Sunday, August 08, 2010

Far More Precious

Many people are so grateful to God for having been gifted With a “free will.” Unfortunately, these same people do not give a damn about something that is even
far more precious – having a “free mind.” Indeed, a free mind that’s able to formulate a powerful thought in order to change the useless ways of our world for
something more useful. Poch Suzara

Serendipity and Zemblanity

Serendipity is the unexpected discovery of something wonderful not sought for. However, I love and enjoy more the opposite known as zemblanity – the unexpected discovery of something deplorable not sought for. There are more lessons to learn
from zemblanity than there is from serendipity. Poch Suzara

Morality for the Atheists

According to Jesus, to be moral, a man must abandon his reason. He must force himself to believe that which he cannot understand. He must suppress, in the name of morality, any doubts that surface in his mind. He must regard as a mark of excellence an unwillingness to scrutinized religious beliefs to critical examination. Less scrutiny leads to more faith – and faith, Jesus declares, is the highest of virtues. Indeed, “unless you turn and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt 18:3). Children, after all, are gullible. They will believe almost anything. Well, we Atheists have a better sense of morality. Ours is not a deadly, but a lively way of life. We do good because it is the decent thing to do, and not because we will be rewarded later in heaven after death. To begin with, there is no such thing as life after death. Indeed, atheism is not the destruction of morality; it is the destruction of superstitious morality. Likewise, atheism is not the destruction of the joys in life; it is the destruction of the belief that the joys in life can only be achieved in another world. Atheism brings these ideas down to earth, within the reach of man’s mind and heart for the sake of living the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Atheism is not a mental disease; it is restored mental health – the greatest of man’s wealth - especially in a world gone mad with organized religions. Poch Suzara

It is Incredible

It is, indeed, incredible how many people believe that God is all-mighty, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present, all-loving, and all-just, all-merciful, etc.

And yet, when they are confronted by an individual like me who does not believe in the existence of such a God – they immediately believe that I am either inane or insane; if not someone deplorable or despicable; or that I am a liar, a selfish moron, or some sort of a criminal.

They forget that atheism is a personal and a private matter. If there is a God – he should reveal himself directly to me via the Revealed Truth, and not revealed to me
by the theologians who never know not whatever they are talking about. Poch Suzara

Higher Power

No doubt, there exist a higher power. It does not, however, exist somewhere up out there. It exists right down here. It is known as the “human mind.”

Unfortunately, the human mind is the very first thing that’s mutilated, if not crippled during basic education. Especially contorted, if not twisted, to believe
in a lot of holy baloney. Poch Suzara


No one, but no one has the right to tell you what is the meaning or purpose of life. It should be your own responsibility, nay, your own adventure to discover for yourself such values. There is something feeble, indeed, a little contemptible about the presumption that somebody else (parents as in the case of children), (teachers as in the case of students), (ministers as in the case of followers), and indeed, (God as in the case of adults), has the responsibility to give your life meaning or purpose. Unless, of course, even if as you are already a grown-up man or woman you still wish to keep enjoying infantile pursuits for the rest of your life. Life is hard; but knowing not how to live your own life is not only harder, but useless especially if it is devoid of self-direction stuck with indecision. Poch Suzara

First Cause Bullshit

If God was the first cause of everything and God Himself was part of that everything – who or what caused God to exist? Here, however, is a deeper question: who or what is God? Where did God come from? Since there was a "nothing" before creation, how did God manage to exist as a nothing before He created everything? Poch Suzara

A Cosmic Joke

I was born an atheist. I shall die an atheist. Now what if it turns out that I am wrong? What if God does exists. Well, I have no objection, no qualms about it, whatsoever.

My problem would be if God turns out to be a Catholic, or Christian, or a Jew, a Muslim, or a Hindu, or a Tao, or what have you. I will never believe or have faith in such a mindless, heartless, and indeed - a good for nothing God - a worthless supernatural being.

Never, I will I ever love, worship, and adore a God created by men in their own silly image and silly likeness. All the great men and decent women I have met in world history never bothered to create such a silly monster called "God." Poch Suzara
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Ignorance and Fanaticism

Ignorance and fanaticism are forever busy, and needs feeding. Shamelessly,
one feeds the other, faithfully. Often enough, this is also known as the
"love of God." Poch Suzara

Friday, August 06, 2010

Corruption and Christianity

Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 20:19:00 08/06/2010

Dear Editors

IF YOU steal small, you land in jail. If you steal big, you immediately qualify to run as a candidate for an elective government position. And when in government, if you steal bigger, you are promoted to a higher government position. In the meantime, look at the ongoing investigation of crimes committed by public officials. The investigation is not being done by policemen or by NBI agents, but by fellow criminals in or out of the same corrupt government.

Usually, the investigation goes on endlessly; except for one beautiful development. Via the priesthood industry, the criminals under investigation are forgiven by God for their sins and crimes. This is otherwise more known as Christianity than as a way of life in the Philippines. POCH SUZARA

Thursday, July 22, 2010

God's Atheistic Angels

I love, worship, and adore God's angels who rebelled against Him. They were the original atheists who tried to reform the thoughtless, reckless, and indeed, worthless ways of God more known as God's divine plan. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What on Earth is an Atheist

An atheist is one who creatively enjoys not the freedom OF religion, but the freedom FROM religion; especially as religion is mostly about fear and guilt to always morally and to financially support organized superstition. Now what exactly have we atheists to offer in exchange after we demolish superstition off people’s lives? Only this - we offer the return of the most priceless treasure stolen away from you during education: your own precious mind and heart; especially as a human being that you may learn to have more love and compassion for the rest of humankind not for what she is at present but for what humankind has the great potential to become in the future. Before he died at the age of 97, Bertrand Russell, mathematician, logician, a philosopher, and an atheist, wrote: “I cannot believe that this is to be the end. I would have men forget their quarrels for a moment and reflect that, if they allow themselves to survive, there is every reason to expect the triumphs of the future to exceed immeasurably the triumphs of the past. There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? I appeal, as a human being to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, nothing lies before you but universal death.” Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Letter to the Editors

July 27, 2010
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Letter to the Editors

Dear Editors,

Let's face it. Everything is a failure in the Philippines; except Christianity.
Faith in God is the only thing that's quite a traditional success in our country. Indeed, the only Christian country in Asia that remains poor spiritually, backward morally, infantile politically, silly culturally, empty historically, insane socially, bankrupt economically, and faithful criminally. Yours faithfully, Poch Suzara

Singapore and Metro Manila

Both are about the same size in land area. And yet, the population of Singapore
is 5 million people with a per capita income of $19,000 a year.

Metro Manila has a population of 12 million people with a per capita income of $1,750 a year.

In the meantime, we have religious morons in our sick society that continue to insist that we have no population problem in the Philippines; and, that our poverty is mainly due to our lack of spirituality, our lack of devotion to divinity, and our lack of faith in Christianity. All as a deadly result due to our lack of bible study as a daily necessity to be always in touch with our sense of loyalty for Christian piety.

I said it before, I say it again. In the Philippines there is nothing evil about embracing, perpetually, human stupidity. After all, human stupidity in our
blessed by God sick society is as everlasting as eternity. Poch Suzara

Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Greatest Evil

An un-wanted pregnancy a great evil; but an un-wanted child is a greater evil. The greatest evil of all, however, is to be pro-stupidity when it comes to the necessity and the beauty of creating for ourselves a sane and a healthy society.

Our women produce three babies every minute of the day in the Philippines. That’s about 1.5 million babies added to our population yearly. Many of these babies are un-wanted by their mother or father. In fact, these un-wanted babies grow up a bit and then they are killed with ill-health, dirty sanitation, and malnutrition, if not mentally crippled by poisonous education.

If only our schools, colleges, and universities teach girls and boys that a hard intellectual ejaculation is much more creative or productive than easy sexual penetration - ours need not be a sick and an insane society. Poch Suzara

Filipino Economic Bullshit

There are already more than 15,000,000 Filipinos residing and working today in some 168 foreign countries. Indeed, in the Philippines, out of every one job available there are more than 100 applicants applying for that job. And the wages offered are, as usual, pathetic. Just like working for any employer who is a “me first” greedy lunatic. In the meantime, I have yet to see Filipino economists working not for their employer’s greed, but working by protecting and defending the employee’s needs. If they are unable to do so, the least they can do is to start proclaiming that our population growth is not fruitful, but fruitless in our struggle for equality via national economic prosperity. In our country where the rich minority get richer, and the poor majority get poorer, I ask: what the fuck are you Filipino college-educated economists doing to remedy the national bullshit otherwise more known as GOD BLESS YOU or GOD BLESS the insane economic system traditional in the Philippines? Poch Suzara

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Historical Stupidity

We Filipinos, indeed, are quite spiritual as a people. In this already 21st century, we still have faith in the recycled failures that generate our sick society. But we have more faith in the success of Christianity as the traditional way of life in our country since the 16th century.

In the meantime, in our schools, colleges, and universities we have been seriously taught to believe that it comes to new and fresh ideas, we must only remain frightened. We must never be brightened. Thus, our recycled failures as a sick society; while we enjoy holding on to our endless blind faith in more of the same old historical stupidity.

Look how we Filipinos in deep faith only love God up there by hating one another down here. We are even so busy with nothing except fucking each other for the glory of God in heaven so that as our population increases we will have more Filipinos to
hate for the same glory of God in heaven.

In the meantime, when one Filipino suffers from a delusion, it is called "insanity." When, however, millions of Filipinos suffer from the same delusion - it is known as having faith in "Christianity."

