comprise reality? (see The Grand Design by Stephen Hawking).
In either case, I'd rather attach more credibility to the real nature of REALITY: "each unfolding reality contains the seeds of its own destruction and the embryo of a new reality that will replace." See ENTROPY by Jeremy Rifkin). Poch Suzara
The Beauty of Curiosity
It is the curious mind, more than anything else, that encourages us to live freely, securely, creatively, and nobly. Sadly, however, curiosity is among the first beauty killed in our schools, colleges, and universities. Oh yes, curiosity killed the cat. Enviably, however, without attending grade school, high school, and college education the cat at least was curious before it died. Poch Suzara
Monday, February 28, 2011
Marcos Dictatorship
The Marcos Dictatorship destroyed the Philippines? Really? If the Philippines was then already such a rich, strong, and highly developed country with millions of Filipinos already enjoying not only a higher standard of living and thinking, but also enjoying a decent standard of education - why should the Philippines produce a blessed by God Marcos - a corrupt product of the great and famous and corrupt university of the Philippines? Poch Suzara
Sunday, February 27, 2011
God will Provide
In the Philippine Star today - Feb. 28, 2011 -"If anyone does not provide for his own, he is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Tim:5:8, Phil Star Feb. 28, 2011.
Well, in our schools, colleges, and universities, millions of Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will provide. And to think, the Philippines has been the only Christian country and Asia since the 16 century, but millions of poor Pinoys and morally bankrupt Pinays still believe and have faith in God who will provide. Indeed, provide what? Poch Suzara
Well, in our schools, colleges, and universities, millions of Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will provide. And to think, the Philippines has been the only Christian country and Asia since the 16 century, but millions of poor Pinoys and morally bankrupt Pinays still believe and have faith in God who will provide. Indeed, provide what? Poch Suzara
The Power of Thought
Never belittle the power of thought. After all, devoid of thought, the power of knowledge dies. After it dies, what takes over is the power of lies and deceptions in order to protect, defend, and promote silly Christianity for the sake of a silly divinity perpetually in cahoots with a silly deviltry. Poch Suzara
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sick Way of Life
Poverty is what is the matter with the poor in the Philippines. Stupidity is what is the matter with the rich. As for those of us who are neither rich nor poor - what is the matter with the rest of us? Nothing except that we are victims of social insanity, political perversity, and moral bankruptcy as our way of sick life in this only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Our Educated Politicians
The educated politicians in our corrupt government were taught in schools, colleges,
and universities to believe that Christ died for our sins. So our corrupt government officials make it even more meaningful by committing more sins. In fact, in the choice between a venial sin and a mortal sin, or in the choice between two evils - our sick and corrupt government officials choose both. Now I ask:
What is education all about in the Philippines? Well, for one thing, it has little to do with schools, colleges, and universities. It has, however, more to do as a factory of men and women to have faith not in love of country, but only to have faith in the eternity of mediocrity as inspired by a divinity otherwise more known as Christianity. Poch Suzara
and universities to believe that Christ died for our sins. So our corrupt government officials make it even more meaningful by committing more sins. In fact, in the choice between a venial sin and a mortal sin, or in the choice between two evils - our sick and corrupt government officials choose both. Now I ask:
What is education all about in the Philippines? Well, for one thing, it has little to do with schools, colleges, and universities. It has, however, more to do as a factory of men and women to have faith not in love of country, but only to have faith in the eternity of mediocrity as inspired by a divinity otherwise more known as Christianity. Poch Suzara
Friday, February 25, 2011
We are all Screwed
God created the world. I do not believe it. If, however, it is the devil who keeps it going, then I can believe it.
Either way, whether we have faith in God or faith in the devil - we are nevertheless all blessed by God, and blessed by the devil too for any of us to have no say in the celestial mess whatsoever. Poch Suzara
Either way, whether we have faith in God or faith in the devil - we are nevertheless all blessed by God, and blessed by the devil too for any of us to have no say in the celestial mess whatsoever. Poch Suzara
Stupid Man
When a stupid man does or says something stupid - he is usually proud of it. He believes his stupidity is the greatest form of humility, but also especially some
kind of insanity down here as blessed by a divinity up there.
Meanwhile, show me college-educated Pinoys and Pinays and I will show you people who have no love of country; no passion for compassion; no sense for common human decency; but only deep faith in a silly deity. Poch Suzara
kind of insanity down here as blessed by a divinity up there.
Meanwhile, show me college-educated Pinoys and Pinays and I will show you people who have no love of country; no passion for compassion; no sense for common human decency; but only deep faith in a silly deity. Poch Suzara
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Who can estimate the growth, development, and maturity of the Philippines as a nation? Especially if all the money wasted on lies, deception, superstition, and indeed, respect for silly religion - could be used, instead, for the growth, development, and maturity of the Filipino minds and hearts to enjoy terrestrial achievement - via the power and the beauty of the here and now enlightenment? Poch Suzara
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The Silly Divinity
Humility + stupidity + slavery equals to the same thing as having faith in a silly divinity more popularly known as the Holy Trinity - the inventor of Christianity. Poch
Monday, February 21, 2011
Confounded Language
We should all know by now that the LORD also came down to see the Philippines and gifted us Filipinos with a mixture of languages. It was, in this way, that we may enjoy not only divine confusion, not only the devil's temptation, but also to enjoy as something sacred or holy each other's religious delusion.
'And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. Gen. 11:5-7. Poch Suzara
'And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. Gen. 11:5-7. Poch Suzara
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Jesus on the Cross
"Jesus' last words on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" hardly seem like the Revealed Truth from a Savior who claimed be the Son of an All-mighty God. It doesn't take a Poch Suzara, a La Salle High school Expelled student, to point out there is something fishy here. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Holy Bible Silly Messages
When I read and study the bible, it becomes clear to me why God has neglected to inspire the most important part of the bible: the readers. At any rate, the inspired authors must have been so proud of God dictating to them. Whenever, however, I understand bible messages – It becomes glaringly obvious to me why we are the Sick Man of Asia. To think that in this God-forsaken country, even those who admire Jose Rizal, our chief hero, believe that his mature thinking led him to believe in the God of the bible and to trust his promise! What a cheap lie!
My dear reader, please read your bible and judge for yourself:
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women yet? . . . Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. Numbers 31:13
Psalms 93: 1 says that the world also is established, that it cannot be moved. In Joshua 19: 12-13, it says that Joshua commanded to stand still. “The sun stood still.” Indeed, people believed then that the sun moves and goes around the earth.
Joseph has two fathers. “Jacob begat Joseph.” Matt. 1:16. “Joseph which was the son of Heli.” Luke 3:23
A mutilated, but perfect, baby God. “And when 8 days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus.” Luke 2:21. Whatever happened to the prepuce cut away from Jesus? Did anyone bother to keep it as a religious relic for church revenue purposes in the future?
Giving away kingdoms: “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them, and saith unto him, “All these things I will give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me.” Matt. 4:8-9. But the devil possessed no legal titles of those kingdoms for him to give away? Even the gullible Jesus was impressed with the offer by saying that man does not live by bread alone.
God and Satan on friendly terms: “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord saith unto Satan, Whence come thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down. Job. 1: 56-7. What a silly mess this is for those who live in fear of Satan.
Jesus: “Then called his 12 apostles together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.” Luke 9:1 and Matt 10:1-8. So how come diseases are still around today with Satan spreading them according to God’s will? And where are the descendants of those apostles? How come nobody hears from them anymore?
Yes, piss and shit are not only good but also holy in the bible: “Hath he not sent me to the men which sit on the wall, that the may eat their own dung, and drink their own piss with you?” 11 Kings 18:27 and this whole shit is repeated in ll Kings 36:12. Perhaps, the bible is not the word of God, but the word of Satan.
War in heaven. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. . . And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan.” Rev. 12: 7-9. And to think million of Filipinos still believe in angels as much as their children and grandchildren still believe in Santa Claus.
There are 6 descriptions of the death and burial of Jesus and the discovery of his empty tomb and all 6 do not harmonize with either consistency or uniformity. See the 4 Gospels; the speech of Paul in Acts 13:26-34; and see also Acts 5:30 where Jesus was not crucified on a cross, but hanged on a tree.
