Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thoughts to Provoke Your Thoughts

Here is a thought to provoke your thoughts: officials of foreign governments have done more, much more for the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos - the suffering victims of the monster typhoon "Yolanda" that caused so much death and destruction in the Philippines. The officials of the Philippine government have done less, much less, for its own people. . . Here is another thought to provoke you thoughts: officials of foreign governments have done more, much more in giving Filipino workers and laborers employment in foreign countries. . . the officials of the Philippine government have been giving Filipino workers and laborers virtually no employment opportunities right here in our own country in need of so much growth and development. Why should they? They are busy stealing the people's money - the same money that they use to buy the votes from the people in order to keep themselves in power, wealth, and glory! . . . I said it before, I say it again: PORK LAHAT KAYO SA CONGRESSO! BABOY LAHAT KAYO SA SENADO! HINDUT LAHAT KAYO SA GOBYERNO! Poch Suzara Twitter# Facebook# Google#

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