Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Questions are always Better than the Answers

Dear Nathaniel, Questions are always better than the answers because the answers, in time, become obsolete. What, of course, is the worst standard of stupidity is to believe the answers to questions we have not even been allowed to asked. In La Salle grade school, during my so-called "education" years, I was not allowed to question anything. I was only told to believe everything. Since I had NO desire whatsoever to be a stupid believer for the rest of my life - I engineered my own expulsion out of La Salle high school. Cheers, Poch Suzara Twitter# Google# Facebook# Atheist# .

1 comment:

Ken said...

Poch, you need not be a stupid believer for the rest of your life. Why be, when you can be a wise believer, one who walks circumspectly, redeeming the time for the days are evil? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.