I have met religious preachers who believe that after they die, they will be with Moses and Joshua, Jesus and Mary, and with God in heaven together with the angels. Yet, these are the kinds of religious morons who are among the bible preachers of today. They totally ignore what the bible clearly admits: “The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward. Eccl. 9:5
The bible, being a book of contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, and indeed, obscenities also admits however that not everybody dies. See the New Testament Heb. 7: 1-3:
“For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God. . . Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.”
Well, where is Melchisedec in the modern world today? Why does he not share his knowledge of the world and share his experience with the rest of mankind? Why is he always absent like God is always omni-absent from the troubles and problems of mankind? For my part, I thank God I was born as an atheist and I look forward to dying as an atheist. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Please Read Your Bible
Here is one Revealed Truth from Jesus - the one and only Son of a Loving God in heaven: "AS FOR MY ENEMIES WHO DID NOT WANT ME TO BE KING, BRING THEM IN AND EXECUTE THEM RIGHT HERE IN MY PRESENCE." Luke 19:27
After reading this holy bible message, you might begin to clearly understand why our own Jose Rizal in the Philippines was publicly executed by the disciples of Jesus? Poch Suzara
After reading this holy bible message, you might begin to clearly understand why our own Jose Rizal in the Philippines was publicly executed by the disciples of Jesus? Poch Suzara
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Streets of Our major cities
The streets of our major cities have been converted. They are no longer streets but are now baby factories. The laborers tremendously enjoy their work day or night even if they do not earn wages. Especially as they feel that they are always blessed by the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines whose main job it is to see to it that our population continues to grow and therefore insuring poverty and misery. In this way, what is also secured in the Philippines is the never-ending existence of Christianity. Poch Suzara
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Amateur Murderers
Kill one man and you are a murderer. Kill millions and you are a conqueror.
Kill all needlessly and you are a God. Forget Mao, Hitler, Stalin, etc. - they were all a bunch of amateurs compared to God in the efficient business of killing not in retail, but wholesale. Poch Suzara
Kill all needlessly and you are a God. Forget Mao, Hitler, Stalin, etc. - they were all a bunch of amateurs compared to God in the efficient business of killing not in retail, but wholesale. Poch Suzara
Revealed Bible Truth
Here's one great example of the Revealed Truth in the holy bible. A holy book written by inspired holy authors of God: "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. So you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when in Egypt your bosom was caressed and your young breasts fondled." -- Ezekiel 23:20-21
Friday, February 11, 2011
Ignorance and Poverty
Ignorance and poverty are one the same messy religiosity. Both evils are inspired endlessly by an unholy deviltry for the sake of our faith in holy divinity to promote nothing but social insanity, political perversity and, indeed, historical stupidity that maintains and supports Christianity perpetually. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
It is Incredibly Childish
It is incredibly childish how the religious morons know nothing of what's happening within their own family, community, and country; at the same time claim to know something about God in heaven and the devil in hell? Or that there is life not after birth, but life only after death. For Christ's sake, what in hell is our world coming into? Poch Suzara
Learning How to Learn
"In a world in transition, students and teachers both need to teach themselves one essential skill -learning how to learn." Carl Sagan
In De La Salle University, however, the place where I was expelled out of high school for wanting to learn not what is old, but what is new - our teachers wanted us to learn not how to think, but only what to believe.
Thus, instead of the art of intelligent thinking, only how to have faith in stupid believing.
To think that the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart; especially as inspired daily by silly religiosity blessed perpetually by a silly divinity to promote nothing but life long mediocrity. Poch Suzara
In De La Salle University, however, the place where I was expelled out of high school for wanting to learn not what is old, but what is new - our teachers wanted us to learn not how to think, but only what to believe.
Thus, instead of the art of intelligent thinking, only how to have faith in stupid believing.
To think that the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart; especially as inspired daily by silly religiosity blessed perpetually by a silly divinity to promote nothing but life long mediocrity. Poch Suzara
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Glorifying God
"We were created to glorify God." Philippine Star Feb. 7,2011. If I may add, we were also created gifted with a free will to love, worship, and adore God whether we like it or not. After all, God is a cold-blooded perfection lost in self-admiration.
For my part, I thank God I am an atheist. In the meantime, after I am dead, and I meet with God in heaven, and it turns out that God is a Catholic - I will do everything possible to escape or to get myself the hell expelled out of God's Catholic kingdom. I'd rather go back to earth. Poch Suzara
The Insane religious Mob
"When Christ told men that they should love each other, He produced such fury that the mob cried out: CRUCIFY HIM! CRUCIFY HIM! Christians ever since have followed the mob rather than the Founder of their religion." Bertrand Russell
And if I may add - especially the insane religious mob in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
And if I may add - especially the insane religious mob in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Be Happy with Life
To be happy in life one must get rid of anything that is useless, ugly, fearful, and mindless; indeed, get rid of religion. Especially as religion is organized misery reduced to a system of sacred malarkey.
As religion promises, there is no such thing as a better life to come after death. This is the only the better life after birth. life may be short, brief, and fleeting. Let us, however, learn to be happy here, there, and everywhere while we are on this earth. We do this by making others also happy. Poch Suzara
As religion promises, there is no such thing as a better life to come after death. This is the only the better life after birth. life may be short, brief, and fleeting. Let us, however, learn to be happy here, there, and everywhere while we are on this earth. We do this by making others also happy. Poch Suzara
Long Life
Everybody wants to live a long life. Nobody, however, wants to grow old. As for me, I do not mind growing old.
After all, old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle not only for human decency, but also to struggle for the joys of human liberty.
As an aside, old age must also be the time to devote more time for music - especially jazz music as I am a jazz drummer.
Playing the drums, however, is just one of my many creative hobbies. I also love reading, writing, cooking, gardening, cleaning, library building, and the most creative of all - endless questioning. Indeed, I still enjoy seeking more questions.
I don't care much for the answers. After all, questions are far more precious that the answers because the answers, in time, become obsolete. Poch Suzara
After all, old age, like any other age, is the time to struggle not only for human decency, but also to struggle for the joys of human liberty.
As an aside, old age must also be the time to devote more time for music - especially jazz music as I am a jazz drummer.
Playing the drums, however, is just one of my many creative hobbies. I also love reading, writing, cooking, gardening, cleaning, library building, and the most creative of all - endless questioning. Indeed, I still enjoy seeking more questions.
I don't care much for the answers. After all, questions are far more precious that the answers because the answers, in time, become obsolete. Poch Suzara
The Bible
The bible is like a compass - it always points the believer to the right direction. Phil Star 1/19/2011
In the Philippines, the only Christian bible believer country in Asia since the 16th century, we Filipinos have always been indoctrinated to follow the right biblical direction.
Indeed, right direction towards "love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him." 1John 2:15
But especially to follow Jesus in what He directed in the bible for family values:
"If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 Poch Suzara
In the Philippines, the only Christian bible believer country in Asia since the 16th century, we Filipinos have always been indoctrinated to follow the right biblical direction.
Indeed, right direction towards "love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not with him." 1John 2:15
But especially to follow Jesus in what He directed in the bible for family values:
"If any man come to me and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:26 Poch Suzara
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is coming. Some 1,845 times the bible speaks of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Indeed, numerically, it is probably the most emphatic teaching of the New Testament predicted more than 2000 years ago.
So why should we worry about bible telling us that when Jesus arrives - the causes
of earthly trouble and worry will be wiped out of this world forever? No more tears, no more pain, sorrow, and no more death. Rev. 21:4
Well, action speaks louder than words. We are now living in the 21st century. So where is Jesus? Especially in the Philippines - the one and only poor and backward Christian country in Asia since the 16th century? Poch Suzara
So why should we worry about bible telling us that when Jesus arrives - the causes
of earthly trouble and worry will be wiped out of this world forever? No more tears, no more pain, sorrow, and no more death. Rev. 21:4
Well, action speaks louder than words. We are now living in the 21st century. So where is Jesus? Especially in the Philippines - the one and only poor and backward Christian country in Asia since the 16th century? Poch Suzara
Jesus said: "You are the light of the world." Matt. 5:14. Paul said: "... For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light."
God said: "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things." Is. 45:7
And to think in the beginning where all was in darkness, God said: "Let there be light: and there was light." Genesis 1:3 and in Genesis 1:4 "God saw the light and it was good."
Strange, isn't it, that God Himself was no part of bright light. He Himself had to get out of darkness by creating the good light! Poch Suzara
God said: "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do these things." Is. 45:7
And to think in the beginning where all was in darkness, God said: "Let there be light: and there was light." Genesis 1:3 and in Genesis 1:4 "God saw the light and it was good."