As for me, happily, openly, and publicly, I thank God that I am a faithful atheist. Poch Suzara

Monday, July 12, 2010

Religious Men and Women

Religious men and women are almost always people with a high sense of guilt and anxiety. Indeed, a sense of worthlessness as human beings for they can never, in
the nature of things, live up to the “perfection” that is demanded of them by their faith in God.

Indeed, guilt is an immensely power weapon. If a teacher makes you feel that there is something is wrong with you, then that teacher has gained a psychological ascendancy over your way of life.

“Be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect,” is an example of a command which is psychologically meaningless. It induces the feeling of guilt and anxiety for not being perfect.

“Oh Lord have mercy upon us miserable sinners.” What better way could be devised
to make men and women vulnerable to mind control? To be obedient? To be faithful?
To be fearful? Indeed, to be religiously dumbstruck?

As for me, an atheist, I would rather attach more value to what Bertrand Russell said: “No one is perfect and we should never be bothered by the fact that we are not.” Poch Suzara

Our Infantile System of Education

Take a good look at our Television industry. Movie industry. Media industry. Priesthood industry. Public Service industry. Law Enforcement industry. Society in general. Look how we are all educated to enjoy life only by singing, dancing, drinking, smoking, playing, shouting, kicking, jumping, fighting, laughing, crying, kissing, fooling, cheating, lying, violating, mocking, joking, bragging, negating, fearing, parroting, imitating, faking, corrupting, polluting, borrowing, bribing, hating, downgrading, fecundating, mating, prostituting, impregnating, ignoring, escaping, praying, sinning and, indeed - forgiving. But never must we ever enjoy life by thinking. Indeed, we have been taught to seriously believe that thinking is evil - the way of the devil. It will prevent our winning eternal salvation in heaven, by gaining eternal damnation in hell. And that is how, in this already 21st century, we Filipinos continue to be not the rich masters, but the poor and stupid victims of an infantile system of education. Poch Suzara

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Only in the Philippines

If steal small, you land in jail. However, if you steal big, you immediately qualify to run as a candidate for government office. In government, if you steal bigger – you are promoted into a higher government position. In the meantime, look at the criminal investigations going on for crimes committed by government officials. The task is not being done by policemen or by NBI agents, but investigated by fellow-criminals in or out of the same corrupt government.

Usually, the investigation goes on endlessly; except for one beautiful development. Via the priesthood industry – the criminals under investigation have already been forgiven by God for their sins and crimes. It is otherwise more known as the success of Christianity as a way of life in the Philippines. Poch Suzara


God was such as an amateur in the creation profession when he created Adam and Eve. They had no roof over their heads. No bed to sleep on. No blanket. no pillows. No deodorant. No sanitary napkins. No sex. First-Aid Kit. No cloths. No shoes. No socks. No comb. No toothbrush. No toothpaste. No dental floss. No nail cutter. No cups. No glasses. No plates. No food to eat except an apple. No kitchen. No spoon and fork. No toilet facilities. No toilet paper. No music. No lights to switch on. No bible to read. No library. No desk. No pen. No paper to write on. No mode of transportation to travel around. No school to go to. No teacher. Indeed, no father and mother to love. No grandma and grandpa to love even more. But God proudly declared to Adam and Eve that they are both gifted with a FREE WILL to believe and to have faith that they are living in the Garden of Eden - a PARADISE on this earth. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google#

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Travel and Divorce

In his great book – THE PLEASURES OF PHILOSOPHY, Will Durant wrote: “Divorce is like travel. It is useless if one cannot change.” Well, I have met a lot of “single mothers.” They have traveled and are now living in foreign countries. They have, however, found no reason to change. They have not learned to be rich in spirit, but remained poor in spirit. They are still on the look out for a richer dick, not for the sake of a richer sexual satisfaction, but for richer cash payment that goes along with it. With fake romance they usually succeed. They still hold that love, passion, affection, and compassion have only to do with for sale fecundation or for hire copulation as a more profitable kind of vocation. Happily, there are richer dicks out there ready and willing to offer to them the necessary remuneration for the sake of their temporary carnal satisfaction. And then a bye-bye, good riddance situation. To think that quite a few of these tuti-fruti-patuties known as “single mothers” have acquired "college education.” Worthless as it is in the struggle to achieve the good life – one inspired by love and guided by knowledge. In the meantime ... "Oh love! they wrong thee much that say thy sweet is bitter, when thy rich fruit is such as nothing could be sweeter." Poch Suzara

Where Our Country is Today

I should wish that we Filipino writers would begin to deal more, without fear, with what is really keeping us Filipinos spiritually poor as a people and the Philippines morally backward as a nation.

Consider a deeper horror: everything is a FAILURE in our country. Except Christianity. It has been and still is the one and only great SUCCESS in the Philippines.

We Filipinos couldn't care less about our sins, crimes, corruption, prostitution,
poverty, mediocrity, ill-health, lack of sanitation, social insanity, political stupidity, economic depravity, and indeed, the horrors of our population explosion.

Under Christian values and beliefs, in this already 21st century, all that we care about is God's promise of a better life to come after we are all dead to start to enjoy eternal salvation in his so-called kingdom of heaven. Poch Suzara

Friday, July 09, 2010

The Truth Hurts

Indeed, the truth hurts; but lies are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years. In the Philippines, since the 16th century, we can clearly see today the lies of Christianity and the damage it has done to our country socially, politically,
culturally, and economically. We Filipinos continue to be losing in the human race for civilization. We are only winning in the rat-race for eternal salvation. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

How not to be Lonely

All I have to do is to live the way you want me to live. Believe the way you want me to believe. Be a follower. Be poor in spirit. Be faithful. Never mind being thoughtful. Never mind the power of reason. Just hold on to faith. Just be closed-minded. Never mind being open-minded. Never mind the necessity of living my own life. I should just let others decide how I should live. I should just love and worship divinity. Never mind thinking. Just do a lot of praying. I must only believe as true the word of God written in the bible. I should stop reading it critically. Judiciously. I should only obey bible authority. And live my life always in fear of deviltry. To accept as all true the promises of the priesthood industry. That I must only look forward to a better life to come after death. Never mind man's most noble of occupation - the search of the truth. Never mind the only home we have - this planet earth. Never mind trying to put beauty into our world where nature has put only horror. There is more beauty in the kingdom of God to come after death. After all, Jesus loves me. If I do follow these things, never will I be ever lonely again. Well, I say, no way. I rather be lonely than be a thoughtless individual for the rest of life. Soon, I will be dead too. And it is better to acknowledge the fact that we die not partially; but entirely. Indeed, nothing is more natural and more simple than to see that a dead man lives no more. He has no more circulation, respiration, digestion, speech or reflection. Nothing is more absurd than to believe that a dead man somewhere out there is still alive. As if there is such a thing as a hereafter since there never was, for any of us, for million of years before our birth, a herebefore. Sleep in a morsel of death, a temporary experience of peace or sanity. Death, however, is the end of one's life for all eternity. The joy of life is nonetheless a joy because it must come to an end, nor do love and thought lose their value because they are not everlasting. For as long as I live, I shall continue to enjoy intellectual freedom on this earth. I shall continue to struggle for human decency. I would rather be on the side of meaningful humanity and to hell with meaningless divinity. What other great purpose is there in life? I would rather have a reason to have lived and and try to leave this world one day a better place than how I found it. Not necessarily in the material, but indeed, in the humanitarian sense. In his great book COSMOS scientist/atheist Carl Sagan wrote: "The Cosmos may be densely populated with intelligent beings. But the Darwinian lesson is clear: There will be no humans elsewhere. Only here. Only in this small planet. We are a rare as well as an endangered species. Everyone of us is, in the cosmic perspective, precious. If a human disagrees with you, let him live. In a hundred billion galaxies, you will find another." Poch Suzara

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dear Mar

Mariano Patalinjug
New York City, USA
June 27,2010

Dear Mar,

A great many thanks for the phrase: "The more you use your brains, the more brains you will have to use." How very true. For my part, I still find it incredible to have began to deeply appreciate my brain, the little of it that I possessed - after I was expelled out of La Salle high school. Especially after I also started reading seriously the so-called "bad books" that I was told must never never read.

May I, however, add: - "When the brain is troubled, men believe everything and examine nothing." We can see this truth on these pages. Most men are afraid when
in darkness - physical or moral. Fear is habitual to most men and becomes a necessity: they would believe that something precious is missing in life if they have nothing to fear. Sadly, this is what so-called "education" has basically been all about in the Philippines. Indeed, for the most part, schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines are places where intelligent minds are damned, but stupid souls are saved.

Bertrand Russell summarized it: "Fear is the principal reason why men are so unwilling to admit facts and so anxious to wrap themselves round a garment of myth."

