Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Never Lied to Any of You

"If a man would follow, today, the teachings of the Old Testament, he would be a criminal. If he would follow strictly the teachings of the New, he would be insane." --- Robert Ingersoll Another word for "insane" is THE SICK MAN OF ASIA - the frightened men and women - educated products of schools, colleges, and universities own and operated by the Catholic church in the Philippines. Such frightened men and women are more terrified by harmless "vulgar language" than they should be more horrified by harmful "vulgar beliefs and vulgar values" keeping us Filipinos culturally poor and spiritually sick as a people; not to mention morally corrupt and economically bankrupt as a nation... Consider in this already 21st century... We Filipinos are still taught to believe that the Philippines has been and still is the one and only country in Asia that's been lucky enough to have always been BLESSED WITH CHRISTIAN VALUES AND BELIEFS by God and his angels from heaven through Christ our Lord down here on earth... Again, I say it with all candor, that the damage I have done in this forum by my so-called foal and vulgar language is so puny, so insignificant compared to the monstrous damage done to Filipino minds and hearts since the 16th century by the teachings of insanity in the Philippines more referred to as "Christianity." ... Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

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