Strange, isn't it, that God Himself was no part of bright light. He Himself had to get out of darkness by creating the good light! Poch Suzara
Good Tree and Corrupt Tree
The bible states: "Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bringeth forth evil fruit, neither
can a corrupt bring forth good fruit." Matt. 7:17-18
Now I ask you bible scholars please explain what the holy baloney was the purpose
of the creator for having created corrupt tree?
Are we to suppose to believe that God gifted the corrupt tree with a free will and therefore also guilty of the original corruption? Poch Suzara
can a corrupt bring forth good fruit." Matt. 7:17-18
Now I ask you bible scholars please explain what the holy baloney was the purpose
of the creator for having created corrupt tree?
Are we to suppose to believe that God gifted the corrupt tree with a free will and therefore also guilty of the original corruption? Poch Suzara
The Search of the Truth
The search of the truth, no doubt, is a never-ending journey. Whatever the case may be, the search of the truth is man's most noblest of profession. Joyous and creative as that journey might be, we could, serendipitously, discover lies and deceptions along the way. It is, however, a great pity that the search of the truth has absolutely nothing to do with the system of education via our schools, colleges, and universities... In the meantime, the search for beliefs is man's most dangerous of ambition. Beliefs, especially "sacred" beliefs often based upon holy mediocrity that destroys the rare opportunities for social change, economic growth, political sanity, and cultural diversity. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Messy Bible
"Many books inform, but only one transforms - the bible." Phil Star Jan. 24,2011
Indeed, the bible transforms; unfortunately, it has yet to transform the inspired authors of God to get out of the fine mess they all got into with bible contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, obscenities, and atrocities.
In the meantime, take a closer look at the Revealed Truth in the bible. For Christ's sake, it has yet to be revealed. Poch Suzara
Indeed, the bible transforms; unfortunately, it has yet to transform the inspired authors of God to get out of the fine mess they all got into with bible contradictions, inconsistencies, absurdities, obscenities, and atrocities.
In the meantime, take a closer look at the Revealed Truth in the bible. For Christ's sake, it has yet to be revealed. Poch Suzara
University of the Philippines
I often hear the claim that U.P. offers the best college education in the Philippines. For my part, I find the claim rather dubious, if not meretricious. After all, most of U.P. college students are products of six years in Catholic grade school and four years in Catholic high school. There are more than 1,200 schools, colleges, and universities established and owned and operated by the Catholic church and its affiliates in the Philippines. Thus, how can 4 years of U.P. college education overwhelm 10 years of praying via the neglect of precious learning? In the meantime, in our corrupt government, many of its congressmen and senators are products of U.P. They are just as corrupt carrying on our corrupt way of life as the Sick Children of Asia. The Philippine government has yet to take courageous measures to radically reform, strengthen, and in fact rescue the sick system of education. If I had my way, I would abolish heavenly education out of our country. I would abolish religion. I would, instead, replace it with more science, with earthly education - how to be prepared for this life, and to hell with preparation for the next life. There isn't any. There is only this life; especially in this country. Our country that need no more salvation for a silly divinity; but need only more civilization for humanity in the here and now. Poch Suzara Twitter# facebook# Google#
The American Dream Overseas
The American dream overseas has been about concocting crimes in foreign countries and then present American military power as the best policemen in the world. It has also been about creating fire in foreign countries and then present American military power as the best fire-fighters in the world.
Such, in brief, has been the American Dream overseas. Especially since the end of World War Two.
Today, America is falling apart as a world power. 50 million American children, and increasing daily, are officially described as living in poverty. Their mothers and fathers too, 100 million of them, are also bankrupt. They have lost their jobs. And to think that the task of rebuilding America falls with American children and their children. Hopefully, it is not yet too late. America can still be transformed to be the real God Bless America - the real land of the free and the real home of the brave. Poch Suzara
Such, in brief, has been the American Dream overseas. Especially since the end of World War Two.
Today, America is falling apart as a world power. 50 million American children, and increasing daily, are officially described as living in poverty. Their mothers and fathers too, 100 million of them, are also bankrupt. They have lost their jobs. And to think that the task of rebuilding America falls with American children and their children. Hopefully, it is not yet too late. America can still be transformed to be the real God Bless America - the real land of the free and the real home of the brave. Poch Suzara
Why I left the Catholic Church
Catholic theologians know all about God on earth as God is in heaven. That God is "almighty, eternal, holy, immortal, infinite, immense, immutable, invisible, just, loving, merciful, most high, most wise, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, patient, perfect, supreme, and true."
But none of these well-informed Catholic theologians could answer my simple question: who amongst my dead grandparents, dead great grandparents, dead uncles, aunties, cousins, nephews, nieces, and dead in-laws, dead friends and dead teachers and mentors happily made it to heaven; and, who are the ones now suffering eternal fire burning in hell?
Indeed, theology is purely based upon ignorance reduced to a system of lies and deceptions.
But the real reason why I left the Catholic was due to the fact that just like every one else, I too was born an atheist. Indeed, coming out of mother's womb, I had no concept of a God in heaven or a devil in hell. However, after birth, I was raised and educated as a Catholic; especially to believe in the Son of God Jesus.
Well, much to my consternation, I eventually discovered by reading the bible that Jesus himself was not a Catholic. He was never baptized by Catholic priests. Also, God himself, the Father of Jesus, was never ever a Catholic God. Poch Suzara
Holy Mary, Mother of God
Can we really imagine during the past 2,000 years in Catholic countries; and, 450 years in the Philippines - how we have all been praying daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen."
Isn't it getting ridiculous that Mary, the Mother of God has never given even two hoots to our endless prayers?
Look how in this already 21st century, as the Sick Man of Asia, we Filipinos are only getting more degraded as a people and getting more downgraded as a nation, simply because we are still waiting as we still have much faith in the promises of Mary, the Mother of God will be around during the hour of our stupid death, amen.
For my part, I said it before, I say it again: FUCK DEATH! Poch Suzara
Isn't it getting ridiculous that Mary, the Mother of God has never given even two hoots to our endless prayers?
Look how in this already 21st century, as the Sick Man of Asia, we Filipinos are only getting more degraded as a people and getting more downgraded as a nation, simply because we are still waiting as we still have much faith in the promises of Mary, the Mother of God will be around during the hour of our stupid death, amen.
For my part, I said it before, I say it again: FUCK DEATH! Poch Suzara
Sanctimonious Lie
Are we Filipinos really the most religious people in all of Asia? It is a sanctimonious lie. In fact, we are the most religiously corrupt.
As a matter of historical fact, we are, on the contrary, the most irreligious people in all of Asia.
Indeed, religion has nothing to do with miracles, prayers, virtues, or believing a better life to come after death. Religion does not consist in having faith in God
up there, or, believing in His only begotten son Jesus as our Savior down here.
Religion is simply adding to the human welfare - indeed, to the human happiness of man in this world.
We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by the power of Christian education in the Philippines. Look how, in this already 21st century, we Filipinos still love a silly divinity up there. We hardly give a goot for common humanity down here. Poch Suzara
As a matter of historical fact, we are, on the contrary, the most irreligious people in all of Asia.
Indeed, religion has nothing to do with miracles, prayers, virtues, or believing a better life to come after death. Religion does not consist in having faith in God
up there, or, believing in His only begotten son Jesus as our Savior down here.
Religion is simply adding to the human welfare - indeed, to the human happiness of man in this world.
We are all born ignorant, not stupid. We are made stupid by the power of Christian education in the Philippines. Look how, in this already 21st century, we Filipinos still love a silly divinity up there. We hardly give a goot for common humanity down here. Poch Suzara
Jose Rizal Never Said
Jose Rizal never said: "The Catholic church is worth dying for." Well, even so, Rizal was executed in pubic by the Catholic church. In fact, the Catholic priests even declared that hours before he was executed, Rizal "retracted" and died not as a heretic but as a penitent Catholic. Indeed, that hours before he was executed - Rizal cried like a frightened little boy and begged for confession, mass, and communion because he regretted much to have authored two great novels about the sins and the crimes behind the wealth, power, and glory of the Catholic Church in the Philippines.