Yours Truly,
Poch Suzara

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A Filipino Genuine Leader

Show me a Pinoy who loves his wife and children, loves his country, and loves fellow-citizens, and I will show a Pinoy with all the potentials to be a genuine leader of our country. Show me, however, a Pinoy who believes in God and his angels, believes in Jesus and his apostles, believes in the Pope as the head of the Catholic church and his cardinals, believes in the power of prayer, believes in the promises of the priesthood industry about a better world to come after death, but does not believe in the intellectual growth of the Filipino as a people nor in the moral or political maturity of the Philippines as a nation, I will show you college-educated jerks as the corrupt officials today in the Philippine government. Poch Suzara Facebook# Twitter# Google#

Corruption and Prostitution

Of all forms of corruption active at all levels of our sick society the mostly deadly has been and still is transpiring inside the Department of Education. Consider two among the many deadly results that are produced by both private and public schools in our country: For our poor women, to be financially successful in life, they must only be active in the business of prostitution. For our poor men, to be financially successful in life, they must only be active in the business of corruption. It is said that behind every fortune is a crime. This is, indeed, true. However, let us not forget what is also true: Behind humanity suffering endlessly from earthly poverty comes from having too much silly faith in a heavenly divinity. Welcome to the Philippines. The land where corruption tends to corrupt not only sexually, not only medically, not only politically, not only legislatively, not only executively, not only in the judiciary, not only, especially, educationally. Indeed, in our blessed by God sick society, behind every fortune is not only a crime, also, especially, a corrupt woman's behind. Poch Suzara


Prosperity in life is delightful. It’s the path towards growth of one’s personality. Especially when accompanied with self-respect and dignity. Otherwise, say a poor woman, who enjoys prosperity but only by getting impregnated by a bigger dick and the bigger cash payment that goes along with it – is not prosperity. It is the corruption of her personal identity – the way of life of a tuti-frutie-patutie.

This human tragedy comes not because of destiny, but from the simple reason that most poor women are concerned mostly about surviving. Even at the cost of one’s reputation. They have neither the taste nor the emotion to appreciate the power of love or the values of affection via the decent way of living and thinking and hard working. They would rather seek more and better opportunities not at emancipation, or intellectual stimulation, but only by being active in the business of prostitution. It is all about selling what most stupid men are always eager to be buying. Poch Suzara

The Truth

The truth did not set me free. It set me mad. Especially as I discovered, much
to my consternation, that the “Revealed Truth” has yet to be revealed. By whom? Nobody as yet knows? The most that I am told is that the truth goes marching on.
As to where exactly it is going, again, who knows? Poch Suzara

Human Life

Human life, indeed, is valuable and meaningful for the sake of human life on
this earth. I find it silly to believe, however, that human life is valuable
and meaningful to God but only after we are dead with our souls in purgatory,
in heaven, or in hell. Poch Suzara

In Our Sick Society

We are more concerned with babies not yet born. We do not, however, give a hoot
about babies already born living in squalor and in poverty. Sick as we all are as
the Sick Children of Asia, we encourage our women to give birth to more babies. We pretend to love babies. We let them grow up a bit, give them a fighting, and then
we kill them with rotten hygiene, filthy sanitation and indeed, malnutrition.

Of course, somehow, many of these poor and abandoned children manage to survive.
And so, we enroll them to be students of our sick and corrupt system of education.
On earth as it is in heaven, the human tragedy goes on and on. It is all about social insanity traditionally generated in our country for the sake of Christianity. Poch Suzara

God’s Will

Most Pinoys cannot, will not, could not believe that impregnating a woman with a
child has anything to do by sexual penetration. Most Pinoys therefore have no worries whatsoever about the population explosion. They have been taught to believe that a woman getting pregnant with a baby has nothing to do with sexual thrill. It has only something to do with God’s Will. After all, after all these past centuries, in our schools, colleges, and universities - we are still taught to believe that God created all Filipinos in his own image and likeness. Poch Suzara

The Sick Children of Asia

Everything is a failure in the Philippines; except Christianity. Christianity has been and still is the only thing that’s quite a success in our way of life. Everything else is a total failure; especially the system education – rotten to the core as it has always been.

Consider in this already 21st century. We Filipinos still believe, as we have been frightened to believe in fantasy, that there is a better world to come after death. Never mind the work and discipline needed by way of a better system of education to acknowledge the reality that we can all have, in the here and now, a better country to come after birth.

We are no longer the Sick Man of Asia. We are now known as the Sick Children of Asia. Poch Suzara

Sunday, June 20, 2010

For Louie Fernandez

Dear Louie, you are entirely correct. Right on target. I entirely agree. May I add, however, that among the many heroes, including our unsung heroes, Rizal was about the only one who had the intellectual capacity to see not only the minor evil called "Spanish Authority, but mainly the major evil called "Christianity in the Philippines." Indeed, even our teachers in schools and professors in colleges and universities have yet to see and acknowledge the evils of Christian beliefs and values. That up to today in this already 21st century Christianity is still pretty much well-established here keeping us Filipinos spiritually poor as a people and the Philippines morally backward as a nation. Especially for the glory of a divinity in heaven.

No doubt, Christianity today does not any more execute to death in public rare Filipino thinker. It is worst. Christianity executes to death the minds and hearts of our nation's youth via the same old corrupt system of Christian education.

As for me, I say it again: If Christianity did not get Rizal arrested, jailed, and executed in public, never would I have ever entertained the beauty and sanity of Atheism always on the side of humanity. Poch Suzara

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Atheism is the Absence of God-belief

Atheism is the absence of god-belief. All else is embellishment. Atheism has no dogma, no rites, no holy books, no places of worship, no commandments, and we have no priesthood industry to fear. We atheist have no daily TV or daily radio programs. No daily newspapers. No magazines. No army, navy, air force. We have no schools, colleges, and universities that teach students to believe that our Savior is not ourselves born right here in the Philippines, but that our savior is a God-forsaken Jewish fellow born and died in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago. Who also resurrected back to life from death! Atheism is not a religion. Religion encourages social stupidity as it inspires political insanity. We atheists know that life after birth is real and life after death is not real. We have no desire to believe that immortality is the condition of a dead man who refuses to believe that he is already dead. Is there life after death? Please, next time you visit a cemetery - try to explore if there is life after death. As for me, I have no wish to insult my dead love-ones by believing that they are still alive buried in the cemetery. Indeed, I refuse to pretend that I know anything about life after death since we even know nothing about life after birth. I ask: should stupidity be as long lasting as eternity for the sake of a divinity always in cahoots with deviltry?? Indeed, I am an atheist. I care about leaving this world one day a better place than I found it. In the meantime, I have no need to believe in your lesser God up there because I already believe in something greater: My family, my country, and the whole of humanity down here! Poch Suzara

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Atheist and the Agnostic

The agnostic is a cousin - a cowardly relative of the atheist. Moreover, the agnostic suffers from pain in the ass always sitting on a fence playing it safe just in case. Indeed, just in case that there really is God who will provide especially in life after death, but not in life after birth.

I was once a cowardly agnostic myself. Until I properly read the bible while sitting
on a fence. Happily, I fell off on the side of intelligent unbelief, not on the side
of stupid beliefs. Indeed, when we ignore decision; indecision takes over. And nothing could be more tiresome, and in the long more exasperating than indecision. It prevents us from taking a stand as grown up men and women to live a life of courage, dignity and self-respect.

As for me, I refuse to believe that God will forever burn me in hell for being an atheist; but that he loves me! Poch Suzara

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Our Sick Society Under Christianity

Here are sick messages published daily in the Philippine Star. They inspire our government officials and employees; our teachers in schools and professors in colleges and universities; our legislators, lawyers, judges in court; our managers in trade and commerce; our social workers, doctors, nurses, and dentists; farmers, fishermen, policemen, firemen, and salesmen; single mothers stuck with their malnourished children. Indeed, such holy messages inspire our college educated top economists who been indoctrinated to believe that with faith in God - the millions of our homeless and jobless will economically survive daily existence. Specially by poking their hands into trash cans for food, begging, hoping, while they must only wait for the kind and loving God who will soon provide for them. Just keep on praying! Never mind the power of work while thinking.

So here is Philippines Star that daily inspires millions of Filipino readers to be more attentive to the development of insufficiency, incompetence, corruption as a people; and diminished self-reliance as a nation. Especially to keep the faith in our sick society as blessed by Christianity down here for the sake of prosperity later after death with a silly divinity up there:

"Our greatest riches are the richest we have
from Christ."

"A world in darkness need the light of Jesus."

"God's timing is always perfect."

"A well-read bible is a well-fed soul."

"Even the ordinary and the outcast can make
the cut to follow Jesus."

"First make sure you are with Him, then you
can be sure that He'll be with you."

"Death is gained because it means heaven,
holiness, and Him."

"No matter how much you give, you can't
outgive God."

"To be with Jesus is the sum of all happiness."

"God's work is done by those who pray."

"There is no privilege than to be a subject
of the King of Kings."

"When Satan strikes, strike back with the
Word of God."

"Repentance clears the way for our relationship
with the King."

The Jesuits bragged: "Give me a child for his first seven years, and I will give you the man." The Jesuits could have been more truthful had they instead bragged: "Give us Filipino children for their first seven years, and we will give you - the Sick Man of Asia."

Today, in this already age of science and technology we Filipinos still feel so blessed for being Jesuitic, biblical, infantile, frightened, and psychotic. In the meantime, far more damaging than child sexual abuse is the intellectual abuse of our children by the priesthood industry in the first seven years of basic education in the Philippines.

It is self-evident that if a Filipino contributes toward the welfare, change, and improvement for his country, the Philippines will grow and strengthen and the Filipino will reap the rewards of living in a better and a sane society. But thanks to our Jesuitic mentality, however, - the average Filipino does not contribute to his society. We therefore enjoy no national conscience or love of country. Only every Filipino-for-himself syndrome and therefore poverty as our way of life. We must only struggle for our survival as the Sick Man of Asia.

It is, indeed, incredible that in this already 21st century both our government and the media are doing a hell of a fantastic job in pretending that Christian values and beliefs are still functionally precious in the Philippines.

I said it before, and I say it again: if our system of education were purely based upon the wonders of science and the power of technology - we Filipinos need no longer be living under poverty as blessed daily by Christianity. On the contrary, we could learn to be the healthiest, wealthiest, and the sanest people in the whole of Asia today without having to believe and to have faith in childish biblical lies and deceptions. Poch Suzara

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My Dear Manolo

My Dear Manolo,

Do you really believe that we atheists are just kidding? Manolo,
even of there is God, I do not care to believe, love, worship
such a supernatural monster.