Now I ask: Why should we believe the Catholic priests? They have never ceased to tell us brazen lies about the way Jose Rizal died? Rizal himself already told us the truth not only about the way he lived and work3ed, but also about the lies and deceptions of the Catholic church? Especially in its teachings in schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines? Poch Suzara
Now I ask: Why should we believe the Catholic priests? They have never ceased to tell us brazen lies about the way Jose Rizal died? Rizal himself already told us the truth not only about the way he lived and work3ed, but also about the lies and deceptions of the Catholic church? Especially in its teachings in schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines? Poch Suzara
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Letter to PDI Editors
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Letter to the Editors
Dear Sirs:
The Greatest Filipinos in Philippine History
For his courageous defense of the cause of Filipino priesthood, Father Burgos earned for himself the name "Champion of the Cause of the Filipino Clergy." He incurred, however, the hatred of the Spanish Catholic friars. Thus, when the Cavite mutiny broke out in 1872, the Spanish authorities arrested him together with Father Gomez and Father Zamora, charging them of having incited the revolution. After a mock trial at Fort Santiago Kangaroo court on February 15, 1872, they were sentenced to die by means of the garrote, a Catholic strangulation by an iron collar tightened by a screw. On February 17, 1872, they were executed in Bagumbayan, now the Luneta.
Of course, since the rebellion of Fr Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora had no impact against the Catholic Church on the international arena - there was no need to concoct a RETRACTION story about the rebellious activities of these 3 Filipino Catholic priests.
On the other hand, Jose Rizal exposed via his two novels - the NOLI and FILI - for the whole world to discover the religious malarkey keeping the Filipino impoverished as a people and the Philippines backward as a country. Like Fr. Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora, Rizal, with trump-up charges by a Kangaroo court, was also publicly executed. The Spanish Catholic friars defending and protecting the religious industry of the Catholic church - had to concoct the RETRACTION garbage about the death of Jose Rizal - so that he will end up as just one ordinary Filipino Catholic who died penitent and regretted having challenged the wealth, power, and glory of Catholicism in this only Catholic country in Asia.
I said it before, I say it again: If we Filipinos in this already 21st century are still stuck and famous as the Sick Man of Asia - it is simply because we are still being educated and guided NOT with sane Rizalism; but indeed, we are still ruled and dominated in our own country by insane Catholicism. Poch Suzara Jan 25, 2011
Letter to the Editors
Dear Sirs:
The Greatest Filipinos in Philippine History
For his courageous defense of the cause of Filipino priesthood, Father Burgos earned for himself the name "Champion of the Cause of the Filipino Clergy." He incurred, however, the hatred of the Spanish Catholic friars. Thus, when the Cavite mutiny broke out in 1872, the Spanish authorities arrested him together with Father Gomez and Father Zamora, charging them of having incited the revolution. After a mock trial at Fort Santiago Kangaroo court on February 15, 1872, they were sentenced to die by means of the garrote, a Catholic strangulation by an iron collar tightened by a screw. On February 17, 1872, they were executed in Bagumbayan, now the Luneta.
Of course, since the rebellion of Fr Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora had no impact against the Catholic Church on the international arena - there was no need to concoct a RETRACTION story about the rebellious activities of these 3 Filipino Catholic priests.
On the other hand, Jose Rizal exposed via his two novels - the NOLI and FILI - for the whole world to discover the religious malarkey keeping the Filipino impoverished as a people and the Philippines backward as a country. Like Fr. Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora, Rizal, with trump-up charges by a Kangaroo court, was also publicly executed. The Spanish Catholic friars defending and protecting the religious industry of the Catholic church - had to concoct the RETRACTION garbage about the death of Jose Rizal - so that he will end up as just one ordinary Filipino Catholic who died penitent and regretted having challenged the wealth, power, and glory of Catholicism in this only Catholic country in Asia.
I said it before, I say it again: If we Filipinos in this already 21st century are still stuck and famous as the Sick Man of Asia - it is simply because we are still being educated and guided NOT with sane Rizalism; but indeed, we are still ruled and dominated in our own country by insane Catholicism. Poch Suzara Jan 25, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
On the Rizal Retracting Issue
Jan 21, 2011
Phil Daily Inquirer
Letter to the Editors
>Dear Sirs:
On the Rizal Retracting Issue I ask: Why is it only taught in our schools, colleges, and universities that the greatness of Rizal had nothing to do with his life's devotion to the search of the truth via questioning, writing, thinking, analyzing, and discovering the power and the beauty of science? But only everything to do with his death, with his so-called silly retraction?
Indeed, in our spiritually poor and morally backward country - we are still being educated to believe and to have faith in how great Filipino thinkers and writers DIED for love of divinity; but hardly do we know about how they lived for love of country and indeed, love for humanity. So Rizal retracted before he was put to death. So, so what? The fact remains that the wealth, power, and glory of the Catholic church - the killer of Rizal is still here pretty much in control of the minds of Pinoys and hearts of Pinays to believe and to have faith in a lot of holy baloney, if not to have faith in a bunch of sacred malarkey, not to mention biblical absurdities.
As the Sick Man of Asian, let's take a closer look inside our banks, hospitals, lawyer's offices, doctor's clinic, government offices, stores, buses, jeepneys, taxis, trains, nipa huts, expensive homes, filthy rich palaces, etc, - we find the photo of Jesus Christ - a foreigner, born a Jew in a Jewish land, sired by Jewish parents, living under a Jewish custom, tradition, and culture. But hardly do we find inside our schools, colleges, and universities photos of one of the greatest Filipino this whole world has ever produced - Jose Rizal.
I said it before, I say it again: as one human being to another, if we can still believe that there exist something precious outside human existence - then we are just as pathetic as any lunatic proud and happy as a Catholic. In the meantime, in this already 21st century - thanks to our religious values and biblical beliefs - life in general in the Philippines is nothing but a competition to be the criminal or be the victim of criminals. You meet such criminals in charge of our schools, colleges, and universities, and indeed, in charge of our government.
Yours In Rizal,
Poch Suzara
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
God Bless Holy Baloney
Each and every one of us, whether we are young or old, rich or poor, fat or thin, married or single, in sickness or in health - have our share of troubles in this world.
My dear reader, I ask you: have you ever met any one who has NO troubles at all - in any shape or form in life simply because he or she has been blessed by God?
Now what I need to know what exactly is this "God Bless you" holy malarkey all about? How blessed are you or any one else by God? Are you truly that blessed because God has provided for you with a healthy, happy, and free from troubles situation in life?
Well, what about the millions of Filipinos who are poor, with no home, no food, no medicine, no running water, no toilet facilities, no future, and yet they pray daily to God to "give us this day our daily bread," and "lead us not into temptation!"
Isn't it time to accept the plain truth that this GOD BLESS YOU utterances is based on a lot of holy baloney? Poch Suzara
Is health a gift from God? Is health the result of prayer to God? We are told that health is the greatest of wealth. Perhaps, in space, but not in time. Indeed, life is so brief, short, and fleeting. Think of it: the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body.
Now we are also told that God created man in his own image and likeness. Is this some sort of a joke? Why would God create man only to be dying sooner than later? More to the point: why would God, our creator, be interested in us not while we live, but only after we are dead? Don't we humans need a God who is lively; not a God who is deadly? Poch Suzara
Everybody Knows
Everybody knows that the truth has been revealed, but nobody knows what the truth is.
Everybody knows the soul is immortal, but nobody knows what the soul is.
Everybody knows that the will is free, but nobody knows what the will is.
Everybody knows the mind of God; but nobody knows who or what God is. In fact, nobody knows whether God is a He or a She or an It. What we know is that God is an invisible spirit. As if that is evidence enough to believe that God created man in his own invisible image and His likeness in spirit. Poch Suzara
Everybody knows the soul is immortal, but nobody knows what the soul is.
Everybody knows that the will is free, but nobody knows what the will is.
Everybody knows the mind of God; but nobody knows who or what God is. In fact, nobody knows whether God is a He or a She or an It. What we know is that God is an invisible spirit. As if that is evidence enough to believe that God created man in his own invisible image and His likeness in spirit. Poch Suzara
Life's Purpose
As an atheist, I refuse to believe that life's only purpose is to find happiness. To examine one's life and finding and knowing one's self is far more precious. And then, indeed, to make life worth living - why must be truthful and useful and compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have had a reason for having lived on this earth. Thus, to leave this world one day a better place than how we found it.
In the meantime, as an atheist, for me to believe that I can find and enjoy more happiness, but only after I am dead with God in heaven I consider such thoughts as the highest form of ridiculosity, if the the lowest form of ludicrosity. Poch Suzara
The Search for God
What makes human life tragic? The fact that we shall never find God in this life. But to continue searching for God in this life is, in the ultimate analysis, not only a holy baloney, but a mockery of what human life should be.
In the meantime, we are told that man's greatest goal: bringing glory to God. On the contrary, man's greatest stupidity is wasting his time and energy in this world praying to a silly entity otherwise more known as a mysterious divinity. Poch Suzara
In the meantime, we are told that man's greatest goal: bringing glory to God. On the contrary, man's greatest stupidity is wasting his time and energy in this world praying to a silly entity otherwise more known as a mysterious divinity. Poch Suzara
The Death of Great Men
Death diminishes us all; especially the death of great men like the death of Jose Rizal. He proved himself most deserving to live the good life - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Unfortunately, the mediocre and the Philistines had him executed. Then they told brazen lies about how Rizal died pathetic as a penitent Catholic. Poch Suzara
Pray for Us Sinners
We Filipinos are, indeed, the Sick Man of Asia. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, we Filipinos continue to pray to God to lead us not into temptation. As the losers in the fight against temptation, however, we have no other recourse but to pray also to Mary, Mother of God, to pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen." Poch Suzara, Facebook# Google# Twitter#
The theologians have often declared that wisdom comes only through suffering especially for the glory of God. Well, if this were true, then the souls suffering eternal damnation in hell are enjoying wisdom. While the souls enjoying eternal salvation in heaven with God are enjoying stupidity. Poch Suzara
Frank Sinatra
Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. -- Frank Sinatra quotes (American Actor and Singer, 1915-1998)
For my part, I say, religion is man's greatest enemy. Well, the bible says we must love religion. I certainly do. The sooner, however, religion is dead, buried, and gone - I will love this enemy even more. Poch Suzara
For my part, I say, religion is man's greatest enemy. Well, the bible says we must love religion. I certainly do. The sooner, however, religion is dead, buried, and gone - I will love this enemy even more. Poch Suzara
Hope has its own trouble too. We just have to keep on hoping. There seems to be no end to it. For example, I still have an endless hope that one day before I leave this world, it will be a saner, cleaner, and a peaceful world. Poch Suzara
To add on to your sense of defeatism - none of the higher mental faculties are required for conservatism. The exact opposite of liberalism. As for me, in order to keep on generating the values of liberalism, I'd rather stimulate in myself and in others - the power and the beauty of intellectualism. Poch Suzara
God does not Exist
I have been asked: since I do not believe in the existence of God, why am I angry
at God? Well, I am angry precisely because there is no God to fix the problems and troubles of our world. But then again, in the ultimate analysis, if God exists, I should be grateful to God for having created me as an atheist. Poch Suzara
at God? Well, I am angry precisely because there is no God to fix the problems and troubles of our world. But then again, in the ultimate analysis, if God exists, I should be grateful to God for having created me as an atheist. Poch Suzara
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Health In What
We are told that health is the greatest of wealth. Perhaps, only in space, but not in time. After all, Life is so brief, short, and fleeting. In fact, the day we are born is the day we begin to live in a dying body.
In this connection, it has got to be some sort of a silly joke when we are also told that God created dying man in his own dying image and dying likeness. Poch Suzara
Bertrand Russell On China
"I have come to realize that the white race isn't as important as I used to think it was. If Europe and America kill themselves off in war it will not necessarily mean the destruction of the human species or even an end to civilization. There would still be a considerable number of Chinese left; and in many ways China is the greatest country I have ever seen. It is not only the greatest numerically and the greatest culturally, but it seems t be the greatest intellectually. I know of no other civilization where there is such open-mindedness, such realism, such willingness to face the facts as they are, instead of trying to distort them into a particular pattern." Bertrand Russell wrote the above in 1921, Today in this 21st century already over taking America, we can all see China as a world power on the rise not because of militarization, but precisely due to the power of science and technology, and indeed, the power of hard work otherwise more known as industrialization. Poch Suzara
Monday, January 10, 2011
Good Example versus Good Advice
"A good example has more value than good advice." Published today in the
Phil Star 1/11/2011.
Indeed, I entirely agree. However, why should God tell us how to raise our children when, by example, God himself, drowned His?
In the bible, we are told that God created the world in six days; and on the seventh day, God rested.
I think mankind would have enjoyed a more peaceful and delightful world if God had not rested, but instead, on the 7th day, God had compassion for what He had created? After all, compassion put into action is love and love has only to do with priorities; it has nothing to do with options. Poch Suzara
Phil Star 1/11/2011.
Indeed, I entirely agree. However, why should God tell us how to raise our children when, by example, God himself, drowned His?
In the bible, we are told that God created the world in six days; and on the seventh day, God rested.
I think mankind would have enjoyed a more peaceful and delightful world if God had not rested, but instead, on the 7th day, God had compassion for what He had created? After all, compassion put into action is love and love has only to do with priorities; it has nothing to do with options. Poch Suzara
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Thinkers Verses Believers
To be a thinker is hard. To be a believer is easy. To be a liar is even easier. That is why our world has always been ruled not by intelligent thinkers; but by the stupid believers always in cahoots with the stupid liars. Poch Suzara
The Sick Children of Asia
We Filipinos are, indeed, the Sick Children of Asia. Every day we pray to God to give us this day our daily bread and to lead us not into temptation. Poor as we are as a people even to fight strongly against temptation, we have no other recourse but to also pray to "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen." I said it before, I say it again: we are not the Sick Man; we are the Sick Children of Asia! Poch Suzara
The Death of Jose Rizal
The death of someone diminishes us all; especially the death of a great man like our Jose Rizal. He had proved himself most deserving to live the good life - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Poch Suzara
The Search for God
What makes human life tragic? The fact that we shall never find searching for God
in this life. But to continue searching for God to no end in this life is, in the ultimate analysis, not only a holy baloney, but a mockery of what human life should be. Poch Suzara
in this life. But to continue searching for God to no end in this life is, in the ultimate analysis, not only a holy baloney, but a mockery of what human life should be. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Money and Honey
Man gives love in order to get sex. Woman gives sex in order to get love. All is fine and dandy as goes the story for the sake of human decency.
Trouble, however, arises when her man continues to give to other women more love for the sake of more honey. She too gives more sex to other men for the sake of more money.
For my part, I believe in the power of love. I believe it enough in the sense that to the woman I love, I wish her to be free, even free to be away from me. I wish her to go places in life and not just be taken for a ride.
In the ultimate analysis, love can only last for as long as the lovers mutually love a variety of things together and not merely love each other. Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Trouble, however, arises when her man continues to give to other women more love for the sake of more honey. She too gives more sex to other men for the sake of more money.
For my part, I believe in the power of love. I believe it enough in the sense that to the woman I love, I wish her to be free, even free to be away from me. I wish her to go places in life and not just be taken for a ride.
In the ultimate analysis, love can only last for as long as the lovers mutually love a variety of things together and not merely love each other. Poch Suzara
Poch Suzara
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Rizal and Which God
I am told that Rizal believed in God while he was being shot by a God-Blessed, God-inspired, and God-loving Firing Squad.
I ask: which God did Rizal believe - the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants?
Now in our schools, colleges, and universities we were taught ( by the killers of Rizal ) to believe and to have faith - that there is only ONE GOD.
Well, again, I ask: If it is true that there is only ONE GOD, why then would such GOD formulate in his First commandment: "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME."
Again, I ask: Where did those other GODS come from: Which higher God created those other lower GODS? And which God did Rizal embrace while he was being shot to death
for the glory of which God in heaven or which God in hell? Poch Suzara
I ask: which God did Rizal believe - the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants?
Now in our schools, colleges, and universities we were taught ( by the killers of Rizal ) to believe and to have faith - that there is only ONE GOD.
Well, again, I ask: If it is true that there is only ONE GOD, why then would such GOD formulate in his First commandment: "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME."
Again, I ask: Where did those other GODS come from: Which higher God created those other lower GODS? And which God did Rizal embrace while he was being shot to death
for the glory of which God in heaven or which God in hell? Poch Suzara
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Silly Free Will
If you believe you have the free will to do evil, forget it. God already beat you to it. In the bible, God openly admitted: "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil; I the Lord do these things." Isaiah 45:7
Since God is here and is there and is everywhere and God created your future and determined your destiny - your free will becomes a mindless, if not a heartless, not to mention a worthless - void.