We atheists do not give a shit about the next life, if any. We
only care about this life and how we can leave this world a
better place than how we found it.

Really Manolo, it is you and people like you who should stop
kidding yourselves. So God exists. So what?

After 400 years of daily prayers by millions upon millions of
Filipinos to this silly God of yours where has it taken the
Filipino as a people
and as a nation? We are still as poor and as backward as ever.
We are still as childish as ever. Whatever happened to our growth
as a people and maturity as a nation with the so-called daily
prayers to such a powerful God, huh?

Manolo, please stop living a life of fear. Fear of God, fear
of the mysteries, and fear of the unknown only makes us famous
as the Sick Man of Asia. Are you telling me that we should continue
to be more famous as the Sick Man of Asia over the next 400 years?
Manolo, please exclude me from your religious insanity! Your infantile
pursuits only makes you and your gang of faithfools a disgrace to
the human race!

Poch Suzara, Atheist

Our Religiously Tragic World

What if, after blowing themselves up killing faithful Christians,
the faithful Muslims end up in paradise rewarded not with 72 virgins
but with virgins who are already 72 years old?

In the meantime, in our religiously tragic world, it is turning out
that the war between good against evil is really about a war between
two evils. As an example - the Christians against the Christians;
Muslims against the Muslims - but both the Christians and the Muslims
also against each other.

As for me, I thank both God and Allah that I am an atheist. After all,
I do not care to fuck virgins in this world neither do I care to fuck
virgins in the next world.

In the meantime, I said it before and I say it again. World peace, love,
and sanity can only become a reality as soon as we all begin to embrace
the beauty of atheism. Indeed, our loyalty is not to this or that insane
theism, but only to the whole of mankind living in the only home we all
got - known as the blue planet earth. Poch Suzara

Thursday, May 13, 2010

King of the Jews or King of Filipinos

Could any of you please explain what exactly has the KING OF THE JEWS got anything to do with Filipinos as citizens of the Republic of the Philippines in this already 21st century? Set up over his head his accusation, written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Matt. 27:37 And the superscription of his accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS. Mark 15:26 And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Luke 23:38 And Pilate wrote a title, and put it on the cross. And the writing was JESUS OF NAZARETH THE KING OF THE JEWS. John 19:19. Thanking you in advance for your response through Christ, our Lord Savior, amen! Poch Suzara

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Election, Education, Population

Not only an intelligent system of election but
more so an intelligent system of education can
unify the Filipino to become healthy as a people
and to become wealthy as a nation.

With intelligent education we can begin to learn
to appreciate the values of family planning and
the beauty of birth control measures - indeed
how to manage a decent growth of our population.

In the meantime, due to a poor system of
education, the Pinoy's sense of masculinity
has only to do with his ability at thoughtless
sexuality. The Pinay's sense of femininity has
only to do with her ability at needless pregnancy.

Such male potency, however, combined with
female fertility, does not guarantee quality
of life, but only quantity of life. Alas, most
Pinoys are not educated for a career in
fatherhood. Most Pinays are not educated for a
career in motherhood. Most Filipino children,
therefore, are not the sane result of parental
education, but are the mere by-products of
mindless, if not reckless - copulation. Poch

Monday, May 10, 2010

Overpopulation via Endless Fecundation

The greatest threat to world peace and global sanity
today is not nuclear energy but sexual energy. Indeed,
the pleasures derived not from endless thinking, but
from mindless fucking. Especially for the glory of
a divinity always in cahoots with deviltry spreading
poverty globally, and indeed, locally in the Philippines
to insure the growth of ecclesiastical stupidity
perpetually. Poch Suzara

Friday, May 07, 2010

72 Virgins

72 virgins will get fucked by 72 religious criminals
for killing 72 other religious morons speak more
of heaven not as a decent paradise but as a fucking
arena. Specially for the 72 virgins finally getting
deflowered by stupid religious criminals. Poch

Monday, May 03, 2010

Who Created God

The problem with the First Cause Argument lies in its assumption
that this almighty creative god exists, something that it is trying
to prove. This is known as begging the question. Even a child can
ask, “If God CREATED the universe, then who CREATED God?” If the
answer is that God is uncaused, then the same answer could certainly
be applied to the existence of the universe — that it is uncaused.
Besides, which almighty creative god are we talking about? People
using the First Cause Argument always make the assumption that their
god did the creating. Catholics think the Lord created the universe.
Muslims think that Allah created the universe. Hindus think that
Brahma did it. The Jews think that Yahweh did it. Most religions
have a story of how their god created the universe. As to what the
universe stands for, who knows? Even the scientists have not the
foggiest as to how to define the word "universe." The idea of a
god as creator of the universe makes for a fantastic tale, but it
obviously tells us little about the characteristics of that god.
Even the theologians know nothing about the existence of God.
What they are doing, however, is explaining one mystery with
another mystery, and that is fallacious logic. Or, explaining
the unknown by means of the unknowable. Indeed, religion, by
and large, encourages sacred stupidity perpetually in order
for faith to continue to exist as a sort of a holy absurdity
ternally. Poch Suzara

Saturday, May 01, 2010

God and the Universe

The existence of God as the creator of
the universe is not possible for logical
discussion. After all, both God and the
universe are beyond human knowledge.
Indeed, it is. Nobody knows what God is
or what God stands for. Nobody knows what
the universe is or what it stands for. In
the meantime, if there is anything that
is beyond human understanding, beyond
human knowledge, it must only have a lot
to do with human stupidity. Poch Suzara

A Baneful Life

Destructive family life. Destructive home life.
Destructive upbringing. Destructive education.
Destructive beliefs. Destructive values. Destructive
human relationships. Destructive habits. Destructive
attitudes. Destructive impulses. Destructive politics.
Destructive ethics. Destructive entertainment.
Destructive leisure. Destructive humor. Destructive
faith. Destructive delays. Destructive dealings.
Destructive promises. Destructive lies. Destructive

Indeed, our destructive way of life pretty
much describes why the Philippines is a chaotic
theatre of decay, a gloomy drama of energy in
human degradation so lacking in social, cultural,
and political integration.

I ask: Is it still possible that one day, by
some strange miracle from out there, we will
begin to love one another in our own country
down here? So that we can begin to grow up
gracefully as a people and indeed develop
creatively, efficiently, and peacefully as
a nation? Poch Suzara

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The rational versus the irrational

According to a religious moron on these pages, we, the unbelievers are all irrational. They, the believers, are the only ones who are all rational. During the miracle of our Lady in march 9, 1953 in Fatima, France, around 70,000 people saw the sun dancing in the sky. They were all rational. During the same day, however, a bigger miracle was, indeed, happening throughout the rest of Europe: Some 700,000,000 Europeans never saw the same sun dancing. Why? It was because they were all irrational and devoid of Faith! Poch Suzara

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sorry, I Disagree with You

New York,


Sorry, but I disagree with you. It is not the
Philippines, but in fact it is - CHRISTIANITY -
that is dying. My job, as it is the job of all
decent and thinking Filipinos is to see to it
that CHRISTIANITY'S death in the Philippines
will come in this century rather than in the
next century.

As decent and thinking Filipinos, let us all
play a role, no matter how puny and insignificant,
in not only rocking Christianity's boat in the
Philippines, but help as much as we can to sink
it. What other great purpose is there in life
worth pursuing than to bring down everlasting
stupidity in cahoots with a silly deviltry always
in partner with a silly divinity?

Mar, please read Bishop John Shelby Spong's
OR DIE. Poch Suzara

Far More Damaging

Far more damaging than sexual abuse is the intellectual abuse of children in Catholic schools. Indeed, what could be more damaging than teaching children to believe and to have faith in a lot of holy lies and deceptions otherwise more known as "free will." Such as the Son of God Jesus was crucified on the cross 2,000 years ago to destroy the devil? But the devil is still alive and kicking. Still pretty much active in cahoots with God's divine plan, especially for us Filipinos with our "free will" in the Philippines, - the only Catholic country in Asia not of our free choice since the 16th century. In the meantime, in this already 21st century, millions of Filipinos without running water, without toilet facilities, living in carton boxes, Nipa huts, or under bridges, indeed, in the slums of our major cities continue praying to God to "give us this day our daily bread," and to "lead us not into temptation! And after falling into temptation they also pray daily to "holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen!" No doubt, the truth hurts; but lies are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years. I ask: when will we Filipinos, especially as a people, begin to wake up to the ugly truth that we are not the healthy masters of spirituality. We are, in fact, the sick victims of insanity behind Christianity! Poch Suzara, Google# Facebook# Twitter

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Women in my Life

Behind every mediocre man there is usually a woman who has given her life to establish his. Not surprisingly, the women in my life walked out on me; especially, as I encouraged them to do so. To move on without me. Indeed, my life is far more precious than to waste my time playing the role of a savior, a fucking idiot to any woman; especially, as she cannot or will not courageously appreciate the power of the intellect or the beauty of ideas in the free market of ideas. To be faithful intellectually in our mutual search of the truth. Indeed, to be rich especially rich in spirit. After all, the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and heart. Otherwise, I would rather live alone and face life and death alone if my woman would just be a nothing to me but a sex partner. No need for me to carry an extra burden on my back that would only keep me off track away from the joys of deeper thinking; and, pleasures of wider understanding. In the meantime, reading a great book is to me far more exciting than fucking an empty-headed, poor in spirit, in between her legs situation. Poch Suzara

Education in the Philippines

Education in schools, colleges, and universities should be more about accelerating the human evolution. Especially for the sake of nation-building in that we may all benefit from a higher standard of living and thinking. In the Philippines, however, education is mostly about soul-saving in order to promote social insanity and political perversity, not to mention economic stupidity. Indeed, in our system of education, the messages students get daily in class is how live in fear - fear of God, fear of death, fear of the unknown. It is, in this way, that we hardly have the intellectual capacity to figure out why we Filipinos are only getting famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

The Revolution in Evolution

If we were taught in our schools, colleges,
and universities that the earth is not some 6,000
years old but some 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old,
none of us would find the fact of evolution,
as something too horrible to contemplate.

Due to our ignorance for the sake of our faith,
we look at the fact of evolution as something
not natural, but something unnatural; especially
as it says that we humans have evolved from the

Here’s Carl Sagan, a great scientist, an expert
in the subject of evolution. He presents with much
scientific evidence that: “Two billion years ago our
ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago,
fish; a hundred million years ago, something like
mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a
million years ago, proto-humans puzzling out the
taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked
by the mastery of change. In our time, the pace is
quickening.” Poch Suzara

The Religiously Faithfool

The man who says, "If God does not exists, nothing matters,"
is truly a religious faithfool who has never looked upon his
fellow-human beings with love or compassion, or even looked
at our world of pain and suffering with sympathy or empathy.
Poch Suzara

As an Atheist

As an Atheist, I can admit, at least, one great thing
about God: While He was screwing around with the Virgin
Mary - He and Mary practiced family planning and birth
control measures. They had produced only one son, didn't
they? Poch Suzara

Most Marriages

Most marriages fail because to begin with, the woman
looks for a savior; and the man looks for a mother

It is true, man gives love in order to get sex.
Woman gives sex in order to get love. The problem
arises when the woman gets pregnant and her man
is given more opportunity to give love to other
women willing to give him sex. Poch Suzara

Presidential elections

As it was during the last presidential elections, I will
again not waste my vote for any presidential candidates
in this upcoming May 2010 general elections. I am still
waiting for a presidential candidate with guts enough to
publicly declare that if he becomes the next president
of the Republic of the Philippines, he will duly convert
all of the churches and cathedrals throughout the land
into housing-building-school facilities for the landless,
homeless, jobless, faceless, nameless, and the hopeless
of our poor and backward country.

Indeed, the new president who will also courageously
declare that birth control and family planning in the
Philippines is not a matter of mindless praying, but
how to control mindless fucking. Poch Suzara

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Non-traditional Senses

LITTLE MINDS Do not appreciate any of the 5 senses; not even the beauty and
harmony of common sense. AVERAGE MINDS Do appreciate all of the five senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and tasting. But refuses to recognize the existence of other kinds of senses. GREAT MINDS Do appreciate full well not only the five traditional senses but also the power and the beauty of the other senses existing within us - the sense of balance, sense of emergency, sense of symmetry. sense of temperature, sense of acceleration, sense of worth, sense of priority, sense of change, sense of timing, sense of direction, sense of clarity, and, indeed, the sense of laughter that this world as created by God has always been and still is utterly senseless. Poch Suzara

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Something out of Nothing

I am not sure about the universe as a something
created out of nothing. What, however, I am sure
of is that, for millions of years before I was
born, I was a nothing. Then my mother, happily
married to my father, got into their usual sexual
embrace one night some years ago. As a result, I
was somehow produced into a something from a
nothing. It is simple biology. If my dad never
met my mom – I would never have been born.
Now to say that it is due to religion that I was
born alive is theologically ludicrous. To say
further that God ( a Catholic God ) created me
in his own image and likeness is even more
religiously absurd. Now I am asked why I do not
believe in the existence of a hereafter? My
answers – it is because there never was for me,
or for any one else for that matter, a herebefore.
Well, if there is no such reality as a herebefore,
how can there be the reality as a hereafter? Poch Suzara

My Atheism - for Peewee

Peewee, Thanks for your great and indeed, sensible response to my piece - "Why we Atheists do not believe in the Christian God." Here, however, are great gods if taught to me to believe when I was a little boy at home and in school - I never would have entertained the beauty and the harmony of ATHEISM. Indeed, after I am dead, and it turns out that I will meet with these gods in the next life, I will surely shake each of their hands with gratitude and pride. Such gods, I will always believe and have faith in. Moreover, I will also always love faithfully, worship respectfully, and adore intellectually these great and wonderful gods: A legend is told of the creation of the universe. The gods held a conference and one of them said, "Let us give to man the same creative power that we ourselves possess. Where shall we hide this priceless gift?" Another answered, "Let us hide it where man will never think to look for it: within his own mind." Poch Suzara


Faith is not wanting to know what is true.
In fact, faith is not wanting to know the truth
why we Filipinos continue to remain spiritually
poor as a people and continue to remain backward
morally as a nation.

Faith is also protecting and defending ecclesiasticism.
Inspired in all of us during our childhood years getting
ourselves soaked in catechism. The catechism that meant
for us to believe that God will take care of our daily
bread. That God will aways provide! That God will never
lead us into temptation. That we must only always obey
God, not men!

Never mind our country of people,
nature, and the flesh, low and depraved as
they are, and therefore should be of little
concern or consequences for those millions
of us seeking to live the real life
in the real next world after death. After all,
this world is merely a stopover on our journey
to the next world. Therefore the less attention
placed on it, and more attention placed on
God’s kingdom in heaven, the rewards will
be greater, more everlasting.

Indeed, we Filipinos have never been
the rich masters of faith. On the contrary,
we have always been the poor victims of faith.

Dear reader, I have just described above
for you the basic causes in what keeps us
Filipinos, in this already 21st century, still
so faithful in getting ourselves more famous as
the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Peace with Jesus

Jesus said... Have peace one with another ...On earth peace, good will toward men... Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you... Blessed are the peacemakers...These things have I spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace... Resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” These are all great and wonderful messages from dear Jesus; except, could any of you bible believers, theologically inspired faithful bible readers, please explain what is so noble about turning the other cheek, if one knows that each time he does so, he is piling up greater Heavenly rewards, while the one who strikes him is earning his rewards in Hell? Poch Suzara

Excuse me Guys and Gals

Excuse me guys and gals, but I don't blame anyone for what is wrong with us Filipinos. I blame the creator. God created the Jews, Chinese, Koreans, Spaniards, Americans, Japanese, etc, in his own image and likeness. Except the filipinos. God did not create the Filipinos in His own image and likeness. God created the Filipinos only to be good; especially to be good for nothing Christians. Consider we are the only Christian country in all of Asia since the 16th century. Indeed, I said it before, I say it again: If we were created in the image and likeness of God, we should be among the rich and powerful masters, and not the poor and faithful servants in countries of this world! Poch Suzara

Pope’ s Public Apology

After apologizing for sexual abuse of children in church, in behalf
of the catholic church, the Pope should also publicly apologize for
the intellectual abuse of children in school – teaching them to
believe worthless values about life after birth and to have faith
in even more worthless values about life after death.

After which, I want the Pope to apologize for the wrongful public
execution of Jose Rizal in 1896. He was not a criminal nor was he
a sinner. He was just a bright thinker. Rizal delivered enlightenment
for the minds and hearts of Filipino children to enjoy via the
development of ideas for the here; the growth of knowledge for the
now; and the establishment of common human decency everywhere
in our country - the Philippines.

Our Jose Rizal was publicly executed because he showed more human
love and human respect for earthly humanity down here. He could
not give a hoot for a celestial divinity out there. Poch Suzara

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Religiously Moronic

I am told that in my writings I should try avoid using the words like “religious morons.” That I should, instead, politely refer to same as the “religious adherents.” I say fuck that shit. Those who had our own hero - Jose Rizal - arrested, jailed, and executed more than a hundred years ago were not the religious adherents. They were the religious morons – the Catholic Spanish friars. They were out to establish and to enhance not common Filipino decency in our land, but to protect and defend highly profitable big business otherwise more known as the Catholic Church in the Philippines. Ever since then, since there were no more heroes in the likes of a Jose Rizal, in this already 21st century, the Catholic church has become the richest and most powerful corporation existing in the Philippines. The majority of impoverished Filipinos are its clients, especially in buying daily love and indulgences from God through the power of prayer. Indeed, Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will always provide. If not here on this earth, later after death with God in the kingdom of heaven. What could be more religiously moronic than that? Poch Suzara

We, the Corrupt People

We, the corrupt people, get the corrupt government
we deserve; especially, as we are the corrupt product
of a corrupt system of education.

Indeed, to begin with, our schools, colleges, and
universities exist as commercial enterprises. They
are more functional as a corporation. They hardly
have anything to do with the growth of knowledge
or the development of wisdom under the power of

We Filipinos are all born ignorant, not corrupt.
We are made corrupt in our schools, colleges, and
universities. Poch Suzara

Friday, April 16, 2010

I say it Again

I said it before, I say it again: Unless we all learn to become
atheists – to stop believing in a God or Allah or Yahweh or a
Burning Bush or what-not – we shall never be able to proceed on
the road towards global beauty and harmony for a better and a
healthier humanity.

Peace on earth and goodwill to all men is only possible as soon
as we all dump into the garbage bin all of our mindless religious
beliefs and thoughtless religious values. Indeed, nothing is
more constrictive, and in the long run more destructive than a
belief that is based on childish lies, if not infantile, -

Religion should be a private and a personal affair. Organized
religion, however, should never be taught in our schools, colleges,
and universities. If we ever hope for education to be truthful,
useful, and lively, it must be kept away from organized religion
which is dreadful, useless, and deadly. Organized religion is
simply nothing but organized insanity.