In the meantime, there is nothing sacred in this world. Not even free will, especially when free will is not real or useful or it dies even before it has a chance to really be free. Indeed, many of us believe we have free will because we are able to desire this or desire that. But we are not free to know why we are ever so ignorant as to where exactly our desires come from. Poch Suzara
Since God is here and is there and is everywhere and God created your future and determined your destiny - your free will becomes a mindless, if not a heartless, not to mention a worthless - void.
In the meantime, there is nothing sacred in this world. Not even free will, especially when free will is not real or useful or it dies even before it has a chance to really be free. Indeed, many of us believe we have free will because we are able to desire this or desire that. But we are not free to know why we are ever so ignorant as to where exactly our desires come from. Poch Suzara
The holy Bible Baloney
Bible contents are recycled myths. It is not only essential that you throw your bible out the window. It is even more crucial that you cease to believe in the existence of supernatural beings. Indeed, they do not exist. If, however, they do exist – they are not worth believing. After all, supernatural beings have never directly introduced themselves to any one of us. We don’t even know if such beings were colorful, bright, radiant, shinning, or visibly luminous. We do know, however, based on Genesis, that if God existed during those ancient times, he was a black supernatural Being existing in pitch darkness. He had to create the sun to light up the gloomy darkness around Him, didn’t He? In the meantime, the inspired authors of God did not know that the world is round; but they knew that Joshua commanded the sun to stop. They believed that it is the sun that's moving around the earth. Nowadays, for the sake of the American economy - only the US Marines believe, protect, and defend the truths revealed in holy bible baloney. Poch Suzara
Social Progress and Improvements
Only upon the rejection of lies and deceptions, on the one hand; and, on the other hand, the elimination of falsehoods and delusions - can society progress and improve; especially with illumination via the power of education.
A good society is not enough. The endless growth and development of society is better. What, however, we must all do, however, is to create a society that is the best for each and every one of us. For all of its members, it is a never-ending daily duty and a yearly responsibility.
Unfortunately, in the Philippines, what we love more is not a healthy, but a sick society; especially for the sake of deviltry in heaven; and, on earth for the sake of a divinity - all rolled into one silly bundle known as Christianity. Poch Suzara
A good society is not enough. The endless growth and development of society is better. What, however, we must all do, however, is to create a society that is the best for each and every one of us. For all of its members, it is a never-ending daily duty and a yearly responsibility.
Unfortunately, in the Philippines, what we love more is not a healthy, but a sick society; especially for the sake of deviltry in heaven; and, on earth for the sake of a divinity - all rolled into one silly bundle known as Christianity. Poch Suzara
Only in the Philippines
Convicting and sentencing rich Pinoy criminals to jail is big financial arrangement in the halls of justice. Pardoning and Releasing the same rich Pinoy criminals out of jail is even a bigger financial business in the halls outside justice. Indeed, among the richest of men in the Philippines today are referred to "Attorney," and also, indeed, those addressed to as "your honor." Poch Suzara
Jesus was born of a Jewish mother in a Jewish town. Mary, His Mother was never a Catholic. During birth, Jesus was visited by 3 non-Catholic kings. Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist who was a Baptist, not a Catholic. In fact, Jesus was never raised nor educated as a Catholic. His 12 apostles were not Catholic. Indeed, the rock upon which the church was built was not a Catholic rock. The Catholic church was purely built upon sacred lies and other holy deceptions for the sake of what eventually got to be known as the biggest, largest, richest, and most powerful bank in the world today - the Vatican Bank. Poch Suzara
What If
What if all the people you hate on this earth will be rewarded with justice to enjoy eternal salvation in heaven under the management of deviltry? What if, after my own death, I find myself in heaven in the company of my former teachers and professors and father confessor? No way, I say. I'd rather kill myself. Over my dead body should I want to mingle in heaven with such mindless bullies and heartless tuti-frutie-patuties. Well, What if all the people you love on this earth will be punished without justice to suffer eternal damnation in hell under the management of Divinity? What then? Poch Suzara
The Mess in our World
In this world of politics and religion, sin and crime, poverty and misery, perversity and stupidity, religion against other religions - happily, there is always something still to be grateful for. As for me, I am most grateful that I managed, somehow, with so much pain and confusion then to seriously excommunicate myself permanently out of the Catholic church to become an atheist. Poch Suzara
I am not a Catholic
I am a not a Catholic. I am a Filipino. As such I have the greatest love, respect, and admiration for our own Jose Rizal more than I do have; in fact, I do not have - any kind of love, affection, or admiration for that Jewish fellow born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago. His name was Jesus, the so-called Son of a Jewish God who was not even raised and educated as a Catholic in the Philippines. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
The Poor Pinoys
The vast majority of Pinoys are, indeed,a hard working people. That is, of course, if hard working means exactly the same thing as hard praying. Indeed, we Pinoys attach more reliability to praying than we appreciate the miracles of hard thinking while hard working.
After all, in our schools, colleges, and universities - we were taught to believe and to never lose faith with the Word of God written in the holy bible such as: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh, receiveth' and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
Sadly, however, as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, the vast majority of poor Pinoys are still waiting and waiting for the results of their hard prayers said daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly!
In the meantime, we consume without producing. We are spending without earning. We are praying without working. What a waste of precious time as a people. What a waste of precious energy as a nation. We poor Pinoys are still stuck with our silly prayers behind a silly theology; when we should already be growing as a people with science and developing as a nation with technology. Poch Suzara
After all, in our schools, colleges, and universities - we were taught to believe and to never lose faith with the Word of God written in the holy bible such as: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh, receiveth' and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
Sadly, however, as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, the vast majority of poor Pinoys are still waiting and waiting for the results of their hard prayers said daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly!
In the meantime, we consume without producing. We are spending without earning. We are praying without working. What a waste of precious time as a people. What a waste of precious energy as a nation. We poor Pinoys are still stuck with our silly prayers behind a silly theology; when we should already be growing as a people with science and developing as a nation with technology. Poch Suzara
Sins of the Priests
The more sins you commit and confess, the more the church profits by the steps you have to take to mitigate your punishment in Purgatory before going, eventually, to heaven. The system is convenient both for the priests and for the sinners. It is, however, silly to pretend that such a system inspires growth as a people and enhances development as a nation. In fact, what it does promote is the spiritually poor Filipino getting more and more famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara
Our Corrupt System of Education
In the Philippines, for the most part - schools, colleges, and universities are places where cheap souls are canned for eternal salvation in heaven. While precious minds are damned for eternal damnation in hell. Poch Suzara
Friday, December 24, 2010
We, the Poor Pinoys
The vast majority of Pinoys are, indeed, a hard working people. That is, of course, if hard working means exactly the same thing as hard praying. Indeed, we Pinoys attach more reliability by praying than we appreciate the values of working.
After all, in our schools, colleges, and universities - we were taught to believe, indeed, never lose faith in the Word of God written in the holy bible like: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh, receiveth' and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
Sadly, however, as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, the vast majority of poor Pinoys are still waiting and waiting for the results of their hard prayers said hourly, daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly!
In the meantime, we consume without producing. We are spending without earning. We are praying without working. Instead of struggling creatively against foreigners, we would rather compete against each other to achieve more of the same old nothing.
What a waste of precious time as a people. What a waste of precious energy as a nation. We Pinoys are still stuck with silly prayers behind a silly theology. At this point in time of Philippine history - we should have already grown as a people with science and should have already developed as a nation with technology. Poch Suzara
After all, in our schools, colleges, and universities - we were taught to believe, indeed, never lose faith in the Word of God written in the holy bible like: "Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for everyone that asketh, receiveth' and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."
Sadly, however, as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century, the vast majority of poor Pinoys are still waiting and waiting for the results of their hard prayers said hourly, daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, and yearly!
In the meantime, we consume without producing. We are spending without earning. We are praying without working. Instead of struggling creatively against foreigners, we would rather compete against each other to achieve more of the same old nothing.