In the meantime, let us, indeed, teach our children that there
are bigger things in this world than we are - our family, our
country, this planet earth, and the whole of mankind - these
realities are bigger things than we are. And not some supernatural
silly monster somewhere out there in space eternally existing
only because of our infantile, nevertheless fearful - blind faith.
Poch Suzara

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Faithful Believers

Faithful believers believe that God is a good and a loving
God and wants believers to do good things. In fact, most
believers, naturally enough, want to do good things and to
behave morally.

Sadly, however, millions of believers do not read the Bible,
or just read certain passages of it in church. It is
understandable. The Bible is hard to read due to its archaic
language and obscure references. Also many priests and
preachers don’t want you to read certain passages written
in the Bible because they convey a message of loss, not
profit. Indeed, a message for bankruptcy; not financial
security. For example, “thou shall not follow the multitude
to do evil.” Exodus 23:2.

Imagine the tremendous loss of revenues for the priesthood
industry if everyone follows not the multitude to do evil?
What will happen to the billions that the church makes as
monthly income by protecting and defending evil in this
world? The more evil there are existing in this world the
better justification it is for the church to pretend to be
against such evils. But as a matter of historical fact, the
church has always had a vested interest in human misery,
poverty, and indeed, the concocted existence of deviltry.

Could anything thoughtful be build on a thoughtless rock?
And why should the gates of hell prevail against a mindless
piece of rock? In the meantime, during these past centuries,
in the Philippines, for example, when was the Son of God
Jesus ever around? The Savior of Filipinos? The Redeemer
of all mankind? Or, the whereabouts of his apostles who were
given the power and authority to destroy the devil? Time has
elapse. But the devil is still pretty much around lively, if
not as ever - deadly.

For the most part, evil build the church as the church
established herself with more evils she produced for the
multitude to fear. In fact, both the church and evil have
always been in cahoots existing as faithful partners happy

Now, my dear reader, if you wish to understand the nature
of evil in this world, just take a hard look at your church
existing for over 2,000 years. She's getting richer, more
powerful, and enjoying more authority and glory not due
to the elimination of evil in this world; but precisely
due to the multiplication of more and greater evils created
into this world. Our World.

I said it before, I say it again: if we truly hope to live
the good life - one inspired by love and guided by knowledge
- especially for the sake of establishing a good and a happy
world for all mankind - it is time to dump the evil church
permanently out of this only precious world of ours!

We do not need a God out there for us to love one another down
here. We need only to love one another down here and that is
all that matters. Let us cultivate of our precious minds and
precious hearts through precious education. In this way, human
civilization becomes far more precious as compared to the
avoidance of a silly eternal damnation for the sake of gaining
a worthless non-existing equally silly eternal salvation. Poch

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Atheism in the Philippines

If there were one true existing god, there should only be one true existing religion — and it's obvious that there many religions in conflict against each other. The theistic world is divided into several different main existing religions, - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc each of which is divided into groups hating other groups. And, many of those are divided into even smaller groups. The Christian faith, for instance, is divided into over 33,000 denominations. They have published some 88 different versions of the holy bible sold in the market today. Atheists, on the other hand, stand always united. We do not hate or kill other atheists for not believing in the existence of God. In fact, hating and killing comes from belief; never from unbelief. We Filipino atheists are so proud of the fact that no Filipino has ever become filthy rich for believing that God is bad. We are, however, so ashamed of the fact that millions upon millions of Filipinos are filthy poor and yet they all believe that God is good. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Monday, April 12, 2010

Matthew - Silly Inspired Author of God

“Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matt. 10:30. Matthew could have made more sense had he been a circus clown and not a bible writer. It is, indeed, laughable also to believe that God inspired Matthew to write this kind of spiritual hogwash. Golly, we live on a speck of dust called earth lost in the immensity of space and time. Human life is but a split second long, a wink of an eye, a flash in the pan compared to the life of the universe. But, according to Matthew,the Lord seems to welcome divine anxiety for as long human stupidity will last as long as eternity? Isn't this nothing but religious insanity to sustain the existence of a silly divinity and to support silly deviltry? Poch Suzara

Sunday, April 11, 2010

For manny amador

For Manny Amador,

If your God exists, tell him to come down and introduce himself
to me. And when that happens, do you really believe that I will
begin to believe, love, worship, and adore such a supernatural

The trouble with you is that you do not read and therefore you
have no idea of what's written in your own so-called holy bible.

Well, to begin with, why should you read anything since
you are already enjoying with much fear your faith in BLIND

And to think that amongst you - the faithfools - are the
teachers and the professors of our schools, colleges, and
universities. Mostly owned and controlled by the corrupt
politico-economic-clerico elite keeping the Filipino proud
and famous as the Sick Man of Asia. Poch Suzara

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shattered Dream

When a loved-one shatters your dream, pick up the pieces and use
them to build bigger and better dreams. We must move on. Life must
go on. Indeed, there is more to life than just having a relationship
based upon mediocrity, purchased sexuality, shallow amorosity, or
mendacity for the sake of one's economy. Poch Suzara

Friday, April 09, 2010

The power of Ignorance

Everything in the Philippines is a failure; except ignorance. It is quite a success. Indeed, knowledge is power. In the Philippines, however, ignorance is even more powerful. Look how ignorance prevails In our sick country. However, as products of Catholic schools, colleges, and universities – look how in this already 21st century we still believe that after death there will be better world for all of us to go to. It is more popularly known as the kingdom of God in heaven. In other words, we Filipinos have no life after birth; we should only look forward to a real life after death. Hijos de tootie-frootie Y patooties - when are we ever to wake up in this God-forsaken country of ours? Poch Suzara

Religion of the Failures and the Losers

Jesus declared that the first will be the last, the weak will be the strong, and the fools will be the wise. Jesus was not a friend of the victor, of the strong, and of the wise. On the contrary, Jesus was the prophet of the losers, failures, and the faithfools. Look at Jesus himself. He got crucified on the cross by men created in the image and likeness of His own Father - God? Is it any wonder, crucified on the cross, Jesus cried out loud: "MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST FORSAKEN ME?" Matt. 27:46. And to think that this is the same Jesus who bragged: "I AM THE WAY, THE LIFE, AND THE TRUTH." John 14:6. The same Jesus who declared: "I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE." John 10:30. Poch Suzara Google# Facebook# Twitter# Atheists#

Our Failure as Parents

In this already 21st century, look at our Nation’s children – well-nourished, healthy, and loved in the minority; but in the majority malnourished, sick and unwanted and unloved. Nevertheless we still believe that children are all created in the image and likeness of a supernatural foreigner. Otherwise more known as God. Who, with a Virgin Mary, had begotten a Son name Jesus. Who died on the cross to save us not from the stupid devil, but to save us from our stupid sins. Poch Suzara

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Just 4 Elements

According to science, oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen
make up 96 per cent of the human body. The rest of the 4 per cent,
according to religion, comprises the soul, a thing created by God.
As to which God, or what is the nature of a soul – nobody knows!

It seems that in terms of space, the existence of the human body
is purposeless. In terms of time, human life is meaningless. The
sooner we accept these brutal facts, the sooner we can learn to be
happy, however, briefly, however temporary, happiness may be.
After all, in the end, nature will kill us all. Which only proves
that nature itself knows not what she is doing, or where she is
going. Poch Suzara

In This Life

In this short, brief, life, I have discovered down through the years,
that I always found what I was looking for. And I have always been
looking for happiness. I certainly found happiness; but as it turned
out, much to my surprised, I found something far more precious than
happiness: I found myself. Indeed, Socrates, the Greek philosopher,
said it some 2,300 years ago: “The un-examined life is not worth living
for man.”

How have I found happiness, and how have I found myself? For one thing
down through years of serious reading, I was able, first and foremost,
to successfully recapture the most priceless treasure stolen away from
me during childhood days in school – my most precious mind. Poch Suzara

Lead Us Not Into temptation

Everyday we pray to God to “lead us not
Into temptation.” So why should we feel
guilty committing more sins when God leads
us into temptation? Poch Suzara

Free Market of Ideas

Most people do not participate in the free
market of ideas. Partly because they know
not how to market; but mainly because they
hate to think, they hate ideas, especially
new and fresh ideas. They hate it when ask:
how much do you understand where your beliefs
came from? How much do you understand about
what the fuck we are doing on this earth?
Poch Suzara


How come only the atheists are well aware
that evils in this world are never committed
in Satan's name; but only always in God’s

I am beginning to love and respect Satan. He
is never anywhere. Satan is never omni-present.
In fact, whereever there is evil, it is God
who is always here, always there, and, is always
everywhere! What have we for a God? A supreme
Wimp! Poch Suzara

Sick Life as Created by a Sick Creator

Life is a sexually transmitted disease with a mortality rate of 100 per cent. Since this is true, it must also be true that God, as the first cause, has got to be some sort of a sick creator himself. Now I ask: is such a God, sick as he is, worth loving? Or, for that matter – really worth believing? Poch Suzara

Saturday, April 03, 2010

We, freethinkers

We freethinkers enjoy the power and the beauty of free thought.
We can discuss on the premise that God exists. We can as well
discuss on the premise that God does not exist. In either case,
we freethinkers are free.

We defend nothing except the only thing that is worth defending
at any time – the only thing sacred in this world - the power
and the beauty of a free mind.

No one has ever proved or disproved the existence of God. As
freethinkers, however, even if all sorts of evidences are presented
to us that there really is a God, we would still be freethinkers,
and happily so.