What a waste of precious time as a people. What a waste of precious energy as a nation. We Pinoys are still stuck with silly prayers behind a silly theology. At this point in time of Philippine history - we should have already grown as a people with science and should have already developed as a nation with technology. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Prayers of Medical Doctors
In order to enjoy success, wealth, power, and glory in this life - medical doctors must pray daily to ask God to never, ever, make health infectious; but only to please always keep diseases contagious. Such is the sick career of medical doctors on earth for the greater glory of a sick God in heaven. For my part, I have all the love and respect and admiration for doctors who are like me - an atheist. Poch Suzara
Friday, December 17, 2010
God Bless You Malarkey
I have met many people, both rich and poor in the Philippines and in foreign countries. But never, have I ever met a person who is exempted from troubles or spared of problems because he or she has been truly blessed by a loving, kind, and a merciful God. "God Bless You" is a message not only based upon a lot of useless mystery; it is also about mindless spirituality, if not about a lot of sacred baloney, not to mention a lot of sacred malarkey. No one, but no one has ever been blessed by God. Though I have a sneaky suspicion that if there is any one that God has always blessed - it is the devil - his partner in crime against humanity. Poch Suzara
Mark Zuckerberg - Man of the Year 2010
Mark Zuckerberg - Founder of Facebook - was born in White Plains, New York to Karen, a psychiatrist, and Edward, a dentist. Mark and three sisters, Randi, Donna, and Arielle, were brought up in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Zuckerberg was raised Jewish, including having his bar mitzvah when he turned 13, although he has since described himself as an atheist. Cheers to the Atheist movement throughout the world. It is about time we destroy the greatest twister of minds and distorter of hearts - stupid religion. The evil should already be dead and buried forever. Indeed, religion encourages stupidity and an insufficient sense of reality for the glory of a divinity in hell cahoots with deviltry in heaven. Poch Suzara
Jesus and His last Words
Jesus' last words on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" hardly seem like the words of a Savior of mankind. It doesn't take a high school expelled student like me to figure there is something mysteriously wrong here. Indeed, how could and why should a God forsake Himself? Poch Suzara
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Good without religion
I was good as a child. I had no faith in any religion. In fact, when I came out of my mom's womb - I was an atheist. Just like every one else is an atheist born into this world... It was only at the age of reason when I was told that God created me in his own image and likeness and that I was born with Original Sin. That any sin or crime I commit can be forgiven by God via confession to a priest. Except of course the sin of not believing in the Holy Spirit. That, for as long I have faith in God, my soul will be saved under eternal salvation; otherwise, if I continue to follow the ways of the devil as a sinner - I will be punished forever and ever under eternal damnation. Indeed, I am back to being good, especially good for something, and no longer good for nothing when I reverted back to my original atheism... Can you imagine how mentally confused, emotionally twisted, and psychologically distorted I was, as a growing boy, indoctrinated to be frightened of all those sick characters revealed in the holy bible as the truth? Poch Suzara
Monday, December 13, 2010
Kill Kill and Kill
Kill one man and you are a murderer. Kill millions and you are a conqueror. Kill all and you are a God.
For my part, I have neither the taste nor the gumption to kill any one. After all, I love humanity even as I abhor both silly divinity and stupid deviltry. Indeed, happily, proudly, and fearlessly, - I am an ATHEIST, not destructively, but creatively. Poch
For my part, I have neither the taste nor the gumption to kill any one. After all, I love humanity even as I abhor both silly divinity and stupid deviltry. Indeed, happily, proudly, and fearlessly, - I am an ATHEIST, not destructively, but creatively. Poch
Sunday, December 12, 2010
The Death of Jesus
Jesus, the Son of a Jewish God, was born in a Jewish town. He died on a Jewish cross for your Catholic sins. Should you not therefore celebrate the death of Jesus by committing more Catholic sins?
Now could any of you really believe in Jesus, a Jew, crucified on a Jewish cross by fellow-Jews, dying and then resurrecting for the sins of the Catholics? As for me, for the sake of sanity, I put aside incredulity. I utterly refuse to attach credibility to this childish, indeed, fantastic bible silly story written and inspired by a silly divinity. Poch Suzara
Thursday, December 09, 2010
China and the Philippines
Dec. 12, 2010
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Letter to the Editors
Dear Editors:
China is a great nation. She has a government. Manage effectively by its own government officials. Especially how to deal, fearlessly, with foreign power. Such as the Catholic Church and its bishops meddling into Chinese State affairs.
In the Philippines, we hardly have a government of, by, and for the people. What we have, however, are lots of government officials working to enrich themselves. Most of them products of Catholic education via schools, colleges, and Universities established in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century.
Consider the way our so-called Public Servants as government officials begin, if at all, their work in the office. They begin with daily prayers to God to give us this day our daily bread, and to lead us not into temptation! Is it any wonder that we Filipinos continue to be losers as a people? But our public servants also pray daily to Mary, Mother of God - to pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen. It is any wonder that the Philippines continue to be a failure as a nation?
I said it before, I say it again: In this already 21st century, it is time for us Filipinos to radically re-evaluate our system of education. Otherwise, as this century ends 90 years from now - we Filipinos will continue to be not the rich masters, but only the poor victims of childish politics in cahoots with infantile religious values. Poch Suzara
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Letter to the Editors
Dear Editors:
China is a great nation. She has a government. Manage effectively by its own government officials. Especially how to deal, fearlessly, with foreign power. Such as the Catholic Church and its bishops meddling into Chinese State affairs.
In the Philippines, we hardly have a government of, by, and for the people. What we have, however, are lots of government officials working to enrich themselves. Most of them products of Catholic education via schools, colleges, and Universities established in the Philippines - the only Catholic country in Asia since the 16th century.
Consider the way our so-called Public Servants as government officials begin, if at all, their work in the office. They begin with daily prayers to God to give us this day our daily bread, and to lead us not into temptation! Is it any wonder that we Filipinos continue to be losers as a people? But our public servants also pray daily to Mary, Mother of God - to pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen. It is any wonder that the Philippines continue to be a failure as a nation?
I said it before, I say it again: In this already 21st century, it is time for us Filipinos to radically re-evaluate our system of education. Otherwise, as this century ends 90 years from now - we Filipinos will continue to be not the rich masters, but only the poor victims of childish politics in cahoots with infantile religious values. Poch Suzara
Saturday, December 04, 2010
Much more intelligent learning can be achieved not inside, but outside the classroom. Especially, when teachers, frightened into learning new and fresh ideas have been hired to teach Catholicism. Poch Suzara
Free Will not that Free
We have the free will to choose our spouses in marriage; but we have no free will to choose our mother and father, brothers and sisters. Free Will is not that free. At any rate, for my part, I have no need of a silly free will to love as I do dearly love my parents, my sisters, and my two sons and my only daughter. Poch Suzara
The Church and Dirty Sex
The religious morons of our sick society never ceases to declare that the church does not paint sex as dirty.
Oh yes, indeed, the church does paint sex as dirty. After all, sex is dirty especially when you do it right. Poch Suzara
Oh yes, indeed, the church does paint sex as dirty. After all, sex is dirty especially when you do it right. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
The Holy Bible is not Holy
There are more than 57 different versions of the bible sold in bookstores today: - Duane, Catholic, King James, Good news, New Standard, New International, New American bible, etc, etc. As an aside, the bible has been revised, renewed, re-edited, mutilated, distorted, twisted, re-interpreted, re-issued,a and tampered with.
Well, despite such changes, the bible continues to be a compilation of trashy, incoherent, confabulated, incredible tales, poems, sagas, and pieces of dramas. It is full of hatred, revenge, murder, bloodshed, greed, falsehoods, lies, deception, illusion, confusion, delusion, sado-masochism, absurdities, inconsistencies, atrocities, contradictions, lust, stupidities, and obscenities.
Well, here is something that has not changed during these past thousands of years. Such beauties and consistencies have not been formulated by any inspired authors. It has been and still the perfect model of truth. It is precise, exact and certain, and free from all temporal dross - it is known as THE MULTIPLICATION TABLE.
I ask: have any of you ever heard of different conflicting version of the MULTIPLICATION TABLE sold in bookstores today??? Nay, have you people ever heard of a nation declaring war on other nations because they did not believe or
did not have faith in the truth that 2 plus 2 equals 4???
I rest my case - the bible is not only repulsive, furtive, constrictive, and seductive; it has also been historically destructive!