So God exists. So what? Will our world now be less fucked than it
has been during the past many centuries when the whole world did
in fact believe in the existence of God? Poch Suzara

The Weird Designer

If God designed man in his own image and likeness, what a weird designer God must be. Look at the human body – inside and out. It plays host to more bacteria and other microbes than there are cells that comprised the human body. If the human body were a product of a designer called God – then creationism is no different from fatalism... Poch Suzara

Atheists and Theists – the difference

We atheists enjoy thinking and living for the sake
of humanity.

You theists enjoy suffering and dying for the sake
of a divinity.

We atheists say immortality is the condition of a
dead man who does not believe he is already dead.

You theists say you all want go to heaven, and yet
none of you want to die.

Ah, individual stupidity. It leads to nowhere except
to social and political insanity. Precisely the way
of life in the Philippines - the only Christian country
in Asia since the 16th century. Poch Suzara

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Christ died for our Stupid sins

Christ died for our stupid sins against divinity; unfortunately,
he resurrected to revive human stupidity. Not only for his own
Jewish community, but also later in the Philippines where human
stupidity welcomed the arrival of Christianity. Poch Suzara

It is Truly Sad

It is truly sad, Pinoys and Pinays born of poor families existing in the
slums of our major cities. A few of them, somehow, by hook or by crook,
able to go to grade school, high school, and college. Then happily get
a menial job in the Philippines, and then even more happily get a better
job, with better wages, working in a foreign country. And yet, by and large,
they choose to remain poor, especially poor in spirit. They continue to
negate the reality that the greatest of wealth can only come from mental
health. Indeed, the worst kind of poverty is the poverty of the mind and
heart. A great many of these well-employed Filipino workers overseas have
neither the interest nor the courage to explore and admit the horrors of
poverty still uncontrollably spreading in our poor and backward country.
Surely, they remit monies for their families back home. But I have yet to
hear from these college-educated Pinoys and Pinays lessons they learned
or their own ideas, explanations or the reasons why exactly foreign countries
are able to hire them. Why, for example, these foreign countries enjoy a
higher standard of education thus enjoy the pleasures of a higher standard
of living and thinking.

I too was born of a poor family. I also managed, somehow, to export myself
to live and work, for some seventeen years, in a foreign country. But never
was there ever a day in America where I was utterly thoughtless or mindless
of the plight of poor fellow-Filipinos I had left behind in the only
Christian country in Asia – my beloved country – the Philippines. Oh yes,
I love my country. Not necessarily for what she is, but for the potentials
she has to become too, one the healthiest, wealthiest, and the greatest
country in all of Asia. Poch Suzara

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hitler - an Atheist - Excuse me!

Hitler - an atheist - excuse me. On the contrary, Hitler was born into a Catholic family and went to Catholic school as a child. The redeeming feature about Hitler’s life was that he never publicly renounced his faith as a Catholic. Listen to Hitler’s best friend, Rudolf Hess, later to be deputy Fuhrer. In a letter Hess wrote to the Prime Minister of Bavaria, he said: “I know Herr Hitler very personally and am quite close to him. He has an unusually honorable character, full of profound kindness, is religious, a good Catholic.” Hitler, in his MEIN KAMPF, wrote: “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jews, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” Hitler’s Nazi army belt buckles were inscribed with “GOTT MIT UNS.” Meaning “GOD WITH US.” Hitler, an atheist? Excuse me! Hate and wars are declared and waged by stupid men with sacred beliefs, and not because intelligent men are intelligent enough to have no sacred beliefs. Thus, no one has, as yet, ever heard of atheists killing other atheists because they do not believe in God. As for me, in my simplicity, always on the side of human decency, and with all due respect, love and affection to my Catholic parents, Catholic grandparents, Catholic great grandparents and ancestors all the way from China, America, Ireland, Spain, Italy, and Greece - I thank God that I have learned to become a happy and a proud and soon to be resting in peace - atheist. Poch Suzara

How Wonderful of God

How great and wonderful and powerful of God to manage somehow to convince ONE scientist out of the ONE MILLION SCIENTIST all over the world to return to the religious camp comprised mostly of the non-scientific faithfools.

Well, I am not a scientist; in fact I am as a high school dropout, But I also have been waiting for God to show me the way, the light, and the truth. But where in hell is God? How come God is never omni-present, but only always omni-absent? And what if, when God appears to me and it turns out that God is not a Catholic, but a lunatic? Just like the lunatics identifying themselves to me as God's representatives and that they speak to me in God's behalf? I say, fuck that holy shit. Poch Suzara

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Chicken and the Egg

God created the chicken. God created the egg. But which did God
create first - the chicken or the egg?

If God created first the chicken and the purpose of its existence
is to lay the egg, why would God bother to create the egg?
But if God created first the egg and the purpose of its existence
is to propagate chicken, why would God bother to create the chicken?

Well, what if the universe have neither a beginning nor
an end - what role then for a God to create what? Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What have I to offer You as I am an Atheist

When the foreigners arrived in the 16th century, we had the land, and they had the bible. Today in the 21st century, we Filipinos still have the bible and the foreigners own not only most of our land, but are also the owners of schools, colleges, and universities in the Philippines. Not to mention the media. Such commercial enterprises continue to teach us Filipinos to be proud of our Christian faith. Especially for as long as we do not bother to read what’s precisely written n the bible. A book written not by Filipinos but written by foreigners – the Jews – the “elect,” God’s “chosen people.” My dear reader, I ask: have you ever wondered why we Filipinos feel so proud and lucky to be employed by foreigners right here in our own country? If not feel even more proud and luckier to be employed in foreign countries? In the meantime, a great number of poverty-stricken jobless Filipinos nevertheless feel so blessed by God as the bible declares: “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land." Also, "For in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Or even more socially disastrous, the bible warns - "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." On the contrary, when a Christian allows one kind of fear to dominate him, he soon comes to be dominated by other kinds of fear also. Listen to our own Jose Rizal - arrested, jailed, and publicly executed for writing two books that shook the foundation of Christianity in the Philippines. He stressed the worth of the Filipino. He emphasized the fact that human dignity is a person’s worth, that which makes him stand above all other creatures. In his exchange of ideas on human rights and freedom with Fr. Pablo Pastells, Rizal said: “ Man’s dignity is precious to him. He carries within him a feeling of importance, a regard for his value and worth. When man ceases to value his dignity as a human being, he ceases to be a man. He forgets that nothing, indeed, is more excellent than humanity. . . Deprive a man of his dignity, and you not only deprive him of his moral stamina, but you also render him useless even to those who want to make use of him. . . Man in his self-respect; take it away from him and he becomes a corpse.” There is, indeed, something feeble, if not despicable, about a Filipino who cannot live his life unless sustained by the belief in deadly superstitions. Such as - one need not bother with poverty, disease, and population growth because God will provide. Or, that "blessed are those who are poor in spirit. They shall inherit the kingdom of God in heaven." It is time for us Filipinos to be receptive to the values of science and scientific way of thinking, and technology. Such values should help us extricate ourselves out of poverty by generating our intellectual growth as a people, and development as a civilized and matured nation. It is also time to realize that we have been educated to be amenable to more of the same blind faith in the Christian way of life. It has, indeed, turned out to be our worst enemy: faith kills the mind before other diseases kill the body. Faith is just another sacred word we have been taught to employ to justify a lazy mentality, rationalize our lack of creativity, if not to maintain and to support the ways of our sick society. So deeply rooted in the teachings of Christianity. The test of a true religion, however, has nothing to do with a holy book, or how Old or New are its Testaments. It has nothing to do with prayer rally part 1, 2, and 3. It has nothing to do with bombastic preachings delivered by real estate brokers devouring financial offerings from blind and ignorant Jesus followers. It has nothing to do with a pie in the sky or an ally in the sky. On the contrary, a true religion should generate human love and compassion in the here and now that binds the human family together in this precious life. Indeed, a true religion does not inspire stupidity or insecurity; neither does it encourage running away from the problems of human society. Indeed, a true religion knows full well that the truth hurts, but knows even more that lies and deceptions are far more damaging and can last for a thousand years. As for me, an atheist, what have I to offer fellow-Filipinos in this religiously sick country of ours. Only one thing creative as it is constructive: I offer you the courage to take back what was stolen away from you during formative years in school - the most priceless treasure in the world – your precious mind and precious hearts as Filipinos! In this way, you need no longer waste more time and energy loving a foreign imagery being up out there, and wasting even more time by hating one another down here! Indeed, we need to remedy the ills of our sick society with intellectual revolution, via the evolution of our precious minds and hearts to learn to become proud Filipinos. To be proud of our women. To be proud of our children. to be proud of our government. Indeed, to be proud of the one and only country we were all born into - the Philippines! The aim of Christian education in the Philippines has always been about the pursuit of learning for the "Greater Glory of God." Here, however, is how the bible describes God and the glory of his temper and his tantrum: "I will sweep away everything in all your land," says the LORD. "I will sweep away both people and animals alike. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will die. I will reduce the wicked to heaps of rubble, along with the rest of humanity," says the LORD. "I will crush Judah and Jerusalem with my fist and destroy every last trace of their Baal worship. I will put an end to all the idolatrous priests, so that even the memory of them will disappear. For they go up to their roofs and bow to the sun, moon, and stars. They claim to follow the LORD, but then they worship Molech, too. So now I will destroy them! And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the LORD's guidance or seek my blessings." (Zephaniah 1:2-6) Today, throughout the Christian world, except in the Philippines - Christianity is tearing itself apart externally as it is collapsing internally. Today, throughout the Christian world, except in the Philippines, priestly authority and priestly respect exist no more or have been sensibly diminished. Today, throughout the Christian world, except in the Philippines, the superstructure of ecclesiastical privilege is tottering. Its fall is inevitable as its foundation has largely been based upon sacred lies and holy deceptions. It is time to educate ourselves to establish right here in our own country a sane and a healthy society. It is time we promote in our country nothing but the beauty of common Filipino decency. It is also time to read properly and thoroughly the bible. In this way, as we begin to learn and understand just exactly how destructive bible messages have been and still are - we can begin to rock the Christian boat; preferably to sink it. Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

Friday, March 26, 2010


Who can deny the power of Christian education via our schools, colleges, and universities? Take a good look at this sad fact: 98 per cent of all college-educated Pinoys and Pinays are far more comfortable with the life and times not of our own Jose Rizal, but of a Jewish fellow otherwise more known as Jesus Christ born in a Jewish land some 2,000 years ago. Our Jose Rizal was arrested, jailed, and executed to death in order to protect and defend the power of Christian education in the Philippines. It is, in this way, that only few Filipinos are conversant with the real Jose Rizal, born in the Philippines some 151 years ago. His killer – the power of Christian education – conveniently removed him off the world stage as one of the greatest of thinkers/freedom fighters the Philippines has ever produced. Indeed, Rizal was not a silly believer. He was an intelligent thinker! That is why, his killers - those behind the power of Christian education in the Philippines, - all ended up as saints still preaching that Jose Rizal was nothing but a repentant sinner! This is sanctimonious bullshit, if I may say to. Greece had a Socrates. France a Voltaire. Germany a Nietzche. Austria a Freud. China a Sun Yet- Sen. England a Darwin, Newton, and a Bertrand Russell. Italy a Galileo and a Bruno. America a Tom Paine and Ingersoll and Durant. Cuba a Jose Marti, Che and Fidel Castro. Singapore a Lee Kuan Yew. Vietnam a Ho Chi Minh. These were some of the great men who, with courage and intellect, put more sense into the minds of men and the hearts of women where education has put only traditional, if not sacred horrors. We Filipinos could have had a Jose Rizal. The greatest and rarest Filipino this country has ever produced. A martyr to the cause of Human Rights and freedom. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church put him down to size. Millions of Filipinos still have no inkling why Rizal was one of mankind’s greatest heroes. Indeed, college professors, historians, biographers, including his own descendants have been frightened by the Catholic Church authority to believe that Rizal was executed while repentant of his sins against God and regretful of his crimes against his own people. What brazen lies to tell about the greatest Filipino who ever lived. The greatest Filipino who died standing up sober and not drunk kneeling down with religious lies. In the meantime, pontifical fear and ecclesiastical ignorance are the recycled garbage generated in our schools, colleges, and universities. Especially those owned and managed by the Catholic Church and other religious organizations in the Philippines. Consider the average Filipino in this 21st century: he is more comfortable with infantile prayer under a theology than he is at home with intelligent science producing technology to enhance our freedom and democracy and to eliminate poverty out of our sick society. The power of Christian education in the Philippines? In our schools, colleges, and universities - they still teach that our Jose Rizal was nobody precious, nobody meritorious as compared to Jesus, the Son of a Jewish God. Poch Suzara

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Education in the Philippines

Education in the Philippines, for the most part, is a state manipulation
in partner with the church organization, out to spread, for the glory of
God in heaven, the gospel of profitable confusion.

It is, in this way, as the Sick Man of Asia, we Filipinos have so much
faith in our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly delusion.

We are even taught to believe that these horrors are the best way to gain
God's reward later after death more known as "eternal salvation." Poch Suzara

God this and God that in the Philippines

In the Philippines, we are told again and again that: "Daily work takes
on eternal value when it is done for God.” (See Phil Star today March 26,

I ask: Is God such a helpless or a worthless supernatural being in that
we Filipinos have to work for him? For what? To make sure that the millions
of us jobless in this only Christian country in Asia - we keep God eternally
alive and not dead or dying?

Again, Philippine Star assures us that: “God’s strength is best seen in our
weakness.” No kidding?

In the meantime, our daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly offerings to God do
not go to God. They are devoured by the priesthood industry - getting richer
and richer otherwise more known as the Vatican Bank - the richest bank in the world today. Poch Suzara

Christian Responsibility

For Manny Amador and his religious Gang

When you are confronted with your Christian responsibility, many of you begin to wonder where on earth you are going to get the courage and power to share your faith with others. And you are right. The strength you need comes from nowhere on earth. It comes directly from heaven. In the meantime, you read in the bible that: “Jesus summoned his twelve disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to cure every disease and every sickness (Matthew 10:1).

Well, I ask: Does it really take 2,000 years with power and authority from God to cure every disease and every sickness on this earth? Especially in the Philippines, the only Christian country in Asia since the 16th century? We are still infected not only with every disease and every sickness, but also infested with poverty, misery, social and religious insanity! We are still being educated to believe that this life is a sick life; but that there is, comparatively, a healthy and wealthy life to come but only after death in the kingdom of God in heaven!

In the meantime, some 15,000,000 (million) college-educated Pinoys and Pinays have already left to live and work overseas. There are no employment opportunities in the Philippines. For Christ's sake, there is not even such a thing as God will provide with power and authority to remedy the endless ills of our sick society! Poch Suzara

Monday, March 22, 2010

To Be Moral

To be moral, according to Jesus, I must shackle my reason. I must force myself to believe and have faith in what I cannot understand. I must suppress, in the name of morality, any doubts that surface in my mind. I must regard as a mark of excellence an unwillingness to subject religious beliefs to critical analysis. Less doubts, less criticism leads to more faith – and faith, Jesus declares, is the hallmark of virtue. Indeed, “unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3. Children, after all, are always gullible enough believe even in the existence of Santa Claus. As an atheist, - I am a man of self-esteem. I therefore cannot quality to be a candidate for the master-slave relationship that Christianity offers me. A man lacking in self-esteem, a man ridden with guilt, will frequently prefer the apparent security of Christianity over independence and find comfort in the thought that, for the price of total submissiveness, God will love and protect and reward him especially after death in heaven eternally. I am an atheist because I have no need to pay a dear price for that deadly religious way of life: the mindless surrender of the self via the mutilation of the intellect. Poch Suzara

Seeds of Atheism

Dear Raymond, The seeds of Atheism planted in the Philippines will be a full grown Tree of Knowledge 200 to 300 years from now. That is why, in this God-forsaken country of ours - I am doing my best to plant those seeds of atheism not tomorrow, not next week, not next month, but planting those atheistic seeds TODAY! Thanks for writing. Poch Suzara

More Than a BILLION Filipinos

More than a BILLION FILIPINOS already lived and died ever since Christianity conquered the Philippines in the 16th century. Who knows for certain how many already dead Filipinos made it to heaven; and, how many already dead Filipinos damned in hell. Not even our all-knowing theologians know for certain.

As an atheist, however, I am certain. I would like to point out to you religious morons of this 21st century Philippines, specially to Manny Amador,to please open your bible and read Ecc. 9:5 - "The dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward for the memory of them is forgotten." Poch Suzara

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Dignity of Atheism

I recently read an essay: ‘The Indignity of Atheism.” Obviously the
author, (Rabbi Avi Shafron) never properly read the bible or read
any of the works written by Bertrand Russell - mathematician Logician,
philosopher, Noel Prize winner, and a world famous atheist.

Here’s Bertrand Russell’s introductory remarks to his autobiography:

What I Have Lived For

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my
ife: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable
pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds,
have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great
ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy - ecstasy so
great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for
a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves
loneliness - that terrible loneliness in which one shivering
consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold
unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it finally, because in
the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring
vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what
I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is
what - at last - I have found.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to
understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars
shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which
number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I
have achieved.

Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward
the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries
of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured
by oppressors, helpless old people a burden to their sons, and the
whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what
human life should be. I long to alleviate this evil, but I cannot,
and I too suffer.

This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly
live it again if the chance were offered me. Poch Suzara

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Lot of Difference

There is a lot of difference between fucking and thinking. I wish more people would stop fucking around and show me instead some real, honest-to-goodness, fearless thinking.

By the way, you religious morons should stop that "God bless you" business. Have you really met any one now dead, already buried, and rotting in a cemetery who was ever blessed by God while he or she was still alive perpetually happy and eternally healthy? Poch Suzara

Friday, March 19, 2010

No Way Jose

I am told that in my writings I should try to avoid using words like
“religious morons.” That I should, instead, be polite, and refer to
same as the “religious adherents.” I say no way Jose!

Those who had our own hero - Jose Rizal - arrested, jailed, and executed
more than a hundred years ago were not the religious adherents. They were
the religious morons in their day – the Catholic Spanish friars. They were
out to establish and to promote not common Filipino decency in our land,
but to protect and to defend a highly profitable big business otherwise more
known as Catholicism in the Philippines.

Ever since then, since there were no more heroes in the likes of a
Jose Rizal, in this already 21st century, the Catholic church has become
the richest and most powerful corporation existing in the Philippines.
For one thing, the Catholic church has a monopoly on the population growth
so that recruits for church membership are ever increasing; never decreasing.
The majority of impoverished Filipinos are its client/members, especially
in buying forgiveness of sin from God through the power of prayer. Indeed,
Filipinos have been taught to believe and to have faith in God who will
always forgive and who will always provide. If not here in our country,
in other foreign countries, or better yet, later, in heaven, after death.
I say it again - fuck that shit! Poch Suzara