I said it before, I say it again: look deep at the Philippines. The only Christian country in Asia under holy bible guidance as revealed truth since the 16th century. The vast majority of Filipinos have never been taught how to be intelligent MASTERS of religion, but only how to be the stupid VICTIMS of organized superstition. Poch Suzara
Friday, November 19, 2010
God Bless You Messages
I always get this message: "God Bless you." I ask - have you, my dear reader, have you ever met any one who has been really blessed by God in this world? I am already an old man. Thus far, all the men, women, and children I have met around the world I noticed all have been blessed by God. But in fact, all of them are afflicted with some kind of trouble, if not suffering from some kind of problem that each and every one of us - suffer from! Again, I ask: What if there is really a God existing out there - how relevant is that God to human happiness or to human joys, or indeed, to human affairs? Indeed, "God Bless You" message does not mean a damn thing. Whether you are rich or poor. Tall or short. fat or thin. Black or white. Asian or American or African or European - you will always be a victim of some kind of trouble in this sick world specially as God has blessed you. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
OK, I Want to Serve God
I want to serve God. Now where do I go to start serving God? Do I go here? Do I go there? Do I go everywhere as I am told that God is everywhere?
Isn't it possible that by the time I begin to serve God here, or serve God there, or serve God everywhere I will already be so sick and tired
and insane just to be able to find first his exact whereabouts??
Now we are told that God gifted all of us with a free will. That's fine and dandy. Indeed, we have the free will to choose our friends; but where is our free will to
choose our family?
Please don't me wrong. I am happy and proud of my mother, father, grandparents, and sisters and son and daughter and wife, and cousins, uncles, and aunties. As a matter of fact, I love my family. However, I have neither love nor affection for a silly mystery otherwise more known as divinity. Poch Suzara
Isn't it possible that by the time I begin to serve God here, or serve God there, or serve God everywhere I will already be so sick and tired
and insane just to be able to find first his exact whereabouts??
Now we are told that God gifted all of us with a free will. That's fine and dandy. Indeed, we have the free will to choose our friends; but where is our free will to
choose our family?
Please don't me wrong. I am happy and proud of my mother, father, grandparents, and sisters and son and daughter and wife, and cousins, uncles, and aunties. As a matter of fact, I love my family. However, I have neither love nor affection for a silly mystery otherwise more known as divinity. Poch Suzara
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Filipino Endless Suffering
Millions upon million of devout and faithful believers have always offered their endless suffering on this earth in the Philippines to God in heaven.
I say, we Filipinos should already begin to question what in hell is God exactly doing
in heaven with all these Filipino endless suffering on earth in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century? Poch Suzara
I say, we Filipinos should already begin to question what in hell is God exactly doing
in heaven with all these Filipino endless suffering on earth in the Philippines - the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century? Poch Suzara
Free will versus God's Will
Published in the Philippine Star Nov. 12, 2010:
"We should not trust ourselves, but in God."
2 Cor.1:9
In other words, to hell with our FREE WILL. Let's just trust GOD'S WILL.
As if, in this poor and backward Philippines, we Filipinos have dismally failed daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to trust God - famous as we are - as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
"We should not trust ourselves, but in God."
2 Cor.1:9
In other words, to hell with our FREE WILL. Let's just trust GOD'S WILL.
As if, in this poor and backward Philippines, we Filipinos have dismally failed daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly to trust God - famous as we are - as the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Genesis 1:28-31
My dear reader please read carefully and critically Genesis 2:28 -31
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
In Gen. 1:28 God instructs man to do 5 things: Have Dominion, be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish, and Subdue!
Dominion: He has given man the power to rule on earth,which mean we should rule our circumstances and not let them rule us.
Be Fruitful: be productive! Produce desired results! Our lives should make a difference in the earth.
Multiply: Produce after our own kind. To bring increase! To usher in the next generation. To spread good in the earth.
Replenish: to fill or refill, to provide whatever is lacking. You have the answer to somebody else problems.
Subdue: To conquer! To walk in victory in every area of your life!
What, however, God and His inspired silly authors ignored to mention in Genesis is the existence germs, viruses, and bacteria. Such little monsters, trillions of them, living inside the body of every living thing, especially in the human body have the real destructive power and the real deadly dominion over all living things. Poch Suzara
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.
31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
In Gen. 1:28 God instructs man to do 5 things: Have Dominion, be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish, and Subdue!
Dominion: He has given man the power to rule on earth,which mean we should rule our circumstances and not let them rule us.
Be Fruitful: be productive! Produce desired results! Our lives should make a difference in the earth.
Multiply: Produce after our own kind. To bring increase! To usher in the next generation. To spread good in the earth.
Replenish: to fill or refill, to provide whatever is lacking. You have the answer to somebody else problems.
Subdue: To conquer! To walk in victory in every area of your life!
What, however, God and His inspired silly authors ignored to mention in Genesis is the existence germs, viruses, and bacteria. Such little monsters, trillions of them, living inside the body of every living thing, especially in the human body have the real destructive power and the real deadly dominion over all living things. Poch Suzara
We are all born Equal
"Virtually all religions rely upon early childhood indoctrination as the prime infection strategy." Darrel Ray. . . Indeed, We are all born with no religion. That is a truth no one can deny. After all, we are all born sane equally. We are all born as atheists. No child is born having faith in any religion. . . Sadly, however, due to circumstances beyond the control of our free will, we do not grow up as equally sane. We are raised and educated to be insane Christians, or insane Muslims, or insane Jews - all hating one another while making a mockery of the truth that as innocent babies coming out of mother's womb - we were all equally sane as unbelievers of stupid faith. . . Indeed, I dearly love and admire all babies; except when they grow up as mindless men and thoughtless women having silly faith in a lot of religious nonsense. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#
Dear Blind Religious Fools
Dear Boys and Girls,
May I request to please seriously consider and indeed appreciate God's mysterious ways! God has never been disappointed with me because I never went against his divine plan to make me an atheist? If God was being evil about this, why blame me? Why not blame God or his cohort - the devil?
Perhaps, you are miserably disappointed with the devil who obviously was quite a success in convincing God to grant me the free will to be an atheist?
Nevertheless, thanks to God's power, God made me an atheist. What kind of blind
faithfools are you people now questioning God's Will or rejecting God's divine Plan to have created me to be an atheist? Poch Suzara
Friday, November 05, 2010
Dear Atty Lionel
Dear Atty Lionel,
"You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, food falling from the sky, people walking on water, and all sorts of magical, absurd and primitive stories, and you say that we atheists are the ones that need help? [Dan Barker, Losing Faith in Faith)
Or worst, that I am being arrogant or that atheism leads to stupidity because I quote weird bible verses for you people to read and to learn in this forum? Come on you guys and gals - wake up! We are no longer living in the Dark Ages. We are now living in the 21st century. The least you religious morons can do is to throw your holy bible out the window. Poch Suzara
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
"Fear God, and you will have nothing else to fear." Philippine Star, November 3,2010.
This is timidity to promote nothing but social insanity for the sake of a silly divinity.
Listen to Bertrand Russell: "Fear generates impulses of cruelty, and therefore promotes such superstitious beliefs as seem to justify cruelty. Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of great fear... Many a man will have the courage to die in battle, but will not have the courage to say, or even to think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one." Poch Suzara
This is timidity to promote nothing but social insanity for the sake of a silly divinity.
Listen to Bertrand Russell: "Fear generates impulses of cruelty, and therefore promotes such superstitious beliefs as seem to justify cruelty. Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of great fear... Many a man will have the courage to die in battle, but will not have the courage to say, or even to think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one." Poch Suzara
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Religion of Hate and War
There is no such thing as the religion of peace. Otherwise, if there were such a thing as the religion of peace - Judaism, Christianity, Islam would have already established peace on earth and goodwill to all men.
But take a good look at the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims - they have not ceased hating and killing each other for the glory of their respective God in heaven or in paradise. Poch Suzara
But take a good look at the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims - they have not ceased hating and killing each other for the glory of their respective God in heaven or in paradise. Poch Suzara
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Quality of Life
The silly religious morons of this world attach more importance to the quantity of life for the sake of a malevolent divinity rather than the quality of life for the sake of benevolent humanity. As for me, I thank God that I am an atheist. Nothing is more important to an atheist than the quality of life in this world - the only world we have. Poch Suzara
Hair and Nail
Every part of the human body is subject to pain; except the nail and hair. Imagine a less cruel creator who created the human body not of skin and bones but of nail and hair material only. Pain, death, and decay won't be such a terrible thing for any of us. Poch Suzara
Monday, October 25, 2010
Atheists Make a Difference
We atheists know and accept that a different world cannot be built by people who are indifferent. That is why, we atheists are trying to make a difference. The purpose of life is not only to be happy, but also to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate, to stand for something; not to kneel down to nothing. We, humans must make the difference. Especially for the sake of this world. Our world. Otherwise, we would have very little reason to have lived at all. Poch Suzara
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